Originally Posted by reaper with no name
Farming is not a problem. Farming builds are, by their very nature, specialized for particular areas. They fail if you take them outside of those areas.
SF is not a farming build. It is an invincibility build. It just so happens that it's also great for farming. Invincibility is bad.
The problem with this argument is that you all keep re-defining SF as "invincibility." There are plenty of skills in the game that can easily nullify it, case in point, why are there no SF Sins in PvP? If you want to have a discussion, then you all must realize that the mechanics of SF are NO different from OF, VwK, 55/600, etc.
SF is the worst offender. Therefore, it recieves the most hate.
It receives the most hate because it replaced all the traditional "invinci-builds" such as OB Flesh Warriors and Eles. The hate is not because its unfair or morally bankrupt, but because those players no longer get picked, because the Meta changed. Its simple envy/jealousy.
And yes, SF being able to solo everything is bad, because it removes the need for any other professions. Anet went to a lot of trouble programming all those other professions. Do you really think that a mechanic which makes them completely redundant is good for the game? Do you really think a skill that makes all those hundreds of monsters practically non-existent is good for the game? Do you really think that a skill which makes the entire game a joke is good for it?
Do you really think that a Sin can solo the whole game? If you do, you're wildly off base and absolutely mistaken. Before SF, the Sin as a member of a group anywhere was practically non-existent, just as Mesmers before CoP, or Smiters with RoJ. Now the one skill that gets it invited is being decried by a whiny minority as unfair. What arrogance...
No, it's not. SF was a mistake. In no other multiplayer game in history has such imbalance ever been tolerated. Shadow Form makes the entirety of the game meaningless. As long as SF exists, the vast majority of the game mechanics within it might as well not be there. It needs to be nerfed, for the good of the game. That's all there is to it.
SF makes the Sin have a purpose in groups, where it did not before. The game is not broken or worse off, the only possible way that would be true is if every player in the game was rolling nothing but SF Sins, which is extremely far from reality.
The mechanics of end game content dictate there will be certain ways that are more efficient to beat it. SF is not the cause, it is a symptom of the playerbase which is sick of mediocre rewards for the time investment. I DON'T want to slog through an area for two to three hours to get a gemstone I could have bought at the trader for less than a plat by farming with any character in noob areas for crafting material drops. I DON'T want Shadow Form nerfed, just as many other Sin players, who were never able to get groups feel the same.
Why should ANet listen to a vocal minority such as the SF haters, when the vast majority of gamers either don't care about SF because they realize it doesn't affect their gameplay, or want it in as an option to mess around with?
The SF haters are not a big enough group to support ANet, should they decide to side with the hardcore elitists who believe gameplay exclusion is the right thing, despite the fact that both casual and hardcore payed the same price for the game.
This isn't a job or career, there's no corporate ladder to climb, those that argue for exclusion and the rights of the hardcore 1337 are missing the simple fact that this is a game. You want exclusion, go play on Wall Street, and leave us casual "n00bs" to our fun please.