Levels, leveling, level caps, and level 20

Sausaletus Rex

Sausaletus Rex

Death From Above

Join Date: Dec 2004

This thread is to discuss all things pertaining to leveling in Guild Wars.

Yes, you level.

Yes, you gain health with each level. It's currently 20 points. You gain skill points and attribute points, too, and your attacks will do slightly more damage per level. You gain no energy or anything else.

Yes, the maximum level is 20. No, there's no plan to raise it any time soon.

Yes, you continue to gain skill points past level 20.

No, no one knows exactly how long it will take you to reach the cap just yet. The estimate is somewhere betwen one to two days of continuous play but might well be wrong.

Anything else? Ask below. Or check the FAQ.


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2005

Hey im new to learning about GW but I heard there is a lvl 20 cap and I read some of the thread and it says the game just begins at 20. Is it like all quests at 20 or what? I hated doing quests in FFXI and WoW. The character models look great even for only having a lvl 20 cap. Can someone explain this better to me? And also if I preorder do I get in beta? And is the beta full time or only on weekends or whatever? I saw something about weekends and beta so I was wondering

Whosa Skylore

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

in your closet...er....i mean

Dragon Assassins


you can not start at lvl 20 anymore but before you could, but levels arnt all for lvl 20's. they start out easy and get harder. also you can make lvl 20 pvp char which can only do pvp stuff. and beta is only one weekend each month, it was first weekend, but not really anymore. and if you preorder youre atomaticly able to play.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

you level to 20 fast but there is still a ton of stuff to do whether you are into pvp or exploring or the missions or simply finding that rare piece of whatever


to be sure to get into the next beta april 15 about be sure to have the PREORDER box with the codes in it or you will not get in


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2005

but your only able to play on the weekends though? And whats good once I get to lvl 20? I found quests pretty dumb in past MMO's



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

The Holy Land of Kiwis!

All People New To Guild Wars: The Level 20 Cap Is Good!!! Yes, I Said Good!!!


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2005

But no one is telling me why its good and all that other junk....


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

weekends only until retail release than 24/7



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

The Holy Land of Kiwis!

Because with a level 20 cap, there is no high level newbie killers, the game is about skill. Not about how much you play.

I've killed guys three levels higher then me.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by Eric1987
But no one is telling me why its good and all that other junk....
no camping
no griefers
lots to explore (i dont pvp)
pvp if you want it (suposedly the best available)


Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2005

so only on weekends....nvm that sucks ill wait till the game is released



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2005


I hope in later expansion they raise the level limit though. At least to 30 or 40 or something.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

there will be no raising of the cap period

this is about skll not how many levels you grind out to be better than someone



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

The Shi Mai

Originally Posted by Eric1987
so only on weekends....nvm that sucks ill wait till the game is released
You really don't know what you're missing out on then. They're only holding it once every month to give people a taste of what the games like, and I assume to make changes on their end, but yeah. Its totally worth it even if you just get to try it for like 3 days before the game comes out a week later. (as is the case with the April beta)

You should seriously reconsider.


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

the preorder cost is subtracted from the game price so you lose nothing, get to know what you are doing and start on the 27th instead of the 28th

Dave III

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005

I'm always where I'm at, or else I'm nowhere, man.

The reason this is good ("good" being a relative term, mind you) is because:

A: Once you hit twenty, that's as far as you can go, level-wise.. Therefore you can concentrait on other things, like completing the missions, making friends and PvPing, exploring the world (and there is more to explore in this world than I have seen in any other game, ever), and so on.

B: If you can only get as high as level twenty, then it stands to reason that no one can get higher than level twenty. If you say to yourself "Self, let's do something else for a while" and come back to the game tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year, you will still be able to play (read: stay competetive with) with your freinds who are still there, because they will not have advanced any further than you. Also, no one you are likely to meet in PvP will be higher than 20 either, so that evens the playing field quite a bit, no David and Goliath type situations to deal with. hopefully, it will make you plan more strategy, which should in turn make the game more challenging.

C: If something happens and your character is ruined (you might decide that the particular career path isn't working out, or something might go horribly horribly wrong at Arena.Net, or whatever) you can start over from scratch and be able to get back to where you were in a fraction of the time than if there was no level cap at all. This might encourage you to experiment more than you would have otherwise.

There are probably other reasons I haven't thought of, but these are some that stick out in my head at the moment. Was that any help? ^_^

Dave III



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

The Holy Land of Kiwis!

Originally Posted by NiteX
I hope in later expansion they raise the level limit though. At least to 30 or 40 or something.
They wont do it ever. Period.

And I dont want it anyways...



Elite Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005

Just a Box in a Cage

Hurry Up The Cakes [Oven]

The level cap staying at 20 permanently is a good thing.

Why you ask? Well first of all, PvP reasons. Do you seriously think it's fair that a level 20 should get his ass handed to him by a level 60 in a game like World of Warcraft? And if you think a level 20 will never come up against a level 60, how is that competitive?
Well now you're thinking "0mGz0rZ!!!111one1 This totally screws up PvE!!11one11". Well, you're an idiot. Since when does level translate directly into good missions and questing? If anything, it makes it much better because then you can replay a wide variety of missions and have them still be challenging (most of the missions from Lions Arch on are still fun at level 20... even the first real mission is great (solo the charr army)). It doesn't really restrict anything whatsoever except that you don't have to grind.
If you really feel an accomplishment for getting to level 5025391237849, then congradulations, you're stupid. Go play everquest.
If you like the idea of having a game that has fast paced and balanced PvP while still having extremely challenging and fun PvE, then welcome to Guild Wars.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

The Holy Land of Kiwis!

Now if anyone asks why a Level 20 cap is good, I will pounce on you so fast with my KLOTD(Kiwi Launcher Of Total Destruction) you won't have time to think Maybe I shouldn't have asked...

EDIT: Make a sticky explaining this please...I beg you admins!!!



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2005

Calgary, AB

A level 20 cap is a good and bad thing. Its true they say this game is about skill but thinking in terms of long term play, it stands to be believed that the game needs to evolve. How long can people play between the 4 available character slots at maximum level, exploring the same things with no benefit? How long can the guild battles continue to be enjoyable with limited armour / weapon choices? The game how it is now (beta!!) seems somewhat finite in playability and replayability, but they say there will be expansions to keep players interested. I'm thinking that to keep people interested, there will HAVE to be evolvement in player level caps, droppable and craftable gear and of course the pvp / guild battle aspects. I've only played 3 beta weekends, and this is one of the most interesting games I've played thus far, but I do see the limited nature of it at this point. I'm sure the dev team sees this too, otherwise they wouldn't be making the drastic changes from beta to beta, nor would they be concerned with future expansions.

Rant: I played EQ for about 2 years when Velious came out, quit for 2(ish) years and went back to start anew as I had given away my account...I lasted for 3 months before quitting again for disliking the evolution of the game. Insane stats gear ruined the economy, game play was lost to the need to "raid" in uber guilds and get the highest level (now 70) and best gear..there was no fun in exploring and leveling up anymore, the low level dungeons were abandoned for need to Power-level in the new areas. The first time, it took me 2 years to hit lvl 56, the second i was lvl 60 in 3 months.
...an example of change being in the wrong direction....evolution based on greed.
I started playing City of Heroes, quit after a few months, went back and lasted a month before further boredom and frustration...absolute boredom in doing the same thing endlessly for xp...no market/economy, no upgrading your character. There was't ENOUGH to that game to keep me interested.

Guildwars seems to be a nice mix of things so far; fun economy, beautiful landscapes and more gameplay choices, grouping, pvp, questing, etc. I honestly dont care too much at leveling at this point as its currently fun just to run around and see whats out there....currently, not necesarily forever



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

The Holy Land of Kiwis!

*Quoted the Entire Post above this, quote removed, read the post instead*

The way it will keep players forever, even with a fair sized amount of equipment, low level cap, etc. is:


/bows to the magic...



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2005

Calgary, AB

I can't wait to see the magic!!! I the lowly pnp rpg / pc mmorpg die hard can't fathom the prospect of forever lvl 20... although I'm willing to try...



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

The Holy Land of Kiwis!

They wont raise the cap in exspansions, but what I'd like to see is like maybe some new desert region. We got blown up world, jungle, tropical paradise, snowy mountains, and happy green place where the buffalo roam...

But I dont think new classes are important...yet. No one is complaining about their jobs, now are they?


Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2005

Xion Nights


To be perfectly honest, I think the design lends itself well to less leveling. I enjoyed PvPing upper levels and even tried not to gain too much experience while exploring so I don't outlevel my gear. I'm not sure what I'll do at 20, but I'll probably want to improve my equipment and my guild's equipment and guildhall and that might be done by questing. We'll have to see what they do about better gear in expansions. I hope weapon ingredients are required from finishing quests. Then there's PvP, which looks fairly tied to a guild if you want a fixed team strategy. I tried entering PvP with a friend, but we ended up against each other and she wasn't happy I killed her.



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2005

Calgary, AB

Something else I really want to see is Guild level quests...now this may be the old EQ'er in me speaking, and I may be in the wrong forum for this, but I think that would greatly enhance the game...always having something to strive for keeps people interested, in game as in life.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2005

Amhearst, Ma

If the game stays Tacticlly challenging, then the level 20 cap is a great idea. Though, the way the items are, they hafta be real careful to balance the power of the items, so that they aren't unbeatable, against the need to keep things interesting ... because i can forsee a point, where no 'better' stuff could come out for the charactor you play and you could get bored very quickly.

Still i haven't played it, i'm a just prospectivly checking the place out, but for all its possible faults, the 20 cap basicly corrects so many annoying problems that ruined all massivly online games for me ... enough that i'm even willing to give this game a try.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005

Seattle, Washington


I feel bad for not having made my level 20 before. I wanted to this weekend, but totally didn't care for all the BWE's before this, ahh well.



Elite Guru

Join Date: Feb 2005

Just a Box in a Cage

Hurry Up The Cakes [Oven]

Originally Posted by Holywar
If the game stays Tacticlly challenging, then the level 20 cap is a great idea. Though, the way the items are, they hafta be real careful to balance the power of the items, so that they aren't unbeatable, against the need to keep things interesting ... because i can forsee a point, where no 'better' stuff could come out for the charactor you play and you could get bored very quickly.

Still i haven't played it, i'm a just prospectivly checking the place out, but for all its possible faults, the 20 cap basicly corrects so many annoying problems that ruined all massivly online games for me ... enough that i'm even willing to give this game a try.
Items are important - but not so much the weapon. A sword with the states 18-22 isn't going to do a whole lot more damage than a sword with 16-19 or something like that after the armour rating is taken off.
The most important items are runes and armour. Runes allow you to make your attribute points higher (up to 3+) without spending attribute points - but they are balanced because they come at the cost of some of your total health. Armour is important because it decides how long you last. Warriors and Rangers are a tie for the best armour, depending on how you look at it, while Necroes have the highest of the spellcasters and elementalists have the lowest.



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2005

Calgary, AB

Originally Posted by Kiwi
They wont do it ever. Period.

And I dont want it anyways...
Never say never




Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2005

Hmm it seems as though some don't understand the core concept of the game. Time and time again I like referring to this game like a card game (i.e. magic, yu-gi-oh and other card games I've yet to play) The comparison is the fact that you continuosly try to update your deck or reconfigure your deck to out beat people's deck. In this game you use basically all the skills, but only bring 8 with you. So your main goal is not to level up to become good, but the satisfaction and joy of discovering and testing out skill combinations to be good.

However thats the reason why I'm enjoying the game. I do see the limitations "IF" they keep it like this, but from what I hear they will continuosly bring in expansions thus ensuring that the build you have today will have to change tomorrow against a new build you want to defeat or strategy. Hence competitive online rpg.

I'm not going to state GET THE GAME. If you have fun grinding to become good thats fine for you this isn't the game you should head for. However if you're tired of the norm, but love strategy, thinking, skill involved, and competion then welcome to Guild Wars.

On a side note, I do understand that there will be a possibility that it'll seem repititive, but I wonder why most games still haven't died out (Starcraft, Diablo 2 etc..) in fact you can get straight back to it and have a blast after stopping for a bit. Wait... didn't the people of ArenaNet make diablo 2 and starcraft and what not?? If so then you can most likely garuntee a long time game that will be played for years to come.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2005

Will the level cap ever be lifted for the players that are in it for just he quests? I just wanted to know. I know all the pvp players want a level cap,but i am strictly a pve and i would enjoy to be able to get higher to become better. Does anyone know if they mean to lift it in the future?


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005

Seattle, Washington


I am guessing with expansions they may update it by another 5 levels or so... Maybe.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

The Holy Land of Kiwis!

The cap will never be raised. Never. There is no need, and never will be.

And I mean never. Not maybe, not probably not, it's never.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2005

At this time, there are no plans to raise the level cap. If we do make a change, or if we have a higher level cap in future chapters of Guild Wars, we will be sure to share the news in an interview, on our various fansite forums, or we will make a post about it on our official site, www.guildwars.com. Please keep an eye on the site for future updates. I found that in the support site it looks as if that they may possibly raise it in the future.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

The Holy Land of Kiwis!

Great, but 0% of the GW Community wants it, so why should they give it?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2005

All of the pvp players don't want it they would not have put any thought of raising the level cap unless alot of people have asked. I am a pve and i am sure that the other pve players would like to see the level cap raised. I do understand your point kiwi you are a pvp that likes the fact that there is a limit, but please see it from the pve side and see that we don;t care about the arena we like it ofr the quests and playing with friends, i know then i should go play wow, but i don't want o shell out $15 dollars a month just to feel like i have to play it. That is why i love guild wrs it is free i don't feel like i have to play it all the time i would just like to see the possiblity of the cap being raised a little bit at a time.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

The Holy Land of Kiwis!

OK first of all dont judge what I do by my opinions.

I have never even tried GvG.

I looooovveee PvE, but I can do all that even when I'm 20. Something called missions and quests. It provides a bigger challenge fighting something 5 levels higher then me, I dont want that spoiled.

Oh, and if you cant understand


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2005

Spoiled how would it be spoiled you would always find things that would be higher than you it would just let you level and get better i am not asking for a 15 level increase just maybe 4 or 5 a little bit at a time. That way you can fight bigger badder things and you can do more damage it gets boring always doing the same damage bieng able to do grow adds excitement. Sorry the way you answered appeared to be from a pvp point of view. My bad.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2005

The Holy Land of Kiwis!

I'm sorry, I dont need higher hp and energy to fight harder things. I need skills and my own skill. It's more fun to fight something harder then you.

If your level 20 and you fight something level 25, its fun its hard.

If your level 25 and you fight something level 30, its the same.

Its the same, but with more newbie crushing. I'm trying to avoid that.

Edit: Oh and uh who cares about damage? I care about skills. And anyways higher levels dont mean higher damage, more weapons do.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2005

no matter what you do you will lawyas have newbie crushing, but that would only be happening in arena. But you would be able to do more damage and it would add the ability to look foward to something and you would also have to wait to get different armor and weapons it will not take long to hit level 20