Last of my main accounts now banned. Checked a few others and so far safe. Although they're just bday present incubators now.
So until anything gets rectified, my GW1 experience is over.
It's interesting how this Chris Cleary (Shazbawt) guy can wield the ban hammer unchecked in a game produced by a company that didn't hire him until
I like how you can get banned for no explicable reason. So my main char
Subutai accomplishments are gone, and I'm tossed out with the trash (botters) of the game.
No credit is given for getting everything in my HoM honestly (you can have your GW2 APs and Titles). There's so much more that the HoM can't catalog. Other titles on other characters and accomplishments like doing Urgoz or Fow on multiple chars.
How about just being a decent person in the game? Doing spider caps or forge runs for tips? Helping people with missions or just general info. One guy ran me from Ascalon to LA and in return I helped him do all the desert missions so he could get ascended and get into the UW. Helping guildies with titles and getting them to 30, 40 or 50 in their HoM. I've run Amatz Basin for plenty of people as well. The list could go on for quite awhile.
I've read some posts where people are saying stop whining or get over it. I trust these people are just trouble-makers who lack empathy.
Yes, it's just a game, but does that diminish it's importance? If your hobby was rebuilding cars and someone took out one of your best for a joy ride and destroyed it, would you welcome the people who'd say "It's just a car. You got your life!"? Show some understanding or don't post. It's that simple and shows some humanity.
I've been reading the posts and I'm saddened for all who got banned for no good reason. This is a fantastic game. To explore it all and be able to engage in build theory is what makes it so great. Making friends around the world is pretty awesome too. To have it taken away with no explanation is painful. And GW2 is no substitute. It's a completely different game that I don't really enjoy.
So I wish you guys all the best as you cope and hopefully get good results from CS. This thread had helped me deal with this and I'll be checking back to see if anyone gets some results and will continue to keep you updated on what I find.