1) Don't complain about trade spam in the all chat of Ascalon, Droknar, War Camp, or Lion's Arch District 1. Either turn off the all chat channel, move to a different district, or RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO off!
2) When I say that I'm only paying 50k for something, I mean I'm paying 50k for something. If you offer the item for 60k, I will politely turn down your offer the first one or two times. The more you spam me, the more I want to bash your RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOing head into the wall.
3) When I say I'm selling something at 100k, I don't need you retarded RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOers to tell me it's worth 50k. I don't care what Jaimie, Sally, David, Adam, Joseph, Richard, and their brothers and sisters and cousins are selling it at. I'm selling it at 100k so shut the RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GO up.
If you don't like my prices, buy your shit elsewhere. I don't need to cater to your every need. This isn't the damn customer service counter.
4) Because you are the only current player buying or selling whatever it is in that current district at that moment does not mean I must buy or sell to your defective ass.
My ignore list is filled up from the number of dumbRED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOs out there and I need to keep adding more.
I am very civil to those who are civil in return. However if people insist on being snot picking whiny little children I will not hold back on my vulgarity.