I chose to use VS like some of the other guys. Only 2 attack skills i took were Quivering Blade (E), which is really quite good at a cost of 4 adrenaline and final thrust for the coup de grace. 5 or 6 successful runs through now, no drops as of yet but i agree with Stee's comment about the fact that if it drops easily then the value/rareness factor drops easily as well (flints fleshcleaver anyone?).
Nice work on the build setup Stee, tis good fun to play around with. I found i had more trouble trying to kill one rit by itself than i did a whole mob of jade brotherhood, due to weapon of warding. My solution to this was to sit back with it on the edge of my agro circle and shoot with my bow, causing it to chew up a bit of energy using channeling spells on me rather than healing itself. Did that for a bit, then switched back to melee gear (grognars sword/strongroots shelter in my case) and went in for the kill.