Six character slots confirmed



Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006



Originally Posted by Eugaet
I'll just lurk among the posters (in this section, anyhow) at OMGWTFBBQ-Guild-Wars-Faction-Is-A-Ripoff-I-Want-My-Cake-And-Eat-It-Too-WAAAAH Guru...
to be honest, no one has asked for any impossible requirements, simply a realistic response to what is seen by many as a put down to the original pbase. Other than the character slot issue I have no problems with factions from what i have seen of it. Sure ok, i have a few alliance concerns primarily from a guild pov, but otherwise my only issue and many others is the lack of slots for the original players.

as god emperor Dogbert would say "Out, Out you Demons of Stupidity!'


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

how many of you already have 1 or 2 classes you tried but simply for whatever reason were not happy playing as?

i dont want mesmer and am doing fine without ranger.

i may or may not like (for whatever reason) the Assassin or the ritualist and have 2 extra slots for whatever i want

this only effects a very small number of pokeman types that have to have them all in the same vein as the hardcore must have every skill on every profession just in case i need that crap spell someday pvp person

by the time chapter 4 or 5 comes out people will have a slot for each primary they want to play (and maybe a few extra pvp) and the must have it all or else people will have left

12/14 professions to play if you bought from the start.

i expect to have many more i dont want x/y/z profession by then

if you still have to have one of each by that time (and are still playing)



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Hanok Odbrook
That will most likely be answered by the kind of support Prophecies has for the A's and Rt's.

We already know that we can create characters in Factions, and determine whether they start in the Prophecies campaign or the Factions campaign with linked accounts, but Anet didn't specifically state whether that option includes the A and Rt or not. I am just assuming it will and that they will update Prophecies one more time to include content designed for these characters (quests, item drops, merchant/crafter inventory).
I assume the opposite, although by updating Prophecies, you would give reason for people who only bought Factions a reason to buy Prophecies.

I don't know, with 2 chapters coming every year, I just can't see Anet updating Prophecies every time a new class comes out.

I think a greater tell will be the content of Chapter 3: If it includes new stuff for Assassins and Ritualists, yeah! If not, well, then why did we by Chapter 2?

Originally Posted by Loviatar
this only effects a very small number of pokeman types that have to have them all in the same vein as the hardcore must have every skill on every profession just in case i need that crap spell someday pvp person
Hey, I'm that kind of player! Well, sort of. This has been discussed ad nauseum, you only need 4 slots to easily unlock all the skills of 8 professions.

But this isn't about what people need, it's about what they want.

Hanok Odbrook

Hanok Odbrook

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005


Real Millennium Group


Originally Posted by Loviatar

how many of you already have 1 or 2 classes you tried but simply for whatever reason were not happy playing as? ...

... if you still have to have one of each by that time (and are still playing)
Between both accounts, I am currently playing all professions, with dupe warriors of varying second professions. Thus far, I have enjoyed playing PvE and PvP will all of them. It's a great challenge to me to be able to play each profession successfully in both modes, and that's part of the appeal to me. I am sure there will be professions in the future that I like less than others (I'm not too impressed with the Assassin at the moment, and eagerly anticipate my Ritualist), but I don't forsee myself not playing a profession at all.

I just want the opportunity to decide that for myself. As I have stated many a time in previous posts, my time spent playing the game is too valuable just to delete characters out of hand to try another build. If I end up not liking the new build, then I have to spend more time getting that previous character back, skills and all. That's just not a viable way to play a game to me.

BTW, I am still playing the original Wizardry game on my old, but sturdy IBM PC XT on the original 5.25" floppy disk, and enjoying it just as much as I did 20+ years ago!!

Hanok Odbrook
Real Millennium Group Guild
Truth * Knowledge * Peace

Originally Posted by Mordakai
I assume the opposite, although by updating Prophecies, you would give reason for people who only bought Factions a reason to buy Prophecies.

I don't know, with 2 chapters coming every year, I just can't see Anet updating Prophecies every time a new class comes out.

I think a greater tell will be the content of Chapter 3: If it includes new stuff for Assassins and Ritualists, yeah! If not, well, then why did we by Chapter 2?
That's what I am wondering about. No doubt it will be work to update previous chapters to include content for any new professions, yet, why would we then want to go back to get a previous chapter if it doesn't support all professions. And if that does end up being the case (i.e. no support other than for core professions in each chapter), that makes needing enough slots to cover the professions even more necessary, so that we can at least make six characters of each core profession to take through each chapter.

Now that I think about it, this could very well be Anet's reasoning for the current slot situation. We may very well have to make the choice between creating six characters for the core professions, and use them exclusively in subsequent chapters, or decide to have to give them up in order to play the new professions. I don't know about anyone else, but having to delete my Ranger after taking him through 4 or 5 chapters just to able to play a new enticing profession certainly is not an option I would like to think about!!

Awesome Nuke

Awesome Nuke

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Quebec, Canada

Québékers Alliance


I think people dont realise how huge 2 caracter slots are. Maths:

Currently : 1 Million Players

1 Mil X 4 = 4 MIL caracters to host.
Now they add 2.. so 6 Million caracters to host.

And that's without the new players that will get factions only (Maybe 250,000?, so thats another Million caracters to host.)

Count this as you want, but that makes 7 million caracters and 1,250,000 accounts to host on the servers, and believe it or not, servers arent free of charges.. like our monthly fees are. And they have to get money somewhere in order to keep the servers running. Such servers could cost something like thousands of dollars each week. And hopefully, the new players only buying Factions will like what they see and they will get "Chapter 1" and link em to gain full access to all the content

My point is, its useless to argue, if you want 8 slots and miss tons of new skill combinations, just dont link. But if like me you're a true player and GW lovers, you'll link both accounts to experiment everything to a maximum. You wont (and shouldnt) get more than 2 accounts for only 50 bucks, it would just be crazy and they probably couldnt afford it.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Mordakai
Hey, I'm that kind of player! Well, sort of. This has been discussed ad nauseum, you only need 4 slots to easily unlock all the skills of 8 professions.

But this isn't about what people need, it's about what they want.

on the other hand the little question lingers.............

are you having fun in spite of the tight shoes ?

i still am and even though i have some doubts about the PVE content of chapter 2 will buy it to show support and besides i have easily gotten 3-4 games worth of fun so far

and i have a preorder for OBLIVION as well (ARENA got me hooked)

and i loved the flying horse bug in DAGGERFALL (levitate while mounted and the horse comes with you)


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005


Originally Posted by Awesome Nuke
I think people dont realise how huge 2 caracter slots are. Maths:

Currently : 1 Million Players

1 Mil X 4 = 4 MIL caracters to host.
Now they add 2.. so 6 Million caracters to host.

And that's without the new players that will get factions only (Maybe 250,000?, so thats another Million caracters to host.)

Count this as you want, but that makes 7 million caracters and 1,250,000 accounts to host on the servers, and believe it or not, servers arent free of charges.. like our monthly fees are. And they have to get money somewhere in order to keep the servers running. Such servers could cost something like thousands of dollars each week. And hopefully, the new players only buying Factions will like what they see and they will get "Chapter 1" and link em to gain full access to all the content

My point is, its useless to argue, if you want 8 slots and miss tons of new skill combinations, just dont link. But if like me you're a true player and GW lovers, you'll link both accounts to experiment everything to a maximum. You wont (and shouldnt) get more than 2 accounts for only 50 bucks, it would just be crazy and they probably couldnt afford it.
Factions, when installed seperately, offers four character slots. So ANet better calculate every copy as four additional character slots. Nobody, and I repeat NOBODY can tell me that ANet will ONLY make a razor-thin profit if everyone linked their accounts.
Comparatively, this server space costs nothing. Adding four more slots to an existing account will take a lot less space than a new account with four slots.

And Loviatar, I would really like to play a monk and necro. Alas, I can't for want of slots! Oh, the pain of it all! Like a dark rose of bleeding it aches my heart! Balthasar, free me!
Seriously, I would like to play those classes, I can't. My fiancee would like to play all classes, she... actually she can as she has two accounts. And when Factions comes out, I would have played an Assassin and Ritualist too (or at least wanted to play both).

Hanok Odbrook

Hanok Odbrook

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005


Real Millennium Group


Originally Posted by Awesome Nuke
I think people dont realise how huge 2 caracter slots are. Maths:

Currently : 1 Million Players

1 Mil X 4 = 4 MIL caracters to host.
Now they add 2.. so 6 Million caracters to host.

And that's without the new players that will get factions only (Maybe 250,000?, so thats another Million caracters to host.)

Count this as you want, but that makes 7 million caracters and 1,250,000 accounts to host on the servers, and believe it or not, servers arent free of charges.. like our monthly fees are. And they have to get money somewhere in order to keep the servers running. Such servers could cost something like thousands of dollars each week. And hopefully, the new players only buying Factions will like what they see and they will get "Chapter 1" and link em to gain full access to all the content

My point is, its useless to argue, if you want 8 slots and miss tons of new skill combinations, just dont link. But if like me you're a true player and GW lovers, you'll link both accounts to experiment everything to a maximum. You wont (and shouldnt) get more than 2 accounts for only 50 bucks, it would just be crazy and they probably couldnt afford it.
Actually the server issue is not an issue, we have heard from many IT people in the forums that say server costs are insignificant, relatively speaking. The cost of accounts is already factored in with the initial price of the game, and Anet even encourages multiple account buying in the fact that we must have more than one to play each profession without deleting previous characters (think - hundreds of hours of play time wasted), and to have enough storage to hold all the items we need (quest items, holiday items, different weapons and armor depending on what mode and where in the game we are playing, and that *dangable* Tapestry Shred).

You're right, it is pointless to argue because those of us who want more slots have valid points for wanting them on linked accounts and nothing can change our minds about that, and those that do not need nor want them also have valid points on their side, and nothing is going to change their minds either. We just want to make our points known in the hopes that Anet sees things our way, and makes more positive changes to the game. Nothing more, and nothing less.

Hanok Odbrook
Real Millennium Group Guild
Truth * Knowledge * Peace



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005

Worthing, UK

(Don't fear) The Beaver

Originally Posted by Eugaet
I fixed your post.

Anyway, I've said everything I'm going to say about this least until ANet gives official pricing. Until then, I'll just lurk among the posters (in this section, anyhow) at OMGWTFBBQ-Guild-Wars-Faction-Is-A-Ripoff-I-Want-My-Cake-And-Eat-It-Too-WAAAAH Guru...
(If people are going to use sarcasm or irony can they at least try to make it funny or at least clever ? That is kind of the point.)

Damn right. I'm paying (and probably full price) for the cake so obviously I want as large a one as possible. I'll admit I will struggle with only 2 extra slots, I've had to delete enough characters already just to try them all out so far. And then there's the rumour that core professions 'born' in Cantha will be 'different' so I'll need to check that out. And god help me if i want to try pvp - that's another slot gone. To sum up the 'tight shoes' are a bloody pain in the arse.

As to the price, obviously that's been set in stone for a while now, same as the number of slots rip-off thingy. I am surprised that a price has not being announced yet seeing as it's out in a month or so. So i'm inclined to accept the prices from respectable vendors that I have used for years.

Gargle Blaster

Gargle Blaster

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Originally Posted by Awesome Nuke
I think people dont realise how huge 2 caracter slots are. Maths:

Currently : 1 Million Players

1 Mil X 4 = 4 MIL caracters to host.
Now they add 2.. so 6 Million caracters to host.

And that's without the new players that will get factions only (Maybe 250,000?, so thats another Million caracters to host.)

Count this as you want, but that makes 7 million caracters and 1,250,000 accounts to host on the servers, and believe it or not, servers arent free of charges.. like our monthly fees are. And they have to get money somewhere in order to keep the servers running. Such servers could cost something like thousands of dollars each week. And hopefully, the new players only buying Factions will like what they see and they will get "Chapter 1" and link em to gain full access to all the content

My point is, its useless to argue, if you want 8 slots and miss tons of new skill combinations, just dont link. But if like me you're a true player and GW lovers, you'll link both accounts to experiment everything to a maximum. You wont (and shouldnt) get more than 2 accounts for only 50 bucks, it would just be crazy and they probably couldnt afford it.
i think some people do not understand relational databases...

The Real Roy Keane

The Real Roy Keane

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jan 2006

Dublin, Ireland

In reply to the OP..w00t.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by The Real Roy Keane
In reply to the OP..w00t.
Wait a minute here...

It's been 20 pages of ranting, and someone remembers the OP?

I'm... bemused.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005


Originally Posted by Awesome Nuke
I think people dont realise how huge 2 caracter slots are. Maths:

Currently : 1 Million Players

1 Mil X 4 = 4 MIL caracters to host.
Now they add 2.. so 6 Million caracters to host.
Can't say I'd know for sure, but it's just text/numbers stored in database tables; wouldn't take up crippling amounts of space/cost... and each account can only play one character at a time so the server bandwidth (different from database use) won't be increasing astronomically either...

I think they should have just let you purchase extra slots maybe for a few $/£/etc each; I'm sure a lot of people would have been happy to pay a few bucks for extra slots.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Grind is subjective

learn this please

Originally Posted by Cjlr
Wait a minute here...

It's been 20 pages of ranting, and someone remembers the OP?

I'm... bemused.
>: |

You'd better remember because I am IMPORTANT.

Hanok Odbrook

Hanok Odbrook

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005


Real Millennium Group


Yes, indeed, we are all important, and it is Kakumei's original post that does pose some interesting information that we have just started to hit upon.

My Theory:

Anet's original plan for each chapter following Prophecies would contain the six core professions, with the addition of two new professions accessible on their introductory chapter only (i.e. you can only create those professions if you have the chapter in which they were introduced). When the Chapters are not linked, you would have four character slots available in which to create characters from the eight professions available in that chapter. Only the six core professions would have content that spans across all chapters. For the non-core professions, their content would only be contained within their own chapter and maybe the one immediately following it.

Originally, Anet planned to offer players who linked their chapters one bonus character slot with two chapters, and two bonus slots with three or more chapters linked for a total of six available character slots once you have at least three chapters linked to one account. With the backlash caused by the CGW article, they changed their plans and offered the two bonus slots immediately with Factions.

I belive their original game plan called for offering a max of six slots once we reached chapter three to give us a choice - use our six slots to create characters in each of the core professions which we can then use to access all content in all available chapters. Or use only four or five of the slots for the core professions so we can continue to have characters that can access all available chapters, with the remaining two slots dedicated to chapter specfic or PvP only characters (i.e. after chapter two, assuming I have four core characters and an A and Rt, I would have to delete my A and Rt after linking chapter three to my account in order to create and play the two new professions introduced there).

However, now we get to what Gaile said in Kak's original post: "If you have both, linked, you will have 6 slots, with access for all _6_ slots to BOTH games."

This is an interesting statement as it still poses some questions which Mordakai and myself have just brought up in our last few posts. The way I read this statement, it means any of the eight professions I create in Factions will be able to travel to Tyria and explore the Prophecies content. If so, then Prophecies (including the Pre-Searing area) will HAVE to have a major update to include A and Rt specific content in order to make it worth while to bring those characters into Chapter One, otherwise all we will be doing is map clearing.

The interesting thing here is, that Gaile said all six slots - she didn't specify that all eight professions will be able to access Prophecies. Hence my above theory. Prophecies will remain unchanged, and the only professions that will be able to access Chapter One will the characters of the core professions. If we use our two new slots to create Assassins and Rituralists, we will only be able to use them in Factions. As Mordakai said, we need to know if Chapter Three will have support for Factions' professions, or if indeed my theory is correct and only the six core professions will be able to cross over chapters.

Hanok Odbrook
Real Millennium Group Guild
Truth * Knowledge * Peace


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Hanok Odbrook
Prophecies will remain unchanged, and the only professions that will be able to access Chapter One will the characters of the core professions. If we use our two new slots to create Assassins and Rituralists, we will only be able to use them in Factions.
I'm fairly certain that this is not the case. You can move between continents if you have both chapters linked - Lion's Arch and it's equivelant will have some sort of super ferry running 24/7 .

Since you can visit, it would be pretty screwy if you couldn't actually DO anything there.

I believe it is true, however, that you will not be able to create Assassins and Ritualists in Prophecies (pre-searing). On the other hand, you will (have to) be able to start the 'core' professions in Canthan Newbieland (although I'm sure they'll give it a better name).


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Federated Communist Uber Korps

Considering a 500Gb disk can store more than 500 billion bytes (that's real billions, 1000 million, not American 100 million); a byte being the general equivalent of one ascii character, data storage is a minor issue.

Based on the reasons given by ANET so far, and the ad hoc formulae used, this is purely a commerical decision to bring in greater revenue. The reasons given are simply to convince the consumer that this limitation is a good or necessary thing. This is called marketing :P

8 primary characters x 100% = 100% of content

The logic of those arguing for less for your money baffles me You appear to be all extremely well trained consumers, following the marketing chorus line perfectly.

I have four PvE characters, which I enjoy playing alot, and have spent over 1500 hours playing. I don't want to delete any of them as I've put alot of effort into all of them. Therefore I have never been able to play two primary classes, and I can't create a PvE character. This is disappointing.

8 character slots, plus one PvE slot, is trivial to implement. It will affect ANETs bottom line, which is the real bottom line.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

west yorkshire, Uk

Sisters of Serenity


um, didnt they say that you can play *with* assassin and ritualist players from Factions if you only have prophecies, but not play *as*...

i take that to mean that can go to tyria as an assassin and play *with* other tyrian core classess, but you cant get quests for your primary (ie, assassin or ritualist) but might be able to get the quests relating to the tyrian Core6...

they have also stated that...
other than the continuing Ballance issue patches and updates,no new content will be released for Guild wars:Prophesies once Factions is released.they will still continue the seasonal temporary fun, however...

that says to me that i could make a ritualist assassin and wander over to prophecis if i was a factions player, and find myself grouped with a Wa/Mo even in pre searing, but but would find no quests, skills or items related to my classess....
however, had i made an Assassin Monk, i could gladly tag along with my Wamo friend and get skills and quests for my Monk seccondary
but nothing of value for my primary

and, if i took my Assassin Monk to chapter3....the Chap3 core classess monk quests, skills and items will be available to me for my secondary, but there will be no assassin skills or quests or content for my primary.

since each chapter is stand alone in its self, but the Core6 change mainly their looks and elite skills that are capurable, this is an economical way to get folks to buy the same items over again, just with new makeovers....

Mandy Memory

Mandy Memory

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


Xen of Sigils [XoO]


Originally Posted by Hodor
Considering a 500Gb disk can store more than 500 billion bytes (that's real billions, 1000 million, not American 100 million); a byte being the general equivalent of one ascii character, data storage is a minor issue.

Based on the reasons given by ANET so far, and the ad hoc formulae used, this is purely a commerical decision to bring in greater revenue. The reasons given are simply to convince the consumer that this limitation is a good or necessary thing. This is called marketing :P

8 primary characters x 100% = 100% of content

The logic of those arguing for less for your money baffles me You appear to be all extremely well trained consumers, following the marketing chorus line perfectly.

I have four PvE characters, which I enjoy playing alot, and have spent over 1500 hours playing. I don't want to delete any of them as I've put alot of effort into all of them. Therefore I have never been able to play two primary classes, and I can't create a PvE character. This is disappointing.

8 character slots, plus one PvE slot, is trivial to implement. It will affect ANETs bottom line, which is the real bottom line.
Please store my 12 million characters then. According to you it would cost next to nothing.

I am arguing less for my money because that means my money can go toward updates and paying more people, which would mean more updates. I also dont need more for my money because I am already getting more than I wanted. I would be happy with no extra character slots as I already have 2 open slots, 1 for ritualist and 1 for pvp. Why do I need 2 extra slots? Beats me. There is no reason that I would ever need 4 extra slots.

I think they should knock the price down to $30 for a version that can only be added to ch1 and doesnt come with any character slots. Slots could be sold for $5-$10 extra per slot. That way, I save money and dont waste it on crap I dont want.

Whats the point of having a TV on your vacuum? Sure its nice...but do you really need it? Even if it costs the same as this other vacuum?

No, gimme the damn normal vacuum and Ill save money on electricity and on storage. (it would most likely be bigger with the pointless TV attached.)



hamonite anur ruk

Join Date: Jan 2006

Echovald Forest

[PhD] Teh Academy


Originally Posted by Loviatar

latest poll says you are out of touch and not them

Will you be buying Guild Wars Factions?

Yes, definitely!....................................... .....................1032
Most likely............................................ .......................293
If there are cookies in the box, I'm there!......................95

Undecided......................................... ...........................83

Probably not............................................... .................50
No way............................................... ....................... 29

# Votes:............................................ ...................... 1582
I said a lot, not all.. read my words. 550 people are not saying definitely so, 550 is a large percentile of 1,582.. losing nearly 1/3 of your active audience because of a stupid slot compression idea isn't remaining in touch with the audience who the dev's know wanted both a spare pvp slot and enough slots to have a variety of characters

And chances are if a lot of people who play the game with friends leave, the friends will leave the game as well.. clans generally travel games together.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005

Federated Communist Uber Korps

Originally Posted by Mandy Memory
Please store my 12 million characters then. According to you it would cost next to nothing.

I am arguing less for my money because that means my money can go toward updates and paying more people, which would mean more updates. I also dont need more for my money because I am already getting more than I wanted. I would be happy with no extra character slots as I already have 2 open slots, 1 for ritualist and 1 for pvp. Why do I need 2 extra slots? Beats me. There is no reason that I would ever need 4 extra slots.

I think they should knock the price down to $30 for a version that can only be added to ch1 and doesnt come with any character slots. Slots could be sold for $5-$10 extra per slot. That way, I save money and dont waste it on crap I dont want.

Whats the point of having a TV on your vacuum? Sure its nice...but do you really need it? Even if it costs the same as this other vacuum?

No, gimme the damn normal vacuum and Ill save money on electricity and on storage. (it would most likely be bigger with the pointless TV attached.)
Thanks for the reply. Some perfect examples of the straw man fallacy of logic there. Your not interested in playing all eight primaries, fair enough. I want to. Paying less for less slots is trivial to implement too, and a good idea. What this has to do with my post I don't know.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Mandy Memory
Slots could be sold for $5-$10 extra per slot.
If I had a nickel for every time someone said that, I'd like, throw them at people in the food court.

This has been brought up so many times by myself and others...

I, being the ever so slightly neurotic person I am (no point denying it), would probably end up buying around 10 more slots. No kidding. 10$ each = big profits for ANet, because the server space is certainly cheaper than that.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

west yorkshire, Uk

Sisters of Serenity


well personally, if it was just to save cash that the slots in linked accounts were taken down to 2 from 4, and they offered us the option to purchase additional slots, i would, 100%

buy about 3 they 10 pounds or 10 dollars..(via exchange rate stuff ect)

and how can ballance be an issue for purely pve purposes, i mean, you can only play one character at a time on one account....why not sell us the extra slots, a net..
come know you want too ^^


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005


Originally Posted by Mandy Memory
Please store my 12 million characters then. According to you it would cost next to nothing.
*sigh* I guess your estimation is a little low. I think there would be about 16 million slots per player, because, you know, that's a very reasonable change.

You are trying to make the argument of cost sound ridiculous by using it in an over-the-top way and thereby only succeed in making you look stupid.

Originally Posted by Mandy Memory
I am arguing less for my money because that means my money can go toward updates and paying more people, which would mean more updates. I also dont need more for my money because I am already getting more than I wanted. I would be happy with no extra character slots as I already have 2 open slots, 1 for ritualist and 1 for pvp. Why do I need 2 extra slots? Beats me. There is no reason that I would ever need 4 extra slots.
Ah yes. And you don't seem to need an assassin neither, so why not remove that class from the game?
"I don't need it" is no argument.

Originally Posted by Mandy Memory
I think they should knock the price down to $30 for a version that can only be added to ch1 and doesnt come with any character slots. Slots could be sold for $5-$10 extra per slot. That way, I save money and dont waste it on crap I dont want.
And I think they should give four additional slots to people who link. That way I won't have to delete any characters.
But then again I would have to live with the guild that you have to look at your three characters and start to cry because you have some free slots. That would just break my heart.

Originally Posted by Mandy Memory
Whats the point of having a TV on your vacuum? Sure its nice...but do you really need it? Even if it costs the same as this other vacuum?
First of all, if it costs the same, yes, I would take it.
Secondly, if you think you can play GW without a character you are.... you know what, just give it a try and then post again.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Originally Posted by Mosch
*sigh* I guess your estimation is a little low. I think there would be about 16 million slots per player, because, you know, that's a very reasonable change.

You are trying to make the argument of cost sound ridiculous by using it in an over-the-top way and thereby only succeed in making you look stupid.

Ah yes. And you don't seem to need an assassin neither, so why not remove that class from the game?
"I don't need it" is no argument.

And I think they should give four additional slots to people who link. That way I won't have to delete any characters.
But then again I would have to live with the guild that you have to look at your three characters and start to cry because you have some free slots. That would just break my heart.

First of all, if it costs the same, yes, I would take it.
Secondly, if you think you can play GW without a character you are.... you know what, just give it a try and then post again.
Asking for more or "i need it" does not make your argument any better. I can think of countless of stuff that I need too but you dont see me going around demanding extra burger for my McD meal.

Wow...I just declared that I'm easily content with less than 8 characters, now you are going to mock me too, arent you?

DJ Josh

DJ Josh

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2005

got to say it,i have been keeping tight lipped on this 1 but to many people are bringing it up now.why would you be willing to pay for additional slots can you not see that they don't need to mess about setting this up because low and behold they alrdy have.the only reason for having -2 chars in prophecies was so they could sell multiple copies to all the people with money to burn and a desperation level high enougth (be it more chars or storage) to fall for it.oh and the people that idolise to the point of offering to throw money there way,its not hard to find there address i'm sure they will be happy with all your donations to the future of there product which of course was created only to take your cash off you in the first place.i think to many people are thinking we got some sort of heavenly gift from them and we should all be eternaly greatful.i say why they made a product to get money off us (i admit it was a good 1 and was worth the base price but not x2+) and they could have put a sub on it but instead created a much cheaper to run to kill off another fantasy the fans have created there is no sub like most games because it doesn't cost as much as other companys and they get more custom by attracting those who refuse to or can't pay subs.

also about the polls,yeah its cool that only a few percent here and there are not coming back for factions because of the slots and other issues but put that into real figures.lets go with 1 mil players,as we know they have exceded that number,and even though it appears much higher lets say 10 percent were not buying ch2 due to unhappiness,thats 100,000 customers lost.may be its just me but i would be upset at losing 100,000 £30/$50 and personaly i will miss those players as well when i can't find a char i need in my team for a hard mission that any 1 of those could have had there at that time.

also if i have messed up something on this post then it's because it's 2am and i'm good night i'll be back in a few hours to dodge the fan flame.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2005

Originally Posted by Nightwish
Asking for more or "i need it" does not make your argument any better. I can think of countless of stuff that I need too but you dont see me going around demanding extra burger for my McD meal.
I don't think he is asking for more. I think some people feels they are receiving less then what they paid for...just because they own core game and decides to combine it.

With your burger example, would you be happy if you paid full burger price...but only receive half burger?

Edited: sentence error

Hanok Odbrook

Hanok Odbrook

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: May 2005


Real Millennium Group


Originally Posted by Nightwish
Asking for more or "i need it" does not make your argument any better. I can think of countless of stuff that I need too but you dont see me going around demanding extra burger for my McD meal.

Wow...I just declared that I'm easily content with less than 8 characters, now you are going to mock me too, arent you?
Well, maybe you should ask for that extra burger - if enough people do it, you don't think Mickey Dees will offer it if they can make money off the deal?

Once again, as many of us on both sides here have posted, we're glad that those of you who don't want/need the extra slots are happy with the game as you play it - more power to you. Just because you are happy with the game doesn't mean we have to be or that we have to change our playing style to match yours. I have said many times that I am happy with the game - but if anyone thinks that GW doesn't still need improvements, then go stick your head back in the sand and leave the rest of us in peace.

I have seen many people put forth better reasoning for adding extra slots than I ever could - if any of you naysayers can put together equally good reasoning other than "you don't need it because I don't" than by all means, post your thoughts in a civilized and articulate manner - otherwise take your flaming elsewhere.

Hanok Odbrook
Real Millennium Group Guild
Truth * Knowledge * Peace

Mandy Memory

Mandy Memory

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


Xen of Sigils [XoO]


Originally Posted by Kirbie
I don't think he is asking for more. I think some people feels they are receiving less then what they paid for...just because they own core game and decides to combine it.

With your burger example, would you be happy if you paid full burger price...but only receive half burger?

Edited: sentence error
Would you rather get 8 half burgers or 6 full burgers?

And arguing that 8 full burgers wouldnt lose the company a lot of money is retarded. Thats what everyone so far has said. It has only been justified with I need it.

Oh, and there will be around 12 million characters just from current accts with factions implemented. 6 slots each adds up to a lot of money.

The only reason they can afford no monthly fee is because they are the freaking gods that made and gw uses almost no bandwidth.

All they have to pay for is server space, which is quite expencive. If you really want 8 slots, first go see how much it would cost to host 4 million+ more characters. I would assume 5MB per character to be fair. It does hold all the skills it has unlocked and a lot of other things.

Post that number, quote it 100 times.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by shadowfell
I said a lot, not all.. read my words. 550 people are not saying definitely so, 550 is a large percentile of 1,582.. .
when you have to count the catagory of most likely to buy it in lost customers to boost your figures you have lost big time.

lets look at those again

Yes, definitely!....................................... .....................1032
Most likely............................................ .......................293
If there are cookies in the box, I'm there!......................95
Undecided......................................... ...........................83
Probably not............................................... .................50
No way............................................... ....................... 29
# Votes:............................................ ...................... 1582

Yes, definitely!....................................... .....................1032
No way............................................... .............................29

35 to 1 buy ratio on the i have decided firmly

Most likely............................................ .......................293
Probably not............................................... ...................50

6 to 1 positive ratio on leaning firmly either way

If there are cookies in the box, I'm there!.........................95
Undecided......................................... ..................................83

cookies are a bit positive
undecided is a split

about 80 are no or probably not out of 1500+ which is not nearly the 1/3 you said



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Grind is subjective

learn this please

Originally Posted by Mandy Memory
All they have to pay for is server space, which is quite expencive. If you really want 8 slots, first go see how much it would cost to host 4 million+ more characters. I would assume 5MB per character to be fair. It does hold all the skills it has unlocked and a lot of other things.

Post that number, quote it 100 times.
Oh god that's so blatantly wrong. Server space, of all things, is pretty much the cheapest part of it all. Honestly, it wouldn't cost Anet a ridiculous extra amount of money were they to give a full eight slots upon linking--however, no one would really ever buy a second account, in that case, and I'm fairly certain that a good chunk of the accounts sold are secondaries.

No, I have no evidence to back me up, that's just a gut feeling, so don't quote me on it.

Also, I'm not arguing for "less content for my money", I'm just certain that Anet isn't going to change their stance on it (at least not for Factions) and as such, openly complaining about it, beyond your first expression of dislike, isn't going to accomplish much.

Mandy Memory

Mandy Memory

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


Xen of Sigils [XoO]


Okay, I admit I was wrong. It would cost ~$50,000 more to add 2 new slots.

Meh, make it 7. Give people a reason to not merge as well.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2005

Originally Posted by Mandy Memory
Would you rather get 8 half burgers or 6 full burgers?

And arguing that 8 full burgers wouldnt lose the company a lot of money is retarded. Thats what everyone so far has said. It has only been justified with I need it.

Oh, and there will be around 12 million characters just from current accts with factions implemented. 6 slots each adds up to a lot of money.

The only reason they can afford no monthly fee is because they are the freaking gods that made and gw uses almost no bandwidth.

All they have to pay for is server space, which is quite expencive. If you really want 8 slots, first go see how much it would cost to host 4 million+ more characters. I would assume 5MB per character to be fair. It does hold all the skills it has unlocked and a lot of other things.

Post that number, quote it 100 times.
You get full burger because you paid for full burger.
Let me ask you...if everyone who owns core decides not to combine their game; hence getting full 4 characters, is that means ArenaNet is going to lose money?

As you mention, lets say server space is expansive...sure fair enough.
Customer is paying full price for that server also. Otherwise they would not offer two options for players(to combine or not to combine)

Mandy Memory

Mandy Memory

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


Xen of Sigils [XoO]


Originally Posted by Kirbie
You get full burger because you paid for full burger.
Let me ask you...if everyone who owns core decides not to combine their game; hence getting full 4 characters, is that means ArenaNet is going to lose money?

As you mention, lets say server space is expansive...sure fair enough.
Customer is paying full price for that server also. Otherwise they would not offer two options for players(to combine or not to combine)
Actually that would be less space each, because it doesnt have to store what skills are unlocked for the other game etc.

Gargle Blaster

Gargle Blaster

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Please don't assert or assume that more char slots are going to cost any more money!

Originally Posted by Mandy Memory
Okay, I admit I was wrong. It would cost ~$50,000 more to add 2 new slots.

Meh, make it 7. Give people a reason to not merge as well.
1. Anet must be prepared that allot (perhaps most) will not merge their accounts...some may even be first time buyers... this would cause an increase of slots that is moot to the number slots that people want.

2. Character data is small... super tiny... your char is not saved verbose on the server... -as if you have an item of some type that data is saved as a relation of 3 numbers your char id, the item id, and a unique identifier(another number)... this is not big data here folks.. even if you have thousands of items stored with each char... realize it is just a bunch of "related" reference numbers.

3. 50,000 dollars !?!?!?!? hard drives cost less than a dollar per gig... (ok i know its more for server drives but the point is still the same) -your pseudo science is insane.

4. WHERE IS YOUR EVIDENCE do you have any experience that would lead you to think that a char slot is HUGE?

5. Some people purchase unlinked accounts to make up for the low number of default char slots... yea this may lead to a slight loss of $, but...

I will not, I will not, pay more money for any # of non-linked char slot(s). it causes issues with your guild membership, friends list, unlocks, etc... so you see the $ is moot.

this has all been posted here before ill get off me soap box now.

-Gargle Blaster
shoes a little cleaner



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006

Mystic Shadow Soldiers (MSS)


meh 2 slots is perfect, atm i'm running 3 chars, 1 pvp, when factions comes out i'm adding 1 PvE char (A Ritualist/mesmer or Ritualist/Monk) that means i will have 2 freaking pvp slots HOLY HELL.... meh we coulda done with only 1 more slot and I wouldnt care



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



OK, folks, here's the deal:

The lack of slots is probably a design decison, pure and simple.

In the CGW article, there's a quote from Mike O'Brien (ArenaNet cofounder and creator of Blizzard's service):

The original intent of Guild Wars was that people who built up role-playing chracters and all the content would eventually want to start using those characters in PvP. We've [now] seen that many characters want to continue to focus exclusively on role-playing content.
-Computer Gaming World, Feb. 2006 "Prepare for Battle"

Then the article goes on to discuss Factions plan to blend PvE and PvP...

The point is that I don't think Anet considered that people would want a slot for every Profession. Now, in retrospect, that may have been a dumb decision. But how to rectify the situation now?

If Factions gives 4 slots to linked accounts, will Chapter 3 as well? Chapter 4? Chapter 10? If not, then the game becomes unfair to those who've come "late to the party", a condition Anet wants to avoid at all costs.

You have to think of the precedence. That's why I advocate giving away bonus slots with Collector's Editions. The hard core fans will be happy, but those that are happy with the game as is, won't have to spend the extra $20 on a slot.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005


I think people will probably eventually stop buying chapters if it continues along these lines, eventually you'll be losing out on more than 100% of the slots you currently have.

As for the "slots cost money" thing, really, give it up - hard disk space is ridiculously cheap and I'm guessing (since nobody has seen the db table designs etc of the game here) not used as much as some make out. If you need proof of this, have a look at filefront, fileplanet and the myriad other places which host terrabytes of data - GW data is insignificant compared to those, and they still manage to let you upload and store gigabytes for free... granted they get money elsewhere from advertising, point is it's highly unlikely that is the rationale for this decision. Another visualisation would be comparing it to the price of a single CD in terms of space, CDs cost peanuts and no way a GW account takes up 650mb+

Also, 10$/£ is still too much for an extra slot, I'd put it in the low single figures MAXIMUM (and they'd still make a healthy profit out of it..)


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Xenrath
As for the "slots cost money" thing, really, give it up - hard disk space is ridiculously cheap and I'm guessing (since nobody has seen the db table designs etc of the game here) not used as much as some make out. If you need proof of this, have a look at filefront, fileplanet and the myriad other places which host terrabytes of data - it..)






Academy Page

Join Date: Feb 2006


I firmly believe that many are okay to happy about having 2 extra character slots. Some will be unhappy because they don't get more than 2 slots.

Honestly. Isn't the ones dissatisfied sound more and more like little children trying to EAT the whole cake rather than the piece they were given? I for now, am happy simply because 2 slots is far far far better than 1.

Most of those that complain simply want 4 slots because they want to have more characters to play with because they got the time to do so. I agree -- almost -- with their arguements. Only thing that gets me is that its their only recurring reason for not buying FACTIONS.


I am sure ANET did its best to try to satisfy everyone without unduly comprimising their own profit margins and all that. People simply want more and more for the simple reason that they want more.

Understandable but obviously out of place.

They're offeirng the game for free without monthly fees and all that and still be able to enjoy the same kind of content as anything WoW has. Don't tell me that anyone was unhappy with the GvG and all that stuff. Everyone enjoyed the old game and I am sure they will as well when the new one comes out.

Must it be simply spoiled by the fact that others simply want more slots? Those that integrate the two games get more content and that in my opinion is the selling point of combining the two games.