Originally Posted by astzzz
hey dickhead, 4000exp is very welcome when youre level 20 and need the exp for the skill points.
Game getting too easy. . .
may not be the greatest post, but the point he was making is quite valid
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Dreamsmith
The game is becoming more geared towards people over 25. People who have lives and jobs and children and more important things to do than rerun the same damn mission five times. |
I'm 23. I have a job that takes roughly 50-60 hours out of my week. I haev a 3 year old child that occupies every minute of my weekends. I didn't purchase this game expecting to be done with it in 2 minutes. I realize my schedule allows for limited time playing....this patch is awful. My two theories 1) they're appeasing those that don't want to do anything...they just wan't to start up the game and 5 minutes later be as good as everyone else.
2) they're forcing players to finish the game quicker and then get the **** off the server cuz they can't stand playing anymore. either way ArenaNet got it's 50 bucks.
der kur
capturing skills i found something fun and pass time nicely. you go to the place where the boss that has the certain elite skill; oh damn it's a different boss, so you try again. then once you finally find your boss and doesn't use the skill that is a little aggrivating but oh well, just try again some other time. it was fun work that you could do without dealing with the morons in this game while gaining money,exp,items. and it does take skill it's called patience. though the only bosses i found that barely ever used elites were warrior ones, so that may be what this is all about. and another thing 90% of the elite skills are not worth using/getting but it was a good pastime to explore or whatever for those who enjoy the PVE aspect of the game.
and please explain the difference from "grinding" to playing in PVP where you wait nonstop for the doors to open run out kill a few people, maybe win, maybe die. the direction the game is going doesn't interest me so i'll just for another RGP.
and please explain the difference from "grinding" to playing in PVP where you wait nonstop for the doors to open run out kill a few people, maybe win, maybe die. the direction the game is going doesn't interest me so i'll just for another RGP.
heh the game hasnt got any easyer, ok so maybe everyone under the age of 12 can aquire elite skills easy, but you still have to do the work to get them.. The game should be catered for people of all ages !! even if theres a 12+ sticker on the box, even a 10yr old should be able to and maybe does play.
I think the only people who wont like this patch and the effects that make some parts of the game easyer for others are the power gamers, "those who like to have an unfair advantage over others in gaming enviroments", heh someone forgot to tell them this is a team based game.
nuff said
, but i do think all the fun is in the pvp..
"back to tombs.. beware my hammer, monks ! thou shall not be able to cast and bring thy holy chair to battle for thou shall be sitting down alot !"
I think the only people who wont like this patch and the effects that make some parts of the game easyer for others are the power gamers, "those who like to have an unfair advantage over others in gaming enviroments", heh someone forgot to tell them this is a team based game.
nuff said

"back to tombs.. beware my hammer, monks ! thou shall not be able to cast and bring thy holy chair to battle for thou shall be sitting down alot !"
Algren they did nothing to affect your game play unless you farmed in what little time you had to get gold. Just have fun the same way you were, do missions, get weapons and enjoy.
Nothing's changed for casual players, if anything they just made your game that much better by taking out some of the repetitiveness before ascension. I sell every single weapon I get. I check for runes and sell it to the merchant. There's so many max damage swords/hammers/axes in this game that's only a month and a half old that soon, very soon, people will start giving them away in Ascalon to be nice.
I'd tell you exactly where to go to get a nice weapon but the answer is you can go anywhere. They're laying all over and if you took your starter weapon and off hand as a caster you could ascend without that much difficulty with those same exact items.
Nothing's changed for casual players, if anything they just made your game that much better by taking out some of the repetitiveness before ascension. I sell every single weapon I get. I check for runes and sell it to the merchant. There's so many max damage swords/hammers/axes in this game that's only a month and a half old that soon, very soon, people will start giving them away in Ascalon to be nice.
I'd tell you exactly where to go to get a nice weapon but the answer is you can go anywhere. They're laying all over and if you took your starter weapon and off hand as a caster you could ascend without that much difficulty with those same exact items.
Originally Posted by Cerby
Todays patch officially made the game just too easy for me. Only 1 infusion run? now you can use signet of Capture on a DEAD hero and pick what you want? A rune trader? I think its time to head to another game, this one is now geared for people under 12.
Who really cares. I bet half of the people don't really care, they just saw everyone else complaining and jumped on the bandwagon. Let's look at it this way:
1. Before Patch:
"Geez, stupid devs, why are prices so high for runes, I have to farm all day for one rune, and the price to buy one is wayyy too high!!!! And I never have enough skill points!"
2. After Patch
"Dammit, now I have nothing to complain about, well I'll find something. Oh, I know, now it's too easy. Farming runes was really hard and required oh so much skill!!!!! And they give 4000XP for a quest. Well, now it's too easy to get XP. You know I really like to complain. If someone would pay me for it my life would be perfect!"
In conclusion, shutup or stop playing. I really don't care which you do as long as it is one of them. I'm not going to miss you when you are gone from GW, and neither is anyone else, really. Sure, ANet will lose your 50$ for the next expansions, but I'm sure they've already spent that trying to appease you.
For ****s sake if it's not one thing it's the other, make up your mind. I really don't want to do this, but if you want a game that is all grind play WoW, if you want a game that is grindless PvP play an FPS. If you want a game somewhere in the middle play GW.
I think ANet made a huge mistake listening to their users. I know this sounds wrong, but it's true. You give people an inch and they'll take a mile. If the dev team ignored people for a while, people would stop complaining as they realized that the dev team was tired of their bitching and complaining.
1. Before Patch:
"Geez, stupid devs, why are prices so high for runes, I have to farm all day for one rune, and the price to buy one is wayyy too high!!!! And I never have enough skill points!"
2. After Patch
"Dammit, now I have nothing to complain about, well I'll find something. Oh, I know, now it's too easy. Farming runes was really hard and required oh so much skill!!!!! And they give 4000XP for a quest. Well, now it's too easy to get XP. You know I really like to complain. If someone would pay me for it my life would be perfect!"
In conclusion, shutup or stop playing. I really don't care which you do as long as it is one of them. I'm not going to miss you when you are gone from GW, and neither is anyone else, really. Sure, ANet will lose your 50$ for the next expansions, but I'm sure they've already spent that trying to appease you.
For ****s sake if it's not one thing it's the other, make up your mind. I really don't want to do this, but if you want a game that is all grind play WoW, if you want a game that is grindless PvP play an FPS. If you want a game somewhere in the middle play GW.
I think ANet made a huge mistake listening to their users. I know this sounds wrong, but it's true. You give people an inch and they'll take a mile. If the dev team ignored people for a while, people would stop complaining as they realized that the dev team was tired of their bitching and complaining.
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
they're appeasing those that don't want to do anything...they just wan't to start up the game and 5 minutes later be as good as everyone else.
"As part of our continuing promise to keep Guild Wars free of hacks, cheats, and other exploits, we closed the accounts of more than 100 users of in-game "bots" today. Bots are against the EULA and the Rules of Conduct, and we will continue to remove players from the game if they engage in the use of such programs."
Obviously, "getting as good as everyone else" could be done by a mindless program while one is enjoying life elsewhere. Thats plain wrong, thats cheating. Cheating humans out of valuable time.
I dont know about you, but if a mindless, stupid bot could do it, id rather skip it ...
Of course, someone who has all the runes unlocked is exactly as good as "everyone else" / the guys from KOR - otherwise it wouldd be skill > time, and we cant allow that to happen.
* edit: if the dev team starts to ignore the users, the users start to ingore the dev team

a. Please define to me how allowing someone to purcahse a Major Vigor rune for 18,000gp is making it easy? You find it easy to just drump up 18K? It just gives us a better possibility and drops the gouging trade price from 80K to something reasonable (maybe that is what you find issue with?)
b. I have a 2 year old daughter, a wife, a house to run, lawn to cut, work to do during the day (software developer no less!). I don't have time to run the same quest a zillion times to "try" and get an elite skill or whatnot. And by time, perhaps I mean patience. A game is a game, if you want to do the same thing over go get a job in an assembly line. That must be just as "fun."
c. Games are meant to be fun: Most people don't find it "fun" to do the same repetitive thing over and over (remember cutting wood for hours in Ultima Online just to make some chairs and bows?) I personally do not care if you think I am too powerful too quickly just because I can buy a rune of fast casting from a trader. This does not effect you game playing ability so why should this patch offend you?
Face it, patches are not added because developers found nothing to do with their time. They're appealing to the majority. And if you think it makes the game "too easy" your not in the majority and thus you don't count ;-)
In short, repeating the same old thing over and over is, in the majority, a complete waste of time. Want to increase the challenge & game play factors - wait for new areas and expansions to come out so that the game is longer and more challenging. People who complain are those that feel they're losing the "edge" because too many people are going to be "cool like them" (a.k.a those select few who thought they're awesomeness rating went up by sitting in the back of the bus in grade school). For the rest of us folks, the patches are a response to what we define as "fun."
b. I have a 2 year old daughter, a wife, a house to run, lawn to cut, work to do during the day (software developer no less!). I don't have time to run the same quest a zillion times to "try" and get an elite skill or whatnot. And by time, perhaps I mean patience. A game is a game, if you want to do the same thing over go get a job in an assembly line. That must be just as "fun."
c. Games are meant to be fun: Most people don't find it "fun" to do the same repetitive thing over and over (remember cutting wood for hours in Ultima Online just to make some chairs and bows?) I personally do not care if you think I am too powerful too quickly just because I can buy a rune of fast casting from a trader. This does not effect you game playing ability so why should this patch offend you?
Face it, patches are not added because developers found nothing to do with their time. They're appealing to the majority. And if you think it makes the game "too easy" your not in the majority and thus you don't count ;-)
In short, repeating the same old thing over and over is, in the majority, a complete waste of time. Want to increase the challenge & game play factors - wait for new areas and expansions to come out so that the game is longer and more challenging. People who complain are those that feel they're losing the "edge" because too many people are going to be "cool like them" (a.k.a those select few who thought they're awesomeness rating went up by sitting in the back of the bus in grade school). For the rest of us folks, the patches are a response to what we define as "fun."
Originally Posted by Saerden
I dont know about you, but if a mindless, stupid bot could do it, id rather skip it ... |
Why do you write essays, do math homework, drive your car, play sports, live? A computer could do all of that, just skip it!!! I mean, if a mindless mess of chips and wires could do that for me why would I do it?
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Saerden
"As part of our continuing promise to keep Guild Wars free of hacks, cheats, and other exploits, we closed the accounts of more than 100 users of in-game "bots" today. Bots are against the EULA and the Rules of Conduct, and we will continue to remove players from the game if they engage in the use of such programs." Obviously, "getting as good as everyone else" could be done by a mindless program while one is enjoying life elsewhere. Thats plain wrong, thats cheating. Cheating humans out of valuable time. I dont know about you, but if a mindless, stupid bot could do it, id rather skip it ... Of course, someone who has all the runes unlocked is exactly as good as "everyone else" / the guys from KOR - otherwise it wouldd be skill > time, and we cant allow that to happen. |
Code monkey as in code monkey publishing? just wondering.
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by codemonkey
b. I have a 2 year old daughter, a wife, a house to run, lawn to cut, work to do during the day (software developer no less!). I don't have time to run the same quest a zillion times to "try" and get an elite skill or whatnot. And by time, perhaps I mean patience. A game is a game, if you want to do the same thing over go get a job in an assembly line. That must be just as "fun."
This is just my opinion but I like the patch for the most part. I still wish they would expand the storage though. Hopefully they will in the next patch!
I can see both sides to the SOC debate though. I also agree with both sides. But I still will miss getting in a group and trying our best to keep the boss alive while spamming the SOC hoping to get the skill! I thought it was fun! Especially when you added in the inattentive people who didn't notice that by running around the boss they triggered off more monsters and then the fight would continue once more! It was frustrating, infuriating and just plain exciting! You never knew if you would get it or not! Now it is guaranteed which is both a good and bad thing.
Oh well...I just hope one day they will expand the storyline for those of us who would've really enjoyed playing the evil guy and joining the Mantle.
I can see both sides to the SOC debate though. I also agree with both sides. But I still will miss getting in a group and trying our best to keep the boss alive while spamming the SOC hoping to get the skill! I thought it was fun! Especially when you added in the inattentive people who didn't notice that by running around the boss they triggered off more monsters and then the fight would continue once more! It was frustrating, infuriating and just plain exciting! You never knew if you would get it or not! Now it is guaranteed which is both a good and bad thing.
Oh well...I just hope one day they will expand the storyline for those of us who would've really enjoyed playing the evil guy and joining the Mantle.

Cheating may not be able to be stopped, but it also shouldn't be encouraged by ignoring it. They should continue to attempt to stop it to keep the percentage of people doing it to a minimum.
I've never cheated at a game before (esp. online) but hacking or destroying binaries to say you can is part of human nature
Its the challenge to say you can do something your not supposed to do! The problem is that those hacks get to the commoners that don't care about how much effort one or more people put into breaking into something, and just use it as a simple exploit.
Its not a hack until you get caught (or give it away to script kiddies)
I've never cheated at a game before (esp. online) but hacking or destroying binaries to say you can is part of human nature

Its not a hack until you get caught (or give it away to script kiddies)

Originally Posted by Stur
Code monkey as in code monkey publishing? just wondering.
Originally Posted by Stur
Code monkey as in code monkey publishing? just wondering.
Originally Posted by Mumblyfish
Code Monkey is slang for that most underappreciated of creatures, the software programmer. Underpaid, overworked, violated every which way and not given any real involvement in conceptual or design work, the Code Monkey tirelessly cranks out code to the specifications given. Code Monkeys, we salute thee.
Well code monkey publishing writes software for role-playing games and he is a programmer name code monkey on a role-playing games forum, honest mistake lol
Originally Posted by cc.pyro
Yes, because that is completely logical.
Why do you write essays, do math homework, drive your car, play sports, live? A computer could do all of that, just skip it!!! I mean, if a mindless mess of chips and wires could do that for me why would I do it? |
/me sobs.
Originally Posted by Stur
Well code monkey publishing writes software for role-playing games and he is a programmer name code monkey on a role-playing games forum, honest mistake lol
But you were on the right track

You know the funny thing is that the rune traders only have minor runes and they are already ID, so you don't even get the unlock. If you want to unlock it for your PvP player you still have to go out and find runes. It just makes it so that you don't feel like hording your runes until you find that highest armor to apply it to.
Also I swear to god I read like 12 posts here yesterday about how we 'needed' rune traders....so when we get them seems everyone has a shit about them.
Also I swear to god I read like 12 posts here yesterday about how we 'needed' rune traders....so when we get them seems everyone has a shit about them.
I do mostly PvE and a little PvP. I think people who are complaining abt the rune trader and SoC change in this patch may not understand the game mechanism correctly or is not looking at the big picture.
Rune Trader - It does not make the game less challenging. It just makes it easier to buy/sell runes, at an accurate price valuation based on the entire market's supply and demand. Runes available from the trader comes from players selling the runes to the rune traders and it is not different from before the patch when you buy it from another player character, except now there is a middleman in the trade. You'll, for example, not find superior vigor or superior absorption from the rune trader becos players don't sell it to the trader. Fire runes are often out of stock too becos of low supply / high demand. If you are not complaining abt the Sigil trader, you shouldn't be about the rune traders too.
SoC - I'll be the first to admit that there is a great sense of achievement and joy when one captures a highly elusive elite skill after hours and hours of skill hunting runs. However, looking at the big picture, the old SoC system is flawed becos it is not fair to some professions. Those who complain it is too easy now should go play a monk and see how often you get to "stay" on the boss to be ready to capture the elite when, and if, he uses it. Yes, if you play with guildmates, everyone can cooperate to keep the boss alive as long as possible to wait for him to use the elite skill. But certain skills, such as Matyr require the boss to have minions around for him to use the skill. So having both a primary mesmer (who gets to stay on the boss alot) and primary monk (who hardly ever), my personal opinion is that this change balance the ease of skill capture for all classes and is a positive development. But to make it more challenging, A-net may want to reduce the number of bosses and put them at hard-to-reach area to increase the difficulty and sense of achievement for capturing an elite skill.
That is not true. Go to the Fissure or Underworld and you'll see much higher xp quests (and may I add, doable in a shorter amount of time).
Rune Trader - It does not make the game less challenging. It just makes it easier to buy/sell runes, at an accurate price valuation based on the entire market's supply and demand. Runes available from the trader comes from players selling the runes to the rune traders and it is not different from before the patch when you buy it from another player character, except now there is a middleman in the trade. You'll, for example, not find superior vigor or superior absorption from the rune trader becos players don't sell it to the trader. Fire runes are often out of stock too becos of low supply / high demand. If you are not complaining abt the Sigil trader, you shouldn't be about the rune traders too.
SoC - I'll be the first to admit that there is a great sense of achievement and joy when one captures a highly elusive elite skill after hours and hours of skill hunting runs. However, looking at the big picture, the old SoC system is flawed becos it is not fair to some professions. Those who complain it is too easy now should go play a monk and see how often you get to "stay" on the boss to be ready to capture the elite when, and if, he uses it. Yes, if you play with guildmates, everyone can cooperate to keep the boss alive as long as possible to wait for him to use the elite skill. But certain skills, such as Matyr require the boss to have minions around for him to use the skill. So having both a primary mesmer (who gets to stay on the boss alot) and primary monk (who hardly ever), my personal opinion is that this change balance the ease of skill capture for all classes and is a positive development. But to make it more challenging, A-net may want to reduce the number of bosses and put them at hard-to-reach area to increase the difficulty and sense of achievement for capturing an elite skill.

Originally Posted by squakMix
I agree with you; Villainy is now the quest with the highest experience.

Originally Posted by Algren Cole
do you honestly think this patch will stop cheating? Do you honestly think that EVERYONE pays for this game...do you honestly think that everyone that has high level weapons and runes and whatever earned them....there's ALWAYS going to be people that cheat/hack...ArenaNet, if they are trying to eliminate hackers/cheaters, IS GOING TO FAIL. It's not possible...Reason: Those of us that can hack/cheat(I don't...because I enjoy playing the game. But I could quite easily. I cracked the game before I bought it.) are SMARTER than ArenaNet....All they've done is ruined the game for people that enjoy playing it. Sure they've appeased everyone that had problems with the game before....but that's only because the ones that have problems with it now weren't complaining.
So those that dont cheat are doing something a mindless bot could do if it was allowed. WoW phear the skillz. "As good as everyone else" ... sure...
*Edit: Oh and all they did is give a glimmer of hope to the target audience who was hating this game since release. If that broke your game, fear the next weeks ...
der kur
the way i see it.. the rune traders aren't that bad of an idea, easier way to make money. can actually make a few hundred off all those lame minors usually sell to the merchant for 25 gold. but the only problem i found with them is that they are in PVP areas..... and for all those people that just spend all their time playing in HoH and complained they didn't have everything. now you win a sigil, walk over to the sigil trader trade it for the 70-90k. then turn around and buy 5-9 sup runes. how is that not easier? yes winning a sigil isn't that easy unless you are one of the fortunate guilds that played beta for the last year and hold HoH nonstop and didn't worry about unlocking anything..... i really don't see how that makes anything more balanced.
Originally Posted by zemelett
You know the funny thing is that the rune traders only have minor runes and they are already ID, so you don't even get the unlock. If you want to unlock it for your PvP player you still have to go out and find runes. It just makes it so that you don't feel like hording your runes until you find that highest armor to apply it to.
Also I swear to god I read like 12 posts here yesterday about how we 'needed' rune traders....so when we get them seems everyone has a shit about them. |
Or Yoda style...
"Gamer you are, complainer you must be, yes?"
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
do you honestly think this patch will stop cheating? Do you honestly think that EVERYONE pays for this game...do you honestly think that everyone that has high level weapons and runes and whatever earned them....there's ALWAYS going to be people that cheat/hack...ArenaNet, if they are trying to eliminate hackers/cheaters, IS GOING TO FAIL. It's not possible...Reason: Those of us that can hack/cheat(I don't...because I enjoy playing the game. But I could quite easily. I cracked the game before I bought it.) are SMARTER than ArenaNet....All they've done is ruined the game for people that enjoy playing it. Sure they've appeased everyone that had problems with the game before....but that's only because the ones that have problems with it now weren't complaining.
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Saerden
So your computer program can write essays that equal mine.
/me sobs. |
I've written applications that will utilize search engine features to pull pertanant information for term papers and research papers when I was in highschool...and would then compile the information it pulled in legible sentences and paragraphs. It would require a good amount of editing afterward to put everything together but greatly decreased the amount of time I had to spend writing papers. Some of the information it would pull would be complete useless junk...but that is to be expected.
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by pionata
Having better programming skills, or simply understanding how to doubleclick on an hack does certainly NOT make the player a SMARTER person than a company (wtf are you smoking?)...
the people WRITING the hacks are smarter than the company.....and they always will be
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
do you honestly think this patch will stop cheating? Do you honestly think that EVERYONE pays for this game...do you honestly think that everyone that has high level weapons and runes and whatever earned them....there's ALWAYS going to be people that cheat/hack...ArenaNet, if they are trying to eliminate hackers/cheaters, IS GOING TO FAIL. It's not possible...Reason: Those of us that can hack/cheat(I don't...because I enjoy playing the game. But I could quite easily. I cracked the game before I bought it.) are SMARTER than ArenaNet....All they've done is ruined the game for people that enjoy playing it. Sure they've appeased everyone that had problems with the game before....but that's only because the ones that have problems with it now weren't complaining.
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
My two theories 1) they're appeasing those that don't want to do anything...they just wan't to start up the game and 5 minutes later be as good as everyone else.
2) they're forcing players to finish the game quicker and then get the **** off the server cuz they can't stand playing anymore. either way ArenaNet got it's 50 bucks. |
I have a better theory. A lot of people complain just for the sake of complaining, so no matter how good a patch is, no matter how blantantly obvious an improvement is, trolls will complain about it, not because they're genuinely pissed, but simply because they enjoy complaining, saying completely outrageous things and watching people respond to their inane jabber. Throw in a comment about you're quitting the game over it, and how only 12 year olds will keep playing, and you're guarenteed to draw responses, no matter obvious it is that even you can't possibly believe what you're saying.
A legitimate thread discussing what's good and bad about the patch would be nice, but this one was started by an obvious troll trying to solicit flames, and he succeeded.
My gods, people, how can anyone think having to rerun the same mission five times made it harder, rather than simply making it more tedious? How can anyone think fixing that made the game easier?
The answer is, they can't. These people aren't as stupid as they pretend to be. They're just trolls. Please stop feeding them. Thanks.
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
It would require a good amount of editing afterward to put everything together but greatly decreased the amount of time I had to spend writing papers.
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Shadow_Avenger
LOL chat like that can get a guy banned. To apoint you are right, there will always be those who try to exploit and cheat, but taking active steps against it actually reduces it and send out the message that it's not worth the hassle. Some will just for the challange, but 99% of us don't and don't care to we just enjoy the game for what it is.
I make no effort to hide what I do. Yes originally I stole the game from ArenaNet....it took me 5 hours to crack it. I wanted to see if it was possible. and I assure you that it is possible. I played the game for 2 hours and decided that it was one of the better games I've played....So even though I already had myself a free copy, I ponied up the 50 bucks to support the team that built it....I'm honest, if that get's me banned I'd be quite upset about it. But it won't be the end of the world
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Saerden
Less "grind", more creativity. Release your program to the public and make the world a better place.
I'm dumber for not going through the 'grind'....I would have greatly benefitted from doing the research myself. Yes I accomplished something in that the program worked...and I got to spend a few more hours smoking dope with my friends. But I wouldn't release it..or condone its usage. It's take away from the most basic aspect of schooling....learning how to work.
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by Dreamsmith
Hmm. Those are the best two theories you can come with for why you don't have to rerun the infusion question five times anymore?
I have a better theory. A lot of people complain just for the sake of complaining, so no matter how good a patch is, no matter how blantantly obvious an improvement is, trolls will complain about it, not because they're genuinely pissed, but simply because they enjoy complaining, saying completely outrageous things and watching people respond to their inane jabber. Throw in a comment about you're quitting the game over it, and how only 12 year olds will keep playing, and you're guarenteed to draw responses, no matter obvious it is that even you can't possibly believe what you're saying. A legitimate thread discussing what's good and bad about the patch would be nice, but this one was started by an obvious troll trying to solicit flames, and he succeeded. My gods, people, how can anyone think having to rerun the same mission five times made it harder, rather than simply making it more tedious? How can anyone think fixing that made the game easier? The answer is, they can't. These people aren't as stupid as they pretend to be. They're just trolls. Please stop feeding them. Thanks. |
the 'grind' is what makes you good at the game...having to run the same quests multiple times makes you more skillfull...you figure out new ways to beat the 'baddies'...new strategies...instead of just running through the game and standing toe to toe with every mob waiting for it to die. Nobody likes challenge anymore?
Originally Posted by Algren Cole
the people WRITING the hacks are smarter than the company.....and they always will be
If I took your car keys off your desk, had them duplicated, jumped in your 1986 ford f150 and stole it am I smarter then you? Or then ford? More creative? No, just had some time to dream up a way to steal your car. Plain and simple.
As a network programmer I can probably decipher they're protocol and re-implement an automated client to do everything that you can do in the game. Does that make me smarter then anyone else on this message board? Hell no, I'm a damned network programmer! Its what I do, its what I know, its what I get paid to do. Just don't ask me to air brush your motorcycle because I'm sure someone on the board would be "smarter" then me in that and do a better job. Everyone has their place, nobody is SMARTER then anyone else because they can do something someone else has failed at (or never tried).
The only fact is that people that consider themselves SMARTER then a collective company are what other people call IGNORANT (search for it on dictionary.com).
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by codemonkey
False. People WRITING hacks are smart enough to write hacks. Nobody can be deemed SMARTER then anyone else simply because "they figured it out."
If I took your car keys off your desk, had them duplicated, jumped in your 1986 ford f150 and stole it am I smarter then you? Or then ford? More creative? No, just had some time to dream up a way to steal your car. Plain and simple. As a network programmer I can probably decipher they're protocol and re-implement an automated client to do everything that you can do in the game. Does that make me smarter then anyone else on this message board? Hell no, I'm a damned network programmer! Its what I do, its what I know, its what I get paid to do. Just don't ask me to air brush your motorcycle because I'm sure someone on the board would be "smarter" then me in that and do a better job. Everyone has their place, nobody is SMARTER then anyone else because they can do something someone else has failed at (or never tried). The only fact is that people that consider themselves SMARTER then a collective company are what other people call IGNORANT (search for it on dictionary.com). CodeMonkey |
the term 'smart' is relative...and in this case we're talking about computer gaming/programming....if the hacker thinks of it before the company does...yes the hacker is smarter.
this all boils down very very simply.
Basketball Player "Coach...all the time I have to put in to get better at basketball seems like 'grind' and I really don't want to do it...."
Basketball Coach "Well...we'll just make the hoop bigger so it's easier for you to hit those Jump Shots"
-problem solved.
Bragging about your hacking skills on the internet is, always has been, and forever will be nothing more than adolescent posturing.
Pretty damn funny to read, though.
Pretty damn funny to read, though.
Algren Cole
Originally Posted by DarrenJasper
Bragging about your hacking skills on the internet is, always has been, and forever will be nothing more than adolescent posturing.
Pretty damn funny to read, though. |
I'm not bragging at all...I'm making an example. that it's possible and will always be done....you can't stop it, so why are they taking away from the players everything the bots can do? there are far better ways to stop bots than take away vital elements of the game that people are using bots for.