Ok, so keep in mind i don't even have the game, i'm looking to get it in mabey a week.
I've looked at this thread, read up to about page 3 then realised that the whole thing was just reinstated over and over again. The basic's being that:
-The level cap is 20
-Some people like the cap at 20
-Some want a bit more
-The game is not level based, rather based on player skill

<(Creepy Face says: "That's impossiable!")
-The game is heavy on PvP but it is not a nessisary aspect of said game.
-The game is instance based (I.e. when your doing a quest, it's only you and/or your party)
Right? So it's good that the level is capped at 20 because none of the lvl 20's will be getting their asses handed to them by a level 60. But the thing is, if the cap's raised, say (hypotheticaly [that means keep reading and shut up]) to 30, then the PVP players will most likely be level 30.
I'm pretty sure that most of us here would rather go into a room of 20 enemies with a machine gun rather then a six shooter. Oh? You like the revolver you say? Well guess what!
That's where the skill comes in. That's where the level 20 kills the level 30, that's where the level doesn't matter.
Now, with that vented into the air, probably later causing solar radiation to leak into the atmosphere and fry hundreds of human beings, I would like to ask a few, probably already asked, questions:
-There are 4 character slots correct?
-Is it possiable to craft things? I know you can dye armor and stuff.
-How big do groups get? Like the one's in the video's and groups for quests.
-What is the deal with all this "You only see people in the towns unless your in a group" stuff?
-How many servers are there? I get the notion that there is only one of them.
and lastly
-Is the
EB collector's eddition worth getting?
That's all for now. Hopefuly i'll see you in game in about a week or so.
Ah yes, i looked at the interactive map and noticed... HOLY CRAP! That's a pretty big area. Is it possiable to travle from one end to the other? I mean completly I.E As in like the Elder Scrolls or (i hate to say it) like in GTA?