Originally Posted by korobatsu
Entertaining thread ... XD
One of the things I can't stand the most in this game are attention-whoring players who play for themselves and not the whole team. Yes, they may be better players than everyone else in the party, but who gives a flying [...]? We all know what happens when the team doesn't work as a unit. A funny related story: A couple of guildies (3-4) and I were trying to get a Thunderhead Keep run in. We made up the rest of our party with PUGers, including a nuker. From the get-go this nuker was scolded by the rest of the team for his wannabe-tank tactics. Of course, all the while that he was standing at the fringe of my radar tanking the next mob he was complaining about why he wasn't getting heals from myself and the other monk. When King Ironhammer opened the gate after we had cleared the city, I asked permission (on guild chat) to let the nuker die. And I did. And he did. We told him why he was dead. He left. We lost. But it sure was satisfying to watch him die (while knowing that I actually could have saved him that time). It's amazing how many people are out there just to get a rise out of you. Kudos to everyone who has kept a cool head -- don't fuel the fire! |