Best way to nerf UWSC?
Kurz Courage Duke
kid thinks he's smart, yeah it was PBAoE before, idiot. and know what else I find funny is I see this kid buying expensive shit left and right and he doesn't even know how skills in the game work. you're a bad nerd.
kid thinks he's smart, yeah it was PBAoE before, idiot. and know what else I find funny is I see this kid buying expensive shit left and right and he doesn't even know how skills in the game work. you're a bad nerd. |
maybe some people just enjoy the economic part of the game

Kurz Courage Duke
Change to, "You take no damage, but deal no damage" Pwnage tanking skillz ft.
Change to, "You take no damage, but deal no damage" Pwnage tanking skillz ft.
ob tanks days we stillcould do under 20 min clears so nerfing shadow isnt the only issue.
Owik Gall
As always, with everyone at least, the main problem is Shadow Form. Now that it's affecting the elite area Under World I would have expected Anet to get on it since this is making a hard area they've worked to be easily and quickly completed. The fact that it wasn't even addressed in the last skill update surprised many people in the GW community. Maybe if people sent more emails directly to Anet about this issue they will have a look at it. One thing for sure is if this gets more attention from the community than it already has, UW could be affected in a bad way and could it be bad for Anet; who have worked on making this explorable area to be hard and long to complete, which would require cooperative people play than any H/H team can ever handle.
If anything needs to be nerfed, it's solo or quick team farming. That could mean a lot of time being spent on this because there could be a lot of skills and team builds being used for easy UW farming. My guess at the moment is unless this issue gets a lot more attention and affects UW in a bad way (like I said earlier) Anet may not assess the issue. Until then we might not see anything done about this. (Note: A big MIGHT)
If anything needs to be nerfed, it's solo or quick team farming. That could mean a lot of time being spent on this because there could be a lot of skills and team builds being used for easy UW farming. My guess at the moment is unless this issue gets a lot more attention and affects UW in a bad way (like I said earlier) Anet may not assess the issue. Until then we might not see anything done about this. (Note: A big MIGHT)
Once again why nerf it? I would rather have the dev team focus on new content or getting GW2 out faster than nerfing something else. The game is broken and has been for awhile might as well roll with it and await something else. Also, if I am still correct UW can be done without speed clearing anything so I know it has been mentioned before but no one is forcing anyone to do speed clears. You can still do it normally and still have fun. How I see it is the speed clear is just another challenge in the game that some people enjoy. Why spend the time to mess with it. I would have to believe that more people are for speed clearing than against it. I don't do UW either way and I could care less. I just want to see something left alone for once.
Update AI so monsters stop attacking you if they're not doing anything productive by attacking you.
They did adjust aggro once so you couldn't pull as many or as far. Further adjustment to this would reduce this issue. Sliver could also be made to break aggro if a creature is getting hit too quickly it. As it some, many foes will back off and regen (to a point) before attacking you again; if you don't corner them that is.
Again, this is zone adjustment though, not skill nerf. ![]() |
The same thing can be said for the spider cave in FoW, all you have to do is sliver each seed then run out to the beach and sliver the wolf, most normal groups have to fight and kill everything in the cave.
So Linsey's whole point of keeping SF the same but buffing other options really won't work ever. You either make SF weaker to be more comparable to other methods, or you make the other methods stronger to be comparable to SF. Really I don't see how you could buff other skills to allow a balanced team to clear fow in 18minutes...
thibault the monk
imo.... reintroduce ursan so that there is another option for people without assassins to do UW/FoW clears in a reasonable amount of time..... instead of nerfing SF or UWSC in general, make it more accessible. This is another way of making things more "fair" things dont always need to be nerfed, can produce the same result with buffing other things...
want to nerf UWSC? make it so that all areas can't be accessed after the chamber is cleared. make the quests step by step. so to speak. effectively disabling the ability of the group to split up and clear areas.
-sounds good (in theory) to me.
-sounds good (in theory) to me.
Martin Alvito
Players would just run the SoO build and basically dervbomb the critters over and over. Sure, you'd slow groups down, but not by quite as much as you might think.
dr love
they already nerfed uwsc. it's all in the well timed lagspikes.
I still don't see why this skill is used only by like, 4 creatures in the whole game.
I still don't see why this skill is used only by like, 4 creatures in the whole game.
Xenex Xclame
First Anet should make Finger of Chaos affect the other 5 profesions it currently doesn't.
Then they should add a Grasp of Insanity to each group of enemy.
Then they should add a Grasp of Insanity to each group of enemy.
ANOTHER ONE?! Merge / Close please....
I guess I'll just repeat what I said in all of the other threads....All they needed to do is delay the chest spawn after a specific time. Something like "chest can spawn after 40 minute in UW", or they can just lock the areas so that the group can't split.
A wide sweeping nerf that affect many playing styles and people of varying skill levels is a bad idea...which is why the PvE/PvP split was introduced. Now we might need a UW hardcore farmer / Pugs in normal PvE split the way things are going.
I guess I'll just repeat what I said in all of the other threads....All they needed to do is delay the chest spawn after a specific time. Something like "chest can spawn after 40 minute in UW", or they can just lock the areas so that the group can't split.
A wide sweeping nerf that affect many playing styles and people of varying skill levels is a bad idea...which is why the PvE/PvP split was introduced. Now we might need a UW hardcore farmer / Pugs in normal PvE split the way things are going.
They'll probably remove UW to fix it.
SF wont get nerfed, rather the areas will be reworked. To nerf UWSC you only need to change 1/2 areas. Some examples, Sig of disenchantment in plains, RoD on the smites, Well of the Prophane in pits, Give behemoths Choking gas/ignite arrows, or tranquility.
The problem with doing these is that it COULD make UW a lot harder for other teams. Especially for tanking, as a lot of tanks rely on enchanments, besides Defy Pain warriors. So there's very much a catch 22 situation that a-net have on their hands, nerf UW, at the cost of making UW more unattaintabe then it was before SF and ursan. Or nerf SF (which they ahve already said they won't be doing). |
I'm sure there must be people out there who enjoy the feeling of seeing a fight go bad in a hurry, who enjoy having to play smartly, withdraw, regroup, rezz, and overcome a challenge. Time to being that back.
While Ursan had its (serious) flaws, at least it generally required a team, or most of a team, to complete much of the UW.
They've already stated they don't like using skills that are non-proph/core, but even within those boundaries, it's still easy to stop UWSC.
Banished Dream Riders->Signet of Humility and Signet of Weariness
Smites->Balthazar's Aura and/or Symbol of Wrath
Dead Collectors->Well of Suffering
Dead Thrasher->Well of Weariness
Grasping Darknesses->To the Limit!
Terrorwebs->Flame Burst/Modify AI to use PBAoE skills when there's more then one adjacent foe.
Tortured Spirit->Clumsiness
Dying Nightmare->Dark Pact
Charged Blackness->Lightning Touch
Banished Dream Riders->Signet of Humility and Signet of Weariness
Smites->Balthazar's Aura and/or Symbol of Wrath
Dead Collectors->Well of Suffering
Dead Thrasher->Well of Weariness
Grasping Darknesses->To the Limit!
Terrorwebs->Flame Burst/Modify AI to use PBAoE skills when there's more then one adjacent foe.
Tortured Spirit->Clumsiness
Dying Nightmare->Dark Pact
Charged Blackness->Lightning Touch
sup bruh its sam
Personally i dont mind if they do nerf it, but they would have to increase ecto drops and get better stuff from chest. I DO NOT WANT TO DO A 1-2 HOUR UW BALANCED AND GET DUAL SCROLLS FROM CHEST.
This is why one of the reasons why I don't think they will nerf UWSC completely. If UWSC gets completely killed off then almost everyone would forget all about UW clears, and just do smite runs...
Grab an assa and do speed clears then, no one is barring you from making an assa, only you yourself.
Remember the elementalist section of Dragon's Lair where there's AoE effect areas you're forced to walk through? One is Eruption, one is Maelstrom, etc.?
Just pop these things all over the Underworld with the effect of Well of the Profane. Or hell, just a couple of specific areas if you really want. It would end UWSC and balanced teams would be just fine and dandy.
Just pop these things all over the Underworld with the effect of Well of the Profane. Or hell, just a couple of specific areas if you really want. It would end UWSC and balanced teams would be just fine and dandy.
The problem lies in just 1 skill, not in a whole area. Everyone should know what skill is the problem... a skill that should simply not exist in it's current form at all.
Martin Alvito
The whole idea behind the UW and FoW chests was to provide some chance to receive a large tangible reward by accomplishing something players rarely did. Of course, if you want to actually get the stuff that comes out of that chest, you'd need to complete it a lot (and therefore quickly) to make it worth your time to do it yourself rather than just buy the item.
So we come along and break UW. Now players can crank it out in twenty minutes or less with ease, and farm the chest to death. Tons of items that come out of it drop, prices collapse, etc.
Sure, you're correct in the implied theory behind your statement (no one will do full UW after a thorough nerf because it wouldn't be worth doing) but whose fault is that? The developers needed to hammer SF a year ago. It still needs to be done.
There's only one reasonable way to fix UW. It's the same basic problem as virtually every other area in the game: nerf SF. Effectively permanent invincibility with the ability to kill critters is bad. You fix the problem by removing one of those two mechanics from the skill. Either way is fine.
Raven Wing
My preferred approach would be to add a few extra monsters on each area in UW. Its fine enough with recycled "skins" for them, just give them a name and class that fits into the UW theme, and give them some skills that makes it harder for any solo player to do them, combined with the already existing monsters. It could refresh the game, of course they shouldnt be so hard that it becomes impossible. But in my opinion a place like UW shouldnt be soloable in any part.
I dont want to get back to the old times when completing UW was unheard or took 5 hours, but sc in 15 minutes is ridiculous.
I would rather want it to take maybe 2 hours for a full team, and then increased ecto drop rate.
I dont want to get back to the old times when completing UW was unheard or took 5 hours, but sc in 15 minutes is ridiculous.
I would rather want it to take maybe 2 hours for a full team, and then increased ecto drop rate.
Cant use any skills while under the enchant shadow form....think that would be perfect...
If Guildwars is about balance Shadow Form shouldnt like it is.
If Guildwars is about balance Shadow Form shouldnt like it is.
Hooded Doom
why dont all of you fools stop QQing because your fail @ UWSC and go practice?
maybe once your half F**king decent then youl stop crapping on about how people are making money and you cant get in on it.
maybe once your half F**king decent then youl stop crapping on about how people are making money and you cant get in on it.
because people care about game design ?
Im still yet to hear WHY
Its not just UWSC,perma sins run everything everywhere.its spoiling every area there is in the game to the point no grps go usless its some kind of perma grp.
It needs to be nerfed ..and who cares if players / hoo
Theres alot of ways to make money without using a perma.
It needs to be nerfed ..and who cares if players / hoo
Theres alot of ways to make money without using a perma.
I've been doing UWSC for ages, since eles were common. I've got pretty good (hate to sound big headed...) and enjoy it, but SF is making a lot of games "elite areas" not so elite, when a team can clear UW in 8mins, and 2 people can clear in 28mins it's hardly an "elite area" in it's current form is it?
Behold. A sad farmer. What an amusing species. Hopefully soon to be extinct.
Unreal Havoc
why dont all of you fools stop QQing because your fail @ UWSC and go practice?
maybe once your half F**king decent then youl stop crapping on about how people are making money and you cant get in on it. |
Has it ever occured to you that Shadow Form Assassins aren't the only way to make money? In general I can make more money feather farming (where I'm pretty much guaranteed 10k a run minimum, no fail) all day, or dungeon running with 600/Smite than clearing UWSC god knows how many times a day and hoping for that one lucky drop to balance out the time wasted.
What people want is an elite area to actually be just that, an elite area. Clearing UW on HM nowadays is hardly an achievement. It isn't about making money, anyone with half a brain can make cash easily enough if they want to, it's about the principle of something being so easily exploited when it's supposed to be god damned hard to do!
When you go to ToA and all you see is Assassins forming groups for speedclears, crying and screaming over exp players, and blacklists, that's when you know the elite areas in this game are well and truly going downhill.
It's like going into Granite Citadel yesteryear and seeing all the bots there, only they were probably capable of more intelligent conversation.