I'm just going to drop a line of the subject of achievements (in the case of GW, I guess you mean titles).
In my opinion, achievements are a subtle, evil mechanism introduced in games to conceal the fact that their base ideas aren't that revolutionary and their content has scarce replay value. Have Tetris, Street Fighter or even MUDs (if we want an online example) ever needed pats in the back in order to keep people playing? |
Will nerfing SF really help anything to do with the game?
Bryant Again
I'm just going to drop a line of the subject of achievements (in the case of GW, I guess you mean titles).
In my opinion, achievements are a subtle, evil mechanism introduced in games to conceal the fact that their base ideas aren't that revolutionary and their content has scarce replay value. Have Tetris, Street Fighter or even MUDs (if we want an online example) ever needed pats in the back in order to keep people playing? |
On the other hand, some can be fun while other can be downright daunting/stupid.
On the bit of SF...I'm also of the mind who say it's the skill that needs to be altered somehow and not the areas in the game.
But oh well, the game company will do as it pleases in any case. lol
If they put something down there that is capable of bypassing SF/OF/SB then who are you planning to have tank? Might as well throw bonds out the window too. If they gimp the UW to the point where the next closest viable alternative is 90+ minutes then why bother clearing. Your odds on an e-blade are ridiculously low so nothing justifies the run time. You could just farm the Labyrinth and get more ecto than the chest per unit of time spent. For some this is about bragging rights but for most it's about money, plain and simple.
Why is this still here? How many threads has been about SF is there is never a conclusive answer? not to mention after the last change to SF Anet promised never to touch it again. If you can't stand others playing the game the easy way, play it the hard why yourself, no one cares, really.
If i got an euro everytime ive read this on a GW forum i would be hella rich. The most worthless sentence in favor of <insert bloody broken overpowered skill/combo> ever said ....
Kumu Honua
Easy fix.
Full: For 5...18 seconds, all hostile spells that target you fail and all attacks against you miss, but you deal 33% less damage. When Shadow Form ends, lose all but 5...41 Health. This skill is disabled for 45 seconds.
Full: For 5...18 seconds, all hostile spells that target you fail and all attacks against you miss, but you deal 33% less damage. When Shadow Form ends, lose all but 5...41 Health. This skill is disabled for 45 seconds.
own age myname
If you're going to change SF, atleast change the whole functionality. 100% invulnerability is never a good thing.
Test Me
Shadow Form:
Elite Spell.When you use Shadow Form u get DC-ed and temproally baned for (5..3...1) days.
Elite Spell.When you use Shadow Form u get DC-ed and temproally baned for (5..3...1) days.
I'm at the point that I stopped caring. Clearly Anet wants to enable people to clear an elite area in under 20 mins. Easy buttons, invincimode... Anet gave it all to the crowds 1+ year ago, and of course people will keep using it. A half-assed attempt of toning down UWSC by introducing skeletons? At this moment people are already inventing new ways for SF to overcome this problem. Well, so be it. I'm not interested in farming for money, farming for rare weapons or any such added fluff. I'll play this game end enjoy it however I want.
The only sad thing that keep haunting me is that this same company is also responsible for balancing GW2
The only sad thing that keep haunting me is that this same company is also responsible for balancing GW2
You know a funny thing, if they threw a title path in the game that was about clearing elite areas with no more than 2 of a primary profession in your group, people would play balanced groups.
And conversely they could make a title called "Noobway" that gave you points towards a title every time you accomplish something with gimmick groups.
And conversely they could make a title called "Noobway" that gave you points towards a title every time you accomplish something with gimmick groups.
reaper with no name
You know a funny thing, if they threw a title path in the game that was about clearing elite areas with no more than 2 of a primary profession in your group, people would play balanced groups.
And conversely they could make a title called "Noobway" that gave you points towards a title every time you accomplish something with gimmick groups. |
own age myname
Oh shut up already!
I'm so tired of this shadow form madness. Like it ever mattered. |
Idk if that was a flame, but I wasn't meaning what I said as a bad or good thing. I could care less if SF stays or goes. There will always be SCs and farms. Welcome to Grind Wars.
This is what I really don't understand. It seems that Anet's biggest target is the UWSCs which is why they put the Skeletons of Duhm there. However, it looks like speed clears now are already down to 20 minutes even with the new skeletons. If Anet wanted to stop UWSCs, why not add a skill to HM UW monsters that can strip SF? UWSCs would then be finished.
Whatever, I have entire posts removed, but no warnings, or bans, or explanations as to why they censor me here.
This place is not free speech anymore (was it ever?). They don't care, it's all about the bottom line $$$ - but they're so clueless, that they have yet to fix the free revenue XTH. That shows complete stupidity and incompetence...
Mustache Mayhem
just give some mobs signet of distraction.. there's your sf strip on recast- not perfect but it would make it harder
choking gas works too..
choking gas works too..
The Ghetto Prophet
Secondly it will make people go back to actually playing the game,SF is invinsible plain and simple and takes no skill,no matter what the people that want to defend SF say about it reguiring skill and how you can stil die and junk like that. |
It is my firm belief that no one area should take so long that the ''please take a break'' comes up. SF allows for DOA to be done in a reasonable ammount of time.
Will changing SF help with anything to do with the game? I doubt it. When people bitch, they bitch about one very niche part of the game - in this case UWSC. Underworld is ONE AREA dominated by assassins. Not GvG. Not Tombs. Not DoA. Not dungeons (cept soo sometimes). and not the rest of pve.
What i'm trying to say is that OVERALL SF is healthy for the game. The ''guild wars should be a second job mentality'' is COMPLETELY RONG! Permas have brought one area to its knees - fine, change that area a bit - but SF hasn't bollocks'd the entire game. It's not generally an easy bar to run (definately harder than the builds the other 7 people run) and I think people shouldn't be so hung up about it.
If you want to play something EVEN MORE grind tastic then go play a korean MMO and stop whining. K. Good chat.
PS: there is so much anti physical in UW that running non-gimmicks is kindof stupid.
So, I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that you've never actually used an SF bar. the SF tanks aren't all as easy as 12345 - the DOA tank being particularily hard. If SF was so easy then there wouldn't be any failing pugs for UWSC.
Will changing SF help with anything to do with the game? I doubt it. When people bitch, they bitch about one very niche part of the game - in this case UWSC. Underworld is ONE AREA dominated by assassins. Not GvG. Not Tombs. Not DoA. Not dungeons (cept soo sometimes). and not the rest of pve.
The remaining areas of the game are already easy enough for a player with 3 reasonably skilled heroes to complete, and don't warrant the use of a perma.
What i'm trying to say is that OVERALL SF is healthy for the game. The ''guild wars should be a second job mentality'' is COMPLETELY RONG!
SF allows DoA to be grinded over and over again in the least amount of time possible. I can't see anything wrong with people taking days, maybe weeks to finish the elite content of Nightfall.
Fril Estelin
Further thoughts on this topic, touching upon something which may have been already discussed in this long thread:
SF is actually an anti-game feature, in a sense (because you can always argue it's been put there to be used!), whose sole purpose is to prevent monsters to do what they're supposed to do (use skills to kill you). Some skills have particular aspects of SF (e.g. Mist Form), but SF is unique in that it allows to bypass completely the game mechanics and monsters to be able to go almost anywhere in the game (hence the "free ride").
I'm sure that it does require "a bit" (ty consets) of skill to sure, or in other words that SF wouldn't still help some players. But for most it's a key to a public backdoor in the game, a bit like implementing a "teleport" button in the car to avoid actually driving (or "get my degree" button to avoid learning ;P )...
It doesn't shock me in the sense that we're free not to use it (my sin doesn't have it, and I still got Elite sin tomes to use) but indeed it's become so "mundane" via these super-speed UWSC. But if people want to accumulate ectos and "rare" items, who are we, players, to decide to stop that? I understand that gameplay levels would help in a lot of other aspects of the game and the "game" in general (ie game mechanics, not game rewards/economy), but our paychecks are not determined by the GW1 design decisions (not true for GW2, but I believe Anet will catter to everyone, that's my feeling).
SF is actually an anti-game feature, in a sense (because you can always argue it's been put there to be used!), whose sole purpose is to prevent monsters to do what they're supposed to do (use skills to kill you). Some skills have particular aspects of SF (e.g. Mist Form), but SF is unique in that it allows to bypass completely the game mechanics and monsters to be able to go almost anywhere in the game (hence the "free ride").
I'm sure that it does require "a bit" (ty consets) of skill to sure, or in other words that SF wouldn't still help some players. But for most it's a key to a public backdoor in the game, a bit like implementing a "teleport" button in the car to avoid actually driving (or "get my degree" button to avoid learning ;P )...
It doesn't shock me in the sense that we're free not to use it (my sin doesn't have it, and I still got Elite sin tomes to use) but indeed it's become so "mundane" via these super-speed UWSC. But if people want to accumulate ectos and "rare" items, who are we, players, to decide to stop that? I understand that gameplay levels would help in a lot of other aspects of the game and the "game" in general (ie game mechanics, not game rewards/economy), but our paychecks are not determined by the GW1 design decisions (not true for GW2, but I believe Anet will catter to everyone, that's my feeling).
anyway why did they kill Ursan, but keep Shadow Form...
it's pointless...
it's pointless...
The Ghetto Prophet
Dear Arduinna,
PvE isn't the only thing in this game, and uwsc/doa is an even smaller portion.
Get your head out of the gutter.
The Ghetto Prophet
PS: Tombs = Heroe's Ascent, not the Tomb of Primevil Greens.
TBH, while we're on the subject; why not kill discord? It makes PvE bearable just like SF does. With discord vanquishing becomes an excercise in patience while cspacing your way to vanquisher. The only difference between Discordway and SF is that all the classes can run Discordway.
PvE isn't the only thing in this game, and uwsc/doa is an even smaller portion.
Get your head out of the gutter.
The Ghetto Prophet
PS: Tombs = Heroe's Ascent, not the Tomb of Primevil Greens.
TBH, while we're on the subject; why not kill discord? It makes PvE bearable just like SF does. With discord vanquishing becomes an excercise in patience while cspacing your way to vanquisher. The only difference between Discordway and SF is that all the classes can run Discordway.
PvE is where Shadow Form is causing problems, not in PvP. And like I said, it's in the end-game and elite areas where the use of Shadow Form is most prominent.
Martin Alvito
SF is actually an anti-game feature, in a sense (because you can always argue it's been put there to be used!), whose sole purpose is to prevent monsters to do what they're supposed to do (use skills to kill you). Some skills have particular aspects of SF (e.g. Mist Form), but SF is unique in that it allows to bypass completely the game mechanics and monsters to be able to go almost anywhere in the game (hence the "free ride").
A maintainable effect like SF with no drawbacks thus lets you burn through content at an unmatched rate. It's an easy button that isn't exactly optional. If you refuse to use it, either you're fine with H/Hing the content you play, or willing to invest the time and energy to find enough scarce players that also object to the easy button.
The WoW approach to this issue (let you play the content with the easy button but restrict rewards) is a much better compromise solution because it incentivizes players to not use the easy button.
It restricts the set of skills the game can use to kill you to touch skills, monster skills and area-of-effect skills.
Throw Signet of Disenchantment on a few monsters in the UW and we're talking a whole new ball game (as there are so many of them).
Reasons I’ve read in GWGURU Threads:
1) Ruins the economy – Only Makes Farmers Rich
2) Reduces Cooperative Balanced Team Play
3) ANET doesn’t want people doing Speed Clears
4) Excludes balanced PUG
Reason 1 - A ruined Economy? What the? It’s reasonable to infer this could take 1 of 2 forms Inflation or Deflation)
Inflation = Rich Farmers pay more for High End Items to “stash their cash” (hard limit @ $100k on each toon), since the mega wealthy HAVE TO BUY High End Items (assets) to continue to retain their holdings. So with inflation, a ruined economy means that casual players can’t afford High End Items. Doesn’t sound like ruin, it seems FAIR that someone that plays A LOT should get things that are harder for casual players to get..
Deflation = If too many people farm, then prices on high end commodities like ectos or zkeys will drop significantly because everyone is sellin? So if the prices on these commodities drop in prices below that which the farmers are willing to sell, then they will begin to horde these items sending prices back up in a cyclical fashion? Or do they simply sell them below the price that they want, so that eventually the casual players might be able to afford these commodities? That doesn’t sound like ruin either
Reason 2 – Reduces Cooperative Team Play
Hmmmm... I presume this ONLY applies to DoA & UW & FoW. DoASC requires at least 1 SF to be effective (I prefer 2 because it’s safer & arguably more efficient). Everyone on the team NEEDS to coordinate & PLAY Cooperatively. Without the tank, DoASC is simply NOT possible. SF tank ENABLES coordinated teams to play together to complete the quests in HM. The meta builds are actually REQUIRED because that’s the way GW is structured – kill everything before it kills you. For Example, when you go vanquish ALMOST ANY area with party size of 8, you pretty much need to bring at close to 16 healing skills (equivalent to 2 healers) on your team & maybe an MM to increase your mob size. The only viable/repeatable strategy employed is to overwhelm & outlast your foes – kill the mob before you run out of healing energy. HM DoA foes in particular have energy pools in the 100’s (I once used aneurism on a foe and did -531 damage so you do the math). So if SF gets nerfed such that there is neither a tank nor agro management & you want to do DoA HM, make sure U block out at least 2.5 hours WITH cons & a WELL organized team.
Reason 3 – ANET doesn’t want people doing speed clears?
As if. The recent UW changes were made to make the game more challenging to the people that do UWSC so they don’t get bored. Since, some people can’t block out 2-3 hrs at a time & only have ¾ hr of game time available, ANET wants to allow these people to UW or FoW.
Reason 4 – Excludes Balanced PUG
Agreed, but there are lots of other reasons for limited balanced PUGS being formed for High End areas in the game…
Just leave it be...
1) Ruins the economy – Only Makes Farmers Rich
2) Reduces Cooperative Balanced Team Play
3) ANET doesn’t want people doing Speed Clears
4) Excludes balanced PUG
Reason 1 - A ruined Economy? What the? It’s reasonable to infer this could take 1 of 2 forms Inflation or Deflation)
Inflation = Rich Farmers pay more for High End Items to “stash their cash” (hard limit @ $100k on each toon), since the mega wealthy HAVE TO BUY High End Items (assets) to continue to retain their holdings. So with inflation, a ruined economy means that casual players can’t afford High End Items. Doesn’t sound like ruin, it seems FAIR that someone that plays A LOT should get things that are harder for casual players to get..
Deflation = If too many people farm, then prices on high end commodities like ectos or zkeys will drop significantly because everyone is sellin? So if the prices on these commodities drop in prices below that which the farmers are willing to sell, then they will begin to horde these items sending prices back up in a cyclical fashion? Or do they simply sell them below the price that they want, so that eventually the casual players might be able to afford these commodities? That doesn’t sound like ruin either
Reason 2 – Reduces Cooperative Team Play
Hmmmm... I presume this ONLY applies to DoA & UW & FoW. DoASC requires at least 1 SF to be effective (I prefer 2 because it’s safer & arguably more efficient). Everyone on the team NEEDS to coordinate & PLAY Cooperatively. Without the tank, DoASC is simply NOT possible. SF tank ENABLES coordinated teams to play together to complete the quests in HM. The meta builds are actually REQUIRED because that’s the way GW is structured – kill everything before it kills you. For Example, when you go vanquish ALMOST ANY area with party size of 8, you pretty much need to bring at close to 16 healing skills (equivalent to 2 healers) on your team & maybe an MM to increase your mob size. The only viable/repeatable strategy employed is to overwhelm & outlast your foes – kill the mob before you run out of healing energy. HM DoA foes in particular have energy pools in the 100’s (I once used aneurism on a foe and did -531 damage so you do the math). So if SF gets nerfed such that there is neither a tank nor agro management & you want to do DoA HM, make sure U block out at least 2.5 hours WITH cons & a WELL organized team.
Reason 3 – ANET doesn’t want people doing speed clears?
As if. The recent UW changes were made to make the game more challenging to the people that do UWSC so they don’t get bored. Since, some people can’t block out 2-3 hrs at a time & only have ¾ hr of game time available, ANET wants to allow these people to UW or FoW.
Reason 4 – Excludes Balanced PUG
Agreed, but there are lots of other reasons for limited balanced PUGS being formed for High End areas in the game…
Just leave it be...
Reasons I’ve read in GWGURU Threads:
1) Ruins the economy – Only Makes Farmers Rich 2) Reduces Cooperative Balanced Team Play 3) ANET doesn’t want people doing Speed Clears 4) Excludes balanced PUG Reason 1 - A ruined Economy? (snip) Doesn’t sound like ruin, it seems FAIR that someone that plays A LOT should get things that are harder for casual players to get.. |
Again, it reduces a team to one style of play. It also uses characters in ways that they were not originally envisioned by Anet.
when you go vanquish ALMOST ANY area with party size of 8, you pretty much need to bring at close to 16 healing skills (equivalent to 2 healers) on your team & maybe an MM to increase your mob size. |
Reason 3 – ANET doesn’t want people doing speed clears? As if. The recent UW changes were made to make the game more challenging to the people that do UWSC so they don’t get bored. Since, some people can’t block out 2-3 hrs at a time & only have ¾ hr of game time available, ANET wants to allow these people to UW or FoW. |
meh, I don't really care either way. Anyone who plays GW for any amount of time should have enough cash to do most things they'd like (tho not everything). Don't need to play that "mine is bigger than yours" game anymore. I don't Perma, but don't complain about those who do. I do feel that it would be in Anet's best interest to make certain that the game is properly balanced so that players aren't forced into a particular style/build just to be able to play.
And if the skill system is inbalanced (like SF) it also drastically makes everybody play one build/class if they want to be most efficient.
The Drunkard
Deflation = If too many people farm, then prices on high end commodities like ectos or zkeys will drop significantly because everyone is sellin? So if the prices on these commodities drop in prices below that which the farmers are willing to sell, then they will begin to horde these items sending prices back up in a cyclical fashion? Or do they simply sell them below the price that they want, so that eventually the casual players might be able to afford these commodities? That doesn’t sound like ruin either
Deflation due to permaform has dragged most of the prices of items down for high-end items not only because of overfarming of locations, but an abundance of ectos floating around with the SCs. As a result, the whole economy is deflated. While it doesn't seem that bad that items are cheaper, it's harder to farm for money (excluding SF and powertrading)
I really want SF to be nerfed to restore my faith in Anet. This past year has been nothing but terrible skill updates, and it doesn't seem to be changing. After trying Warhammer online I can say that if Anet doesn't stop the proverbial flipping the bird at the community like it has been, GW2 is going to be a mess of broken skills and flawed mechanics.
Ectos are abit different than other items permaform ruined (elemental swords, saurian scythes, torment gems). Most professions can solo UW for ectos with out permaform, so ectos won't change much if SF is removed.
Deflation due to permaform has dragged most of the prices of items down for high-end items not only because of overfarming of locations, but an abundance of ectos floating around with the SCs. As a result, the whole economy is deflated. While it doesn't seem that bad that items are cheaper, it's harder to farm for money (excluding SF and powertrading) |
The Drunkard
And none of them (other than PvE-skill tied titles) affect the gameplay in anyway, which is what everyone keeps saying is the issue, though we know it's to protect egos more than economy.
But hey, FoW armor is cheaper now.
But hey, FoW armor is cheaper now.
And none of them (other than PvE-skill tied titles) affect the gameplay in anyway, which is what everyone keeps saying is the issue, though we know it's to protect egos more than economy.
But hey, FoW armor is cheaper now. |
I can't use the SF Sin if my life depended on it.
ix James Wai the bladed
I guess, we all need to remember that this game is a 1 off Fee. Thats it! It's not monthly payments where we -the gamers - get to decide what goes on in the game, if it was a monthly fee game then guild wars would probably be the best game out, at the end of the day guys, A - net don't give a **** , they just care what they get every month -
A PAYCHECK. So I think we should just drop this subject, its brought up so many times that it just gets annoying. IF They wanted SF out , they wouldn't have bothered nerfing UWSC.
A PAYCHECK. So I think we should just drop this subject, its brought up so many times that it just gets annoying. IF They wanted SF out , they wouldn't have bothered nerfing UWSC.
I guess, we all need to remember that this game is a 1 off Fee. Thats it! It's not monthly payments where we -the gamers - get to decide what goes on in the game, if it was a monthly fee game then guild wars would probably be the best game out, at the end of the day guys, A - net don't give a **** , they just care what they get every month -
A PAYCHECK. So I think we should just drop this subject, its brought up so many times that it just gets annoying. IF They wanted SF out , they wouldn't have bothered nerfing UWSC. ~James |
The Ghetto Prophet
PvE is where Shadow Form is causing problems, not in PvP. And like I said, it's in the end-game and elite areas where the use of Shadow Form is most prominent.
And for all you people complaining about how invincible SF is; I would just like to point out that before SF people used OBSFLESH TANKS. It's the same nonsense, just took a little longer.
Many of the arguments against SF are something along the lines of ''takes no skill, tank and spank is stupid, I want to see balanced groups''. GO PVP. Areas with mobs of 30+ horrifying monsters are not the place balanced teams will shine.
If i got an euro everytime ive read this on a GW forum i would be hella rich. The most worthless sentence in favor of <insert bloody broken overpowered skill/combo> ever said ....
But even if Anet is to nerf SF right here right now, there wouldn't be much of an effect. It's too little and it's too late, if you're gonna nerf it, nerf it when the speed clears were at their peak, why nerf it now when only half of people who has GW actually plays? What's the point? Make it like one of the Dev forms = nerf it to oblivion, there is no way to fix a skill that is made to be used as a farming skill.
This was precicely my point - that there is more than one thing to do in the game.
Adding to the points pointed out by doomfodder, and in league with Fril Estelin:
5) The option of being invincible in an online game shouldn't exist.
Aside from ruining the economy and the other points, take a step back, and look at GW in it's entire form. If you want to go iddqd in Doom, go ahead, but not in a game where other people are participating in. It throws the skill>time principle all out of the window. No need for a thorough understanding of game mechanics. Just buy cons and get a few skills, and you are good to go. Just steer clear of monsters with signets or pointblank AoE, and you will do fine. No need of thinking about who will mitigate the incoming damage, who will shutdown the offensive casters, who will gank the enemy monks...
Maybe you are right Ghetto Prophet, with PvE not being the place where one should wish to encounter balanced groups. Yet I think it is saddening how this game started out as a Magic the Gathering type online game, where your progress was determined by your proficiency in adapting your own and your teams skillbar to any given situation, yet evolved into being able to warp the game mechanics to such an extent that every prior game rule became obsolete.
In this, SF is most prominent, but the same warping of game mechanics can be achieved by using consets and by the use PvE-Skills.
I'm just wondering if this process was intended by Anet. Did they want to make GW more available to the masses? Is this because there hasn't been a major content update over the past two years and people are just stuck in doing the same stuff over and over again?
Ah well, it might be too little, too late AKB48, but it doesn't excuse Anet from letting their game fall into ruin.
Although the latter is a point where most people vehemently disagree upon.
Winry Sagara
123 (12 if under effect of the ESENCE OF CELERITY) and you're invincible. 678 for GoLE, EBSoH and Sliver Armor to kill stuff. Is this playing a game?
own age myname