Guild Wars 2 Website
It depends on what ANet actually show us next week - if it's just a CGI trailer, we have 2 years or so to wait. If they show us something actual game footage, then I would side with Konig as they "could" be further along the development line than anyone realises.
Until the grand unveiling, I shall wait with baited breath.
Until the grand unveiling, I shall wait with baited breath.
Commander Kanen
Ok. if Anet show us a playable game by next month. i will say sorry and give you all 20 stacks of ecto each.
(not really but i will say sorry XD)
(not really but i will say sorry XD)
The Great Al
What seems odd is that there have been mentions of the past two years of development. Two years ago, weren't we led to believe that they were already decently far into production?
Ok. if Anet show us a playable game by next month. i will say sorry and give you all 20 stacks of ecto each.
(not really but i will say sorry XD) |
In 12 hours or so we could all be changed people.
Doc Zenith
Wooot! it's been only 2 years with zero information about the game..about time^^
Free Runner
Yeah but that was also when they were confident the game would be ready right about now. So its hard to figure out how much they had done between its conception some time in 2006 and Eye of the Norths release.
awesome sauce
I wonder why they thought that they could release it in early 2009 in the first place. I think they've had a pretty good chunk of the game done for a long while but some part of it took longer than they expected. They probably didn't know how long it would take, so they gave that broad 2010/2011 range. I would gather that they have finished or are near to finishing that part now and have a much better idea of the release date, thus they can now release new info.
But i still don't get it why we didn't got any gameplay or trailer at all, I really hope get some gameplay to see (probably not because now im a realist) But i found it strange they kept saying omg its sooo cool we played it we play it every wednesday and we didn't even got to see a thing no tiny bit of info except lore ?
Commander Kanen
Was there suposed to be a Guild Wars Utopia aswell as GW:EN ? im shure they said there would be that and gwen before GW2. Must have abandoned that idea.
Anywho. if the game is playable right now. why no good gameplay movies. screen shots or general trailer movies ? doesnt seem right to me.
Anywho. if the game is playable right now. why no good gameplay movies. screen shots or general trailer movies ? doesnt seem right to me.
Im totally with you commander i found it strange also but i dont understand why they think optimists are qq ers i mean i never QQ'ed about guildwars 2 at all no info and now we probably won't even see gameplay atleast it's something but it's just really strange after all they've said. And yes i know they said you are going to love it when you see it but i love it already so how can i hate it ?
edit: a quick edit im really really happy with the concept art we got and the 30/40 seconds video but it's just strange but i hope to see more in the future and i can't believe they actually releasing info lol.. I'm just not used to it.
edit: a quick edit im really really happy with the concept art we got and the 30/40 seconds video but it's just strange but i hope to see more in the future and i can't believe they actually releasing info lol.. I'm just not used to it.
I really hope they release it soon. I know they wont but I can dream lol
But i still don't get it why we didn't got any gameplay or trailer at all, I really hope get some gameplay to see (probably not because now im a realist) But i found it strange they kept saying omg its sooo cool we played it we play it every wednesday and we didn't even got to see a thing no tiny bit of info except lore ?
I believe (just my own guessing mind you) they HAD to wait for Aion beta before unveiling anything, after that, it's a matter of picking the convention you want your first glimpse of the game to be at. They may or may not have upped it from pax due to Jeff Strain leaving, but we won't see it until after the convention attendees do.
Was there suposed to be a Guild Wars Utopia aswell as GW:EN ? im shure they said there would be that and gwen before GW2. Must have abandoned that idea.
Anywho. if the game is playable right now. why no good gameplay movies. screen shots or general trailer movies ? doesnt seem right to me. |
Also thought of this... Tomorrow is Wednesday... And isn't Wednesday the day the team plays GW2... Do I smell a coincidence?
Probably it was all part of the big hype machine but now im going off to go to bed see ya'll tomorrow G'night
Free Runner
Utopia was the fourth campaign they stopped making back in 2006 in favor of GW2. EotN took some of its themes ect. As for why they have yet to release gameplay videos - they are just about to start releasing GW2 info. We still have PAX in 2 weeks and now that we know they are dropping the "we cant talk about GW2" mode, who knows what they could show there. Many thought they were holding back everything because of Aion but that doesnt seem to be the case anymore.
Commander Kanen
Just a idea. but they said 2 years ago a big chunk was finished right ?.
Now if you remember early days of gw and vids it looked much like a shoddy version of WoW. then they did a big overhall of all the grfx and made it look better.
Possibly they did the same with GW2 ?
Now if you remember early days of gw and vids it looked much like a shoddy version of WoW. then they did a big overhall of all the grfx and made it look better.
Possibly they did the same with GW2 ?
own age myname
Just a idea. but they said 2 years ago a big chunk was finished right ?.
Now if you remember early days of gw and vids it looked much like a shoddy version of WoW. then they did a big overhall of all the grfx and made it look better. Possibly they did the same with GW2 ? |
First time since the E3 that I'm feeling really hyped up about something again. =p
Just a idea. but they said 2 years ago a big chunk was finished right ?.
Now if you remember early days of gw and vids it looked much like a shoddy version of WoW. then they did a big overhall of all the grfx and made it look better. Possibly they did the same with GW2 ? |
My impression from what little they have said and such is that they started making the game and just kept coming up with things they wanted to add, until the amount of things they ended up having to work on meant they had a much much bigger game to deal with than they originally thought. So there initial guess of time was just totally off for what they have ended up actually developing.
Free Runner
I dont think they ever said they had a big chunk finished. The way they talked of GW2 gave the impression they had started working on it in very early stages. At that time they seemed to think Beta at end of 08 and release sometime roughly in 09.
Even when we had got into 08 the ex CM seemed to think we would be getting GW2 info/website midway through the year. Of course midway through the year Anet came out with that FAQ and said "Oh no no no, no beta this year, we're not telling you guys anything but the beta will be close to release because we want you to love it. We're sure you'll be impressed when we show you it".
So here we are. Why they changed pace ect is unknown but i'm sure it will only help the game - rushed games are destined to fail afterall.
Even when we had got into 08 the ex CM seemed to think we would be getting GW2 info/website midway through the year. Of course midway through the year Anet came out with that FAQ and said "Oh no no no, no beta this year, we're not telling you guys anything but the beta will be close to release because we want you to love it. We're sure you'll be impressed when we show you it".
So here we are. Why they changed pace ect is unknown but i'm sure it will only help the game - rushed games are destined to fail afterall.
All of you hitting refresh constantly on this thread, you're missing other important news!
Test Krewe Application: Back Online!
All of you hitting refresh constantly on this thread, you're missing other important news!
Test Krewe Application: Back Online!
Commander Kanen
Yeah, but they are suposed to be throwing us some crumbs to get a taste and keep all us GW1 players interested and excited. They havent done much of that at all. just "oh the game will be our soon after beta" that doesnt tell us much :/
All of you hitting refresh constantly on this thread, you're missing other important news! Test Krewe Application: Back Online! GO GO, GO. |
GW1 is sooo yesterday.
F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5
Fudge that you have to be 18 anyway and i really should hit the bed now but i won't .
they said when they announced it 2 years ago that a good part of it was done i belive? i wouldnt be surprised if they gave a spring or possibly holiday release date
@Jamion ArenaNet has an official YouTube channel, and you can find the link on the GW2 Facebook page: ~RB
about 3 hours ago from CoTweet in reply to Jamion
Just found this tweet on the ArenaNet twitter. Might be nothing, might be a hint that when the official trailer is released it will be on the ArenaNet YouTube site first.
about 3 hours ago from CoTweet in reply to Jamion
Just found this tweet on the ArenaNet twitter. Might be nothing, might be a hint that when the official trailer is released it will be on the ArenaNet YouTube site first.
Commander Kanen
I justhope they pull a rabbit out of the hat. i mean soon. ive pre orded aion. get a month play free. hope they give me something good before then. or i will be too addicted to even bother with GW2.
awesome sauce
It's 1 am in germany. Does this mean about 12 hours until we should expect the trailer?
own age myname
I hope not. YouTube video quality leaves much to be desired. They've released their trailers on their website in the past, and I expect that will continue. They have better quality control on their content on their own site, and are not subject to limitations imposed by sites like YouTube to degrade or change the quality.
Free Runner
Hopefully they will release it on the GW2 site. Not much point to a site if its got nothing on it right?
Lol i have same time as germany so yeah... i hate it... i want usa time w00t better sleep hehe.. i want to go to gamescon but can't pay it and i live so close..
i've finnaly decided im going to bed 1:30 pm doesn't make me happy in the morning yesterday was later though hehe.
G'night folks see you all tomorrow.
i've finnaly decided im going to bed 1:30 pm doesn't make me happy in the morning yesterday was later though hehe.
G'night folks see you all tomorrow.
I'm waking up at 5, just to refresh the Guru and GW2 page.
I hope not. YouTube video quality leaves much to be desired. They've released their trailers on their website in the past, and I expect that will continue. They have better quality control on their content on their own site, and are not subject to limitations imposed by sites like YouTube to degrade or change the quality.

They're better off releasing it on a site that everyone knows about rather than a site that went up yesterday, what's matter anyway, its going to be one the GW2 site soon after anyway.
Jaythen Tyradel
Of course, the first place to look will be Youtube. Shaky cams and vid phones will be the first taste we might see.
Though I will wait for the clearer picture and better quality to be available.
Though I will wait for the clearer picture and better quality to be available.