Originally Posted by doomfodder
I'll throw this question out to the hardore & casual PvE community that's reading this thread. What would incent you to participate in PvP? HoM requirement? $ rewards? more zkeys? more balth? something else? Or is there no incentive at all because you absolutely hate the venues themselves? Or no incentive at all because you refuse to participate due to the rank discrimination?
This brings up a question.
Will getting more people to participate in PvP improve the format overall? At first glance yes. More people = more competition = more games played = less wait time, etc.
But if you think about it further you start to ask the question, would I rather play 10 lackluster games or 1 amazing game? If you want quantity over quality, then getting more people to play no matter what the cost is a good thing. If you prefer quality, you have to think about this further.
You can give them an incentive to start playing, but can you give them the incentive to keep on playing after they have started? Is the incentive high enough for them to want to endure the growing pains, and beat the learning curve to eventually play high end PvP (where you actually can earn more money now then PvE). If they can get to that level then you increase the amount of guilds participating in AT's and mAT's (the premiere PvP) and thus hopefully making it a more enjoyable experience.
Or will this influx of new players end up being bottom feeders who simply stay at the bottom, have no interest in getting better, and will only play as long as there are enough people in the exact same situation that they can farm eachother and make money off of beating players just as bad as them. IMO this doesn't add anything to PvP at all. There is no change in AT's and mAT's and ladders are now filled with a bunch of guilds farming eachother to make quick money.
In fact if you dive into this deeper, I think GvG would be relatively unchanged. HA participation would rise, and RA would become even worse. RA is already overpopulated with terrible players using terrible builds which is frustrating to deal with as an experienced player being held back by others inadequacies. HA wait times will drop, but really the only people gaining from this are the people currently farming it because they have more bad teams to beat up on. Meanwhile these newer players will only be able to beat each other and eventually get fed up and want to play with better players. They will then find out better players don't want to play with them because they dramatically decrease their chance of winning (You are only as good as your weakest link). Then we get tons of posts on this forum screaming about PvP Elitism and how everyone who PvP's is an asshole because they refuse to gimp themselves to accommodate bad players.
I really don't think the problem with PvP is incentives. Well actually it is, but not the incentives you are talking about. The incentive that is lacking is time. The influx of new GvGers really took its toll around EOTN release. This is when it was announced they were giving up on their original business plan and now making GW2. Now all the sudden the newer players no longer want to take the time to learn and grow in the game. They think GW2 is right around the horizon so by the time I get good GW2 will be here so it won't matter. The incentive to get better and improve is gone, because they feel there isn't enough time. So they want to take shortcuts. Unfortunately for them, those shortcuts do not exist (unless you are a girl). Players then get mad, make threads badmouthing PvP, other people read thread, get a bad idea about PvP, and now your influx of new players is gone.
Old players keep leaving because the game is old. They have found better ways to use their time then continue playing guild wars. New players don't come in because they don't feel like it is worth it to go through the learning curve. All the sudden the entire middle tier of competition is gone (either by quitting or filling the void of the high end players) and there is no longer anyway for people to improve even if they want to.
TLDR: I doubt adding monetary incentives will fix PvP.