You know what I did today? Just to piss all you guys off I rushed a Guildie to Amnoon Oasis. You know what his level is? 7. Yep I RAN all the way from Ascalon. Took me about 2 hours to do it too. Guess what character I used. My lvl 15 Monk. I had a great time doing it too. I considered it more of a challenege than the quests/missions plus I got to see some nice country side. Sort of like a Sunday drive.
Do you know what this is called? Steamlining. I have found a more efficient way of doing something. My first character I spent 150 hours getting her to ascend, I now have an effective process that I will be able to make a lvl 20 PvE character in a weekend. You want to call people like me that do this HAXORS and CHEATERS and you want the programmers to make drastic changes to the game to prevent this.
Why don't you go burn a bunch of books you Nazi's?
We are not hackers, cheats we are forward thinkers not afraid to do something outside the norm and go against the flow. At sometime somewhere some guy had the desire to run Lornars. Imagine how much trail and error he went thru to discover the way to do it. He put the right build together and did it. Word got out, and more and more people started doing it. This first guy that did this has more originality and dedication to the game than most people that play. I wonder how long it took him his first time? You know that Draknors is about 3-4 hours of play if you fight your way thru? It takes 30-45 minutes to run. How can you people say you detest this while you eat your McDonalds hamburger made in under 30 seconds?
Go ahead and put a level cap on Armor, I will rush my toon to Temple of Ages and do a couple of 5K and 10K fissure/UW runs and have a lvl 20 in a day, then rush them to Droknars and buy the armor.
The thing is, this makes people like me that play through the entire game fairly feel cheated. I've spent nearly 130 hours getting Ryoushi to where he is now at Thunderhead Keep, and yet some noob can get there in under half the time because he has lots of money to pay a runner?
This low level arena bashing is not occuring. Did the author of this post say this happened to him? It is a rumour brought on by jealous people. Read it above. He spent 130 hours and someone else did it faster. He says that it is not fair. I read envy in the line "because he has lots of money to pay a runner", and you guys placate to him. Saying don't feel bad we are all winners here, everybody in the class gets a gold star. Reality check people,
we are not all created equal. People are going to do things better than you, just because they do does not give you to right to cry foul, lets change the rules.
Originally Posted by KaPe
Ok, let's see, someone joins your guild and want money for armor he/she shouldn't even *see* not to mention wear. That would be... annoying. Sure people support one another, but for items at their level. So, if I want "Max DMG Sword with l33t Stats, 100k" does it mean guild should give me money? Definately not.
You know what if I had the resources to buy Draknors Armor and 100K weapons for each member of my guild I would, and I would have it waiting for them as soon as they reached post-searing. I do not though, so I do what I can. I happily give a guildie 1K here a couple of steel ingots there. You know why? That generosity pays itself back 10 fold. Had a guild member that when we started out I gave him all the charr hides I could, so he could make some fur squares, and guess what we were just sitting around BSing and he was like "you know what your armor would look really cool black", and he gave me black dye. So what did I essentially do? If you break it down I traded a couple of fur squares for some black dye. Go spam that in the trade channels and see if you get that deal.
A group of people working as a team is stronger than a bunch of individuals.