first off, i would like to say that i like the idea of a lvl20 cap. in all honesty, its a great idea and awsome way to take a game. 2nd, for those that seem to think RPGS/mmorpgs are all about exping and nothing more... your wrong IMO, exping is a big part of any RPG, but why only take enjoyment of that? also, in other RPGS, or rather, tipical RPGs, your able to use ALL of the new skills you aquire from lvling. that doesnt happen in GW, from my 2 day experience at the last BWE, the GW system works and is a good thing. yes you lvl up and get a tad bit better, BUT, you get to PICK what new skills/spells you want!!! how can you beat that!!!!???? not to mention the fact theres something like 75 skills (right?, i think that number is correct not sure lol) per prefession and only get to take 8 with you into battle. that alone makes me not care about going past lvl 20. it really doesnt matter what lvl you are in the end, you still only get to use 8 skills so what does it matter if your lvl 20 or lvl 80 in GW. for those of you that "enjoy" exping, i have seen it said that you still get skill points wellll after lvl 20, and im sure that is tied into exp after you cap your lvl. not to mention the fact exp is a key factor in allowing you to move your attribute points around. so there are reasons to still pve, not just going with the story line and seeing what world they have created, but you can also do it so you can mix and match builds and play around with what idea character you want.
for me, the biggest CON about most MMORPGs out there was the hudge amount of time it took to do anything let alone reach the max lvl. i think having a time sink is nice, but it sucks when your not able to play like all the crazy power gamers out there that are able to play 24/7 when your stuck with 6 hrs a night... if that. this game prevents that IMO, and later becomes just a hudge comppetion for the guilds, and thats cool IMO, im not a hudge RPG pvper, i am more of a pve person, but the fact that both are fun in this game just rocks. the missions are cool and tons of fun, i didnt try any pvp/gvg during the BWE, but im sure its just as great.
another thing i had noticed, was when i was runing around at lvl 8, it was still taking a bit of time for me to kill lvl 4 and 5 mobs solo, granted, im sure it was mostly do the fact i didnt have the greatest gear in the world, but it was still a bit of a challenge, nothing HUDGE, but it wasnt like a 1 hit kill at least. and also, even as a big pve'er, i would perfer to run around doing stuff at max lvl asap then having to wait 3 months to reach the max lvl and start seeing all there is too see in a game. exping kills my pve experince, i see exping as a time sink and nothing more, runing around at max lvl and doing fun stuff is when the true adventure starts, and since the max lvl is low and wont take too long, i think this game will always be an adventure in the pve world, at least IMO.
but anywho... i love this game and i only played it twice, i wouldnt want them to change anything at all. its a great game and IMO, there isnt anything wrong with it at all. that and come on... we are talking old school blizzard guys here, the pimps that made warcraft2/diablo/starcraft, some of the all time greatest games ever made, to ever dought their judgement should be punishable by death!