Update - 2/17
Did some testing on with a W/D and even tho the scythes crit was nerfed along with AoHM it still does viable damage. With EBSoH(in place of AoHM) and IatS at maxed rank I am hitting over 100 dps on a single target.
I did some tests with Derv Conviction on my SIN man gotta love that extra 10ac on top of the +15 I already get and a little regen besides to slow down degen a lot and a condition removed every 10 seconds. I been stomping the new Dervs in the arenas too lol They are like hack why can't I hit your azz hahaha gotta love critical defense and Flashing blades. One's an enchant the other a stance so someone better bring enchant removal AND stance removal to hit me. lmao
...except, of course, when your H/H kill your target before you get the combo off, even if you've called a different target for them, which is the vast majority of the time. :/ (Not that it matters - Death Blossom rarely hits more than its direct target, anyways, since everything scatters to the four winds when my Assassin tries to use it [same as when any of my characters attempt to use a scythe]. At least it has great +dam on the direct hit.)
Dear everyone who wants to stop playing GW after this update: Add me to the list of people in line for all your stuff.
I don't like the changes to AS and BUH! but I like that it gives me something new to try. I don't really care much about derv updates outside of how it affects me playing R/D because that's been fun. But whatever.
I look forward to a ranger update some day. Hopefully making us not the "lolwut" class.
I don't like the changes to AS and BUH! but I like that it gives me something new to try. I don't really care much about derv updates outside of how it affects me playing R/D because that's been fun. But whatever.
I look forward to a ranger update some day. Hopefully making us not the "lolwut" class.
Come on those who think Asuran scan and BUH got hit hard. We all know the PVE skills are OP and these two combined give insane damage buffs.
On topic: I really like that Mr. Stumme and crew really fleshed out the Dervish to make it feel like its own thing. Avatar(s) of Grenth/Dwayna from a creative standpoint are awesome now. Dark dmg/Chaos dmg on a melee weapon for their respective gods? Brilliant! I really do feel like I am looking at a whole new class in GW and it was well worth the wait. Now to wait a few weeks for the hoopla to die down in RA before I start using my Dervish there again. It was just a big Scythe ball skirmish in the middle of zones.
Even though it took longer than it should have, it was worth it, and I hope the devs realize that a good portion of the player base would rather have cool changes like this than lore updates. If the WoC gets released all in one fell swoop then maybe I would change my opinion of it, but waiting for it to get released over the course of a few months in bite sized pieces really kills the immersion for me. My two cents.
...except, of course, when your H/H kill your target before you get the combo off, even if you've called a different target for them, which is the vast majority of the time. :/ (Not that it matters - Death Blossom rarely hits more than its direct target, anyways, since everything scatters to the four winds when my Assassin tries to use it [same as when any of my characters attempt to use a scythe]. At least it has great +dam on the direct hit.)
Also thats odd enough, I can DB the night away and nothing will scatter.
Get these hero's to use flash enchantments stat this is ridiculous.
I've got tons of things these guys could be doing for me when using the avatars that they can't because they don't even put on the enchants they need to strip.
I do think asuran scan got hit a little too hard. Instead of the "you can't miss target foe" concept the damage percentage should have been cut in half to 35-40% at max rank. Will this make me stop playing GWs? Hell no. As for the 50 spirits, this will get nerfed into oblivion soon as painful bond lets 50 spirits do 18 dmg and makes UW elite area = lolwut. 50 x 18 = 900 which is enough to kill an aatxe in 1 second
One other guy said it happened to him, but has anyone else experienced the spirit army refusing to fight after a certain period of time? He made it about a 1/4 through the Smites when his spirits shut down. And I maybe got about 10 or 15 minutes of fooling around beating up on the Master of Damage before my spirits quit. I realize that after a point the "corpses" get used up, but even freshly summoned spirits refuse to engage.
I know it's going to be fixed, but in the meantime people might need to adjust their farm times accordingly if there is a limit.
I know it's going to be fixed, but in the meantime people might need to adjust their farm times accordingly if there is a limit.
Okay Another thing!
They just made a Really big Mistake on Changing By Urals Hammer!
Already theres an Expliot where your able to constantly res summon spirits!
Now tell me Did they really test these to the Limit or was this BuH Change a Last second Decision?
Few Questions about Azuran scan
1)If blinded do you Still Hit foes?
2) If they have a Block can you still Hit through it?
They just made a Really big Mistake on Changing By Urals Hammer!
Already theres an Expliot where your able to constantly res summon spirits!
Now tell me Did they really test these to the Limit or was this BuH Change a Last second Decision?
Few Questions about Azuran scan
1)If blinded do you Still Hit foes?
2) If they have a Block can you still Hit through it?
I do think asuran scan got hit a little too hard. Instead of the "you can't miss target foe" concept the damage percentage should have been cut in half to 35-40% at max rank. Will this make me stop playing GWs? Hell no. As for the 50 spirits, this will get nerfed into oblivion soon as painful bond lets 50 spirits do 18 dmg and makes UW elite area = lolwut. 50 x 18 = 900 which is enough to kill an aatxe in 1 second
But i feel that fun bugs like these aren't doccumented well enough (baw how i would like to see fotage from simple thievery before fix!) so i went out and doccumented it a bit aswell as testing it out for funs sake. There isn't any real use to it since it takes time to set up and the rezzed spirits deal no damage but it is none the less failsafe and a heck a lot of fun

good morning GW'ers. and welcome to 8 hours ago
BuH bug -> http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/buh-t10470289.html
please submit there.
BuH bug -> http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/buh-t10470289.html
please submit there.
There's way too much whining going on in this thread...
anyone actually have some fun builds to try out as per the update?!
anyone actually have some fun builds to try out as per the update?!
Ghull Ka
come on guys, this is serious stuff. I mean why now? Why not 3 years ago? Asuran Scan and BUH! are skills, that existed in their former property for 3 years now....3 years which gave a lot of players the possibility to deal decent damage in hard mode. And now all of a sudden they decided to kill those skills? Why? I mean the situtaion is not like: okay, we killed Asuran Scan because it was way too overpowered, BUT! in return we gave also rangers, assassins and warriors an overall overhaul, so that they can gain benefit from it and set up several new builds with different skills and can enjoy new and various ways and styles of playing. They have given nothing apart from taking one essential skill away. And now there are truly people who believe this is justified? And the fact, that some people believe they can still deal decent damage in hard mode with a ranger, assassin or warrior is both at the same time, ridiculous and sad.
Wow. You're serious?
So, to you, guild wars featured a 7-slot skillbar, and Asuran Scan was the only thing which allowed you to complete any content, ever?
And the part above that I bolded.... honestly? You mean that?
You've GOT to be pulling our legs, mate.
In other news: If I had a dervish main, I'd put the new Mystic Twister or Mystic Sandstorm on like every bar I ran. Gogo adrenal NUKES!!
i wonder what this update did. lols. i hope they dont change the summon stones thing.

It killed BUH's affect on the spirits. Just tested it.
Gabriel of Ravn
Damn! At least I got some fun while it lasted and lots of Obby Shards (9 in one Fow /o)
And another update. i wonder if today will be renamed update day. xD
Opening post: Wall of tehhhhhxt....
I think I'll just log on and play my Derv and read all that stuff later.
I think I'll just log on and play my Derv and read all that stuff later.
X Dr Pepper X
Pious Haste got hit hard...only does 25% movement speed unless an enchant gets removed in which case it does 50% movement speed..for a very short time.
Dervs can still have permanent 33% running speed with high mysticism, Extend Enchantments, and Whirling Charge. You can also throw Dash in the mix if you wanted...but it would take up an extra skill slot which could be used for something else. Very major update for Dervish runners. |
Us Rangers got royally screwed. Thank god I completed all the content on my Ranger years ago.
We no longer have a viable physical damage build for PvE.
Barrage is lackluster in quality.
I think Rangers now surpass Eles as the worst class in the game...
WTB a brain for anet. please dont do more updates if you cant do it without making people dc.
just standin in a empty dc made me dc i came back then fl dc'd. ugh

Primal Rage is widely accepted as being one of the most poorly thought-out skill buffs ever, and all of a sudden we have like four new ways of replicating its effect that don't require you to stop for aftercast (Heart of Fury + any IMS flash enchantment, Onslaught).
Kerwyn Nasilan
"/deaths now reads "You have died X times and gained experience since death."
That is how /death now reads according to wiki.
Anyone think this might possibly mean a change to survivor title?
That is how /death now reads according to wiki.
Anyone think this might possibly mean a change to survivor title?
thought i would love for my girls who did to get the title it wouldnt be fair. lots of us worked hard to get it and if this is what its for i say boo.
X Dr Pepper X
Good god, they can fix Onslaught if it's a problem.
You'd think that after changing just about all the Derv skills, they'd all be perfect?
Give them 6 months to iron flat the issues that will arise and to refine the product we received.
You'd think that after changing just about all the Derv skills, they'd all be perfect?
Give them 6 months to iron flat the issues that will arise and to refine the product we received.

hmm....important part of my Melonni hero build was Wounding Strike and Faithfull Intervention. That enchantment should not be removed.
I am still leaning towards a build that does not remove enchantments, so all those skills that remove them...crap.
Wounding Strike is crap now on a Hero at least, becos of the low recharge time and damage it also does.
Heroes also use it for the damage, meaning an enchantment gets removed evry few seconds.
Ooh that was the point right, except even with the energy cost reduction re-aplying 10 energy enchantments evry few seconds -> still very energy draining.
Have to continue experimenting, but atm me not happy with Derv update.
I could *insert whatever amount of cursewords* Anet for breaking my best melee hero build.... *sigh*
Ok, breaking is a big word, but the Deep Wound was very usefull.
EDIT: meh and hmm, replacing Wounding Strike with Aura Slicer seems an option, Cracked Armour instead of Deep Wound.
One other thing, end effects from Derv enchants being removed, that still happens when foes remove them right ?!
If so, small sweet revenge when foes remove them

"We can fix it" is a poor excuse for repeating a previous mistake. Even if Onslaught turns out to not be a problem, IAS + IMS together is well-documented to be so dangerous that they really should have never felt the need to tread into that design space again.
I actually have been experimenting with Wounding Strike builds, and it's probably still as good as it ever was, although in a different way. It's strong, and the recharge and energy cost means it's always a readibly available stripping skill. Most of the other enchant-removal attack skills require adrenaline and, at the very least for Lyssa's Haste, it's very nice to have WS always ready when I need it to be. Very reliable, imo.
Ayuhmii Shanbwa
didnt see the change
anyway, before the merge of topics, i said i like to see this, IF we have to get 1,337,500 XP after everytime we die, IF its that title
i have 2 chars which i wanted to get it with the old way, so i dont mind
it'd be fun, and i prefer fun far over elitism (as in being serious all the time), so i'd like to see people being happy to be able to get that title who never got it, and dont wanna delete precious chars for just a title
thats my opinion on that
anyway, before the merge of topics, i said i like to see this, IF we have to get 1,337,500 XP after everytime we die, IF its that title
i have 2 chars which i wanted to get it with the old way, so i dont mind
it'd be fun, and i prefer fun far over elitism (as in being serious all the time), so i'd like to see people being happy to be able to get that title who never got it, and dont wanna delete precious chars for just a title
thats my opinion on that
Good god, the Dervish update is insane...but I love it.
Too bad I won't have time to play around and come up with new builds until tomorrow D:
Too bad I won't have time to play around and come up with new builds until tomorrow D:
Warriors have half a dozen IAS skills, yet all of them have some sort of drawback to using them. Like your speed is nerfed, you do less damage, or you take double damage.
So the dervish update comes along and now Heart of Fury is a maintainable IAS that has no penalties to using. What is Anet thinking? 10 mysticism means a derv gets +10 armor, 40% cheaper spells (on top of their +4 Egen rate), and on top of that they get an IAS that they can keep up that doesn't slow them down or make them take double damage.
This is kind of messed up... talk about inbalanced design decisions.
If Anet was going to set a new gold standard in IASs they should at least add a little buff to the other ones in the game.
So the dervish update comes along and now Heart of Fury is a maintainable IAS that has no penalties to using. What is Anet thinking? 10 mysticism means a derv gets +10 armor, 40% cheaper spells (on top of their +4 Egen rate), and on top of that they get an IAS that they can keep up that doesn't slow them down or make them take double damage.
This is kind of messed up... talk about inbalanced design decisions.
If Anet was going to set a new gold standard in IASs they should at least add a little buff to the other ones in the game.
How is the Derv's single target damage as compared to The Assassin or the Warrior though? I haven't tested the new stuff enough yet to see.
I think Asuran scan is just about perfect as a PvE skill now. Its not the crappy 'you now rape everything' skill that it was before, but a way for melee to be useful in areas with way too much blind to play them otherwise, so long as they modify their build in the area to support AS correctly. The only downside is that without it Rangers now have nothing but Barrage to use for damage, Anet really needs to make a few quick buffs to them.
-DP is weird, but w/e. Its not like everyone who has been playing for more than 6 months doesn't have an entire stack of DP removals by now.
-DP is weird, but w/e. Its not like everyone who has been playing for more than 6 months doesn't have an entire stack of DP removals by now.
so long as they modify their build in the area to support AS correctly.
The only downside is that without it Rangers now have nothing but Barrage to use for damage, Anet really needs to make a few quick buffs to them.
Death Penalty is a fairly fundamental mechanic, in both PvE and PvP (though in different ways). That ANet added removers and now this to the game demonstrates that they don't quite get that.