Add %'s for individual areas
Kira Sassan
I feel that when you enter an area, under where it says for example 'Explorable Area' it should say something along the lines of '92.6% Explored'
Would help greatly for those aiming for exploration titles and I know it'll also prevent some people from commiting suicide.
Would help greatly for those aiming for exploration titles and I know it'll also prevent some people from commiting suicide.
Trin Storm
Now that would be a big help. I like it!
Lasher Dragon
This is a great idea, I would put it next to the zone name on the map.
This is a great idea, I would put it next to the zone name on the map.
Guinevere Ac
/signed /signed /triple signed
Hmm. I think it'll make it far too easy to get the Explorer titles. They're meant to be an example of devotion and hard work, not just hopping from area to area to quickly get a new title.
It makes it easier for those who've completed the game so they don't have to backtrack to every single area just to see if they maybe missed .1% there. And it also requires players to still explore the entire area, meaning it still requires alot of time and work. Imagine having .3% missing from an area like snake dance, that's alot of work still, it just lets players know when they've fully explored an area(meaning if they have all of snake dance explored, they don't have to waste 4 hours with henchies).
It makes it easier for those who've completed the game so they don't have to backtrack to every single area just to see if they maybe missed .1% there. And it also requires players to still explore the entire area, meaning it still requires alot of time and work. Imagine having .3% missing from an area like snake dance, that's alot of work still, it just lets players know when they've fully explored an area(meaning if they have all of snake dance explored, they don't have to waste 4 hours with henchies).
Originally Posted by Bale_Shadowscar
Hmm. I think it'll make it far too easy to get the Explorer titles. They're meant to be an example of devotion and hard work, not just hopping from area to area to quickly get a new title.
if they implimented this, then in no time everybody would be running around with this title.
wheres the fun in that?
wheres the fun in that?
sinisters chaos
well pressing "m" and searching for that 5% u are missing isnt fun, also i find this helping, dont really see a downside to it
Aki Soyokaze
The idea is not to have titles handed to you but rather to work for them and earn them. It's supposed to be hard to get the higher lvl titles like Master Cartographer or Grandmaster Cartographer. Allowing people to see how much of a certain area that they've explored will make it far too easy for people to get these titles.
/not signed
/not signed
Originally Posted by Kira Sassan
and I know it'll also prevent some people from commiting suicide.
sinisters chaos
LOL yes... it does seem like that doesnt it
The subtitle for an area is tagged as a part of the level. It can't change based on character variables.
I saw this idea on another forum and thought it was just fabulous.
Some people want to get the Grandmaster Cartographer title but just don't really know where to start. Anet could consider adding something to that update that put the area names on our maps. When an area is complete, have the lettering be gold. If you have more than 75%(or something like that) of it explored, have the percentage show under the area name. Kind of like the map update that allows the area name to be green if your active quest directs you there. Except that it would permanently become gold or some other color to show your exploration is complete in that area.
I am not sure if I should have posted this in the explorers forum or not.
Some people want to get the Grandmaster Cartographer title but just don't really know where to start. Anet could consider adding something to that update that put the area names on our maps. When an area is complete, have the lettering be gold. If you have more than 75%(or something like that) of it explored, have the percentage show under the area name. Kind of like the map update that allows the area name to be green if your active quest directs you there. Except that it would permanently become gold or some other color to show your exploration is complete in that area.
I am not sure if I should have posted this in the explorers forum or not.
Aki Soyokaze
This has come up before, where someone suggested that they should put a % of that area discovered. And while it might seem like a good idea, all this will really do will spoon feed the title to people. Sure it would've been helpful to have %'s on my map show up when I had 99.8% complete. But if I could simply look at which area I didn't have 100% on it would've defeated the purpose of getting the title.
It's supposed to be a challenge to get the title, or most titles for that matter. It wouldn't mean much if everyone could get the highest level title so easily.
It's supposed to be a challenge to get the title, or most titles for that matter. It wouldn't mean much if everyone could get the highest level title so easily.
demon dantes
It's supposed to be a challenge to get the title, or most titles for that matter. It wouldn't mean much if everyone could get the highest level title so easily. |
Originally Posted by demon dantes
well no disrespect but if this is the highest of all titles i guess it really is not worth doing anything else then huh. a title were you explore and go through the game i do not beleive would be the highest title of them all.
Hugging the walls of every zone to get every last bit of the fog isn't really 'exploring' either

But, of the PvE titles, Master Cartographer is one of the highest titles, if you disregard the farm/grind titles of opening thousands of chests/identifying thousands of golds etc.
Aki Soyokaze
Originally Posted by demon dantes
well no disrespect but if this is the highest of all titles i guess it really is not worth doing anything else then huh. a title were you explore and go through the game i do not beleive would be the highest title of them all.
Did I say that this one title was the 'highest of all titles' as in every single title out there? No, it was highest lvl of title as in Grandmaster as opposed to Master. Just like Master Treasure Hunter is the highest lvl of the Treasure hunter titles or Legendary Survivor is the highest lvl of the Survivor titles.
That would be awesome when you enter a zone it tells you how much you have uncovered or need to uncover. :P
That would be awesome when you enter a zone it tells you how much you have uncovered or need to uncover. :P
/signed, granted that no % is given, but only gold lettering for a 100% completed area.
I think the problem with this is that there is in fact a tiny amount of leeway in obtaining this title. In reality, to get the 100% Grandmaster Cartography title, you only have to uncover about 99.5%(approx) of the true 100% total.
I have 100% of the Tyrian map and 99.6% of the Canthan map and from looking at other people's maps I know that there are minute subtle differences in them all.
This would make it very hard for the program to know when to tell you that a particular individual zone was 100% complete - if this makes any sense.
It would certainly be a help to know which zones have the most left for you to find, but it could be possible that you can gain the Grandmaster title without ever uncovering the true 100% in any individual zone.
I have 100% of the Tyrian map and 99.6% of the Canthan map and from looking at other people's maps I know that there are minute subtle differences in them all.
This would make it very hard for the program to know when to tell you that a particular individual zone was 100% complete - if this makes any sense.
It would certainly be a help to know which zones have the most left for you to find, but it could be possible that you can gain the Grandmaster title without ever uncovering the true 100% in any individual zone.
Gargle Blaster
not signed... i earned the title you can too.
Dougal Kronik
For the Explorable Area lettering to turn gold when fully mapped. Therefore you could have the Grandmaster Cartographer title and still have areas that do not have gold lettering - thus wanting to go and finish the mapping of those area for any perfectionists.
For the Explorable Area lettering to turn gold when fully mapped. Therefore you could have the Grandmaster Cartographer title and still have areas that do not have gold lettering - thus wanting to go and finish the mapping of those area for any perfectionists.
Terra Xin
this title has a reputation to uphold... so no.
this title has a reputation to uphold... so no.
/signed to displaying percentage of each area explored on the world map.
I think if you're going for a title, you shouldn't complain how hard it is. They are made to be difficult, some more so than others, so I'm against making any of them easier(reducing beer prices, making exploration easier, making rares drop more, etc). If you want a title, earn it, don't try to make it easier.
/signed to displaying Fully explored area names in a special colour.
/notsigned Titles need to be hard to get. We already have a good-sized buffer on this title making a true 100% unnecessary, no need to make it even easier.
There is absolutely no rational reason not to do this.
The "hardness" of the title should be in being able to explore every inch of the map whilst not dying before getting there.
The hardness should not be based on "My eyes are better at pixel-hunting fog than yours are therefore I deserve 100% whilst you are stuck at 97.2%". --- Which is how the game "works" currently.
There is absolutely no rational reason not to do this.
The "hardness" of the title should be in being able to explore every inch of the map whilst not dying before getting there.
The hardness should not be based on "My eyes are better at pixel-hunting fog than yours are therefore I deserve 100% whilst you are stuck at 97.2%". --- Which is how the game "works" currently.
Guinevere Ac
/signed fully explored areas in a different color
you still have to show devotion... you should be able to press 'm' and it gives you the percentages on teh map...
you still have to show devotion... you should be able to press 'm' and it gives you the percentages on teh map...
"It's supposed to be HARD. The 'HARD' is what makes it Great! If it wasn't HARD everyone would do it."
I have both Grandmasters, on a Necro, I never ran, and I killed EVERY MOB IN THE GAME to earn these titles.
They are supposed to be hard.
"It's supposed to be HARD. The 'HARD' is what makes it Great! If it wasn't HARD everyone would do it."
I have both Grandmasters, on a Necro, I never ran, and I killed EVERY MOB IN THE GAME to earn these titles.
They are supposed to be hard.
Dr Strangelove
I feel for the people who already earned their title, but it seems silly that I should have to open up photoshop and hunt for bits and pieces of fog. I'm at 98.4% and I'm about ready to give up. Without outside utilities, this title is damned near impossible thanks to the need for wall hugging.
I feel for the people who already earned their title, but it seems silly that I should have to open up photoshop and hunt for bits and pieces of fog. I'm at 98.4% and I'm about ready to give up. Without outside utilities, this title is damned near impossible thanks to the need for wall hugging.
/not signed ~ this title should be hard to get... with %'s showing in each zone it'll make it far too easy to get the max
[/signed to displaying percentage of each area explored on the world map.
I really don't get why so many players believe in the equation:
Hardcore Pixel-Hunting = hardness.
Hardcore Pixel-Hunting fog is indeed hard, however it is not hard in a way that should reasonably have any relevence to Guild Wars achievements.
The Title is not "Grandmaster Hardcore Pixel-Hunter". But it might as well be with the way it's currently implemented. That's why it should be fixed.
Hardcore Pixel-Hunting = hardness.
Hardcore Pixel-Hunting fog is indeed hard, however it is not hard in a way that should reasonably have any relevence to Guild Wars achievements.
The Title is not "Grandmaster Hardcore Pixel-Hunter". But it might as well be with the way it's currently implemented. That's why it should be fixed.
I need my last 15% and I only know where 5% of it is
I need my last 15% and I only know where 5% of it is