Post your IN-GAME CHAT funniness! (No names in pics)
Originally Posted by -Old 3FL-
Aki, the Swatstika (or however u spell it) was a religious symbol
it wasnt made by the Nazis
just because someone has it doesnt make them nazis
they may use it coz they like its look or for religious purposes It's not even a's a letter in another language...which people confuse as a Swastika because they're ignorrant :P
it wasnt made by the Nazis
just because someone has it doesnt make them nazis
they may use it coz they like its look or for religious purposes It's not even a's a letter in another language...which people confuse as a Swastika because they're ignorrant :P
Aki Soyokaze
Originally Posted by -Old 3FL-
Aki, the Swatstika (or however u spell it) was a religious symbol
it wasnt made by the Nazis
just because someone has it doesnt make them nazis
they may use it coz they like its look or for religious purposes Okay, but that's not why I posted those pictures. I posted them because of what 'red' was saying, not becuase of their guild tag.
it wasnt made by the Nazis
just because someone has it doesnt make them nazis
they may use it coz they like its look or for religious purposes Okay, but that's not why I posted those pictures. I posted them because of what 'red' was saying, not becuase of their guild tag.
-Old 3FL-
and Xiao i didnt no it was letter in a diff language
i just assumed it was a Swastika.
and Xiao i didnt no it was letter in a diff language
i just assumed it was a Swastika.
The Herbalizer
Originally Posted by Night Daftshadow
Originally Posted by TheLordOfBlah
Heres me getting angry at noobs. I got into like 50,000,000 arguments with RETARDS that day, this guy was liek the last one before I gave up.
"NO, NOT FOR RUNNING! MENDING OWNS FOR RUNNING!" Idiot... I have and always use mending for running. It is a very good skill for runners. Even though I have made countless millions from running alone I guess I am an idiot or a noob -Old 3FL-
If someone hasn't posted it already, I heard someone say this in HA while we were fighting the zaishen:
I know what it is you seek, for I too wish to claim the everyday low prices at Wal-Mart. Travisimoo makosi I was checking out Ascalon ID1 and this guy wasn't very discrete with his gold-delivery. P.S. yes, he was a wammo. Quid Pro Quo
Originally Posted by makosi
P.S. yes, he was a wammo.
Sigh, so many of them out there to give us all bad names.
Dekar Havik
I just love making witty comebacks sometimes. This is one of those times...
Red = some guy who obviously hates a bunch of stuff Blue = some guy who is very tolerant of things Green = me Vahn Roi
Originally Posted by Dekar Havik
I just love making witty comebacks sometimes. This is one of those times...
Red = some guy who obviously hates a bunch of stuff Blue = some guy who is very tolerant of things Green = me Haha, mr green bar sure showed him! Dekar Havik
Originally Posted by Vahn Roi
Originally Posted by Queen Christie
Need I say more. Oh man. I can't stop laughing from this one. XD sludderx
i gotta try to find it but i have a good one. i play pvp mesmer alot and i removed a enchantment from a w/mo. well about 3 minutes later, we win, i hear the warrior whining over here. WTF I CAST3D MENDING AND I WAS SUPPSED TO HVE +2 REGN. to bad it was removed buddy thats your lifeline. ill try to find it. might have delted with the 999 i had... a buncha random crap .
Retribution X
I got in a battle in the PvP isles, and all but me(On Xanthos, my warrior) and a warrior lagged out.
So, We got into a nice conversation, and did a Sync dance party... One of the conversations went something like this... Me: how many characte slots did you get? Him: 13 extra ones. why? I laughed at that so hard he asked why I wasn't replying... Gorebrex
I know Im missing something there...
billy brute On a run from LA --> Amoon Oasis Gangstarpt Relambrien
No screens but some of you may remember this.
Now, back a LOOOONG time ago I was in a guild called "Michael Jacksons Little Boys." That lasted about 2 weeks before I left due to, well, you can imagine the immaturity. Anyway, one thing a certain 8 people would do was go into Tombs American District 1 (this was when Tombs was the entrance to the tournament), and get on vent to listen to the leader's songs. The songs were guessed it...NSYNC. As the song went on, they would type the lyrics into local chat, thereby spamming the HECK out of the district. I never took part in this, although I did comment about it multiple times as I was watching one of these "concerts" take place. Many people still remember that. I actually met up with someone from that guild not too long ago in Observer Mode...he remembered my name of choice, which is what I was under at the time. Thank goodness for unique names! Oh, and as a little fun... Our guild cape was pink with a white hand emblem. Our leader said it was so "we could have a white hand on our *** 24/7." Thank goodness the cape turns blue in a party. eVeRt
Just came across this in ab:
A couple minutes later: Red=Someone new to ab Blue=Some guy Green=Random people some guy
Originally Posted by Aki Soyokaze
Going afk in Grotto seems to have its rewards sometimes; most of the time you just get hugged, but sometimes this happens.
That's actually not the nazi symbol, that is the bhuda symbol in bhudism (sp). The nazi symbol points the other way Bokocasso
Originally Posted by billy brute
On a run from LA --> Amoon Oasis LOL that made me rofl some guy
got one, i was meeting a friend in great temple of balth when i just got in i saw this:
[img=] xerverkillah
soz no screenies but this is a funny one for programmers.
we were in one of the elite mission. <monk> : "WTF, they keep going for me!" <monk>: "getMonkPos()" hehe Killaya
This was in 5 man Oro. Our heal monk went AFK to take his dog out, and we all died. He was gone for like 10 minutes.
And this was making fun of the Abyssals in FOW. (Mallicus is my boyfriend, he approved me not censoring his name.) Ohohoh, and this was in my Guild Hall... don't ask XD I have a lot of these XD leech
Originally Posted by Killaya
Ohohoh, and this was in my Guild Hall... don't ask XD
LOL, thats great! Vahn Roi
Originally Posted by eVeRt
Just came across this in ab:
A couple minutes later: Red=Someone new to ab Blue=Some guy Green=Random people People are mean... Vahn Roi
Originally Posted by some guy
That's actually not the nazi symbol, that is the bhuda symbol in bhudism (sp). The nazi symbol points the other way
It's not really the symbol for the Buddha, but it is used in both Buddhism and Hinduism.
About the symbol used by the nazi, I've seen it in museums of ancient greek statues/items, etc. So they were prolly the first to use it.
rprsnt GREECE!!!!!1!!1!one!1!1!! blaise funny parth was every typed lol like in 1/2 seconds Hyper Cutter
Originally Posted by nomercy
I think he's got a point there
Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter
I think he's got a point there
He forgot to mention "Physical Resistance" that skill should be called "not now I have a headache"
Sgt Gold
In this screenshot green is the pwner, red is the pwnee, blue is other people. Flash Sp
The Goths would definitely be saccer necros... some emos would be too, but then ud have some guys who r shy and have a "cry in the corner" skill they use a lot.... lolz EMOEMOEMOEMOEMO
Vahn Roi
Originally Posted by Flash Sp
The Goths would definitely be saccer necros... some emos would be too, but then ud have some guys who r shy and have a "cry in the corner" skill they use a lot.... lolz EMOEMOEMOEMOEMO
My, how very stereotypical of you...
Someone I know IRL also plays Guild Wars, and he was kind enough to email the following screen to me. I was the one who edited it of course. Note, ALL names have been blacked out, even the guy who leveled up and the guy whose team won HoH :P
Backstory: The person I know IRL was trying to sell Urgoz's Flatbow for "75-100k." This guy comes up and informs him of its market price on that day. This was taken not long ago, after the elite weekend, so it wasn't worth nearly as much as before. My "friend" replies asking him to buy, the guy says no, and IMMEDIATELY afterward, my "friend" says something somewhat funny. Not the most hilarious thing, but good for a chuckle. Wanna know the best part? The Flatbow was given to him by his guildie. EDIT: To emphasize, I'm laughing at my "friend" here, not the guy who wanted to help him Cyan The Archer
"Will u buy for 65k?"
"no, i dont wanna buy for 75k+" WTF was he smoking? Lafayette
Originally Posted by Relambrien
Someone I know IRL also plays Guild Wars, and he was kind enough to email the following screen to me. I was the one who edited it of course. Note, ALL names have been blacked out, even the guy who leveled up and the guy whose team won HoH :P
Backstory: The person I know IRL was trying to sell Urgoz's Flatbow for "75-100k." This guy comes up and informs him of its market price on that day. This was taken not long ago, after the elite weekend, so it wasn't worth nearly as much as before. My "friend" replies asking him to buy, the guy says no, and IMMEDIATELY afterward, my "friend" says something somewhat funny. Not the most hilarious thing, but good for a chuckle. Wanna know the best part? The Flatbow was given to him by his guildie. Okay, so the other chap helped your friend. Your friend asked him if he wanted to buy the item, and when he said no your friend called him a 'nub'. And you're laughing at the other guy? Your friend sounds like a jackass. xiaotsu
Originally Posted by Flash Sp
The Goths would definitely be saccer necros... some emos would be too, but then ud have some guys who r shy and have a "cry in the corner" skill they use a lot.... lolz EMOEMOEMOEMOEMO
...You're a moron, kthxbai~
Mmm keep the funny coming Relambrien
Originally Posted by Lafayette
Okay, so the other chap helped your friend. Your friend asked him if he wanted to buy the item, and when he said no your friend called him a 'nub'. And you're laughing at the other guy? Your friend sounds like a jackass.
To clear things up, I was actually laughing at my friend :P
Now that you mention it, I'd better go edit that post to make sure people understand that EDIT: Wording Saix The Spartan
Note on the first one, i just lost a battle in RA, and that was the first thing i saw when i got back..