Anyone else just got a perma ban?
Oh wow, a glimmer of hope. Maybe Gaile has some pull to get something going for you all.
Title Points R Us
"Gaile I sent you a Private Message also. These few in this thread are among Hundreds this has happened to. Yes thousands were banned for legit reasons but Hundreds were banned that are innocent. IMO fire that useless botter Shazbawt & rectify most of his wrong doings. Maybe if this is done Anet can save face with many long time & loyal customers."
"Gaile I sent you a Private Message also. These few in this thread are among Hundreds this has happened to. Yes thousands were banned for legit reasons but Hundreds were banned that are innocent. IMO fire that useless botter Shazbawt & rectify most of his wrong doings. Maybe if this is done Anet can save face with many long time & loyal customers."
"Gaile I sent you a Private Message also. These few in this thread are among Hundreds this has happened to. Yes thousands were banned for legit reasons but Hundreds were banned that are innocent. IMO fire that useless botter Shazbawt & rectify most of his wrong doings. Maybe if this is done Anet can save face with many long time & loyal customers." |
Title Points R Us
Gaile is sensible. She is good. If she can fix it. I will still back to support anet.
Hello Gaille I’m writing this in hopes something can be done about what took place in GW. Concerning the “Ban Wave” Alot of innocents got banned & nothing seems to be being done about it. The people that stayed playing actually care about the game itself & the people in it. Most the abusers have moved on & I believe that was Anet’s intention. They aren’t giving anyone reasons nor are they responding to tickets. We are being told to email GW support direct by your GW2 team but it doesn’t exist so it’s just a viscous circle. We are trying to find answers but can’t. Myself I tried for years to report wrong doers & protect people from being scammed as I offered a Pre/Post Trade Mod service free. I was a well respected & trusted member for 5+ years. When nothing was being done I lost hope & fell in the wrong path. I thought Anet had given up on doing the right thing so I gave up hope aswell. I worked kitten my accounts for 6 years only to have them banned for doing something I shouldn’t have & extremely regret. But it won’t stop me from trying to help the ones that didn’t do anything wrong in trying to help get their acc’s back for them. GW guru has an on going thread I’d love it if you could read this if you have any time at all. I’ve taken up enough of your time but would like to ask one more thing. If Anet is thinking on shutting down the servers the loyal people of Pre Searing would love a little treat in having the Vanguard drops turned back on. Many have played pre since beta & I think this would be a very nice reward for them. Well I hope you see this & are able to do anything for the people that were wronged. Thx for your time Gaile. Flint Lightning |
thanks for thinking of all of us title/flint.
But please also remember, Gaile is but ONE person, if this intent is from the higher ups to get rid of our game then she may be as powerless as we are (and just giving lip service to keep her face).
I hope that she can see what is going on and reverse the injustice that has been done to so many of us....just glad that other thread is still going on, and someone please keep it updated...I was wrongly banned as well--post for those of us who have no voice on the 2 site! (and a thank you to the OP of that thread for somehow not getting it deleted even though it is basically a gw thread!)....
But please also remember, Gaile is but ONE person, if this intent is from the higher ups to get rid of our game then she may be as powerless as we are (and just giving lip service to keep her face).
I hope that she can see what is going on and reverse the injustice that has been done to so many of us....just glad that other thread is still going on, and someone please keep it updated...I was wrongly banned as well--post for those of us who have no voice on the 2 site! (and a thank you to the OP of that thread for somehow not getting it deleted even though it is basically a gw thread!)....
Surge goes pre
Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm but a mere physicist. But aren't servers cheap? I really don't think the endgame is to shut down the servers.
that is not why they are shutting gw down, they dont want to have to deal with the game AT ALL--its not just servers, its customer service (which, is basically non-existent), etc. those things DO cost money. They have already made it clear they dont want to deal with gw issues by eliminating the support forum/site for gw....if they get rid of the game they can stop having to deal with ANYTHING gw related (except the occasional person who asks what the heck was the HoM?--they will just say it was for a limited time only and move on..canned response).
If their goal was to shut down the game, then why do it slowly with bans instead of just shutting down the servers all at once? The backlash from shutting down the servers would most likely be close to the backlash they are receiving now so why go through all the effort of bans? That would be like getting your hair styled knowing full well that you plan to get it completely shaved off a day later. Additionally, why did they go through all the effort of automating everything?
I agree with Surge, I don't believe they plan on shutting down the game. At least not at the moment.
I agree with Surge, I don't believe they plan on shutting down the game. At least not at the moment.
thanks for thinking of all of us title/flint.
But please also remember, Gaile is but ONE person, if this intent is from the higher ups to get rid of our game then she may be as powerless as we are (and just giving lip service to keep her face). I hope that she can see what is going on and reverse the injustice that has been done to so many of us....just glad that other thread is still going on, and someone please keep it updated...I was wrongly banned as well--post for those of us who have no voice on the 2 site! (and a thank you to the OP of that thread for somehow not getting it deleted even though it is basically a gw thread!).... |
Title/Flint, it is so appreciated you thought of us all.
Arkon Necrocannibal
What about we answer to their automatic answer by an automatic answer ?
Surge goes pre
i meant even without multilaunch.... i hope its not true, then GW will die off real quick, and same with GW2..... and anet wont be online long then either
we'll have to hear from them what they do, even without telling WHY, we'd know MUCH more |
I think that people saying they were banned for multilaunch are either hiding something, or someone that was banned that wasn't supposed to be. I doubt anet is intending on banning for running 2x gw from the same ip address.
I was running Multi-launch and had 4 accounts running at once. Maybe because of the pvp sync they were checking for more than just 2 accounts worth?
I dunno, I know some people here are just couples that were banned so I guess it doesn't really stand.
But I can only give you my honest word, I have been playing since April 2005, I have GWAMM and I just got on to help my friend get their achievements, and since I have access to multiple accounts I was selling anything I could scavenge from them to help.
I dunno, I know some people here are just couples that were banned so I guess it doesn't really stand.
But I can only give you my honest word, I have been playing since April 2005, I have GWAMM and I just got on to help my friend get their achievements, and since I have access to multiple accounts I was selling anything I could scavenge from them to help.
Title Points R Us
I don't use multilaunch. I've been running 2 accounts from the same ip, hell from the same laptop, for years. I'm not banned.
I think that people saying they were banned for multilaunch are either hiding something, or someone that was banned that wasn't supposed to be. I doubt anet is intending on banning for running 2x gw from the same ip address. |
I have played on 2 computers for many years, got my 2nd account around 08-09. My first computer is a laptop, it was not capable of playing factions very well which is why I got my desktop, my 1st one can barely load eye, and crashes on entering a dungeon. I can run NOTHING else while gw is running--it takes everything the computer has to run. My desktop has issues with running firefox and chrome at the same time, let alone adding gw to the mix or any other program. My first computer I use for getting my characters ran or for trading--I cant play on it very well since my fps is in the single digits at best (no pvp with it), so my characters just mainly watch as my other computer runs them thru the missions/quests/etc. if this is botting then running should not be allowed.
I am an admin here on guru. I have spent the last 8 YEARS of my life trying to enforce EULA on this forum, why the H*$$ would I then BREAK the polices I have spent years enforcing? I do not have multi launch, helll, I dont even have access to youtube and havent updated my os (still using xp sp3 laptop xp sp ONE) in years I dont like to download ANYTHING...took me 2 years of being convinced to download texmod--and then only when gaile said it was 'safe'. I dont pvp and havent a clue what a bot program looks like (or why I would even bother with one since I cant pvp worth a damn--sorry at 50 my reflexes are shot and with a crappy fps ....)
My last 2 accounts I barely even played on--my factions only account had one character that wasnt a complete mule (see level 2), and she had only gotten as far as tahnnaki temple in the 6 years I had that account....what purpose would botting be served on that account or a 3rd party program????????? yet most probably because it is from the same ip as the others it was banned.
I smell something fishy and if its not because they want to shut the whole thing down, then please come up with another reason that seems plausible (and why would they initiate such at the same time they announce their BIG expansion for their prize pig?). Inquiring minds would really like to know.
I am an admin here on guru. I have spent the last 8 YEARS of my life trying to enforce EULA on this forum, why the H*$$ would I then BREAK the polices I have spent years enforcing? I do not have multi launch, helll, I dont even have access to youtube and havent updated my os (still using xp sp3 laptop xp sp ONE) in years I dont like to download ANYTHING...took me 2 years of being convinced to download texmod--and then only when gaile said it was 'safe'. I dont pvp and havent a clue what a bot program looks like (or why I would even bother with one since I cant pvp worth a damn--sorry at 50 my reflexes are shot and with a crappy fps ....)
My last 2 accounts I barely even played on--my factions only account had one character that wasnt a complete mule (see level 2), and she had only gotten as far as tahnnaki temple in the 6 years I had that account....what purpose would botting be served on that account or a 3rd party program????????? yet most probably because it is from the same ip as the others it was banned.
I smell something fishy and if its not because they want to shut the whole thing down, then please come up with another reason that seems plausible (and why would they initiate such at the same time they announce their BIG expansion for their prize pig?). Inquiring minds would really like to know.
Pre surge goes
that is not why they are shutting gw down, they dont want to have to deal with the game AT ALL--its not just servers, its customer service (which, is basically non-existent), etc. those things DO cost money. They have already made it clear they dont want to deal with gw issues by eliminating the support forum/site for gw....if they get rid of the game they can stop having to deal with ANYTHING gw related (except the occasional person who asks what the heck was the HoM?--they will just say it was for a limited time only and move on..canned response).
But if they want to be so cheap with the game, shouldn't they just stop paying for Chris Cleary ("Shazbawt") to do "security"? He doesn't seem to be very good at what he's doing.
Heck, Gaile Gray even took the time to respond to some of the inquires in the official GW2 forum. Then Chris Cleary locked the thread 3 hours later. He shut down a thread Gaile Gray was responding to just to keep his banning practices confined to tickets that take months to answer. (If he could edit GWGuru, this thread would have been flushed.)
I would rather have bots and hackers running wild though the game than to deal with this broken mass-banning of innocent accounts every time they want to tweak the code.
And that alone, causes me to pause....
There are no official forums for Guild Wars 1, so there is no community feedback. They don't have an actual Guild Wars 1 support site. If you try to use the Guild Wars 1 support site it will tell you to go to the Guild Wars 2 forums, where they will promptly close any threads regarding Guild Wars 1. (WTF?) You can submit a GW1 ticket, which they admit will have a slower response time than a GW2 ticket, and receive a generic response in one or two months. The entire game has been moved into automated status. There are no updated holiday events. No new armor, weapons, or festive hats will be designed. All planned Guild Wars Beyond storylines have been canceled. It seems like no money is being spent...
...And yet, they can afford to have a "Fraud & Game Security Lead", who can't hold down a job for longer than 3 years, combing over the GW code looking for hackers. Why the funds for this, but none of the other stuff? Drop him and save even more money, the game will run smoother.
If their goal was to shut down the game, then why do it slowly with bans instead of just shutting down the servers all at once? The backlash from shutting down the servers would most likely be close to the backlash they are receiving now so why go through all the effort of bans?
I bet Anet never expected they'd have so many people still playing after 10 years. The power of non-subscription.
if its not because they want to shut the whole thing down, please come up with another reason that seems plausible
My guess? Ban people bit by bit until the population is so small they can come out and say: "Wow, the Guild Wars population sure has shrunk a whole bunch. With only 11 people still playing I'm sure we can all agree that the game should be unplugged forever."
I bet Anet never expected they'd have so many people still playing after 10 years. The power of non-subscription. |
I believe their reasoning was simple. They wanted to ban people who were breaking the EULA and in doing so, mistakenly banned some innocent people such as yourself Cosy. It makes the most sense and doesn't require any additional assumptions about their intentions. Gaile even said "resolve everyone’s issue if their account was, somehow, terminated in error." so let's see if that's the case. I have no reason to believe shes lying.
If that is what they were planning, Is it safe to assume the main reason behind it would be to save their reputation? If anything, their reputation is being tarnished more so by banning innocent people than it would be by just coming out and saying "Sorry, it is no longer financially feasible to support Guild Wars 1, we hope you understand." So, I can't say I agree with you unless ANet failed to think this whole plan through. |
and who says anet is that forward thinking--really to do this at the same time as their big announcement expansion is poor planning at best--its like planning your wedding for the same day as thanksgiving--not a thing most brides would do (grooms probably)....very poor planning.
and perhaps its was ncsofts idea--since gw2 is not earning as much as they had hoped, perhaps they are planning on ditching that part of the company and with a bad reputation from this event--who would blame them for dumping a poorly run, poorly performing game from their company? (or a way of firing those last few original gw folks from anet so they can control it completely)
I am sure there are plenty of things we are not thinking of that could be behind this whole thing, and since no one is telling us otherwise---we are left to our own speculations (and as you can see, many of them can be pretty far out there).
If they are really planning to shut down GW1, they should'nt continue selling the game or allow ingame purchases. You can't just sell something and then shut down the service.
I really hope that Gaile can help the GW1 community.
I really hope that Gaile can help the GW1 community.
The only mmo I ever played that was shut down, was WAR and they announced it about a year or so in advance.
Honestly, server costs - as long as you already need those game servers for something else, like gw2 - are negligable. I really dont think they want to shut GW1 down
Rather, QA on that automated banning system wasnt done properly, if at all. Probably someone thought they found perfect way to detect bots, but instead of doing a proper testrun and see responses, they went all out and banned all they got.
And in light of those thoughts... it IS rather funny that a certain person in charge of security deletes threads immediatly ^^
Honestly, server costs - as long as you already need those game servers for something else, like gw2 - are negligable. I really dont think they want to shut GW1 down

Rather, QA on that automated banning system wasnt done properly, if at all. Probably someone thought they found perfect way to detect bots, but instead of doing a proper testrun and see responses, they went all out and banned all they got.
And in light of those thoughts... it IS rather funny that a certain person in charge of security deletes threads immediatly ^^
Zephyr of Light
As long they can make money from GW1 by game purchase or micro transactions they will ofcourse keep their servers up, but dont forget they also have other game franchises like Aion, Tabula Rasa, Lineage, WildStar to update and maintain, its less obvious to think they will just ban us away from GW1 just so they have a good reason to close it down.
Their big priority lays in GW2 as that is the biggest ship of their fleet that generates their income to continue building on that game only.
If GW2's money has to maintain their other games that it will be money drained in the sink as GW1 is not capable of maintaining its own.
That being said, there wont be much future for it after the 10th year anniversary. (Imo)
Their big priority lays in GW2 as that is the biggest ship of their fleet that generates their income to continue building on that game only.
If GW2's money has to maintain their other games that it will be money drained in the sink as GW1 is not capable of maintaining its own.
That being said, there wont be much future for it after the 10th year anniversary. (Imo)
I have just checked all of my banned Guild Wars accounts and I have now been unbanned... It seems like someone is finally working on fixing the automated bans placed...
I advise everyone who is banned to check their accounts once again. finally.
I advise everyone who is banned to check their accounts once again. finally.
I have just checked all of my banned Guild Wars accounts and I have now been unbanned... It seems like someone is finally working on fixing the automated bans placed...
I advise everyone who is banned to check their accounts once again. finally. |
I'm very glad that they fixed their mistake. Hopefully this doesn't happen again.
it seems like they got pressured into checking. would make them look bad if they blatantly ignored it on their guild wars 2 forum
it seems like they got pressured into checking. would make them look bad if they blatantly ignored it on their guild wars 2 forum
Just checked and I've been unbanned as well!
Congrats to everyone who was banned unfairly.
Although neither my wife nor I received a ban, we have both had our fingers crossed for all those who have.
@cosy. I really hope they've reinstated your accounts also
Although neither my wife nor I received a ban, we have both had our fingers crossed for all those who have.
@cosy. I really hope they've reinstated your accounts also

Blue Inferno Master
ok how do we "myself and my wife" go about getting our accounts back. we have never botted and have been reporting ppl for botting and exploiting and all of our accounts. main and storage accounts"4" of them got Perma ban can anyone plz help us
Hello , I my self was not banned , but I wanted to participate now on this thread and congrats all the gamers who got unbanned
) so happy for you all

I have just checked all of my banned Guild Wars accounts and I have now been unbanned... It seems like someone is finally working on fixing the automated bans placed...
I advise everyone who is banned to check their accounts once again. finally. |
Thank you! I was also unbanned!
I'm very glad that they fixed their mistake. Hopefully this doesn't happen again. |
Just reporting in that my main account has been restored. 
Many thanks to all who participated in this thread and got a hold of Anet's attention.
For those still banned, hang in there. I imagine it'll take a little while to sort things out. We're only in the first hours of the restoration.
Off to see if the other accounts have been restored...
EDIT: All accounts have been restored!!
Will Anet address what happened?
Do we have to worry about the security of our account/s?
Will there be recompense for this?
A CNY redux would be nice as I missed out on it entirely because of this.
At the very least an apology from Chris Cleary would be nice. If this guy wants to brag about being a tough guy on the internet and banning bots amongst friends that's one thing, but to be so flippant about it publicly was just salt in the wound. This guy should know his remarks in public reflect on the company that he works for. And that this type of egomaniacal behavior only serves to drive a wedge between the company and the player base. If you're that needy of attention that you need to brag about banning bots, do it offline. I'm not impressed when one does the job he's being paid for and then feels the need to tweet "Hey look, I'm doing my job!" I'm impressed when one does what he's being paid to do and acts in a professional manner. /rant

Many thanks to all who participated in this thread and got a hold of Anet's attention.
For those still banned, hang in there. I imagine it'll take a little while to sort things out. We're only in the first hours of the restoration.
Off to see if the other accounts have been restored...
EDIT: All accounts have been restored!!
Will Anet address what happened?
Do we have to worry about the security of our account/s?
Will there be recompense for this?
A CNY redux would be nice as I missed out on it entirely because of this.
At the very least an apology from Chris Cleary would be nice. If this guy wants to brag about being a tough guy on the internet and banning bots amongst friends that's one thing, but to be so flippant about it publicly was just salt in the wound. This guy should know his remarks in public reflect on the company that he works for. And that this type of egomaniacal behavior only serves to drive a wedge between the company and the player base. If you're that needy of attention that you need to brag about banning bots, do it offline. I'm not impressed when one does the job he's being paid for and then feels the need to tweet "Hey look, I'm doing my job!" I'm impressed when one does what he's being paid to do and acts in a professional manner. /rant
Title Points R Us
My main was unbanned but others weren't as of yet. It's now empty check your acc's.
Melanie Mckenzie
I just checked my main account, it has been unbanned. Thanks so much to everyone here that so selflessly advocated for all of us. You're the reason why the GW1 community is as amazing as it is! <3 Amazing people sticking together, thats what its all about!
I really feel like Gaile had something to do with this, she's always been good to us when there's been an outrage.
Checked my old GWAMM account, thats been unbanned too
Aaand checked my husbands account, his has been reinstated as well! =D
Seriously, guys, thanks so much to everyone that helped get this attention. I cant stress my gratitude enough.
I really feel like Gaile had something to do with this, she's always been good to us when there's been an outrage.
Checked my old GWAMM account, thats been unbanned too

Aaand checked my husbands account, his has been reinstated as well! =D
Seriously, guys, thanks so much to everyone that helped get this attention. I cant stress my gratitude enough.
Told u the forum pressure would work.
Anyways hope they don't go to the other extreme and just unban everybody who asked for it now. I'm still seeing gold sellers.
Anyways hope they don't go to the other extreme and just unban everybody who asked for it now. I'm still seeing gold sellers.
Melanie Mckenzie
Honestly, I'd rather see gold sellers in every outpost than have ANY of my fellow players get unjustly banned.
Glad to hear some positive news!
That's good news indeed!

Blue Inferno Master
are only the accounts that have sent in a request about it being restored? does anyone have any idea? I am unsure where to go or what to do about this?
Melanie Mckenzie
At the very least an apology from Chris Cleary would be nice. If this guy wants to brag about being a tough guy on the internet and banning bots amongst friends that's one thing, but to be so flippant about it publicly was just salt in the wound. This guy should know his remarks in public reflect on the company that he works for. And that this type of egomaniacal behavior only serves to drive a wedge between the company and the player base. If you're that needy of attention that you need to brag about banning bots, do it offline. I'm not impressed when one does the job he's being paid for and then feels the need to tweet "Hey look, I'm doing my job!" I'm impressed when one does what he's being paid to do and acts in a professional manner. /rant
It looks completely unprofessional, and really makes me wonder if anet looked at who they were hiring at all. He makes himself come off as a child by bragging over something he shouldnt have done (ban innocent accounts), which isnt a good look for someone that's supposed to be a team lead. Hell, I know plenty children with better judgement.
My main account did have a ticket in, as did my husbands account, but my old gwamm account got restored without me filing a ticket for it. So I dont think you have to file a ticket, unless they unbanned me on IP-basis.
Just checked and both accounts here have been restored. Well done everybody!
And I hope they fixed this for everybody. <fingers crossed>
^^ THIS ^^
In all honesty, they should just blanket un-ban everybody from the last week or so. They've had too many false positives. (Well, assuming they didn't already do just that.)
And really, they shouldn't have an "automatic ban" system in place at all. If you're going to delete somebody's account, a living human should verify that they're a bot first. Most MMO's I know of, a GM will at least observe you while invisible to make sure that you are up to no good. And, assuming you're not AFK and standing still, a GM can also try talking to a suspect bot - because bots don't talk back to you.
If they can't spare the manpower to do this - then don't ban accounts.
I'd also like to thank whoever keeps Guild Wars Guru up and running. Who knows, without this site we might all be in ticket hell for another few months. Maybe even banned forever.
And I hope they fixed this for everybody. <fingers crossed>
Honestly, I'd rather see gold sellers in every outpost than have ANY of my fellow players get unjustly banned.
In all honesty, they should just blanket un-ban everybody from the last week or so. They've had too many false positives. (Well, assuming they didn't already do just that.)
And really, they shouldn't have an "automatic ban" system in place at all. If you're going to delete somebody's account, a living human should verify that they're a bot first. Most MMO's I know of, a GM will at least observe you while invisible to make sure that you are up to no good. And, assuming you're not AFK and standing still, a GM can also try talking to a suspect bot - because bots don't talk back to you.
If they can't spare the manpower to do this - then don't ban accounts.
I'd also like to thank whoever keeps Guild Wars Guru up and running. Who knows, without this site we might all be in ticket hell for another few months. Maybe even banned forever.