[MERGED: Bannings] Wanna see ANet ppl right here, right now ! (this is insane)
pork soldier
My housemate was banned for being logged in too much, making too much money and pvping too much aka,
++hours logged
++money made
++missions entered
gfg anet, gfg.
ps: now they "can't find her account"
++hours logged
++money made
++missions entered
gfg anet, gfg.
ps: now they "can't find her account"
I detest botters and professional botters. However, I think the crusade that has been on-going against the types of players started back during the developers' Diablo days. I think cheaters, botters, and pro-farmers scarred them so badly during that time period that screwing/trapping said pro farmers, botters, and cheaters has overtaken the normal-player welfare by far. Quite of bit of the stuff we see that happens in this game is geared more towards stopping them than being pro-player. Some people have been saying they believe the crusade is going too far (kind of like a bad case of Captain Ahab), though I am still on the fence.
I don't like the botters and pro farmers, but aside from a few specific areas (Elona Reach), and the fact that I deal with collector items/armour/drops and don't bank too much on the economy, they aren't oppressing me too much. On the other hand, I don't want GW to be screwed up as bad as the Diablos were screwed up by said cheaters/botters/pro farmers.
Of course, going the other way would be just as bad. I think the gates were more anti-botters/farmers, requiring them to play to get to their farm-spot, than they were anti-runner in general. Fingers of Chaos was the anti-botter/pro farmer nuclear bomb lol. Until this point, though, they've been really good about not having collateral damage. The people that got banned this time are just unfortunate casualties in ANet's Captain Ahab Crusade against botters and pro farmers.
I would definitely cut them some slack though. They had to witness their previous creation nearly destroyed by these people, so some hatred is to be expected. They probably want to error on the side against the botters/pro farmers than the other way around.
I don't like the botters and pro farmers, but aside from a few specific areas (Elona Reach), and the fact that I deal with collector items/armour/drops and don't bank too much on the economy, they aren't oppressing me too much. On the other hand, I don't want GW to be screwed up as bad as the Diablos were screwed up by said cheaters/botters/pro farmers.
Of course, going the other way would be just as bad. I think the gates were more anti-botters/farmers, requiring them to play to get to their farm-spot, than they were anti-runner in general. Fingers of Chaos was the anti-botter/pro farmer nuclear bomb lol. Until this point, though, they've been really good about not having collateral damage. The people that got banned this time are just unfortunate casualties in ANet's Captain Ahab Crusade against botters and pro farmers.
I would definitely cut them some slack though. They had to witness their previous creation nearly destroyed by these people, so some hatred is to be expected. They probably want to error on the side against the botters/pro farmers than the other way around.
My Sweet Revenga
Wow. Makes me glad I decided to do overtime at work today. I'm actually kinda afraid to go home and load up GW.......
Originally Posted by pork soldier
My housemate was banned for being logged in too much, making too much money and pvping too much aka,
++hours logged ++money made ++missions entered gfg anet, gfg. ps: now they "can't find her account" |
I just got the exact same reply from PlayNC support.
The information I gave them couldn't be used appropriately to find my account, so I had to provide every character name, the email from my account (which I gave them before) and the exact message stated while trying to login (which I also gave them).
So very sad.
LoKi Foxfire
Hey, maybe they got hacked and a bunch of griefers just started banning everyone as fast as they humanly could? Maybe deleted some accounts too?
I'm afraid to even log in now.
I'm afraid to even log in now.
Originally Posted by Matix411
I just got the exact same reply from PlayNC support. The information I gave them couldn't be used appropriately to find my account, so I had to provide every character name, the email from my account (which I gave them before) and the exact message stated while trying to login (which I also gave them). Sad. So very sad. |
In regards to LoKi's comment:
That would be horrible, don't even speak of such things.
I'm pissed off my account got suspended let alone banned and/or deleted permanently. I think I'd cry if my account got deleted, literally. Hundreds of hours have gone into mine and the majority of others' characters, to have such a tragedy happen would bring about the Apocalypse.
Sigh ...
I just want to play.
I want to go to Drok's, run a little ways to that ominous little ice cave, and play dead with some mountain trolls, ok?
Or take my newly beloved Ranger on a stroll through some dirty greasy Afflicted mobs.
I'm tired of hearing of other players' pain and sorrow, haha.
That would be horrible, don't even speak of such things.
I'm pissed off my account got suspended let alone banned and/or deleted permanently. I think I'd cry if my account got deleted, literally. Hundreds of hours have gone into mine and the majority of others' characters, to have such a tragedy happen would bring about the Apocalypse.
Sigh ...
I just want to play.
I want to go to Drok's, run a little ways to that ominous little ice cave, and play dead with some mountain trolls, ok?
Or take my newly beloved Ranger on a stroll through some dirty greasy Afflicted mobs.
I'm tired of hearing of other players' pain and sorrow, haha.
I'm still banned. Sent a message to Tech Support 5 hours ago and haven't recieved a response.
im still banned too, ive been wating for 8 hours no reply from a net supposrt yet and some ppl have been unbanned alredy
death met
Originally Posted by mr_stealth
I think those numbers are off a bit. Out of 115 people, at least 3 are in my alliance...what are the odds of that? And I recall another person saying that several guilds in his alliance had members banned. One of the people in my alliance that got banned was in a teamspeak server with several others that got banned at the same time.
I'm still happy many bots got banned though. At least they are taking action to make the game better.

Sword Of Cheese
ive been banned since 3 EST sent a million e-mails and all i got back was contact that useless support site linking from the guild wars the really need a phone number
LoKi Foxfire
This might be because of hackers or perhaps a bug in some new anti-botting code they tried to implement... either way, I just hope they don't have to do a rollback or anything because I've finally bothered to map like 10% for Tyria on my main character in addition to finishing my Protector titles. :/
If this turns into a case of hackers, and accounts are being deleted and that's why support can't find them, I'm going to flip.
What are they going to do to replace the countless hours of gameplay? The ridiculous amounts of money made and spent?
I never made that much, but it took a hell of a long time to save up either way.
I need tea. Excuse me.
What are they going to do to replace the countless hours of gameplay? The ridiculous amounts of money made and spent?
I never made that much, but it took a hell of a long time to save up either way.
I need tea. Excuse me.
pork soldier
Originally Posted by Matix411
I just got the exact same reply from PlayNC support. The information I gave them couldn't be used appropriately to find my account, so I had to provide every character name, the email from my account (which I gave them before) and the exact message stated while trying to login (which I also gave them). Sad. So very sad. |
g f'ing g.
edit: there are no hackers, don't start that rumor - support is just 90% inane.
LoKi Foxfire
Originally Posted by Matix411
If this turns into a case of hackers, and accounts are being deleted and that's why support can't find them, I'm going to flip.
What are they going to do to replace the countless hours of gameplay? The ridiculous amounts of money made and spent? I never made that much, but it took a hell of a long time to save up either way. I DON'T WANT TO THINK ABOUT THIS ANYMORE. I'M GOING TO BREAK SOMETHING. I need tea. Excuse me. |
Originally Posted by Matix411
If this turns into a case of hackers, and accounts are being deleted and that's why support can't find them, I'm going to flip.
What are they going to do to replace the countless hours of gameplay? The ridiculous amounts of money made and spent? I never made that much, but it took a hell of a long time to save up either way. I DON'T WANT TO THINK ABOUT THIS ANYMORE. I'M GOING TO BREAK SOMETHING. I need tea. Excuse me. |
to cybernigma : does REALM DOWN ring a bell? in diablo 2 there was a ''bot blocker'' that if you switched many instances in a small period of time you had a temporary ban on your account... lol 3 months ago i went to just log in with every one of my chars and on last one i got temp ban again.. i said on previous pst that this game might not become diablo2 as far as bots but i hope these false bannings are not here to stay :S imagine getting temp ban cause you switch your chars to fast or you travel to maps to often .. not to mention good ol farming..
Originally Posted by pork soldier
Yeah, it gets better - I have the master account that owns her game keys (I bought gw & factions for her) so even though they have her gw login they aren't sure where the account actually is.
g f'ing g. edit: there are no hackers, don't start that rumor - support is just 90% inane. |
I'm not trying to start rumors, I'm just freaking out. I want to play damnit!
As for the rest, that's ridiculous.
They have all the information yet, still can't find her account? WTF?
I just got a reply back from PlayNC support, after I gave them ALL my information, and, "I didn't reply correctly to the previous message".
So, I had to reply AGAIN, after they made it seem like they couldn't read my message or something, yet, still replied with the original message as an attachment, and requested I reply with the message "between requested lines."
"[===> Please enter your reply below this line <===]"
"[===> Please enter your reply above this line <===]"
I simply wanted a reply not "If your request is not between this typed line, I cannot process your request, due to the fact that my eyes only read a certain percentage of the way into the screen. I must be placed at the exact position of the message, else my eyes will only read absolute and eternal nothingness."
Originally Posted by Shadowcast
There are +2 million accounts. Around 4,000+ were banned. 115 of these have been unbanned, or less than 3% margin of error. (source: Gaile: http://www.guildwarsguru.com/forum/s...php?t=3071267).
It was either do this, or don't ban bot users at all. I suppose some people just can't take one for the team. Ban me for a week if it means you get all these botters, I don't care. |
they shouldn't have done it at all... i didnt get a bann nor do i know anyone personally who has yet this still impacts me... when is the next time and will i be banned then...
3% is a small percetage but it is 115 unjustly banned players
stop with the percentage game that is a way of blindsiding people by corperations...
you know like the tobacco companies stating that only 3% of their customer base has been proven to dire directly from smokeing... yea small number till that 3% is over a million people...
stop pretending this isn't a big deal... 115 people is more people than i know persoanlly in game... 115 people is a couple districts worth of people isn't it...
come on this measly 3% is a big number when its 115+
and truthfully since you find 3% not a big deal what percentage of unjust bans would you consider a problem?
not to mention the fact that this minor 3% error opens up a whole lot of "i was wrongfully banned" from people who shouldve been legitamately banned...
what here is the greater good... 115+ taking it from behind so that 4000 bots can be banned and giving the cheaters a reason of benefit of the doubt...or NOT banning like this...
makes honest people very untrusting... im sure Anet is taking this seriousely internally but seems they are shrugging it off to all of us...
this IS a big error
Originally Posted by tryptamine_xxp
to cybernigma : does REALM DOWN ring a bell? in diablo 2 there was a ''bot blocker'' that if you switched many instances in a small period of time you had a temporary ban on your account... lol 3 months ago i went to just log in with every one of my chars and on last one i got temp ban again.. i said on previous pst that this game might not become diablo2 as far as bots but i hope these false bannings are not here to stay :S imagine getting temp ban cause you switch your chars to fast or you travel to maps to often .. not to mention good ol farming..
EDIT: and truthfully, if a bunch of botters, cheaters, and pro farmers RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOed up a game I helped to create, then I'd probably have some bot-rage built up as well lol..
At least you've gotten messages back. I've been waiting 5-6 hours without a single reply.
Like someone else mentioned, you can't complain about being unsafe in a plane, then whine about airport security procedures. Same principle.
Complainers may wanna re-evaluate priorities. Would you rather Anet just ignore the botting problem, turn the other cheek and allow the economy to go to crap even more? Don't you think they are doing the best they can to avoid targeting honest players, then fixing said accounts as soon as possible?
If you haven't done anything wrong and happen to be in the small percentage that got targeted, send a SINGLE email to them via the support page and they will fix it asap. So you can't play for a few hours.. big deal.
Complainers may wanna re-evaluate priorities. Would you rather Anet just ignore the botting problem, turn the other cheek and allow the economy to go to crap even more? Don't you think they are doing the best they can to avoid targeting honest players, then fixing said accounts as soon as possible?
If you haven't done anything wrong and happen to be in the small percentage that got targeted, send a SINGLE email to them via the support page and they will fix it asap. So you can't play for a few hours.. big deal.
My Sweet Revenga
Originally Posted by Matix411
If this turns into a case of hackers, and accounts are being deleted and that's why support can't find them, I'm going to flip.
What are they going to do to replace the countless hours of gameplay? The ridiculous amounts of money made and spent? I never made that much, but it took a hell of a long time to save up either way. I DON'T WANT TO THINK ABOUT THIS ANYMORE. I'M GOING TO BREAK SOMETHING. I need tea. Excuse me. |
LoKi Foxfire
I guess we will find out how many people are going to get banned because of this new anti-bot code....
Sorry guys, you will no longer be allowed to zone more than 2 times per minute or face instant account deletion and permabans. /sarcasm
Seriously though, I hate the botters for bringing another shitty situation around. I hope they work on the algorithm they're using or something so people don't get nicked accidentaly.
Sorry guys, you will no longer be allowed to zone more than 2 times per minute or face instant account deletion and permabans. /sarcasm
Seriously though, I hate the botters for bringing another shitty situation around. I hope they work on the algorithm they're using or something so people don't get nicked accidentaly.
oh man just reloaded my guild wars and i saw it started downloading some files, though it was the fix but no luck, still banned

Originally Posted by My Sweet Revenga
Well if they're like any heavy user networking company, they'll have a regular backup of all the data. Tape backup or a crapload of harddrives. Now the question would be, how long ago was this backup? If it was before the event, well I guess we're gonna have another dragon festival event in the upcoming weeks lol.
they do NOT charge monthly fees... which by all means also includes that my rantings on this banning thing has absolutely no standing...
to be completely honest thys could shut down the servers today... well as long as the cancelled all the preorders that havent shipped and provide refunds to all those who didnt get to create and accound after they purchased the game... well you get the point...
just hoping this doesnt start to get into what Anet "owes" anyone...
im just in a huff because of the lack of importance of the issue to some players (even those who where unjustly banned) and staff....
imo they should have just "claimed" the entire thing was a complete mistake and leave out that they where trying to bann bots and accidentally banned innocent people in the process reinstate everyone and fix the prob internally then start over...
now it has turned into the part where innocent people ( a lot of them) got banned because their bot prog or whatever cant tell the different between a bot and a normal player... this would have been better just left out and kept behind the scenes... plus undoing all the banns would have provided a FASTER response and allowed Anet to keep the error on the downlow so no one got a headsup until it was fixed and working correctly
Originally Posted by Sword Of Cheese
sent a million e-mails

Originally Posted by darkx
oh man just reloaded my guild wars and i saw it started downloading some files, though it was the fix but no luck, still banned
![]() |
Downloading 124KB (112KB sec)
[Loading ...]
*Congratulations, you are now BANNED*
Shade the Black
This is for those of you who are feeling let down by A-net
sorry for the cap, im just so excited.
by the way this was the message i got from phield:
Thank you for contact Guild Wars Support. After reviewing the issue, it appears that your account was blocked in error. Your account is now released and you should be able to log in to Guild Wars. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Take care,
GM Phields
The Guild Wars Support Team"
sorry for the cap, im just so excited.
by the way this was the message i got from phield:
Thank you for contact Guild Wars Support. After reviewing the issue, it appears that your account was blocked in error. Your account is now released and you should be able to log in to Guild Wars. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Take care,
GM Phields
The Guild Wars Support Team"
More emails = more time spent reading.
More time spent reading = less actions done in that amount of time.
Just one e-mail is enough.
More time spent reading = less actions done in that amount of time.
Just one e-mail is enough.
death met
<--- unbanned.
Originally Posted by darkx
sorry for the cap, im just so excited. by the way this was the message i got from phield: "Hello, Thank you for contact Guild Wars Support. After reviewing the issue, it appears that your account was blocked in error. Your account is now released and you should be able to log in to Guild Wars. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Take care, GM Phields The Guild Wars Support Team" |
Oh eff this jive I'm SO going to play!!
Anyone who wants to add me and go on a murderous rampage feel free to do so,
Cheers all.
Props to ANet and PlayNC for sorting this out pronto.
Yes I agree, Anet is a company that has sold over two million copies and has no idea on how to address the botting situation. Thankfully, they regularly go on the forums to learn all the wonderful what-ifs of backup/restore procedures and data analysis, as the general public has more of an inkling in the area than an analyst with x years of experience and a myriad of skills and degrees.
The fact that I can only play GW twenty out of twentyfour hours of the day--and i may have to wait a whole six hours to play again--is tearing me apart inside. Time to flip some Dolyaks over and set them on fire!
The fact that I can only play GW twenty out of twentyfour hours of the day--and i may have to wait a whole six hours to play again--is tearing me apart inside. Time to flip some Dolyaks over and set them on fire!
Originally Posted by sinican
they actually have no obligation to any of us past to providing a working game cd and account
they do NOT charge monthly fees... which by all means also includes that my rantings on this banning thing has absolutely no standing... |
Originally Posted by sinican
to be completely honest thys could shut down the servers today... well as long as the cancelled all the preorders that havent shipped and provide refunds to all those who didnt get to create and accound after they purchased the game... well you get the point...
We've seen more and more virtual property lawsuits being filed over the past few years. It's a growing trend (lawsuits in my opinion are usually never a good trend) in a very gray area. A few of those lawsuits have been won in cases contrary to the EULA and against popular opinion of what would happen.
I'm not saying you're right or wrong on your points criticizing others about what they are owed. I am just tired of seeing the no monthly fee argument and really enjoy countering it. It's a complete cop-out. There are many games similar to GW (non-MMOs) that do not charge a monthly fee. In fact most of them don't. The big difference is most of those games don't offer backwards compatibility to their various chapters/editions like GW does. The towns are nothing more than lobbies that facilitate trading and teaming along with some occasional mini-games. It is (and has been said by ArenaNet) not an MMO, and since usually only MMOs charge fees, there is not a comparison.
To start off, I have been on guru for quite a while and have seen threads like this pop up from time to time. I don't like whiners and that is not my intention. My intention is to remind everyone out there that this is only a game and it can be taken from you in a moment's time.
I attempted to log into Guild Wars today and was absolutely shocked and saddened to receive information of a permanent ban. I truly consider myself an upstanding Guild Wars citizen and mature gamer. I have prided myself in being one who abides by the rules and promotes maturity in game. I have never once sworn, scammed, used an add-on program or bought or sold game items with real money. I can provide many game references to account for my integrity.
Throughout the past year, I have encouraged many friends and family members to purchase this game that I had fallen so in love with. I am a very family and friend oriented gamer and will be leaving many great acquaintances behind. I have always been extremely supportive of ANet and hope they do the right thing here. At any rate, the moral of the story is make sure you have a life outside of Guild Wars. Don't forget to spend some time with loved ones in the real world. That's what I will be doing from now on.
Take care and good luck,
EDIT: Please merge with the mass ban thread.
I attempted to log into Guild Wars today and was absolutely shocked and saddened to receive information of a permanent ban. I truly consider myself an upstanding Guild Wars citizen and mature gamer. I have prided myself in being one who abides by the rules and promotes maturity in game. I have never once sworn, scammed, used an add-on program or bought or sold game items with real money. I can provide many game references to account for my integrity.
Throughout the past year, I have encouraged many friends and family members to purchase this game that I had fallen so in love with. I am a very family and friend oriented gamer and will be leaving many great acquaintances behind. I have always been extremely supportive of ANet and hope they do the right thing here. At any rate, the moral of the story is make sure you have a life outside of Guild Wars. Don't forget to spend some time with loved ones in the real world. That's what I will be doing from now on.
Take care and good luck,
EDIT: Please merge with the mass ban thread.
Curse You
Hmm, maybe this has something to do with this thread, the one about 5 spots down...
Thank you for pointing that out. I was so upset I didn't think to check the forum for a similar post. Please feel free to merge or close.
The Great Al
wait what just happened...oh, i guess you made the thread not realizing you're going to be let back on
What horrible news today, I fear logging in a week from now(been away for about a month) and I know I wont be able to spell my mock japanese and mock russian character names...
I really hope we wont be required to tell them all character names with 100% correct spelling...
Just awful terrible news.
I really hope we wont be required to tell them all character names with 100% correct spelling...
Just awful terrible news.