W/Mo Ghial the Bone Dancer solo farm...

Brother Redmund

Brother Redmund

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Aug 2005



Nice build there, have had to modify like others (too lazy to get to fire islands for HH just now ).

I chose to use VS like some of the other guys. Only 2 attack skills i took were Quivering Blade (E), which is really quite good at a cost of 4 adrenaline and final thrust for the coup de grace. 5 or 6 successful runs through now, no drops as of yet but i agree with Stee's comment about the fact that if it drops easily then the value/rareness factor drops easily as well (flints fleshcleaver anyone?).

Nice work on the build setup Stee, tis good fun to play around with. I found i had more trouble trying to kill one rit by itself than i did a whole mob of jade brotherhood, due to weapon of warding. My solution to this was to sit back with it on the edge of my agro circle and shoot with my bow, causing it to chew up a bit of energy using channeling spells on me rather than healing itself. Did that for a bit, then switched back to melee gear (grognars sword/strongroots shelter in my case) and went in for the kill.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Apr 2005

Originally Posted by Brother Redmund
Nice build there, have had to modify like others (too lazy to get to fire islands for HH just now ).

I chose to use VS like some of the other guys. Only 2 attack skills i took were Quivering Blade (E), which is really quite good at a cost of 4 adrenaline and final thrust for the coup de grace. 5 or 6 successful runs through now, no drops as of yet but i agree with Stee's comment about the fact that if it drops easily then the value/rareness factor drops easily as well (flints fleshcleaver anyone?).

Nice work on the build setup Stee, tis good fun to play around with. I found i had more trouble trying to kill one rit by itself than i did a whole mob of jade brotherhood, due to weapon of warding. My solution to this was to sit back with it on the edge of my agro circle and shoot with my bow, causing it to chew up a bit of energy using channeling spells on me rather than healing itself. Did that for a bit, then switched back to melee gear (grognars sword/strongroots shelter in my case) and went in for the kill. You can try bringing disrupting chop and disrupting his weapon of warding when he's not holding the ashes that make him interruptable. After that its easy killings^^



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006


Knights And Heroes [Beer]

woot, i got my staff today, and it gave me the cash to get my final 15k piece.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

Originally Posted by Eclair
Try doing something else for a while then coming back to farm (in the game that is).

Edit: Tried it today and got it on my first try XD turned around and sold it XD

Also got 2 rare armors and 1 rare cane while I was getting to him O_o

I found that you didin't really need healing hands.

Executioner's Strike
Flurry (Tiger Stance is really bad against the ritualists)
Disrupting Chop (Get's those stupid rits and their weapon of wardings)
Dolyak Signet
Vigorous Spirit (just as good as healing hands, doesn't take up the elite slot)
Sprint Used this build today, got it on my first try =)

I sold the one I bought for more than I bought it for, so I might keep this one =)

Unless someone wants to buy for 80k =P

The build is great since I'm an axer, I might have to try balths spirit instead of flurry, however flurry was great for fast health too from vigorous spirit.

Stee Janz

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006


Council of Paranor,


Originally Posted by Arangja
Hey there again to all

I have been playing around with the different builds on here to see what I like.
Stee what I like about your build is that it is rock sollid, gets the job done nicely.

Stee you're the man, after reading your build there is one thing that really cought my eye "KNOW YOUR ENEMY"

I really strarted applying that to all my builds and if you know what the boss punches out you can counter it fairly easy.

Keep up the good work guys, only sad thing is that it is getting fairly hard to sell the staff now but that was not my aim in the first place. I got one for my necro so I am happy. If I want some fun I do this run, otherwise there is still a whole world out there also to keep you busy

Have fun all
Thank you.
This stuff is really alot like anything in life. The more you know about it the more successful you will be at doing it, so if you know what your enemy is going to do to you then you will be better prepared to counter.
Now its time to work on a solo build for Sunreach's shield. The problem with him is his group that always pulls with him. This one will be a little tougher to figure out. But the challange is why we farm.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

magik haaters


Gj,I got my first green on my frist run =D



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

Namibia, Africa


Originally Posted by Stee Janz
Thank you.
This stuff is really alot like anything in life. The more you know about it the more successful you will be at doing it, so if you know what your enemy is going to do to you then you will be better prepared to counter.
Now its time to work on a solo build for Sunreach's shield. The problem with him is his group that always pulls with him. This one will be a little tougher to figure out. But the challange is why we farm. LoL yea that is why we farm not so much for the drops but for the challange

I have never posted a build on here because my builds are all medioker builds and most of them is posted somewhere on guru, but I will give Sunreach a go and see what I can come up with

I have looked at the different wardens and so far I can already see that the Rits and the Mesmers might give you some problems because of the skills they are using but there must be a way around them

Will let you know when I have a build and then we can tweak it and see what happens



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006


Build also works on lian dragons petal outside market place in waijun bazzare, who drops lians lantern.
Need to kill the group of 3 knights first, then try and make lians group chase you all the way back to the portal for market place, as when you get close enough to it they will stop chasing and leave you alone, which leaves a nice bit of safety if you are getting in trouble.
Try to get the knight in the group to come to the bottom of the steps, then run upto the side wall of the steps by one of the pillars so you are shielded from the casters so they cant hit you.
If you have been lucky you can sometimes make the ritualist not follow the group but if he did run up steps and kill him first, then the other 2 casters, then finally lian.
I find on quite a lot of the runs sometimes after killing the knight the rest of the group dont bother attacking so you can just kill them at leisure.

Where to get the knight


she seems to drop just as bad as ghial though, havent had it once yet

Stee Janz

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006


Council of Paranor,


Cool. Another boss goes down. Good job mrcake.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2006

I got my staff on the 2nd try. Did the same and sold it for my last piece of 15K armor.

But I do notice nowadays that there are tons of these staffs for sale in Kaineng. Prices are still up at 65-80K tho, not sure if people are buying for that much anymore.

Dr Ripley

Dr Ripley

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


Force of Arms [FoA]

Nice build Stee (my compliments to the chef). Tried it a few times and he dropped it for me as well:


Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006

woops, nvm.

Calan The Powerful

Calan The Powerful


Join Date: Jun 2006


Dwarven Soldiers [ARMY]


I Rule!!!!!



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

Forgotten Myth


heh tried it like 30+ times.. still no drop.. i kinda gave up hopes to get it...

Stee Janz

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006


Council of Paranor,


I find that sometimes it takes a while to get a drop. Then you get it like every couple of trips.


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2005




Ballpark, how long does each run take-once you get it down that is?



Stee Janz

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006


Council of Paranor,


10-15 minutes

Wang Fu

Wang Fu

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006


Awesome build, although it is harder to sell the staff then to get it >.<


Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006

Thx for the solid build. I was able to get 3 staves in about 30 runs...Decided to keep one for myself and sell the other 2. The price is pathetic in my region.( Taiwan)

When I got my last staff, Ghail was generous enough to drop it together with a Sup vigor. HEHE



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2006

Good build, my first run took a while but I got it done and Ghial generously enough, dropped his staff on my first try. The hardest part was selling the staff .

Also, if Ghial decides to summon his golem, try to lose aggro of Ghial and his golem and then come back and see if you can aggro just his golem. This worked for me and i was able to pull the golem out of Ghial's aggro and come back to kill Ghial without anyone by his side. The best place to pull him is past the first and the second bridge, about halfway to that tengu market on that rooftop/ramp place.

Stee Janz

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006


Council of Paranor,


When I submitted this build the Ghial's staff sold for 65k easily. I haven't tried to sell one lately. I will have to try it again to see how it goes. I have been off farming other things.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

Namibia, Africa


Originally Posted by Stee Janz
When I submitted this build the Ghial's staff sold for 65k easily. I haven't tried to sell one lately. I will have to try it again to see how it goes. I have been off farming other things. Hey there Stee, well as you know I'm also mostly off doing something else I was still able to sell the staff for 60K the other day, but I don't wast a lot of time advertising in towns. Maybe I was just lucky.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Dark Angels of Rising Chaos [DaRc]


Originally Posted by Stee Janz
The Ritualist help heal so they can be a real pain. 1-3 will spawn with Ghial. If one spawns you can still kill Ghial. If 2 or more spawn then you will have to try to pull at least one (or two if three spawn) so that you can kill Ghial. Ghial with 2 Ritualist heals too quickly so it is better off to eliminate any extra Ritualist. What if 4 spawn? 0.o



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006


Knights And Heroes [Beer]

that W/N build works really well... and you guys dont have to run into the place to kill him.. pull him with a longbow. it makes everything easier IMO

Ultimate Sacrifice

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

after about 4 runs i got it, pretty nice build, i had fun too



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006


Knights And Heroes [Beer]

lol give me your staff! ill give u $1 over paypal for it lol



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2005

Dark Angels of Rising Chaos [DaRc]


Guys what do I do if i DO make him summon a flesh golem? Cuz I have an angry bone dancer with a golem on hold right now..

Stee Janz

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006


Council of Paranor,


Originally Posted by zeroxy
Guys what do I do if i DO make him summon a flesh golem? Cuz I have an angry bone dancer with a golem on hold right now..
Pull the golem as far as you can away from Ghial. Then he will not keep pulling a golem out of him. Just drag him back while attacking only the golem. Keep pulling back past the small bridge if you have to. Just keep attacking the golem and pull. Ghial will quit following after a while and the golem will be left alone. You should be able to finish off the ghial and go for ghial after that.



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Mar 2006

Originally Posted by zeroxy
Guys what do I do if i DO make him summon a flesh golem? Cuz I have an angry bone dancer with a golem on hold right now.. I'm assuming that you have him by himself no mesmers, rits or mages in his group? If you have him 1-on-1 +flesh golem, pull him as far back to the tengu market as you can. Ghial and his golem should lose aggro. Equip a longbow and launch and arrow at his golem. If done correctly, the flesh golem should come WITHOUT Ghial. Making sure Ghial is not in aggro range, finish off the golem. Ghial should not make another golem out of the one you just killed. After that you can kill him easily.

Uhh, nvm Stee answered while i was typing my post.

I tried this with a following mage and it worked after a LONG LONG time. I'll try and post a screenie if i can get ghial to summon his golem.

Stee, I sold the staff after a while for 65k. It took a while and when I finally heard the whisper noise, i had gotten two buyers. If I can get this staff again, I will try with a lower price, perhaps 60k? I also saw these staffs going for 55k or offers.

Beld the Savage

Beld the Savage

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005

Liars Cheats and Thieves [Liar]


i always lure ghial away with a longbow... and he follows till he is between the little bridge (after u kill the 1st mob) and that pointy rooftop.
Golem is nvr a problem because u can lure it away as mentioned in the previous 2 posts.

And ritualists tend to always do a skill which takes some time and keeps them standing instead of following... just lure ghial away from them, should be rather easy.



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2006

Namibia, Africa


Originally Posted by zeroxy
What if 4 spawn? 0.o Well this is not a problem, as Stee stated in his build in the beginning, once you killed off the to knights infront of Ghail, you lure the rest out one by one. Run back to the beginning of the long bridge, just be carefull not to agro the bunch on the little pavilion accross the long bridge. Then if Ghail does not follow sprint forward and take care of them. Usually they will come in pairs so you can easily dispatch them.

If Ghail follows you even better then just pull him across the small bridge and kill him.

I haven't been there for quite some time and did a couple of runs yesterday, got 2 staffs in 11 runs, then it all dried up again. So time to go do something different again.

Good farming all

Ultimate Sacrifice

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

I soloed this sucker about 10 times and only got 1 staff to drop.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Summit of Human Evolution


How can you even include Tiger Stance? It pointless the way you describe the run. If you miss with an attack, it ends. Weapon of Warding renders Tigers Stance useless. You even say to leave a ritualist alive when fighting Ghial, making Tigers Stance completely useless against him.

Stee Janz

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006


Council of Paranor,


Originally Posted by Hells Last Survivor
How can you even include Tiger Stance? It pointless the way you describe the run. If you miss with an attack, it ends. Weapon of Warding renders Tigers Stance useless. You even say to leave a ritualist alive when fighting Ghial, making Tigers Stance completely useless against him. Well when you try the run you will realize that the ritualist will only cast warding on himself and not others in the group. So the weapons of warding only comes into play when you are attacking ritualists. And if your smart about it, you will only cast it when weapons of warding wears off. So actually tiger stance is an excellent skill for this run, kills mesmers, knights, elementalists, extremely fast. Try it before you knock it and enjoy the run.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Summit of Human Evolution


The ritualist will cast it on whomever you are attacking. which means Ghial if you leave a ritualist alive. I can do the run just fine, but I use this build.

Glads Armor
-2 stance, -3 Hexed Shield of the Wing
Zealous Flamberge of Defense

Superior Vigor
Superior Absorbtion
Superior Sword
Superior Tactics
Minor Stgrength

Max Tactics
Max Sword
Rest Str.

Healing Sig
Glads Defense
Sun and Moon
Shield Stance

Glads and Riposte kill the knights fast, and you are almost in 75% block 100% of the time.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

Essex, England

The Poltergeists


Ok, so the build works.

But where the hell do u get tiger stance from? al i can fdin is sites saying what it does and everything, but nothing saying where u get it?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

Essex, England

The Poltergeists


Ignore the last post. Found it.

Teres another way to get to ghial going from the marketplace.

North out of Marketplace, turn right, over the bridge, sprint past teh first grp and take a sharp right up the ramp, follow the path up to xaquang zone.

Once in the zone, head south towards The mantid monk boss, sprint past him and theres a grp just before the bridge.

Once theyre out the way, on the other side of the bridge is another grp, this is where it meets up with the original directions.

Havent tested this route yet but i think its shorter. However it might be slightly harder. But as I say i need to test this before i can confirm it.

Just tested the build though and was amazed. Nice one.

Used Victos Blade + a Grognars Defender, which is Armor 16, +45 health in a stance + recieved dmg -2 in a stance, not sure if tiger + dolyak count as a stance or not though.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

The Summit of Human Evolution


Originally Posted by Phouse
Ignore the last post. Found it.

Teres another way to get to ghial going from the marketplace.

North out of Marketplace, turn right, over the bridge, sprint past teh first grp and take a sharp right up the ramp, follow the path up to xaquang zone.

Once in the zone, head south towards The mantid monk boss, sprint past him and theres a grp just before the bridge.

Once theyre out the way, on the other side of the bridge is another grp, this is where it meets up with the original directions.

Havent tested this route yet but i think its shorter. However it might be slightly harder. But as I say i need to test this before i can confirm it.

Just tested the build though and was amazed. Nice one.

Used Victos Blade + a Grognars Defender, which is Armor 16, +45 health in a stance + recieved dmg -2 in a stance, not sure if tiger + dolyak count as a stance or not though. It's impossible to make that run from the marketplace. The degen you get from the Am Fah necro's and the marksmen (poison + cripple) is up to -10 degen. You simply can't heal enough....even with tactis at 16 (heal sig gives 159) However...after the initial fight from Senji's, run to this exit and rezone. 3 groups until you get to Ghial. Run past the monk and then run onto the bridge. If you fill up you inventory, the Tengu settlement is straight off the bridge past the part at the bottom of the ramp.

Stee Janz

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Mar 2006


Council of Paranor,


Originally Posted by Hells Last Survivor
The ritualist will cast it on whomever you are attacking. which means Ghial if you leave a ritualist alive. I can do the run just fine, but I use this build.

Glads and Riposte kill the knights fast, and you are almost in 75% block 100% of the time.
There is more than one way to skin a cat. But bringing riposte on this build for the knights only is more of a waste than Tiger Stance. Try the build and I bet run run through them faster than with your build


Forge Runner

Join Date: Jan 2006

By the Luxon Scavenger

The Mentalists [THPK]


tiger stance also counters faintheartedness, not totally but that really helps
"for great justice" works great as you gain 2x adrenaline.

tigers is a stance, dolyak is...a signet
better bring a -2/45 enchanted, always on with mending