Originally Posted by Ristaron
Ok, Sin, lets continue without the attitude, please.
First off I say what I mean and mean what I say. Any attitude perceived is not intended towards anyone or anything, more likely it is me being excited in the moment over whatever is being expressed. Merely stating a fact.
And guild wars didn't seem to me to be like a game like Rune, where it's 90% skill. There are no levels in Rune it's all PvP and only weapons give clear advantages. But someone with a midsized sword can kick the ass of someone with a big axe if they have skill (trust me, I do it all the time).
Skill does not reside in scimitars attacking faster than a B-Axe, 2 handed sword or even a halbred and emphasizes the lack of skill required in Rune. In fact there is no skill in rune.
In Rune all success rests on exp counters for almost every facet of the game (e.g. which player buried the most big bones, or has cast more spells using chaos/death runes; has the most food; can teleport before they die, etc.).
For instance, take a level 70 combat player whose prayer is only 30 and fishing 32, again level based on an exp meter specfic to these areas. That player will lose to a level 50 combat player who has level 43+ prayer and 50+ fishing. After hours of killng hill giants and fishing the exp in those areas alone will qualify them for the spells to protect against magic, ranged, and physical damage, and the level 40 will also be able to have swordies. The level 70, will not lose from your skill, they will lose because of your focus to put exp in areas they have not focused to invest exp into.
In contrast, the skills you have in guildwars certainly cost a skill point, but you don't have to bury bones or fish to gain their use. Combat exp gets you the skill point and attribute points you can adjust to enhance the skills you have. However, you still have to find the trainers to get the skill from and it is a purchase, not some instantaneous event that you work for hours to achieve so you can be on your road to
demi-goddom. Also, you only get so many skills to use at once. So you have to think out what skills you need to buy; what skllls will help you with what missions or GvG battle--Skill choices forcing strategy considerations before you begin battle.
With rune you know if you are taking damage from magic/ranged/physical attacks to select the prayer to stop
all damage from that attack (How Godly!). No thought of configuration or strategy before the battle, and little really during. You just hit until it's dead in rune, eating the occasional swordie.
Other games used the level system for other reasons, ones that conditioned us and in my experience were showing us how much time we could waste falling asleep chopping wood (It is really boring!), or mining coal (My mining level is 76! In that stat I am in the top 13,000 in Rune--Oh joy! zzzzzz).
Other posters above have told you, and you need to take it to heart:
GuildWars is about skill--Skill in a way you have not known in most, if any, other games (I never played diablo but many here seem to find some similarity. Please speak up if it's the skill someone.)
Even if getting more levels after 20 is extremely hard, like levelling in FFXI, that would be EXCELLENT! That means that it's not SUICIDE taking on a boss monster on your own, but it is extemely challenging and it's up to you not to screw up.
Once you get into GuildWars skills you will see that leveling as you are used to is unnecessary and previous games were merely holding on to a bunch of old pen and paper rules for nostalgic reasons and nothing more.
But, since I posted this originally I reflected on my fear of redundancy, and I recalled that I neglected to buy better armour until level 9. I was losing 20 hp/second in Old Ascalon when I was attacked because immediately 2 other things would jump in as well. BUT: when I bought armour, I was losing 3 hp/second. I was significantly better-off.
So if better armour and weapons continue to present themselves throughout the game, that would definately off-set the 'level cap', as there's still character development to be achieved.
Skills as well. With two professions you have over 100 skills to be learned. Learning when and where to use them is fantastic.
Again, it has already been said that there is continued character development, and, of course armour and weapons can always be improved, should you have the imagination and find the resources you need. I believe skill points will remain to be awarded as you gain exp (Corrections welcome!). In my experience before the first beta character wipe I remember the exp continuing to accumulate and mazing out, just not counting as a "level" and not enhancing as a level would when it maxed and went to zero. So the skill point becomes a resource you get for every exp accumulation completed after level 20.
But, still. Getting marginally better over time is something I'm sure many other people will say is an almost necessary part of an RPG. I would say that the level 20 PvP thing should remain. But in PvE it shouldn't be suicide to go out and play the game when you're at the so called 'endgame'.
Well GuildWars is built around true challenge through skill, not "How can we be just like every other game up to this point in time to set a '
demi-god' path that everyone will follow like lemmings!" Level 20 is the beginning of the game my friend, it is the
endtutorial!--This too has been said in prior posts. Also, I don't get the preoccupation with being able to solo missions, to be so godly nothing hurts you. For me the game is worthless then.
Cheers Ristaron and all with my apologies for length