If I know that my opponent is going to come with an all Air Ele/Monk team, I should be at fault for not stocking up on anti-elemental armor or the Mantra of Lightning stance for my Mesmer (or any other gear for a strat that I decide will work). It should not be determined by the rules of the system that we all participate in, which keeps me from accessing this gear because I haven't jumped through enough hoops for the "league". Everyone should start with all options, and may the best team win from there. That's the only time that 100% pure skill takes over, when the "league" doesn't influence the match before it starts.
Why doesn't anybody understand this example? So many intelligent people participating in this thread, why are so many resistant to acknowledging this simple truth? Bashing on Arredondo and picking apart his analogies doesn't change the truth of what he's saying.
I like both PvE and PvP. However, I've never been able to get into PvP really seriously, and just jump in casually because right now I'd guess that around 60% (probably more) of the available skills, runes and upgrades are locked to my characters, even with having played PvE regularly since release date.
It would be so much more fun if I could spend my time designing builds and strategies with my teammates to counter other builds and strategies. Yet I try to do what I can with the predesigned templates and what my characters have unlocked, and have had some enjoyable experiences doing so.
Some would likely ask, "well what's the problem then?" Well, consider the following example, which is akin to one I've experienced...
A guild does some research and recognizes that carrying a Protection Monk and a Domination Mesmer built around a specific skill set for each would be a potentially good strategy to combat the guild they're going up against in GvG, or that it's at least worth trying and practicing for awhile. But wait... none of the guild members have focused on those attributes with their PvE characters, and the skills they want to use are locked. On top of that, the runes and upgrades designed for those characters are locked too.
Ok, so what are their options?
1) Don't play those characters or try that strategy.
2) Go into PvE and either create new characters or change one of their high level character's secondary and go searching for the skills, runes, and upgrades to unlock.
3) Unlock and purchase all the stuff needed through PvP play over the next several days, weeks, months or however long it takes.
Wow, that's a lot of work to get to a point of being able to just try out a strategy that they're not even sure is going to work.
And that's where all of the sports analogies come into play, which are getting lost in semantic deconstruction and falling upon deaf ears. In any sport, if a team or player comes up with a strategy they would like to try, as long as it falls within the rules of the game, there are no league imposed restrictions that prohibit them from trying out that strategy.
If a new NBA franchise wants to try employing a full court press, the league isn't going to come in and say, "ok, you can start to practice and apply the full court press after the team hits 1000 shots, or 1000 free throws, whichever comes first."
If a new entrant at Wimbledon decides she wants to apply a serve and volley tactic against her opponent, the WTA isn't going to tell her, "ok, you can begin practicing and using the serve and volley after having won 1000 games, or 50 matches in tournament play."
In both of these examples, it's up to the player/team and their skill and practice in applying these techniques in the game as to whether they succeed or fail, win or lose.
If I could practice an Inspiration Mesmer, I might be really good at playing that character effectively in a team. But I will probably never know to be quite honest, because the skills and upgrades are locked.
You can't compare practicing a sport to unlocking skills. You can, however, compare practicing a sport to practicing GW PvP.