I'm definitely for the [no lvls up] people...
lvl 20 or lvl 99? They're just freakin' #'s!!!!
If they wanted, they could take the exp you've earned through lvl 20 and just divide it into 99 sections...
So instead of gaining 1000 exp to hit lvl 3 or what not, u only need 100, sheesh... Think about it!
Instead of getting to lvl "99" in 6 months of casual gaming, you hit lvl "99" [20] using the new GUILDWARS system in barely a week!!! Hoorah for GW!!!
I was sick of looking at the "hack me" glow in Ragnarok Online. Yay, I'm lvl 99! I'm bettar than all of you! bah... In this game, you can say you're lvl 20 and "bettar than all of you" when a much smarter lvl 15 runs up to ya in pvp and tears your sorry self in two...
Please, reward the skilled players!! Not the ones who think lvling makes you better...
"But I'm not a pvp person ya dork!" says you? Well... When you fight a lvl 25 character at lvl 20, and those are all the highest enemies you may face, what's the difference in that and fighting as a lvl 99 char vs. lvl 110s? Again, just #'s... Wha!!! HOORAH FOR GW!
/me barfs...
Sorry bout regurgitating everything that's been posted... The very reasons I've left these other "normal, $#!++y" MMORPGs is because Guild Wars is so different. Please, STAY DIFFERENT MAH BELOVED GUILD WARS!!!
[gets locked into institution...] GAH!!!