Preliminary Skill Update Notes
What are the chances 50% or more of these changes end up being influenced for PvE too?
The Josip
So they need 1 year for "larger playbalance project". Does that mean that some 200 useless skils will be tweaked/buffed to be useful, or is this "larget playbalance project" going to touch 15 skills and that's it? I mean, it's very large compared to balance last half a year. Or maybe Shadow Form itself is enough to call a project "large".
Originally Posted by FoxBat
You leet guilds could care less, but the 2 member thing for ladder play is a huge improvement for casual bottom feeders and people screwing around in byob. Hope to see some more ladder activity.
Originally Posted by HawkofStorms
EDA change will help with Codex balance.
I do hope that's not everything though. |
I suppose that it's the way this update was pitched. It was sold as important for the mAT, so I expected more skill changes that would have an impact on that meta. Unless you think spike was going to win the mAT.
Martin Alvito
Pony Slaystation
Well it isn't that bad. You can basically slap it on somebody, and ignore it without having any upkeep problems. As long as somebody in your team consistiently uses shouts or chants, it is an unstrippable +3 regen.
Although +3 isn't that big of a deal, it could take at least a little bit of pressure off monks.
Although +3 isn't that big of a deal, it could take at least a little bit of pressure off monks.
Introverted Dimensions
We're changing Ebon Dust Aura to only trigger from melee attacks. This skill will no longer be useful for ranged blind spamming. |
EDA was probably one of my favorite elites to use in pvp lol
Sarevok Thordin
Recuperation (PvP) will no longer provide health regeneration to characters who are above 75% health. This lets it remove some pressure damage but not counteract it entirely. This change will only affect PvP.
I think this is a bit strange. When pressure gets ppl lower than 75% of their health, recup still counters as much pressure as before. This change makes it just much worse against spikes, because it doesn't anymore clean up random damage, when it is important to keep ppl topped up against spikes. So this change does little to make pressure more viable, but helps spikes to get through easier because it is harder to keep ppl at full health between spikes. Anyway let the nerfs flow, GW really needs that. |
Kerwyn Nasilan
Hey will this update have A). The shadow form nerf/change, or B). the Tactics/Hammer changes?
Except for the part where they do use it.
Wondering as someone in ally said, will LS/RoF now trigger off life steal from weapons instead of weapon damage? Or is vamp after damage? |
atleast not in my guild or any pugs ive been in and we've been holding halls with it
Unholy Feast does really good in Ha whenever teams ball up
Karate Jesus
Hey will this update have A). The shadow form nerf/change, or B). the Tactics/Hammer changes?
But it took 5 months to do, so we should appreciate it.
Aldawg Thanes
So if some protection line skills are buffed to protect from life stealing, and this affects PvE, won't this make the 55 build more powerful in that you could use reversal of fortune or shielding hands to protect from life stealing? I have not used the 55 build enough to know its ins and outs, so I am truly curious.
Shayne Hawke
Shadow Form alteration, Tactics/Hammer changes, and other skill adjustments will happen mid-February. My guess would be after the Canthan New Year is over, or the weekend after.
Ariena Najea
* Monthly Automated Tournaments:
1. Requires 4 guild members who have been in your guild for at least 7 days. The party leader must be a guild officer. 2. All players in the party must be members of your guild. 3. Henchmen are restricted to a maximum of 2. 4. All party members must be registered with Tolkano. |
So if some protection line skills are buffed to protect from life stealing, and this affects PvE, won't this make the 55 build more powerful in that you could use reversal of fortune or shielding hands to protect from life stealing? I have not used the 55 build enough to know its ins and outs, so I am truly curious.
Sarevok Thordin
fenix many months did we wait for this?
Zodiac Meteor
Shayne Hawke
Hey will this update have A). The shadow form nerf/change, or B). the Tactics/Hammer changes?
regina said that next update willbe gvgfocus only and the other parts of the skill blance would be in febuary. abotu the tact and hammer changes dont know she didnt metion them
So I'm wondering why SoA won't be getting the same treatment as SH in terms of reducing BSpike damage? The other protection prayers are a nice start but their use is still pretty limited, and could use a bit more options IMO.
If SoA reacted against life steal it would be op against vamp weapons, I'd think
Axel Zinfandel
1) Is this a small update before a larger, more wide update after the MaT? It seems to be hinted at, but with no definitive answer either way.
2) Will the changes to, particularly EDA and Cultist's Ferver by PvP only? EDA shouldn't be touched in PvE, as there is no reason to, and Cultist's Ferver is no doubt used be orders necros now that the D/N is less useful. I advise you guys to keep that in mind.
2) Will the changes to, particularly EDA and Cultist's Ferver by PvP only? EDA shouldn't be touched in PvE, as there is no reason to, and Cultist's Ferver is no doubt used be orders necros now that the D/N is less useful. I advise you guys to keep that in mind.
i hope that the IoP nerf is addressed to pvp only. if there's no split, i hope you are aware of killing profession that's already pve-dead?
Greedy Gus
That's unchanged from how it's always been, think you missed that those are the most strict rules only for the monthly tournament. The only changes were for making restrictions more lenient on how many people are needed from a guild and how long they've been a member for ATs.
I Angra I
1s attack skills on rangers are the biggest problem for both spike rangers and apply rangers, and I'm glad they at least mentioned that in their notes so they know that it's a problem. LR is another reason rangers are so hugely powerful atm and it should be toned down as well.
hopefully the nerf to iop and mirror of ice will be enough to make them not very useful anymore. I think iop will be fine when the recharge and duration are shortened so its not as easily maintainable, but I dont know if making moi more energy cost will make it less effective.
I like the changes to recuperation and mending refrain also.
hopefully the nerf to iop and mirror of ice will be enough to make them not very useful anymore. I think iop will be fine when the recharge and duration are shortened so its not as easily maintainable, but I dont know if making moi more energy cost will make it less effective.
I like the changes to recuperation and mending refrain also.
i can say only that i lol'd at this, they used to do a lot more skill updates per MONTH when they actually cared, now we are getting nerfs on like 10-15 skills for FIVE months ... i have no words...
Main change: Life stealing is now damage, except with lower numbers.
Originally Posted by Regina Buenaobra;[/quote
We've decided to make two changes to address current issues with Blood Spike.
First, and most dramatically, we're changing several defensive skills to work against life stealing. (They will continue to work against normal damage as well.) The skills we're looking at are: Reversal of Fortune, Life Sheath, Shielding Hands, Vengeful Weapon, Weapon of Remedy, and Union. Second, we're adjusting the lead-in Blood Spike skills: Vampiric Swarm will be altered so that there is no delay between the spell being cast and the first target losing health. (This delay current causes the life-stealing from Vampiric Swarm to happen at about the same time as the life-stealing from the follow-up spike skill, making it unrealistic to react to.) Lifebane Strike and Shadow Strike will have their recharges increased from 8 to 15 in order to decrease the frequency of spikes. |
1) Ditch you're vampiric weapons
2) FC Bspike doesn't even use Lifebane/Shadow strike (Ever obsed a match smart Anet people?).
3) Vampiric Swarm hits on instant now? How is this suppose to help?
Easy solution (Should have been done about 4 years ago)!
Fast Cast for mesmer skills ONLY.
FC Bspike is a bigger problem than lame dual rangers in my opinion since they carry carry 1/2 monks and 6/7 diversions.
Apok Omen
i can say only that i lol'd at this, they used to do a lot more skill updates per MONTH when they actually cared, now we are getting nerfs on like 10-15 skills for FIVE months ... i have no words...
I'd rather they focus on skills that negatively affect PvP instead of dartboard every skill just to create the illusion of hard work being done. Nerfs to important skills are what we need now. At least they are recognizing their boundaries...
So an officier has to be party leader? (on top) Does that mean if there is one officier online, that officier plays monk.. he has to be on top? I'm not sure lol. Better make everyone officier then :O
Artisan Archer
Mirror of Ice 15e/2s would be ok, better would be making the damage cold damage (not armor ignoring).
I wonder how they will hit glass arrows rangers, so can't say anything about that yet.
The notes didn't say anything about SoA working against vamp damage, proberly for exactly the reasons stated...
Prots working against lifesteal is a good change imo, since life steal is overpowered partly because prots don't work against them. It's a way better solutions then trying to kill the current bloodspike (again...).
Stand your ground/mending refrain change looks good, add these nerfs to turrent ranger nerfs and it adds up nice in toning down dual ranger/dual para.
Actually I think this will be another good update, like the last one in september, even if it's overdue (like the last one).
Oh and please don't ask for buffs...
I wonder how they will hit glass arrows rangers, so can't say anything about that yet.
The notes didn't say anything about SoA working against vamp damage, proberly for exactly the reasons stated...
Prots working against lifesteal is a good change imo, since life steal is overpowered partly because prots don't work against them. It's a way better solutions then trying to kill the current bloodspike (again...).
Stand your ground/mending refrain change looks good, add these nerfs to turrent ranger nerfs and it adds up nice in toning down dual ranger/dual para.
Actually I think this will be another good update, like the last one in september, even if it's overdue (like the last one).
Oh and please don't ask for buffs...
Prots getting a small buff (!), some good/well deserved nerfs, no random buffs. This is pretty good in my book.
Ty Regina for the info.
Ty Regina for the info.
So basicly all spikes got destroyed and hexes a bit better.
Mirror of Ice 15e/2s would be ok, better would be making the damage cold damage (not armor ignoring).
I hope they'll make MoI 25 energy and smiterboon it. Such skills are so bad for the meta.
2) FC Bspike doesn't even use Lifebane/Shadow strike (Ever obsed a match smart Anet people?).
3) Vampiric Swarm hits on instant now? How is this suppose to help? |
With regard to your "go obs", if you get online today "go obs" #9 [Book] vs #169 [eB] and see it for yourself.
3) Are you seriously that dumb? Vampiric swarms delay allowed their follow up skill to land at almost the exact same time as swarm, allowing two packets of life steal to land almost instantaneously. Changing that massively reduces the spikes effectiveness and allows much easier catches by monks.
Nimble Night
I'm hoping the change to RoF and LS won't make them trigger on a vampiric weapon effect, like they did with the old conjures. That would be pretty annoying. But its great that life stealing is finally prottable after all this time.
MoI fix seems a bit lazy, just make it 25e that will balance it out. Shame you couldn't think of some kind of rework over those 5 months. Also, its a shame you couldn't nerf this before it started to fall out of the meta. Most people are running mesmers with Energy Drain or Extend Conditions.
I'm very disappointed you are not nerfing any of the water snares, in particular Freezing Gust and Winters Embrace.
IoP seems like a good fix, but personally I would have preferred you to simply revert it back.
I'm also disappointed you are not nerfing any of the currently overpowered speed buffs.
It is also upsetting that I don't see a revert to Aegis.
MoI fix seems a bit lazy, just make it 25e that will balance it out. Shame you couldn't think of some kind of rework over those 5 months. Also, its a shame you couldn't nerf this before it started to fall out of the meta. Most people are running mesmers with Energy Drain or Extend Conditions.
I'm very disappointed you are not nerfing any of the water snares, in particular Freezing Gust and Winters Embrace.
IoP seems like a good fix, but personally I would have preferred you to simply revert it back.
I'm also disappointed you are not nerfing any of the currently overpowered speed buffs.
It is also upsetting that I don't see a revert to Aegis.
2) Yes they do, almost any GvG bspike uses shadow strike not unholy feast. The guy earlier mentioned that HA bspikes use unholy feast still apparently but they're easy to beat in HA so /care.
With regard to your "go obs", if you get online today "go obs" #9 [Book] vs #169 [eB] and see it for yourself. 3) Are you seriously that dumb? Vampiric swarms delay allowed their follow up skill to land at almost the exact same time as swarm, allowing two packets of life steal to land almost instantaneously. Changing that massively reduces the spikes effectiveness and allows much easier catches by monks. |
3) I guess we all can't be as "smart" as you. try infusing or even WoH with continues diversion on you but, i guess you are some kind of a super infuse for which diversion just vanishes when they cast !