on release date, i have pre-ordered it on play.com, and it is slated for a march 1st release. i doubt that will be the case, but beta testing is going on as we speak, the trail run of the new profs will be opened for all in week and a bit, so i would imagine ironing out balance problmes, broken quest items etc were the order of the day at the moment.
I hope they get sorted asap. that said, i would rather wait an extra week for the game to come out thanspend the first week of play constantly plagued by problems and balance issues. Lets hope the beta testers do their job.
I have secret suspicion that the pvp GW:F weekend is a balance test for the new build as much as anything. There is nothing like opening up 2 new classes to the pvp public to discover exploits. i expect pvp will be almost entirely assasin or ritualist for a while
Edit: in reply to the post above, i speculate that Factions will continue straight on from original pre searing, and go thro the game like that, with the game splitting at LA, which seems to have a lot to do with Cantha, the setting for the next game. Alternately i think that we may go 'post searing' again, there is nothing tosay that the new area is not in a new time zone. that way all old characters will be head into the new game. That is just speculation btw, based on no facts what so ever.
Most likely, i think, is that the game will start of the same way, and then at some point u choose ur faction, and then things start splitting away from the original. maybe.
One things for sure, ur right, there will be a lot of assassin and ritualists around at the beggining, which i guess we will have to cope with :S