13 Jan 2006 at 10:15 - 380
On price and being a complete game:
Your average MMORPG $40 initial and 6*$12 for time since release to date. That is already more than the cost of the game and the second chapter.
Avid players value the game more and therefore will be willing to pay more for less product. If you are reading a book (Tom Clancy or early Robert Jordan) were the story is somewhat interconnected to a past book, you have to live with the initial reintroduction of characters who you are already familar with. You are getting less "new" story than a new reader, however you are coming back for more so you are willing to pay more.
A new Guild Wars player may pick up the game, play 20-70 hours and drop it. If I'm buying the second addition, I am likely to play 200+ more hours (who are we kidding 500+) before the next release. If the expansion hooks new players, then they will buy the original and get zero new slots etc. Finally, the expansion will get fewer buyers (well, likey fewer buyers) since the community is somewhat smaller now than at release. Unless the second chapter really surpasses the hype of the first, that's how I see it. If we want to keep the servers running, we will have to pay a bit more for less.
Finally, the game is incomplete by any stretch of the imagination. Originally engine was done, the balance was ok, but high end PvE content, explorable areas and PvP content was... lacking. The ladder is great if you are top 300 but really slow any lower than that. Tombs has gotten both repetitive and really competitive atm... not great PuG or casual guild experience. Low end PvP is really CA which could use a face lift. GvG is really where the action is, but even those maps could use a bit more variety. Anet tried a few things before intial release to give that variety, but it threw the balance too much. There really are only 4 GvG map types: Catapult maps, Fire map, Movement control maps (Ice,Druid) and location oddity maps--ok that is a bit simplified but you get my drift. PvP is the center of the community, but really doesn't seem involved in the story or much of anything. If Factions resolves some of that gap, I will be very pleased.
You know half the people on this forum would pay $10 for an extra 20 good skills. If they are giving me 300, I'll shell out my $50.