Originally Posted by Damon Windwalker
Then why put in items that you can only get by farming (such as fissure armor)?
I imagine fissure armor is meant only for accounts with several players who have all played up to level 20.
Originally Posted by Ba Ne
I hope you understand that your post is merely your opinion, which you are free to express of course. Just realize that not everyone, including myself, agrees with you and that your opinion, or mine, is not by any means the Tome of Truth.
If you honestly think that farming is fun, then I pity you.
Originally Posted by Tuna
Quite frankly, the game is built around skills. Since there are 450 of them it takes grind to get 'em all. If they didn't want grind they should have created a different unlocking system rather than nerfing farming spots.
You can only have 8 skills at a time. You don't need all 450 skills. If you have a desire to collect 450 skills even though you can only use 8 at a time, then you're welcome to do so, but don't call that a "grind". That's you wanting to have everything, and having everything wouldn't be nearly as enjoyable if it weren't a challenge.
Originally Posted by Funbun
If everyone's skill is equal than that small difference may spell the difference between winning and losing. Athletes spend uber amounts of money just to gain fractions of a second. Cause that's all it takes to win.
This doesn't have anything to do with farming.
Originally Posted by Funbun
Wealth doesn't matter? How do you plan to buy 60k guild hall? After 300 hours of game play, building wealth in the game is the only fun thing left to do. Now that they've nerfed everything I can't even do that. Thus GW is no longer fun.
A 60k guild hall is not supposed to be purchased by a single individual, it's supposed to be purchased by a GUILD. In order to have any value at all, a guild with at least 8 members who are all level 20. Which equates to 7.5k each. Is that so unreasonable?
If you don't get joy out of replaying GW, then so be it. Certainly ArenaNet can't please everyone all of the time, but by reducing the need to farm they're keeping the activity away from the average player, and MOST people are bored to tears by killing the same old mobs over and over and over and over again.
It seems to be apparent that not everyone fits this category, and if you happen to enjoy such a mind-numbing process, then indeed...it must really suck to be you, for reasons completely independant of the lack of game induced motivation for farming.