i have another (i think strong) argument in favor of level cap 20. let's take for example Lineage 2. i played this game from beta till chronicle 1. and then i got bored of leveling. i want to draw your attention to something else tho' and that is botting. i have read on a lineage 2 forum a complaint against botters (people who use 3rd party programs that move the character and make it level and whatnot) and how they couldnt stand it no longer and will quit. my thought is that level cap 20 will prevent this from happening. this level cap will also be kind of a sorter of bad seeds from the crop as less and less "noobs" will come and more sophisticated and friendly people will take their place (i dont know why but all this kill.kill.kill-level.level.level kinda makes people grumpy and "upsetilish", see causes for ks-ing and pk-ing) .
on another point ill take as example Anarchy Online, but any other "leveling-like-hell" mmorpg could take its place. so, in AO the level cap is 220. but u cannot reach it unless u spend maybe half a year playing hard. i played this game for about a year and a half but never reached 220 (highest was 160). the reason i leveled was not for the sake to level, but so i could be able to explore those areas that were unreacheable for my level (e.g. u need level lvl 200 to enter inferno area). of course i got bored of leveling. what i'm trying to say is that i am an explorer. i spend 3/4ths of my time exploring new zones, doing quests and socializing. so this change that guild wars brings is very welcome and i look forward to finish downloading the client, the BWE to start and aaaaaaa......

p.s. sorry for the last part. im just really anxious to take a sip from the cup full of FUN