Last (?) Halloween Quest
I'm wondering how Anet intends to visualize Dhuum.
Shanaeri Rynale
I hope it's something new, that does all the hype over him justice. Something that makes you go WTF... But it'll be a Giant Terrorweb probably..
I also really want the quest to be a raid style fight, with 12 people needed to take him down. An epic encounter, in which a balanced team, with no gimmics is needed to win. Something that will challenge us, and yet wont need lame tricks to win.
What am I saying.. It'll be a solo quest or something that can be cheesed...
I also really want the quest to be a raid style fight, with 12 people needed to take him down. An epic encounter, in which a balanced team, with no gimmics is needed to win. Something that will challenge us, and yet wont need lame tricks to win.
What am I saying.. It'll be a solo quest or something that can be cheesed...
Kc Quipor Ultra
Like Omfgrofllmaoheisabigdude
Another Felldspar
I'd love it to be Gadd with a scythe.
Big Smite Crawler pl0x.
If the skills from the .dat are right then he is going to be awful hard to tank. The main damage sources are basically to the entire room so there is no way to keep the back line safe. Hard to say if we will even get to use normal skills at this point however.
Kc Quipor Ultra
Can some one say me if i still can get THE quest because i home over 4 houres so i can Get it
Pinkest One
Quest is still there and will be for a little while i presume,i just picked it up this morning.
I hope his appearance resembles the the "weakened by dhuum" icon.
Imagine a hooded skeleton with a scythe. I'd like to see that.
Imagine a hooded skeleton with a scythe. I'd like to see that.
My New Name
would be hilarious if dhuum was a tiny rabbit
Rushin Roulette
Kumu Honua
My New Name
Fril Estelin
Undoubtedly, a reskin. Unless anet has some unused models hanging around or artists, there is no doubt.
Let's play a guessing game. He'll be a re-skin of this:
Let's play a guessing game. He'll be a re-skin of this:
Don't think so, wasn't he supposed to be a dervish?
Just going to agree here Dhuum will most likely be a reskin however some of the skills(2) listed are scythe attacks not spells so I doubt it'll be a Dream Rider reskin unless they work a scythe into the model or make him switch weapons like the restless dead in Slaver's. My guess however is just a scaled up Skeleton of Dhuum with a scythe.
dr love
he will be a giant aatxe.
The whole rabbit in pre-searing , easter bunny, tonics conspiracey could come into this. The King frozenwind and the carrot nose would just be a bonus
Kc Quipor Ultra
i found the real one !
Sir Cusfreak
if youre gonna reskin, reskin them all, right?
He'll be a spider with horns and hooves and a squid head, in a tattered robe, riding a ghost horse.
He'll be a spider with horns and hooves and a squid head, in a tattered robe, riding a ghost horse.
The whole rabbit in pre-searing , easter bunny, tonics conspiracey could come into this. The King frozenwind and the carrot nose would just be a bonus
im thinking an eternal/spirit colored reaper for Dhuum's skin
Kc Quipor Ultra
will the boss be released today ??
Extremely doubt it, Regina and Martin said a few days not tomorrow.
The Drunkard
I'm kinda suprised that there haven't been any "wheres the update?!?" threads this week...I guess this quest did it's job
I would bet the quest goes active on monday around noon, or in the evening for us europe chaps.
Certainly wont be this weekend.
Certainly wont be this weekend.
Rosie Woogs
but...but...there is no event announced for this weekend
it must be this weekend when Dhuum will arrive
it must be this weekend when Dhuum will arrive
edited due to inaccuracy :P
own age myname
I hope it's this weekend
Monday will work too, I have the day off.
Monday will work too, I have the day off.
Villnar Shadowbane
Well they quest wins... I don't want to wait anymore..
It's Codex Arena weekend.
We just have to wait. -_-
We just have to wait. -_-
Well at least the name fits the quest for the moment *twiddles my thumbs*.
Translation: We couldn't figure out the proper programming for the final battle with Dhuum due to limited resources, so within a few days (that being from 3 to whenever) you might be able to actually do the final quest. Since we couldn't figure out the programming, we've changed the name of the quest and the lore surrounding it to reflect this appropriately.
Translation: We couldn't figure out the proper programming for the final battle with Dhuum due to limited resources, so within a few days (that being from 3 to whenever) you might be able to actually do the final quest. Since we couldn't figure out the programming, we've changed the name of the quest and the lore surrounding it to reflect this appropriately.
Perhaps, we are going to get an example of the Dragons? Perhaps Anet will allow a Persistant instance? or something... like World PvP? but instead of dragons, it's dhuum? And it will send a world message LIKE WHAT WILL HAPPEN IN GW2 to everyone on at the time to come fight? Just an idea of what might happen...
Perhaps, we are going to get an example of the Dragons? Perhaps Anet will allow a Persistant instance? or something... like World PvP? but instead of dragons, it's dhuum? And it will send a world message LIKE WHAT WILL HAPPEN IN GW2 to everyone on at the time to come fight? Just an idea of what might happen...
Nathaniel (Was 'ere)
I hope it's today or tommorow or I may have to wait until next weekend and all the pros'll have done it by then... H/H Dhuum! xD
Somehow I doubt Anets AI kicks Dhuums godly ass. :P
Somehow I doubt Anets AI kicks Dhuums godly ass. :P
Yes! Got the same idea while getting the quest - maybe this is a large-scale test of the "world event" system of GW2? Or at least somehow related to it? Like adapting (parts of) it to an existing game, and getting experience from the process, getting feedback from players, validating concepts, etc. I would love this explanation. Atleast it means there is real progress towards GW2
In short, this explanation is stupid. GW1 content =/= GW2 content. Live team does not significantly work on GW2, thats why they are the GW1 LIVE TEAM. Occam's razor, or in this case, the simplest explanation is simply that somebody screwed up and now they're scrambling to get the coding right.