Originally Posted by Skyy High
So you're saying we've gotten nothing of value from any updates in the past....what? A year? Because, while they haven't maintained the same level of quantity or quality as they were when, you know, the entire team was working on GW1, they certainly have given us a number of improvements to the game relatively recently. The PvP meta, for one thing, has been rather stale lately, but don't try to tell me that it isn't a hell of a lot better right now than it was in the past year or two. I remember when hexway was literally all anyone ran in GvG; midlines are still too powerful (which at the very least they've acknowledged in this dev update), but the game is nowhere near as unhealthy as it was right after NF's release.
I can't comment on how he feels, but I can say that I think things were pretty good right after the release of Nightfall. Yes there were some things being abused, (when weren't there) but there were also two new classes and a ton of new skills to mess with.
TBH I do think things are at about the worst they have ever been ( well since spirits stacked and rangers hit everything for 400 anyways) because they have stagnated.
I don't think its unreasonable to expect updates of the same quality today as we saw two years ago. The reason why is that all the skills are out there. We know what they do now, we understand the synergistics. The only reason for anything to need balancing right now is because they messed up somewhere.
Had they kept thier promises and adhered to the print on the box, and placed some effort in maintaining the games identity rather than selling out over the last couple years the only real task they would have right now would be to keep things fresh by rotating various versions of skills in and out which would probably leave time for them to add new content as opposed to simple rehashes.
All that being said it is what it is and we got what we get and we either accept it or not. But be honest. Don't promise bi-monthly updates and then let the game stagnate for 8 months. For me, its the empty promises and 18 month delays that are the most disapointing.
I don't think its wrong to expect something more. I am pulling my wallet out every other week for another storage slot or a set of costumes or a character makeover......... not because I really care so much about those things, but because I WANT UPDATES AND SUPPORT. I want them to deliver the bi-monthly updates.
Sure it is easy to say, oh they are busy working on GW2. But guess what? I am still playing GW1. I am not at all concerned with GW2.