19 Feb 2011 at 03:02 - 394
The only change that would be right for the survivor title would be to finally do away with the Kath hammer BS. The fact that they haven't done this before now shows me that the new team doesn't give a shit about thier (our, my) game. If they did, they would fix that.
I will hate seeing the change I think is coming to survivor. I'm not raging and youre not getting my stuff, and I'm not even QQing (not all complaining is QQ, kids), but I have an opinion and its as valid as any of yours are.
Survivor: If you died, youre not one. If you died before it existed...you're still not one. No matter if you died once at 1.25million XP due to lag and never ever died again....your'e still not one. No matter if you died on purpose, or accidentally (aka failed, btw)
If you bought Kath hammers, I would love to see you banned, but thats my own personal opinion...you're damn sure not a survivor, though, any more than you're a flamingo or the King of Siam.
As for a negative impact on my gameplay...maybe there's not a huge one, but it is offensive to my sense of whats right and whats not, and maybe that should count for something. I'm sick of seeing this live team dumb-down a game I love for the sake of spoiled QQ-ers going 'I died before the title! WAAAH!" - that changes nothing. Its supposed to be a very black-and-white issue: you died, you're not a survivor. You dont die, you are. The purchasing XP exploits just show who's weak and lazy, and by that, I mean the devs who won't bother to fix it along with the players who use it. There's no reason it shouldn't be bannable, and less reason that item should be trade-able.
Does the proposed survivor title negatively affect my gaming experience? Of course it does. I don't want to see a ton of psuedo-survivors wearing around a title they didn't earn, because whether you like it or not, it does detract from the people who actually earned the title. Boxing is lame, but at least they do have to hit something. I don't like it either but there is at least a justification to it.
There are titles you buy, but we also know those and this wasn't supposed to be one of them.
There are a lot of problems with this game, but it's still the all-around best video game that exists, and I feel like every time this live team decides to simplify, dumb-down, buff-up, or hand over all the rewards to the people who didn't do the things that those rewards called for, then it goes down a notch or few, and I hate seeing it, and I wonder why more people don't hate seeing it too.
I hope someday to see the "secret things" that Linsey is working on, because she worked to make this game a challenge, and her succesors go against that in every move they've made so far. I look forward to her new project, whatever it is, and I feel the exact opposite with this live team. I see it as a bright side that these are NOT the people working on the next game I look forward to, which is GW2, I hope they never touch it.
I want them to stop dumbing this game down, not everyone deserves (yep I said and meant that word) to have every reward in the game. As it is, people feel like the rewards dont mean anything, and why should they, when theyre so easily exploited? But if the rewards worked the way they were supposed to, and seeing a character with a title meant that they earned it, then that would be respectable again.
Whats funny is the people who say that the titles don't mean anything work harder at cheating to get them than they would have to earn them the real way.
If this live team cared about the game, they would set things back right in that regard. But even if they won't, saying "its bad already" isnt an excuse to make it worse - which is exactly what this Survivor idea would do.
Ive played mine through with no runs, no farms, no cheats, and no dishonor. I played quests and storyline, I filled the books and did it the real way. Does that make my title better than the people who did it via lameway 1, 2, or 3? hell yes it does. I'm not saying I worked so hard, its not work - it's play, (and I enjoyed playing it more than anything else I've done in GW, btw). But I did it, and the reward was intended to be given for that, and not handed out to people who bought a quest reward a bunch of times.
Now, with all that being said, I'm glad they made the Derv changes, and I even like most of them, and it does at least give me hope and make me happy that keeping the game freshened up matters to them - but I really hope for a change of heart regarding Survivor though.