Oh boy do I have a new one to add ...
There is a small group of friends (myself, Ranger Foxxy, Sniper, and Lady Greensleeves) that always 4-man trap the UW. We do it nearly every day, it's great fun, good bonding experience ... fun banter like "i'm using lint trap!" and the like. Good times.
Well, the other day one of us wasn't online, for whatever reason, so we ask in public chat for a trapper for a smite run, etc. A guy joins, and off we go (without charging him anything for entrance, i might add). Now we asked spirits, and set up who was pulling beforehand, told the pick up that foxxy was pulling, etc.
We get the first group of bulls, then the second. The pick up is complaining about foxxy's pulling (one of the bulls got stuck, but we got him. nobody died.) and we assure him that she is very skilled and we've done this many, many times.
At the group near the top of the center stairs, the pick up says "sorry, GTG" and we all say "why did you come if you knew you had to leave? You want us to wait for a few minutes?" I mean, things come up, we all were nice about it, we're very understanding people. Then he says "you suck, I GTG" and proceeds to go and activate the quest that releases the grasping darkness swarm. *THEN* he doesn't even log out yet, he gathers them all up and pulls them to us and then logs. We barely manage to live with some careful aggro management, and I PM him (as he was still online)
me: "that was really not very nice at all ... we all lived, no thanks to you."
jerk: "I don't care, you guys are stupid"
-player jerk is ignoring you-
It's times like these I wish we could post in-game names, I was really pissed at this guy. I mean, it's one thing to be a quitter, and quite a whole other level of asshattery to attempt to kill your party intentionally before you leave.