I liked the idea of the firefighter... he would own in Ring of Fire!

Xue Yi Liang
Originally Posted by Xiombarg
the best ideas ive heard of is, Martial Artist,Bard,Shape Shifter,Rogue... ummm an alchemist would be hard to acheive.. basically.. what the hell will they use for damage... lol throwing potions at an enemy.. then not having enough potions..? lol i dunno.. but yeah those 4 i would like any of them to be in, Most Martial Artist And Bard.
Rome. |
Originally Posted by Seron Dalar
If there are not rogues, I will stab someone. I have yet to see a good reason against them. Ninjas? No. Those don't fit at all. Rogues? YES.
Or at least something I can feel roguish using. Rogues have virtually nothing to do with mesmers, or rangers, so don't give me that. |
Originally Posted by Xiombarg
Xue Yi Liang, so what are your suggestions or ideas? have u came up with ANYTHING better at all, it would be VERY hard to even think about what to add because all classes balance with another class which makes guild wars game play awesome, and also NWN is d and d... it will never be like guild wars or would we want it to be.. i like it and i do play it online but still guild wars has a certain balance... where nwn will never be able to get to, so realy if u have any ideas.. or suggestions of what could be possibly in chapter please do reply, just dont make fun of other peoples ideas.
Rome. |
Teh Azman
Originally Posted by Teh Azman
When all of you rogue lovers played WoW...Did you ever check the percent of the rogue class in the game? I played on a server where 90%- yes, 90%- played rogues. This got old really, really fast- and imagine in GW, where we're already short on healers, most of those healers would go to this oh-so-uber warrior with two swords and stealth...Sure it'd be popular, but this game just isn't designed for rogues, and would cause a pretty big imbalance...You get mad at 8 W/Mo's in the arena? Congratulations, add a rogue and you've created a class alone that would compose half of the group, that or half of these rogues go groupless, as they always were left out of groups in every cookie-cutter MMO I can think of. Come to think of it, this IS what ruined WoW for me...Could never get a group on my rogue, and couldn't get anything but rogues on my priest.
Just say no to this cookie-cutter MMO class, kids! |
Teh Azman
Teh Azman
Originally Posted by smurfhunter
on the plus side, if they do make a 'rogue' class, you can easily identify all the people who are under the age of 12
Originally Posted by Xue Yi Liang
I want them to add Jedi Knights - y'know with the light sabre and all. They can use those force spells n'stuff.
or a robot class with the best armor. they can upgrade their missiles n'stuff. how about a batman class? has a cool cape and uses stealth n'stuff. |
Seron Dalar
Originally Posted by KvanCetre
Xue Yi Liang
Originally Posted by Xiombarg
Xue Yi Liang, so what are your suggestions or ideas? have u came up with ANYTHING better at all, it would be VERY hard to even think about what to add because all classes balance with another class which makes guild wars game play awesome, and also NWN is d and d... it will never be like guild wars or would we want it to be.. i like it and i do play it online but still guild wars has a certain balance... where nwn will never be able to get to, so realy if u have any ideas.. or suggestions of what could be possibly in chapter please do reply, just dont make fun of other peoples ideas.
Rome. |
Lag Hell
Xue Yi Liang
Xue Yi Liang
Originally Posted by Lag Hell
I say terrorists and cts, with new weapons such as the m16, ak, and maybe a magnum Ftw
Xue Yi Liang
Corwin Feist
Vlad Bane
Originally Posted by Xue Yi Liang
rogue? bard? martial-artist (NWN monk)? shape-shifter (NWN druid)? - all of them are NWN. In other threads people even suggest Paladins...
Charcoal Ann
Originally Posted by Charcoal Ann
personally i think that another melee class is needed. special attribute causes an increased attack speed?
also another heal capable character is needed. |
Charcoal Ann
Charcoal Ann
Originally Posted by BigTru
You do realize the Neverwinter was not the first or even the last to have these professions, right? Almost everything a RPG or MMORPG does nowadays will be considered a ripoff or cliche.
Martial Artist - Look at the entire Final Fantasy series, look at Lineage 2, look at Ragnarok Online, look at Vagrant Story, Valkyrie Profile, Seiken Densetsu 3, Xenogears, Dragon Warrior, hell, look at most offline RPGs, Rogue - ... You are just stupid if you are claiming that this belongs to NWN... I mean, REALLY retarded... Almost every RPG and MMORPG has one... Bard - Again, quite common. Shapeshifter - Diablo, Seiken Densetsu, Everquest also has this too, I believe. Paladin - Final Fantasy series, and again, almost every MMORPG. My point is, you might think NWN is godly and started all of these professions and any other game that has these professions included in them is a ripoff, but the fact of the matter is you haven't suggested any likely or realistic new professions. All you do is try to insult other's ideas in hopes of showing off your e-penis. Congrats, you can mock other's ideas on an online message board. Your soooo funny. |
Originally Posted by MarkyX
NWN is based on DnD.
DnD was the first game to give bosses a job. GG. |