OMG The Prices!
you mean a set price?
Sorta. We don't need to freeze the economy, that's bad. What we need, though, is some way to stem the massive demand that keeps driving costs sky high. In the real world, if a company sells a lot of a product, it can afford to sell it cheaper. Something like that principle.
Heh, maybe ANet just needs to hire a consultant that can show them the ropes of capitalist economy.
Socialism is bad. Run away from socialism.
Heh, maybe ANet just needs to hire a consultant that can show them the ropes of capitalist economy.
Socialism is bad. Run away from socialism.
Algren Cole
all I know is that I made about 500 Plat from this little endevour. Well minus my initial investment, so somewhere in the 450-475 range. ArenaNet really needs to employ an economist. For a bunch of coders(which are presumably intelligent) this company makes absolutely asinine decisions.
Seems as though ectos will never increase over 9k in value from the trader. This is causing people to hoarde all the ectos. They are never in stock, and when I see one in stock, I click request quote and he is already out of stock. Since he isn't selling for over 9k, people will just hoarde the ectos and sell them at a high rate.
In addition, shards aren't selling over 6k either.
In addition, shards aren't selling over 6k either.
i guess fissure armor isn't that 'rare' anymore since anyone who profited from the low ecto prices will probably get it. i'm so unlucky, i was sleeping at that time and went to school the next day, arg! i have 1080k so spend and now the prices are all upped again, dang it! (i wanted to get oh so many ectos

Well, 500p isn't that much. I know of people who literally made well over 4000p+ from the switch.
Still... yeah. Lots of fissure armor.
Still... yeah. Lots of fissure armor.
OMG Dead issue!

Ok, last comment here. The new trader mechanics are GREAT. However, Anet could have done without the reset of prices. They should have changed only the trader mechanics and eventually prices would go back to normal. I think it was just some short thinking on their part. Oh well there is nothing we can do now. The only solution is a rollback and 99% of the population would hate that for one reason or another.
Thanks for the trading update, maybe we'll actually be able to*trade* using the merchants now. You've cut down my down-time when I try to sell things.
Now, catch the botters and increase our drop rates back up!
Fantastic work,
Thanks for the trading update, maybe we'll actually be able to*trade* using the merchants now. You've cut down my down-time when I try to sell things.
Now, catch the botters and increase our drop rates back up!
Fantastic work,
Red Locust
So ANet saturated the market with gold.
Great, that can't be bad for the economy.
Great, that can't be bad for the economy.
Luna Thirteen
Well either way...Anet, send me an e-mail before you do this to me don't know the feeling of buying something then 10 minutes later seeing that I could have bought the same for a silly amount less. All those sup. runes I hoarded better make up for this :P
Great update, I really like to be able to sell to trader.
Just 1 thing, why the price reset.
If just the traders were fixed then prices would have come down for sure, by themselves.
So basically weeks and weeks of work and crafting to get gold for 15k armour and im screewed royally now. Wooo Hooo. But hey at least I missed out on buying superior runes for 100g, that compensates me. NOT!
So now we have instant billionaires and instant paupers, just wish I was in the billionaire club lol.
I still like the update, just not the implementation.
Just 1 thing, why the price reset.
If just the traders were fixed then prices would have come down for sure, by themselves.
So basically weeks and weeks of work and crafting to get gold for 15k armour and im screewed royally now. Wooo Hooo. But hey at least I missed out on buying superior runes for 100g, that compensates me. NOT!
So now we have instant billionaires and instant paupers, just wish I was in the billionaire club lol.
I still like the update, just not the implementation.
Great, now can some of those who are hoarding all the sup runes please start selling them ;p All superiors apart from vigor and absoorb are out of stock every time i want to try an buy.
Yes they sell, for actual prices. Maximum profit. How to get billions in 5 minutes. cya

Why did I have to play golf on the day they did this?! I want my FoW Armor! Any kind souls out there willing to sell 120 ectos and 120 shards at reset prices?
Why did I have to play golf on the day they did this?! I want my FoW Armor! Any kind souls out there willing to sell 120 ectos and 120 shards at reset prices?
Originally Posted by Infecta
Great, now can some of those who are hoarding all the sup runes please start selling them ;p All superiors apart from vigor and absoorb are out of stock every time i want to try an buy.
This is annoying me. Rune Trader ---> Sup Blood Magic (250g) ---> I'm sorry to inconvenience you, but I'm currently out of stock of this item.
I managed to nab some Mes sup though.
Mugon M. Musashi
for those saying "well you asked for it" :
where the hell do you see anybody asking for all prices to be reset at 100 gold ?
we asked for the economy to be fixed and balanced
where the hell do you see anybody asking for all prices to be reset at 100 gold ?
we asked for the economy to be fixed and balanced
Ah btw, go in Lion's arch, and see some funny sellers :
WTS 50x each monk rune 25k
WTS 200 ectos 12k each
WTS 200 shards 5k each
WTS 50x Sup vigor 50k each
Well, not very funny, good job Anet
WTS 50x each monk rune 25k
WTS 200 ectos 12k each
WTS 200 shards 5k each
WTS 50x Sup vigor 50k each
Well, not very funny, good job Anet

Mr. Matt
I really wish that these things would stop happening while I'm in bed. Yesterday it was Europe having favour, today it's this... what the heck am I going to miss next time I go to bed?
Right, to hell with it. I'm not going to bed anymore. I'll get something good one day, you'll see...
Right, to hell with it. I'm not going to bed anymore. I'll get something good one day, you'll see...
Those kind of thing will never happens again. Sorry, some people are overrich in 5 minutes. I'll check ebay for lot of "fissure armor kit ! $150,00 only" included 120 ectos and 120 shards earned in 16,5 seconds for 20k.
You are free to stay poor of course
You are free to stay poor of course

DON'T buy the godly items that people acquired with this update. In time they will realize they can't sell to us, and will be forced to sell back to the trader (still for a good price though). Only then will the prices go back down
Listen to this guy!
Petition for rollback! For everyone's sake.
DON'T buy the godly items that people acquired with this update. In time they will realize they can't sell to us, and will be forced to sell back to the trader (still for a good price though). Only then will the prices go back down
Great update, I really like to be able to sell to trader. Just 1 thing, why the price reset. If just the traders were fixed then prices would have come down for sure, by themselves. |
Petition for rollback! For everyone's sake.
The problem is that like you said, they'll always can sell to the merchant, making still lot of profit. You, we missed out the most important GW turnover. Now there will be players who has billions, and the rest. Unfortunatly, we're on the rest.
Numa Pompilius
So, let me get this straight: now people are complaining because some got in early and managed to buy stuff before prices rose?
There truly is nothing which can not and will not be given a negative spin in this forum. Amazing.
If the trader algorithm is now fixed, prices will adjust themselves. At present people perceive things to be cheap, and therefore buy, meaning demand is very high right now and prices rising. That wont last.
There truly is nothing which can not and will not be given a negative spin in this forum. Amazing.
If the trader algorithm is now fixed, prices will adjust themselves. At present people perceive things to be cheap, and therefore buy, meaning demand is very high right now and prices rising. That wont last.
Demand is high because prices were overlow. 500 Gold/ecto 100 gold/sur vigor
After selling thoudands, its out of stock. Hi billions in 5 minutes, hi maximum profit.
After selling thoudands, its out of stock. Hi billions in 5 minutes, hi maximum profit.
Well, the prices have reset, and OK, there were a fair few who probably took advantage, rushed to the merchants and bought Ectos, Sup vigor, & black dye in their squillions.
Big deal!
So I missed out on the "Great price update"
No great tragedy.
The game goes on. I'm still out there killing monsters and earning my gold honestly. Dyes don't interest me, and I can still get a decent hoard of runes from a few hours of farming. I just can't find the energy to get pi$$ed off or jealous because other gamers took an Elevator while I'm climbing Everest. I didn't buy GW to play a stock market simulation anyway.
I've done some silly things with money. While I haven't exactly squandered it, I have enough to be able to comfortably play a 2nd character, can still net more than my entry fee to the FoW/UW, and have the odd Dwarven Ale or 6 with enough change left over for a 2nd set of Droknar's Armour and a rune or 3. The only changes are that now, dealing with merchants will be a little more pleasant, and I'll be turning off the thousands of "WTS Ecto 2k only!" Callouts on the Trade channel in LA for a few days.
Big deal!
So I missed out on the "Great price update"
No great tragedy.
The game goes on. I'm still out there killing monsters and earning my gold honestly. Dyes don't interest me, and I can still get a decent hoard of runes from a few hours of farming. I just can't find the energy to get pi$$ed off or jealous because other gamers took an Elevator while I'm climbing Everest. I didn't buy GW to play a stock market simulation anyway.
I've done some silly things with money. While I haven't exactly squandered it, I have enough to be able to comfortably play a 2nd character, can still net more than my entry fee to the FoW/UW, and have the odd Dwarven Ale or 6 with enough change left over for a 2nd set of Droknar's Armour and a rune or 3. The only changes are that now, dealing with merchants will be a little more pleasant, and I'll be turning off the thousands of "WTS Ecto 2k only!" Callouts on the Trade channel in LA for a few days.
I Personally think that if the trader prices are not lowered closer to the reset value we will have a great gap in the economy and rather large problem..
For example: We have the now very rich players that benefited from the reset prices, ie with 4000k
And we have the players that missed the reset prices with anyhere between 1k-1000k or whateva it is.
The rich players will have the power to buy any rare items and and with alot of money. This could cause the prices to rise for rare items as there a large amount of people now willing to pay alot of money as they have more than they really need.
Prices of rare items for example could double or more..
People that missed out will no longer be able to purchase these items.
This is just one simple theory that could happen.
For example: We have the now very rich players that benefited from the reset prices, ie with 4000k
And we have the players that missed the reset prices with anyhere between 1k-1000k or whateva it is.
The rich players will have the power to buy any rare items and and with alot of money. This could cause the prices to rise for rare items as there a large amount of people now willing to pay alot of money as they have more than they really need.
Prices of rare items for example could double or more..
People that missed out will no longer be able to purchase these items.
This is just one simple theory that could happen.
Mugon M. Musashi
well now there are no ecto at all available at the trader
there are no more monk superior runes, except the divine favor
superior absorption is over 80K
and there are people shouting they want to sell 200 ecto
yay the economy is finally fixed !
there are no more monk superior runes, except the divine favor
superior absorption is over 80K
and there are people shouting they want to sell 200 ecto
yay the economy is finally fixed !
You mean : there were lot of people who took an insane avantage over the economy by making billions in 5 minutes. The fast is you will never get as rich as them in months of farming. Cya
Originally Posted by Mugon M. Musashi
for those saying "well you asked for it" :
where the hell do you see anybody asking for all prices to be reset at 100 gold ? we asked for the economy to be fixed and balanced |
Well, I hope
They fixed the economy : they transfered NPC's items to real players. To make sure keeping high prices, and make sure that some players made billions in 5 minutes. Also to make sure that people who missed that will be out the economy. (wts 200 ectos ; wts 50x each sup rune ; ...)
From the inside information I have obtained, this is how they determine updates:
They have a wall set up in their main office that they call "The Decision". On this wall is a multitude of dartboards that all display potential features they can change in game. Every time a developer has a birthday (or someone in their family), that member gets one throw of what they call "the boss." The boss is about five inches long, yet it holds more power than any of us can imagine. Just recently this week, someone had a birthday, and took aim at the wall (for whom took this action, even I have been left in the dark).
"The Decision", as I mentioned before, has several boards on it that contain potential updates that they can get around to. This week, "The Boss" happened to land on a "bonus spot" that doubles the effectiveness of the next update. They all shouted with glee as the bonus was obtained, yet they still had to wait for "The Boss" to meet the next "Decision". Again, the recently celebrated took aim and happened to land on a spot labled "Screw up economy by screwing up something at random. Throw "The Boss Again". If this spot is reached after a bonus, then screw up the economy by excuse of wanting to balance global merchants and throw "The Boss" again." The third throw ended up hitting the "Ignore the popular oppinion of the playerbase and let their complaints fall upon deaf ears for a month."
Upon reaching this decision, the developers jumped up and down shouting chants of freedom to do what they wished. For the next few days, they took the order that their "Boss" had given them, and slowly began working at a devious scheme that would include all of the happenings earlier that day during "The Decision."
By this action, a simple game of darts, as we see it, blew the economy to kingdom come for no reason whatsoever.
...never again.
From the inside information I have obtained, this is how they determine updates:
They have a wall set up in their main office that they call "The Decision". On this wall is a multitude of dartboards that all display potential features they can change in game. Every time a developer has a birthday (or someone in their family), that member gets one throw of what they call "the boss." The boss is about five inches long, yet it holds more power than any of us can imagine. Just recently this week, someone had a birthday, and took aim at the wall (for whom took this action, even I have been left in the dark).
"The Decision", as I mentioned before, has several boards on it that contain potential updates that they can get around to. This week, "The Boss" happened to land on a "bonus spot" that doubles the effectiveness of the next update. They all shouted with glee as the bonus was obtained, yet they still had to wait for "The Boss" to meet the next "Decision". Again, the recently celebrated took aim and happened to land on a spot labled "Screw up economy by screwing up something at random. Throw "The Boss Again". If this spot is reached after a bonus, then screw up the economy by excuse of wanting to balance global merchants and throw "The Boss" again." The third throw ended up hitting the "Ignore the popular oppinion of the playerbase and let their complaints fall upon deaf ears for a month."
Upon reaching this decision, the developers jumped up and down shouting chants of freedom to do what they wished. For the next few days, they took the order that their "Boss" had given them, and slowly began working at a devious scheme that would include all of the happenings earlier that day during "The Decision."
By this action, a simple game of darts, as we see it, blew the economy to kingdom come for no reason whatsoever.
...never again.
Haha... You're assuming the guys who bought these stuff can sell them at the old prices. |
I still hold my case that they could have fixed this in a much better way.
Everybody is hunting for gold. But why ? Does it become inbalanced that someone has 1 mil gold and someone 10 thousand ? I don´t think so.
It is just hangover from real life where many people think that with a lot of money they could become kings of the world and buy everything. But in GW that is not true.
I have missed this price reset but I am glad Anet came with this update and fixed the economy.
Currently i have 15k citadel armor, some major/superior runes and upgrades and 20k in my storage. And I am not less competitive then those with FoW armor and 1 mil in their storage.
So the point is : is it just envy that someone missed the opportunity how to become rich in a few mins ? What brings you being rich in the game where the wealth doesn´t mean being uber ? Nothing, just personal feeling that you are in the top ten thousand the most wealthy people.
And please, just fill in the abbreviation "IMHO" before my whole post.
It is just hangover from real life where many people think that with a lot of money they could become kings of the world and buy everything. But in GW that is not true.
I have missed this price reset but I am glad Anet came with this update and fixed the economy.
Currently i have 15k citadel armor, some major/superior runes and upgrades and 20k in my storage. And I am not less competitive then those with FoW armor and 1 mil in their storage.
So the point is : is it just envy that someone missed the opportunity how to become rich in a few mins ? What brings you being rich in the game where the wealth doesn´t mean being uber ? Nothing, just personal feeling that you are in the top ten thousand the most wealthy people.
And please, just fill in the abbreviation "IMHO" before my whole post.
Sagius Truthbarron
Originally Posted by Maagus
Everybody is hunting for gold. But why ? Does it become inbalanced that someone has 1 mil gold and someone 10 thousand ? I don´t think so.
It is just hangover from real life where many people think that with a lot of money they could become kings of the world and buy everything. But in GW that is not true. I have missed this price reset but I am glad Anet came with this update and fixed the economy. Currently i have 15k citadel armor, some major/superior runes and upgrades and 20k in my storage. And I am not less competitive then those with FoW armor and 1 mil in their storage. So the point is : is it just envy that someone missed the opportunity how to become rich in a few mins ? What brings you being rich in the game where the wealth doesn´t mean being uber ? Nothing, just personal feeling that you are in the top ten thousand the most wealthy people. And please, just fill in the abbreviation "IMHO" before my whole post. |
Oh dear, what to write...
Well, firstly prices for some items (sup monk runes for example) had gotten out of control. If you allow one class to be able to solo the UW and collect a number of valuable drops (ecto's etc) each run then everybody should have the ability to do it! For this reason im happy.
However, reseting the prices like that was just plain dumb for a number of reasons which have been covered already in this thread. A much better solution would have been to increase drops and reduce the buy/sel margin the NPC traders use. This would have brought prices down more gradually.
Now I didn't get rich in this extreme version of early 90's Tory Government economy but it does mean I have now been able to afford Sup Vigor and a set of Sup monk runes. At the time of positing this though, I notice that no Sup monk runes are available: what will happen to future prices is anyones guess...
Last thought - I sold a Sup Smiting for a reasonable (at the time) 30K to some poor chap about 30mins before the price crash.
Well, firstly prices for some items (sup monk runes for example) had gotten out of control. If you allow one class to be able to solo the UW and collect a number of valuable drops (ecto's etc) each run then everybody should have the ability to do it! For this reason im happy.
However, reseting the prices like that was just plain dumb for a number of reasons which have been covered already in this thread. A much better solution would have been to increase drops and reduce the buy/sel margin the NPC traders use. This would have brought prices down more gradually.
Now I didn't get rich in this extreme version of early 90's Tory Government economy but it does mean I have now been able to afford Sup Vigor and a set of Sup monk runes. At the time of positing this though, I notice that no Sup monk runes are available: what will happen to future prices is anyones guess...
Last thought - I sold a Sup Smiting for a reasonable (at the time) 30K to some poor chap about 30mins before the price crash.
the idea was to allow those that wanted to get it to USE to have the opportunity. the people that did buy it mostly did it for the sole purpose of driving the price WAY WAY up so they could sell it go for ungodly prices again... That is why I was upset. Sure I got what I wanted but now all these exploiters are abusing the system again. Best advice Don't buy from people anymore. Force them to resell to the NPC to get rid of them, and then, ONLY then, will you see the prices come back down... I think in the end it will fix itself this time as long as people do that...
last update also increased the drops of ecto in underworld. so at least that was a HUGE plus...
last update also increased the drops of ecto in underworld. so at least that was a HUGE plus...
Originally Posted by Maagus
Everybody is hunting for gold. But why ? Does it become inbalanced that someone has 1 mil gold and someone 10 thousand ? I don´t think so.
It is just hangover from real life where many people think that with a lot of money they could become kings of the world and buy everything. But in GW that is not true. I have missed this price reset but I am glad Anet came with this update and fixed the economy. Currently i have 15k citadel armor, some major/superior runes and upgrades and 20k in my storage. And I am not less competitive then those with FoW armor and 1 mil in their storage. So the point is : is it just envy that someone missed the opportunity how to become rich in a few mins ? What brings you being rich in the game where the wealth doesn´t mean being uber ? Nothing, just personal feeling that you are in the top ten thousand the most wealthy people. And please, just fill in the abbreviation "IMHO" before my whole post. |
First off, all those who bought up all the Ectos. OK - they will make money when they sell back to the trader, but no gamer is going to want to buy 200 ectos from another player, particularly if they know that the seller is just taking advantage of a game glitch during the price pdate.
Secondly, those people who bought Ectos are not, at the moment, uber rich. All they've done is to invest in a commodity. This doesn't guarantee anything (although admittedly, it's a dead cert!).
Who knows? Maybe in the next update, Anet might change the materials needed for fissure armour from Ectos to some other rare commodity according to scarcity, or even better, how about this? Anet implement a bot that adjusts the quantity and type of rare materials for Fissure armour over time? This way, both the commodity market (and the trading gamers) benefit as all rare items may find themselves in the limelight, not just constantly Ectos - what about Sapphires or Spiritwood, vials of ink etc? It keeps gamers on their toes, introduces more interest and variety into the market, evens out the fairness of the whole "200 ectos for 20k" buyer trend, for those who missed out and are angry, and improves the whole commodity trading thing.
I thought the whole point of this update was to stem the rapidly rising prices on items? NICE JOB ANET. You managed to have items disappear from stock in less than one day's time so there's no prices AT ALL to even compare them with, and players can sell them for what they were going for before this so-called update. Prices are right back up to where they were, in no time at all.
Why the hell did they reset the prices? Just fix the damn buyback prices, not the original selling prices. Let the people who already had the surplus make the coin (from the more generous traders). You let NEW people get surpluses, which makes the economy even worse than before. I do agree with alot of the people here though, in that the economy probably will sort itself out in time. Just could've done without the idiotic slip-up.
On a smaller scale, this update did fix the common material buyback prices. I was routinely getting 8g per on iron ingots from the trader today (fair price) and over 10g each on wood. Also got 10g on bolts of cloth, etc. I can actually make some decent coin from hoarding common materials now without having to spam WTS in Droknar's for half an hour.
Why the hell did they reset the prices? Just fix the damn buyback prices, not the original selling prices. Let the people who already had the surplus make the coin (from the more generous traders). You let NEW people get surpluses, which makes the economy even worse than before. I do agree with alot of the people here though, in that the economy probably will sort itself out in time. Just could've done without the idiotic slip-up.
On a smaller scale, this update did fix the common material buyback prices. I was routinely getting 8g per on iron ingots from the trader today (fair price) and over 10g each on wood. Also got 10g on bolts of cloth, etc. I can actually make some decent coin from hoarding common materials now without having to spam WTS in Droknar's for half an hour.
Originally Posted by Mugon M. Musashi
for those saying "well you asked for it" :
where the hell do you see anybody asking for all prices to be reset at 100 gold ? we asked for the economy to be fixed and balanced |
edwinna elbert
As for the rich people going to get the fisure armour, it's not as easy as they might hope; several times in the Temple of Ages I have had rich people (usually farmers, UW soloers, or eBay golders) message me asking if I can take them to the forgemaster, of course, being an upstanding citizen, I refuse 
Soloing the Fissure with the Mo/W would be very difficult, as many fissure mionsters have enchant strips and energy drains.
To get to the armourer quickly you need to finish the 'Tower of Courage', 'the Eternal Forgemaster', 'Defend the Temple' of war and 'Restore the Temple of War', and these aren't easy quests. For this, you have to fight your way through about thirty shadow mobs, ten skeleton mobs, and a hundred spiders and dryders. If you don't have a good group, you won't make it past the shadows, and if you don't have a VERY good group, the skeletons will rape you.

Soloing the Fissure with the Mo/W would be very difficult, as many fissure mionsters have enchant strips and energy drains.
To get to the armourer quickly you need to finish the 'Tower of Courage', 'the Eternal Forgemaster', 'Defend the Temple' of war and 'Restore the Temple of War', and these aren't easy quests. For this, you have to fight your way through about thirty shadow mobs, ten skeleton mobs, and a hundred spiders and dryders. If you don't have a good group, you won't make it past the shadows, and if you don't have a VERY good group, the skeletons will rape you.