Merged: Factions Pre-Order Comments & Questions


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005

at the beach

Gamerzunlimited (GU)


I have called, CompUSA, Babbages, Best buy, EB games, and Fryes Outpost,
none of them have it, Best Buy, CompUSA, and EB games said it might be on the
truck that comes in this afternoon.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Guild Wars

Yeah, if you go into a physical store, let them know you want to Pre-order the CE.

If you want to pre-order the CE online, you just have to wait until the online stores make it available.

No big deal, as long as you get your pre-order package before the March 24th event if you don't have an account already.

Don't know why everyone is in a big heat to get their pre-order right away, gives you nothing right now. Although I can see non-USA people being concerned as if they don't pre-order it they might not be available at all in the store they shop. But seeing as there is still months til Factions actually comes out, no big deal. You do have 3 invites for friends if they dont get their pre-orders before the march 24th event.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Sep 2005

at the beach

Gamerzunlimited (GU)


I was curious to the answer, so I called Amazon up and talked to Customer
Service and they said video games are not listed as an item they can ship to
most countries, and they said if the website refused your order then it is because they cannot ship games to your country, the website knows what items can ship to each country, looks like Amazon is off the list.

sry .......


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Feb 2006

the cold north... (Canada)



Hi, I've been looking for some time and have been unable to find my answer...

I don't trust my local EB to actually get the game in on release day. (or 24 hours in advance for pre-orders) so I was wondering if anyone can tell me how the pre order works.

when we buy the preorder box, is that essentially the full game but it doesn't work till they say so? or do we get the pre oreder box and still need to wait for the full game? I'm nervous about buyin the preorder because the only real reason I'd want it is to start playing 24 hours earlier... and like i said I'm not putting any trust in EB...



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005

I did this with Guild Wars. I walked into EB Games, I said I wanted to purchase the pre-order package (which was 5 bucks). That package contained some keys for inviting people to play the beta, a small manual and the client that was needed for the betas....and a poster with some Guild Wars chick if I remember correctly.

The day before or the day of (cant remember because someone else got the call when I was gone), EB Games called my house and told me to come pick the game up and told me what my remaining cost would be, because I had only put down 5 bucks.

So they were good about getting back to me when it came in.



Nil nisi malis terrori.

Join Date: Aug 2005


I have similar questions. I was about to preorder from BestBuy when I realized I didn't fully comprehend how I would receive my CD Key that would allow me access to beta etc - I hope they send it out immediately, but I am unsure. I do not know if they mail me a box with the CD Key in it, if they email me the CD key in advance of the beta events etc, or if I just am saving myself a copy to pick up when they get it in stock.

I want to preorder, and receive an email or hard box from bestbuy with the CD Key to add to my account immediately. If anyone has accomplished this goal, please explain how?



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Lost in the sands of time...

Blood Of Orr [BoO]


well anyone think id have a chance to get it at wal-mart?



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Well, the reason I went today (to no avail), was just to take a look at the guide.

It's the same reason I bought Computer Gaming World when it had the preview... I'm just over excited about Factions!

In response to the OP, I asked the clerk at EB Games if I could change the $5 I put down today to the Collector's Edition if I decide to get that instead.

He said it shouldn't be a problem. I think most companies are pretty good about dealing fairly with you. I remember at another place I had pre-ordered something, then didn't want it. They allowed me to use the pre-order money on another item. (pretty cool, since I got to keep the pre-order stuff...for free, basically.)

Oh, and I couldn't officially pre-order the Collector's Edition even if I wanted to... it wasn't in their system yet!



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

United States

Dark Side Ofthe Moon [DSM]


Was getting the same thing with EB games an not in there system, only thing wa s I could not pre-order it at that time ><

I'm waiting and if you just ask, do you get the pre-order kit.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tenacious Knights of Doom [TKD]

the stores will have it on shelf on the 28 th

Boy was I frustrated and dissapointed today when I found out that this is not the case. I tried 3 stores, and all were clueless. Worst part is that they all quoted April 28th. This can't be, though, as the pre-order package includes access codes for the event on March 24, right? I really wish and had been clear about this. Especially since the online/streaming distribution makes this different than almost every other game ever released. I mean, we're not waiting on the release of a content CD near the time of game release. We just need a freaking code. They could give those out at any point, right? It coulda been last month, even, if all the content is already streaming.... we just need the code that they're gonna activate at offical release. Grr....It's just terrible that no one knows what the H&!! is going on.

But anyway, orderred it from, as they're a bit cheaper than anywhere else. Sure hope the estimated shipping date of May 3rd is way off, though.... it should be before March 24, right? Right?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2005

Land of the Z Chest \o/

[NOT]-Nomads of Turmoil.


you dont need the preorder key to access the march 24th event.

you get auto access to the pve event with your existing gw account.

(if you have other questions relating to GWF, you can refer to the stickied thread in Factions section of the forums that can clear more information up)

added: yup. definitely before the march24th event or ppl w/o an existing account or invites will miss it (that would be a lot of new ppl ). Clearly, right now, there seems to be a delay for everyone/everywhere. imagine the chaos this "thing" is putting everyone through


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tenacious Knights of Doom [TKD]

Thanks for the reply, and yes, I'm aware of that. I've read just about everything out there about factions. That's why it's so frustrating that they didn't make some of this clear. While I know we have access from our own accoutns (and can invite 3 friends, yada, yadda), my point still stands. Since one of the main advertised points is that it includes a preview access code for you and a friend (aimed at those buying factions without prophecies, but still there, nonetheless), doesn't that indicate that it would have to be available by March 24?


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

northern cal

Originally Posted by Starsky-sama
you dont need the preorder key to access the march 24th event.

you get auto access to the pve event with your existing gw account.

(if you have other questions relating to GWF, you can refer to the stickied thread in Factions section of the forums that can clear more information up)
what about the 24hour before games released how do we log in for that if they not shipping the game until the 28th or after



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005


Righteous Apathy [RA]

Originally Posted by Eugaet
I'll be making a run to a local retailer at lunch today.
Lunch was 3 hours late today. But I still made a run this afternoon to one of the local BBs. You can guess by everyone else's replies how I fared.

At least the guy I talked to was knowledgable. He was in a guild and waiting for the preorder himself. Said he's sitting on a large pile of ectos and gold that is to be spent come Factions. We chatted about GW for a little bit and then I went back to work empty-handed.

I think I'll just call the stores before I go next time and have them hold one until I can get there. Save some fuel that way.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2005

Land of the Z Chest \o/

[NOT]-Nomads of Turmoil.


yup. you need the preorder key to have that early access before game release day.

just like ch.1's preorder package it is/should definitely be available long before the actual release date of the game. Only difference now, if I remember correctly, the preorder didnt really have a problem arriving instores/online for ch.1.

/delays you cant control em I guess.
/waiting patiently.

devils wraths

devils wraths

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005

the fianna [fi]


if u want the pre order edtion go here its on top of the game box

The Great Al

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005



my question is, if we buy the preorder package from amazon, will they wait til the 28th to send it to us, or will we get it in time to be able to use our key for the march event?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2005

Land of the Z Chest \o/

[NOT]-Nomads of Turmoil.


existing account = auto access to event.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tenacious Knights of Doom [TKD]

Starsky, thanks for being a level-headed voice of reason through this. It's nice to hear that my understanding is correct.

/waiting for sure, but working really hard on making it patiently

And Devils, I followed the "pre-order" link from guru and from (both take you to the same page), where I selected "pre-order this item today" and followed the steps. While it does not have the box picture available, it sure better be the pre-order edition.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Lost in the sands of time...

Blood Of Orr [BoO]


Well i went to wal-mart and they acted like complete idiots and said they had no idea what i was talking about...

So what i suppose i'll do is wait until this weekend, when things have calmed down a bit - and go to a larger city and hit best buy or gamestop, Pick up the pre-order package and then pre-order the game while im there.

This thread is CONFUSING me though...can someone tell me if they think that my idea of picking up the pre-order package and ordering the game will work or what?

devils wraths

devils wraths

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005

the fianna [fi]


on my link on the game box at top its got pre order edtion so it must be lol



Jungle Guide

Join Date: May 2005

Canada...... Eh!

I live in Canada, and apparently we don't rate high enough on the consumer scale up here to get the pre-order at the same time others do. I've called every pc gaming place in the city (and some places in nearby cities) and no-one and I mean not one single place had the pre-order package yet. They all told me similar stories though. Things like with most pre-order games, thier supplier gets them on the release date, but then they don't get them for 3 or 4 days after the release date. Now I went down to the ever so popular "EB Games" (said with as much sarcasm as I can muster) and here's what I got out of them.

EB: "Why yes sir, you can pre-order Factions here, how much would you like to put down?"

Me: "Um is $20 okay?"

EB: "Why yes sir, any amount above $5 is fine."

Me: "Um, do I get my pre-order package right now?"

EB: "What's a pre-order package?"

Me: "Well, it's what I'm supposed to receive from you folks when I pre-order Guild Wars: Factions"

EB: "Um, I'm going to have to call my manager."

Me: "Thanks, you do that. Meanwhile, I'll just go for a little walk and not come back."

Good 'ol EB Games.

I figured after I got back home that I should have printed the following out and took it with me so that they'd have at least some small clue as to what to tell future pre-orederers.


A key that provides access to the Factions Preview Event on March 24th
Access to Guild Wars Factions twenty-four hours before the official release date
Exclusive in-game items—one unique item for each of the two new professions
A "friend" key that gives one of your friends access to the Factions Preview Event on March 24th
A 14-day, 10-hour trial of Guild Wars (original Prophecies campaign)
A tactical guide
A quick-reference card
A CD that includes concept art, wallpapers, and in-game trailers

The Great Al

Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005



what the heck is the difference between picking up a pre order package, and pre ordering the game, why is this so confusing at least for me, and what happens if you pre order from like amazon, can an FAQ sticky be put up with whatever we know?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2005

Land of the Z Chest \o/

[NOT]-Nomads of Turmoil.


ye a lot of ppl are saying this about EB.

Personally, Ive never bought anything pc there. Im fine with / for these type of things.

This is what I thought would happen, that's why I didnt even try going out to stores, bcuz I already decided that Im gonna be going the "online" route this time.

Before Im going to do any ordering, Im going to wait 'til the Collector's Ed. info is released (plz tomorrow Wednesday) and wait for futureshop to actually have the "pre-order" package box on their online site, plus Collector's/Regular's availability to purchase/preorder.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

I don't think its just Canada. I live in the US and I went to about 6 different places in my city and nothing. No one knows squat. I spent 2 hours driving just to go home pissed off from wasted time.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tenacious Knights of Doom [TKD]

Yeah, it's looking like the stores (including simply don't know the product. I have e-mail confirmation from the guild wars support people saying that the pre-order package was indeed available today. They say the delay is simply in the procurement and distribution of the different centers. So, here's hoping that when they get the product in a few days, that they finally realize what's up, and send everyone what they were expecting.

Vana The Everyoung

Vana The Everyoung

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005

Adelaide, Australia


I just had a quick question about the new factions release.
I have 2 copies of guild wars on my computer. One is my account, which is on the American server, and the second is on European server, which is my sister’s account.

When I purchased the second account for sis I had no idea that it was on the European server. My question is when you purchase a copy of factions from PlayNC can you select what server you get? Or If I accidentally end up with a European server version can I merge that with my American server account of Guild Wars?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Apr 2005

Land of the Z Chest \o/

[NOT]-Nomads of Turmoil.


If you link a ch.1 Euro region account with a factions key. it should still stay on Euro region, since it's linked. only when it's a totally new account that you register and have to pick the region server you want.

I am thinking that you mean whoever made the 2nd account, picked the Euro region server by mistake?

check your profile status at the login. somewhere there should be a button that says something about region servers.

You can change it to America region server. (with switching regions there is a limit to changing this. I think only 3 times you can switch?)

if you meant something else. sry my mistake.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

Whats the difference between pre-order item and collector's edition?

ok I know the pre-order package..but not the collectors..


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

Originally Posted by SirShadowrunner
I was curious to the answer, so I called Amazon up and talked to Customer
Service and they said video games are not listed as an item they can ship to
most countries, and they said if the website refused your order then it is because they cannot ship games to your country, the website knows what items can ship to each country, looks like Amazon is off the list.

sry .......

here there's a line:
Shipping: Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S.

Vana The Everyoung

Vana The Everyoung

Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005

Adelaide, Australia


Thanks Starsky sama

I never saw a region selection when I purchased the second account. I was having a blond moment

What I am concerned about is that when I purchase factions that the merged account is on my American game not my sister’s European account.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2006

Riddle Of Kings


err... I think to get factions on both accounts you're going to need to buy factions twice and get apply one key to each account.




Join Date: Oct 2005


InYurFace Gaming [IYF]


Well the 28 past and didn't get a package from EBGAMES, but i preordered, fun.

Talin Verderben

Talin Verderben

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jun 2005

Columbus, Ohio

Guild of Calamatous Intent Officer


Actually I went to EB games yesterday and had a very good experience.

Put my $5 dollars down and asked about the pre-order kit. He said that they didnt have them yet but I would be called when it arrived. Also asked about the CE and was told if they did release one for Factions liek they did Chap 1 that I could just call and switch my pre-order no problem.

Guess I got lucky and got the guy who actually knows what Guild Wars was.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

Central PA, USA

Axis of Valor [AXIS]

Has anyone actually picked up a Pre-Order box yet? I went to EB Games 2/28 and they acted like they never heard of Guild Wars, yet they said two people prior to myself came in and asked about the pre-order thing.

"We haven't gotten our UPS shipment today, check back later or you can just pre-order it now" then proceeded to try and push me into pre-ordering it.

"It's been pushed back to 4/28 in our system" ..

.. uhh no, I'm talking about the pre-order package.

"Well it says it's been pushed back, you can pre-order if you like"


Some people.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005

Tenacious Knights of Doom [TKD]

Man, I wish I were you, Talin. I contacted last night to try to explain the situation and find out what their viewpoint is. Here's what I got back:

"I'm sorry for any misunderstanding regarding this item. Although we do
have your copy of "Guild Wars Factions" on hand, we can't ship it to
you until its official release date, April 28, 2006. Many
manufacturers, publishers, and record labels restrict retailers from
selling or shipping their products until the official release date."

So they think they have (or maybe actually have, but I find that hard to believe) the final release version, not the pre-order package. Makes me just want to take an rep., and a guild wars rep., sit them down together, and smack their heads together. Oh well, I'll keep tracking this, but may just end up canceling my amazon order and heading to a local shop after I hear they actually get the pre-order package. Anyone know how to somehow get GW and to talk to each other and figure this out?

Malchior Devenholm

Malchior Devenholm

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005

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The event itself is March 24........stupid EB



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Lost in the sands of time...

Blood Of Orr [BoO]


so did anyone get the pre-order package? I mean when i went to wal-mart they looked at me like i was stupid, they were like pre-order package? you dont need a package, are you talking about pre-ordering the game, and i just said i'd go somewhere else...but i cant until this weekend.

anyone know anything?

Stealthy Trapper

Stealthy Trapper

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

Cincinnati, Ohio

Knights Assassins [Kill]


It kind of feels as if I had to preorder the preorder to the game. If A-Net keeps this up we will have to preorder the preorder of the preorder to the game.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Aug 2005


Phantom Commando


me and my fiance pre-ordered Guild Wars Factions in the store yesterday but we didn't got a box or something.. just that we can pick up GW: Factions when it comes out..

So did I pre order the normal factions or the pre-order version...? :\