The Biggest Jerk You Ever Encountered in GW (no posting names)
Sagius Truthbarron
I was in Random Areana yestarday, playing my usuall Prot Monk build, and I got on this team with a ranger, a warrior, and an elementalist. We made a flawless win and then went on to another match.
After awhile of fighting the other team, who also had a monk, I died. I asked to be ressurected, and somebody did without calling it. After a short while both the Mesmer and the Ranger died while I was trying to shake off two warriors.
The ranger started spamming 'res me res me res me'. I did so, thinking that not even an idiot would ask to be ressed without a ressurection signet. Well, the ranger just starts to fight again, I'm healing him while he runs around like mad. Our warrior was somewhere on the other side of the map.
After awhile I start to spam that the mesmer was dead - as he had been lying there for about 2-3 minutes - and the ranger just continues to fight. I ask him why hes not ressurecting and he yells something like 'BEING ATTACkED'. Wow, that's some excuse for leaving a teamate dead.
After about 2 more minutes I tell him that I will no longer heal him if does not ressurect our mesmer (the battle was going nowhere, no damage). So he doesn't say anything, and I just stand there and let myself die with him. He then starts to yell 'WORST MONK EVER WORST MONK EVER, U GOT NO HEALS' and the like.
I whispered him afterward, explaining why I did it. He continued to call me a 'noob' and saying that 'ressin isnt important' or something. I asked him what rank he was (in an attempt to show him that he was lacking expirience), he said 4.
I told him that, you know, when a teammate dies, go ahead and ressurection signet them; and that when you are dead and have already used your signet, don't ask to be ressurected if another teammate is also dead. He continued to say nothing but 'rofl noob'.
After a few seconds, he started to use racial slurs (as I was using a Chinese name), he said 'gO back to korea u imgrant' and something about me stealing his job, the usual. "go kill urself" he said.
I told him I would report him for his attacks. He responded 'lol just go head and try they only ban 4 scamming', you know, what the griefers always say
I told him that in my last letter to Gaile Gray about racism against the East Asian people, that she said action would be taken against account holders using racial terminology, discrimination, ect. He responded 'lol this is USA if i want u to call u a gay ------ (insert filterskipped racial slurr here) free country can do whatever i want'.
After that, and after he stopped responding, I put him on ignor and sent my report to NCsoft. They responded in 20 minutes. I love those guys
After awhile of fighting the other team, who also had a monk, I died. I asked to be ressurected, and somebody did without calling it. After a short while both the Mesmer and the Ranger died while I was trying to shake off two warriors.
The ranger started spamming 'res me res me res me'. I did so, thinking that not even an idiot would ask to be ressed without a ressurection signet. Well, the ranger just starts to fight again, I'm healing him while he runs around like mad. Our warrior was somewhere on the other side of the map.
After awhile I start to spam that the mesmer was dead - as he had been lying there for about 2-3 minutes - and the ranger just continues to fight. I ask him why hes not ressurecting and he yells something like 'BEING ATTACkED'. Wow, that's some excuse for leaving a teamate dead.
After about 2 more minutes I tell him that I will no longer heal him if does not ressurect our mesmer (the battle was going nowhere, no damage). So he doesn't say anything, and I just stand there and let myself die with him. He then starts to yell 'WORST MONK EVER WORST MONK EVER, U GOT NO HEALS' and the like.
I whispered him afterward, explaining why I did it. He continued to call me a 'noob' and saying that 'ressin isnt important' or something. I asked him what rank he was (in an attempt to show him that he was lacking expirience), he said 4.
I told him that, you know, when a teammate dies, go ahead and ressurection signet them; and that when you are dead and have already used your signet, don't ask to be ressurected if another teammate is also dead. He continued to say nothing but 'rofl noob'.
After a few seconds, he started to use racial slurs (as I was using a Chinese name), he said 'gO back to korea u imgrant' and something about me stealing his job, the usual. "go kill urself" he said.
I told him I would report him for his attacks. He responded 'lol just go head and try they only ban 4 scamming', you know, what the griefers always say
I told him that in my last letter to Gaile Gray about racism against the East Asian people, that she said action would be taken against account holders using racial terminology, discrimination, ect. He responded 'lol this is USA if i want u to call u a gay ------ (insert filterskipped racial slurr here) free country can do whatever i want'.
After that, and after he stopped responding, I put him on ignor and sent my report to NCsoft. They responded in 20 minutes. I love those guys
Originally Posted by Dracus Steelbow
ok this just happened to me. i dont know who the jerk is here;him or me
Him- whats the formula for gold dye? (public chat) Me- i think the easiest way is mixing green, and orange. him- you sure it works? Me-yea, i have it on my armor now. Him- where are you i want to see? Me- by storage come and have look blah blah blah, short convo on how it looks nice. Him-walks away to buy dye Me-ummm gl (Trade Channel) Him- WTS GOLD DYE 3k!!! MSG ME! |
max gladius
This is more of a rant then pointing out one inperticular jerk.... For all of you who do randomn arenas, why do 75% of the ppl feel that if there is on monk on the team, they should just leave even before the match starts? All they do is zone it, then leave, no questions or comments...
????? No primary monk = leave party ?????
I have been on quite a few teams with no monk and we went 4 or so in a row.....
????? No primary monk = leave party ?????
I have been on quite a few teams with no monk and we went 4 or so in a row.....
I was a bit of the jerk on this one, along with my team.
We were doing B/P in tombs and I was the party leader and the orders necro. I had a few guildies/buddies on as a couple of rangers and the monk. So we start advertising for a MM and some rangers. We get the rangers pretty well, then this guy pm's me and says that he can be the MM. I thought I had just seen him advertising as either ranger or SS earlier, but I said sure.
Now I am extremely apprehensive of finding good MMs for tombs so I was keeping an eye on this guy.
After we start filling up he says "We are going to need a tank"
Red alert!
So I say (nicely)
Me: XXXX Have you done MM down here before?
Me: Ok. You know how this particular build works right? The minions and pets are the tanks, we don't need a tank.
So we start taling about stuff while we are all getting ready, final bathroom,keys etc.
XXXX: I am so high
Alert #2
So now I am really getting a bit nervous and say
Me: XXXX have you done MM down here with a P/B group? I'm sorry to keep pressing this point but you don't seem to know the build. Are you going to be ok with this?
XXXX: Yeah, no problem.
Ok, well I did everythign as nicely as I could
So down we go.
Everything is going ok for the first level. Notice there aren't very many minions up, but our rangers are good and we are doing well.
I am keeping a close eye on the number of minions and by this time normally there is a whole army.
Me: Where are all the minions??
No response. Move on.
Get to second level, clear the first chambers and start heading to the right with the webs. By this time many of the others in the group are complaining about the lack of minions. When the first Wrum (that's what I call them) appeared he said "Ooooh!"
Red Alert and confirmation #3
Me: XXXX Please don't lie to people before starting groups.
XXXX: ??
Me: It is obvious you haven't either been down here or not had much experience as an MM. You told me you had after asking a couple of times.
No response, all this time the others in the team are starting to get abusive, renaming their pets to make fun of him, etc.
Someone asked him why he didn't raise minions, he said he needed bodies first. We start pinging all the dead pets. So we explained that he could make minions from the pets. Things got a little better as he started raising from the pets (finally!). But that lasted all of about 2 minutes.
Ranger 1: You are like a W/MO
XXXX: WTH!? How did you know that my other character is a Warrior/Monk??
XXXX: Is that on a list someplace?
He starts asking about if greens drop on this level.
Me: Less worry about treasure, more raising the dead!
Ranger 1: You know you can get a free green by pressing Alt +F4?
XXXX: WTH is that some kind of exploit?
Ranger 1: No really, see....
Ranger 1 drops random green items
I drop random green items, others on the team drop and pick up green items.
XXXX: If I press that I will blow up or something.
Oh well, a little fun diverted.
MM keeps dying to the webs and doesn't raise anything. Finally I had enough and told him he wasn't getting rezed anymore.
We finish off the group as good as we could to just get the chest and then plan on leaving, while he sits there face first in the dirt.
XXXX: Anyone have a res sig?
I honestly didn't, I was carrying rebirth so I told him no. We go to get the rest of the crap drops from the area and then suicide.
Now I have no problems with the guy being new, and would be more than willing to be patient, take him along and explain, but he shouldn't have lied to start with. We had to be jerks and punish him.
We were doing B/P in tombs and I was the party leader and the orders necro. I had a few guildies/buddies on as a couple of rangers and the monk. So we start advertising for a MM and some rangers. We get the rangers pretty well, then this guy pm's me and says that he can be the MM. I thought I had just seen him advertising as either ranger or SS earlier, but I said sure.
Now I am extremely apprehensive of finding good MMs for tombs so I was keeping an eye on this guy.
After we start filling up he says "We are going to need a tank"
Red alert!
So I say (nicely)
Me: XXXX Have you done MM down here before?
Me: Ok. You know how this particular build works right? The minions and pets are the tanks, we don't need a tank.
So we start taling about stuff while we are all getting ready, final bathroom,keys etc.
XXXX: I am so high
Alert #2
So now I am really getting a bit nervous and say
Me: XXXX have you done MM down here with a P/B group? I'm sorry to keep pressing this point but you don't seem to know the build. Are you going to be ok with this?
XXXX: Yeah, no problem.
Ok, well I did everythign as nicely as I could
So down we go.
Everything is going ok for the first level. Notice there aren't very many minions up, but our rangers are good and we are doing well.
I am keeping a close eye on the number of minions and by this time normally there is a whole army.
Me: Where are all the minions??
No response. Move on.
Get to second level, clear the first chambers and start heading to the right with the webs. By this time many of the others in the group are complaining about the lack of minions. When the first Wrum (that's what I call them) appeared he said "Ooooh!"
Red Alert and confirmation #3
Me: XXXX Please don't lie to people before starting groups.
XXXX: ??
Me: It is obvious you haven't either been down here or not had much experience as an MM. You told me you had after asking a couple of times.
No response, all this time the others in the team are starting to get abusive, renaming their pets to make fun of him, etc.
Someone asked him why he didn't raise minions, he said he needed bodies first. We start pinging all the dead pets. So we explained that he could make minions from the pets. Things got a little better as he started raising from the pets (finally!). But that lasted all of about 2 minutes.
Ranger 1: You are like a W/MO
XXXX: WTH!? How did you know that my other character is a Warrior/Monk??
XXXX: Is that on a list someplace?
He starts asking about if greens drop on this level.
Me: Less worry about treasure, more raising the dead!
Ranger 1: You know you can get a free green by pressing Alt +F4?
XXXX: WTH is that some kind of exploit?
Ranger 1: No really, see....
Ranger 1 drops random green items
I drop random green items, others on the team drop and pick up green items.
XXXX: If I press that I will blow up or something.
Oh well, a little fun diverted.
MM keeps dying to the webs and doesn't raise anything. Finally I had enough and told him he wasn't getting rezed anymore.
We finish off the group as good as we could to just get the chest and then plan on leaving, while he sits there face first in the dirt.
XXXX: Anyone have a res sig?
I honestly didn't, I was carrying rebirth so I told him no. We go to get the rest of the crap drops from the area and then suicide.
Now I have no problems with the guy being new, and would be more than willing to be patient, take him along and explain, but he shouldn't have lied to start with. We had to be jerks and punish him.
Feminist Terrorist
Cherno, that's actually pretty funny. I would have kicked him after the "high" comment, but I'm mean that way. I'd be happy to MM for you if you want. I'm not the best, but I do the best job I can, and I do know that you can make minions from pets. lol
This whole thread is very childish and retarded really. You show how much you care for these people by the fact you're willing to write about them. That in itself is pathetic.
This is fairly simple to explain. If he had farmed the ectos himself, he probably would have quite a bit of experience in what he was doing. He thought (and just for the sake of the argument, let's say he's correct) he was correct. I'll keep my personal views out of it. He thought you were ignorant. Now, if he is correct, you are ignorant.
Now did you ask him to bring eoe or did you tell him too?
If he thinks you're ignorant why should it be his job to explain something because you can't be bothered to look it up else where? He is not a teacher, he shouldn't have to explain himself to the likes of you.
Time and time again I get told "do this" and "do that". Last night I was trying to get my fow armour, it was a pain none the less. People were saying, do this, do that. We had five failed attempts and after it I acted childish. I said, the next time I am wrong I will pay you 10k.
Now an idiot joins the group, I say "he is going to f*ck the group up". People all insult me in whisper, hour later. He has messed up everything and leaves.
So I say, "well you know it really f*cking sucks always being right". More childish arguments, from everyone (myself included). I get told I'm wrong, so I say "prove it and I'll give you 10k". Now I acted arrogant because it isn't my job to educate peoples stupidity or ignorance. There is no point trying to educate the majority, they won't listen anyways. So acting like an arrogant bitch is how I go about it.
Now I'm not saying you were in the right or wrong. Just consider the fact he was right, why should he waste his time telling you? Why should you waste your time arguing anyway? If you do not like him get someone else. Most people who tell me I'm wrong, when I know I'm right. I don't reason, I just tell them to go f*ck themselves with an eletrical barbed wire fense. I don't think there's anything up with arrogance, what's worse. Them believing they're better than everyone and making it obvious or acting like they dont? I think acting is worse, I'd much more prefer an honest person.
You didn't say though, did his build work or not? :P Be honest.
Originally Posted by Alienufo
i was trapping UW with a friend, and we were one man short, i looked on my friends list, and none of my other trapper freinds were on. So i do the normal LFG thing and i get someones inivite, so i let them join. since we already had done a couple runs we were set up, i had Ew and she had qz. the other spirits that can come in handy are eoe and winn. normaly i am the puller in the groups i go into, but im fine with letting other people pull. so anyways the first thing this guy says is "im pulling". so i just said ok, seemed a bit pushy, but meh.he said to wait a sec to let him set up his skill bar, which is absolutely fine, since its a 3 man group its nice to have each person bring one spirit, eoe is more effective than winn in most situations in the UW so i asked him if he could bring eoe.
Him: "im a puller, pullers dont bring spirits." me: "im a puller in most of the groups im in and i always bring a spirit" Him: "bringing a spirit while pulling makes about as much sense as a baby with an ak47" me: "so your saying bringing a spirit that will help the whole team makes no sense?" him: "let my ecto's do the talking" me: "your ecto's can do the talking elsewhere" and i kicked him out, normaly i wouldnt have. but he was being pushy and arrogant, i mean how does finding more "random drops" than another person make you any better than them. im fine if he pulls differently, has a different bar thats fine, the spirit isnt neccisary. its just the fact that he was acting like he was better than everyone else,and diddnt explain WHY he couldnt bring the spirit. there was some more said but i cant remember the whole conversation, but thats the gist of it. i guess i could be considered of being the jerk there, but i dont really see much of a reason. |
Now did you ask him to bring eoe or did you tell him too?
If he thinks you're ignorant why should it be his job to explain something because you can't be bothered to look it up else where? He is not a teacher, he shouldn't have to explain himself to the likes of you.
Time and time again I get told "do this" and "do that". Last night I was trying to get my fow armour, it was a pain none the less. People were saying, do this, do that. We had five failed attempts and after it I acted childish. I said, the next time I am wrong I will pay you 10k.
Now an idiot joins the group, I say "he is going to f*ck the group up". People all insult me in whisper, hour later. He has messed up everything and leaves.
So I say, "well you know it really f*cking sucks always being right". More childish arguments, from everyone (myself included). I get told I'm wrong, so I say "prove it and I'll give you 10k". Now I acted arrogant because it isn't my job to educate peoples stupidity or ignorance. There is no point trying to educate the majority, they won't listen anyways. So acting like an arrogant bitch is how I go about it.
Now I'm not saying you were in the right or wrong. Just consider the fact he was right, why should he waste his time telling you? Why should you waste your time arguing anyway? If you do not like him get someone else. Most people who tell me I'm wrong, when I know I'm right. I don't reason, I just tell them to go f*ck themselves with an eletrical barbed wire fense. I don't think there's anything up with arrogance, what's worse. Them believing they're better than everyone and making it obvious or acting like they dont? I think acting is worse, I'd much more prefer an honest person.
You didn't say though, did his build work or not? :P Be honest.
Jerk of the day ^
But seriously, the idea of the thread isnt about complaining about people, its sharing experiences and having a good laugh about it.
Just because its not your bread and butter, it will be for other people, so from what you think is pathetic, is exactly what you were doing also. If you dont like this kinda thing, why post here about it, isnt that pathetic also???
Anyways on side note, had obvious scammer today, we will call em illtrymyhardest, ITMH for short...
Was in ascalon trying to sell a brimstone and sundering 10/10 haft.
Then I see this
So I replied
Me: What did he do? Why is he a scammer?
Me: Yes, But why?
They reply in PM
ITMH: He scammed me, he wont pay me back
Me: From trade? Did you give him money?
ITMH: Will you give me 10k?
ITMH: He said he would run me to droks for 7k, I paid and he wont pay back.
Me: Lesson learned im afraid, dont pay for any runners up front.
ITMH: Will you give me 10k?
Me: (still typing from last time) You pay half way and whenever else.
Me: No no money from me.
ITMH: Im new at the game, I need the 10k for the bow I want. (obviously not new enough to call Droknars Forge, droks.)
Me: Nope, I aint a bank.
ITMH: plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Me: No
ITMH: Will you give me 10k for a bow?
Me: No, the bank is close for the next year.
ITMH: Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz x5
Im obviously getting annoyed now
Me: Ok ill give you
Trade opens, I put in 1 gold and accept quickly since they accepted quick lol
ITMH: I asked for 1k
Me: Go bet with it, that 1gold may turn into 100k, you never know
ITMH: Plz give me 10k?
Me: NO!!
Then in !All
Me: Yes Yes I am, I sat for ages listening to you grovel for 10k, I gave you 1g, so yes yes im a scammer [being sarcastic]
Other People: (ranging in different words etc) HAHAHA ITMH YOU IDIOT/Go Away Idiot/etc etc
Why do they persist :|
And before that was a right idiot.. Just remembered about him
Idiot: Where is xxxxxx he is never around
Idiot: I was talking to you...
Idiot: You IGNORED me....
Idiot: I liked xxxxx he was fun, but he is never around now
Somebody: Shutup xxxxx will you
Idiot: See nobody likes me..
Idiot: I talked to xxxxxx and he ignores me...nobody likes me
Me: I wonder why
Me: Welcome to my ignore list..
It was longer than that but that was the end of it, if i want to hear sad stories, I would buy an album of sad songs not in GW.
But seriously, the idea of the thread isnt about complaining about people, its sharing experiences and having a good laugh about it.
Just because its not your bread and butter, it will be for other people, so from what you think is pathetic, is exactly what you were doing also. If you dont like this kinda thing, why post here about it, isnt that pathetic also???
Anyways on side note, had obvious scammer today, we will call em illtrymyhardest, ITMH for short...
Was in ascalon trying to sell a brimstone and sundering 10/10 haft.
Then I see this
So I replied
Me: What did he do? Why is he a scammer?
Me: Yes, But why?
They reply in PM
ITMH: He scammed me, he wont pay me back
Me: From trade? Did you give him money?
ITMH: Will you give me 10k?
ITMH: He said he would run me to droks for 7k, I paid and he wont pay back.
Me: Lesson learned im afraid, dont pay for any runners up front.
ITMH: Will you give me 10k?
Me: (still typing from last time) You pay half way and whenever else.
Me: No no money from me.
ITMH: Im new at the game, I need the 10k for the bow I want. (obviously not new enough to call Droknars Forge, droks.)
Me: Nope, I aint a bank.
ITMH: plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Me: No
ITMH: Will you give me 10k for a bow?
Me: No, the bank is close for the next year.
ITMH: Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz x5
Im obviously getting annoyed now
Me: Ok ill give you
Trade opens, I put in 1 gold and accept quickly since they accepted quick lol
ITMH: I asked for 1k
Me: Go bet with it, that 1gold may turn into 100k, you never know
ITMH: Plz give me 10k?
Me: NO!!
Then in !All
Me: Yes Yes I am, I sat for ages listening to you grovel for 10k, I gave you 1g, so yes yes im a scammer [being sarcastic]
Other People: (ranging in different words etc) HAHAHA ITMH YOU IDIOT/Go Away Idiot/etc etc
Why do they persist :|
And before that was a right idiot.. Just remembered about him
Idiot: Where is xxxxxx he is never around
Idiot: I was talking to you...
Idiot: You IGNORED me....
Idiot: I liked xxxxx he was fun, but he is never around now
Somebody: Shutup xxxxx will you
Idiot: See nobody likes me..
Idiot: I talked to xxxxxx and he ignores me...nobody likes me
Me: I wonder why
Me: Welcome to my ignore list..
It was longer than that but that was the end of it, if i want to hear sad stories, I would buy an album of sad songs not in GW.
Originally Posted by lama_lord36
a pity there is no ignore function for normal ,team,guild or trade chat so when the ignored person says something you wouldn't see it .
[FnG] Lazz
I have just descovered how popular the word "noob" is to some people (well, 1 person).
I was selling 2 items, so I did the usual "wts (insert item name)" "wts (insert iten name)"
Some guy came up to me and wanted to trade. I wasn't sure if he was doing what some people do, and try to get you to buy items off them by just walking up to you and opening the trade window, or if he wanted to by my item(s).
jerk: come on then noob, open the trade window
me: what item do you want to buy?
jerk: the hammer u noob
I them remembered what one of the posters in my 'selling tips' thread mentioned about not selling to people who have a bad attitude.
me: not gonna sell to you cause you have such a bad attitude
jerk: lol ok noob
*Lazz wonders if noob was the first word he said when he was born
Actually whilst I am at it, earlier on I went to the Tombs and advertised one of my items. Some guy whispered me saying something along the lines of "great i'll have that" (at the time, i had been all over the gw map trying to sell my hammer - they really are tough to sell). So we agreed on a price and I went up to him and opened the trade window.
I put the item in and pressed 'submit offer'. His trade section of the window lit up, but had no money. So I asked closed the trade window and asked what the problem was. He then opened the trade window again, and all the same things happened as before. I asked something along the lines of 'are you accidently not entering money (yeah, right) or are you just wasting my time'. At which point he started turning around in circles and it was obvious he was bored and wasting my time.
Shortly that evening when I returned to the tombs, I got a 'join a group' offer, so I figured I might aswell play since Im being offered to go into a group, so I accepted. Little did I realise he was group leader, including myself there was 3 of us alltogether, and he had invited probably 20 or so other people in the tombs.
I was selling 2 items, so I did the usual "wts (insert item name)" "wts (insert iten name)"
Some guy came up to me and wanted to trade. I wasn't sure if he was doing what some people do, and try to get you to buy items off them by just walking up to you and opening the trade window, or if he wanted to by my item(s).
jerk: come on then noob, open the trade window
me: what item do you want to buy?
jerk: the hammer u noob
I them remembered what one of the posters in my 'selling tips' thread mentioned about not selling to people who have a bad attitude.
me: not gonna sell to you cause you have such a bad attitude
jerk: lol ok noob
*Lazz wonders if noob was the first word he said when he was born
Actually whilst I am at it, earlier on I went to the Tombs and advertised one of my items. Some guy whispered me saying something along the lines of "great i'll have that" (at the time, i had been all over the gw map trying to sell my hammer - they really are tough to sell). So we agreed on a price and I went up to him and opened the trade window.
I put the item in and pressed 'submit offer'. His trade section of the window lit up, but had no money. So I asked closed the trade window and asked what the problem was. He then opened the trade window again, and all the same things happened as before. I asked something along the lines of 'are you accidently not entering money (yeah, right) or are you just wasting my time'. At which point he started turning around in circles and it was obvious he was bored and wasting my time.
Shortly that evening when I returned to the tombs, I got a 'join a group' offer, so I figured I might aswell play since Im being offered to go into a group, so I accepted. Little did I realise he was group leader, including myself there was 3 of us alltogether, and he had invited probably 20 or so other people in the tombs.
Kago Seirei
Me: Hey Nub
Myself: Whats up? I'm bored. :/
Me: Wtf, go away. D:<
Myself: Whats up? I'm bored. :/
Me: Wtf, go away. D:<
I haven't really met any of those "Jerks" posted above since I haven't been insulted or called noob... at least i don't remember. But anyway, I've met serious Jerk before.
My old guild had this supposedly "guild merge" and our leader naturally made their guild leader the officer. That very night, after the leader logged off, I noticed something different about our roster. The officer section just suddently became massive... and i realized he promoted all his own guild mates.
So I asked: what are you doing???
Jerk: promoting the good players
Me: there are plenty of good players in the guild, you can't just...
then i realized something wrong. people in my own guild were being kicked. In panic, I promoted every single person in order to save them from being kicked. What followed was a one hour long insults at each other. Mainly between my guildmates and their leader, while I doing my best inviting people back and promoting them immediately after they join.
Then they started doing GVG and lose on purpose. Our guild rank became N/A
Eventually problem was fixed. We fought back to rank 1000 something. but things were never really the same. Anyways, be wary. only promote the people you absolutely trust into officer position.
My old guild had this supposedly "guild merge" and our leader naturally made their guild leader the officer. That very night, after the leader logged off, I noticed something different about our roster. The officer section just suddently became massive... and i realized he promoted all his own guild mates.
So I asked: what are you doing???
Jerk: promoting the good players
Me: there are plenty of good players in the guild, you can't just...
then i realized something wrong. people in my own guild were being kicked. In panic, I promoted every single person in order to save them from being kicked. What followed was a one hour long insults at each other. Mainly between my guildmates and their leader, while I doing my best inviting people back and promoting them immediately after they join.
Then they started doing GVG and lose on purpose. Our guild rank became N/A
Eventually problem was fixed. We fought back to rank 1000 something. but things were never really the same. Anyways, be wary. only promote the people you absolutely trust into officer position.
Ork Pride
Me(jerk): WTS 15-22 unid gold longsword 5k
person: ILL BUY
person: K
Me(jerk): THNX
person: DAMAGE +15% VS CHARR WTF?!?!?!? WASTED 5K
Me(jerk):LMFAO. noob.
person: ILL BUY
person: K
Me(jerk): THNX
person: DAMAGE +15% VS CHARR WTF?!?!?!? WASTED 5K
Me(jerk):LMFAO. noob.
The biggest Jerks are some of the runners from Beacon's Perch! One guy ripped me and other off for quite a bit of gold. I won't mention his name but the initials are
I want to be suspended from posting because I like to try and bend the rules
I will let you fill in the blanks. I think we should all post the whole name of those jerks that take advantage of some trying to upgrade their armor. Why do we want to protect them?
We are also protecting the perfectly innocent. There is no proof that the people you name are actually scammers, jerk's etc and not just someone you dislike and thus decide to trash their names. I could come here and claim that YOU were a huge jerk and make up a really nasty story... I could even use photoshop to edit screenshots to back me up.. and yet nothing I say is true. Yet who's to say I'm lying about it? you? pfft! I posted first so people will believe me! Seriously, it's just too easy to abuse if your allowed to post people's names.
I want to be suspended from posting because I like to try and bend the rules
I will let you fill in the blanks. I think we should all post the whole name of those jerks that take advantage of some trying to upgrade their armor. Why do we want to protect them?
We are also protecting the perfectly innocent. There is no proof that the people you name are actually scammers, jerk's etc and not just someone you dislike and thus decide to trash their names. I could come here and claim that YOU were a huge jerk and make up a really nasty story... I could even use photoshop to edit screenshots to back me up.. and yet nothing I say is true. Yet who's to say I'm lying about it? you? pfft! I posted first so people will believe me! Seriously, it's just too easy to abuse if your allowed to post people's names.
Originally Posted by Cherno
Ranger 1: You are like a W/MO
XXXX: WTH!? How did you know that my other character is a Warrior/Monk?? XXXX: Is that on a list someplace? |
Ork Pride
i had 15k drags all black with sup vigor and absorb on it while his was only droks platemail armor and had nothing on it cuz he showed to me to prove his was "better",
me: lol retard
moron: LOOK AT MY WEAPON NOOB, shows me a deep wound lengthens by 33% with 14% more damage while health above 50%
me: lol your sword sucks
me:k heres my sword, i show him my ids and he goes yelling to all that i have a ids and his sword was better.
me: lol idiot, ignore owns
i hate ppl in ToA their so stupid
i had 15k drags all black with sup vigor and absorb on it while his was only droks platemail armor and had nothing on it cuz he showed to me to prove his was "better",
me: lol retard
moron: LOOK AT MY WEAPON NOOB, shows me a deep wound lengthens by 33% with 14% more damage while health above 50%
me: lol your sword sucks
me:k heres my sword, i show him my ids and he goes yelling to all that i have a ids and his sword was better.
me: lol idiot, ignore owns
i hate ppl in ToA their so stupid
Blade Rez
Love the Jerks in GW.
Just went to the pre-searing battle thing
Me-Hey, guys
Others-Dude, we've done this game already, tired of doing pre-sear.
Me-Yeah, done this game 5 times tired of looking at pre-sear and want to get past the dead look of ascalon.
Us-Whatever leave then.
Us-Lose, get to presear all in 7 minutes.
Funy thing was jerk was lvl 4...... Also it was a w/e with a wand and casted aura of restoration.
Just went to the pre-searing battle thing
Me-Hey, guys
Others-Dude, we've done this game already, tired of doing pre-sear.
Me-Yeah, done this game 5 times tired of looking at pre-sear and want to get past the dead look of ascalon.
Us-Whatever leave then.
Us-Lose, get to presear all in 7 minutes.
Funy thing was jerk was lvl 4...... Also it was a w/e with a wand and casted aura of restoration.
Originally Posted by Hailfall
Actualy if put that person on ignore you also don't see what he is saying in both party + talk chat...
Tamidon Halvarel
When my ranger was lvl 17 I finally got around to trying the arenas. I was a noob (still am) and was unsure. I tried the Shiverpeak Arena and found out that you need to be <lvl 15. The only other arena around (at that point in the game) was the RA. So, I try it out. We get in there and everyone else on the team was lvl 20. I was nervous, but was willing to give it a go. Some warrior says in open chat, don't take this the wrong way, but don't bring low levels in here. I say, ok, I'm sorry, but he just left.
Then there was this warrior with my group doing the Wilds mission. He had died once or twice and was getting mad. He was yelling the usual noob crap, then proceeded to use sprint to aggro every spider and scarab in the area so that we all died. Then he laughed and left.
Then there was this warrior with my group doing the Wilds mission. He had died once or twice and was getting mad. He was yelling the usual noob crap, then proceeded to use sprint to aggro every spider and scarab in the area so that we all died. Then he laughed and left.
Ran into my first jerk today.
Doing Nolani Acadamy Mission with Warrior jerk (lvl 10) & rest henchies.
I only did it coz he was asking for help, I have done it loadsa times & was bored.
When it came to the bonus I told him to follow me & listen as I have done the bonus loadsa times & it can be quite tough.
Jerk boy decides he knows best and promptly goes down the first set of steps to the bonus, aggroing nearly every single Ghost (he had the tome as he picked it up when I dropped it to fight some devourers) he died in about 10sec.
He then starts calling me a noob for letting him die when I should have been protecting him as I was lvl 20. All the while shoutin REZ ME NOOB, U R A NOOB REZ ME NOW, OMFG Y U NO REZ ME, NOOBY NOOBY NOOB NOOB
That was when I left. He seemed to forget I was doing HIM a favour.
I saw him a few minutes in the acadamy shouting I NO THE BONUS JOIN ME TO GET IT DUN I 5 MIN. (yeah right)
IMHO if people you are helping can't or won't listen to simple instructions like wait or stop then they deserve everything they get.
Doing Nolani Acadamy Mission with Warrior jerk (lvl 10) & rest henchies.
I only did it coz he was asking for help, I have done it loadsa times & was bored.
When it came to the bonus I told him to follow me & listen as I have done the bonus loadsa times & it can be quite tough.
Jerk boy decides he knows best and promptly goes down the first set of steps to the bonus, aggroing nearly every single Ghost (he had the tome as he picked it up when I dropped it to fight some devourers) he died in about 10sec.
He then starts calling me a noob for letting him die when I should have been protecting him as I was lvl 20. All the while shoutin REZ ME NOOB, U R A NOOB REZ ME NOW, OMFG Y U NO REZ ME, NOOBY NOOBY NOOB NOOB
That was when I left. He seemed to forget I was doing HIM a favour.
I saw him a few minutes in the acadamy shouting I NO THE BONUS JOIN ME TO GET IT DUN I 5 MIN. (yeah right)
IMHO if people you are helping can't or won't listen to simple instructions like wait or stop then they deserve everything they get.
Originally Posted by JediKnight
Ran into my first jerk today.
Doing Nolani Acadamy Mission with Warrior jerk (lvl 10) & rest henchies. I only did it coz he was asking for help, I have done it loadsa times & was bored. When it came to the bonus I told him to follow me & listen as I have done the bonus loadsa times & it can be quite tough. Jerk boy decides he knows best and promptly goes down the first set of steps to the bonus, aggroing nearly every single Ghost (he had the tome as he picked it up when I dropped it to fight some devourers) he died in about 10sec. He then starts calling me a noob for letting him die when I should have been protecting him as I was lvl 20. All the while shoutin REZ ME NOOB, U R A NOOB REZ ME NOW, OMFG Y U NO REZ ME, NOOBY NOOBY NOOB NOOB That was when I left. He seemed to forget I was doing HIM a favour. I saw him a few minutes in the acadamy shouting I NO THE BONUS JOIN ME TO GET IT DUN I 5 MIN. (yeah right) IMHO if people you are helping can't or won't listen to simple instructions like wait or stop then they deserve everything they get. |
May be he has the brain of a peanut size. That's explained it.
Murder In China
Originally Posted by Ork Pride
Me(jerk): WTS 15-22 unid gold longsword 5k
person: ILL BUY Me(jerk):KK 5K YEA, HERE LEMME SEE AFTER U ID K? person: K Me(jerk): THNX person: DAMAGE +15% VS CHARR WTF?!?!?!? WASTED 5K Me(jerk):LMFAO. noob. |
me and a 55 monk were in UW, and 2 ecto's dropped reserved for me. my comp was lagging, so the monk ran over to me and got me killed. he waited for them to be available to him.
me:I still get 1, you said 50/50 ecto's
him:no your a noob
me:im a noob cuz I want 1 ecto?
him:shutup your not getting ecto
me:wow, your pretty greedy.
he then drops 13 ecto, and calls me a poorass
I just left =\
me:I still get 1, you said 50/50 ecto's
him:no your a noob
me:im a noob cuz I want 1 ecto?
him:shutup your not getting ecto
me:wow, your pretty greedy.
he then drops 13 ecto, and calls me a poorass
I just left =\
Celdor Nailo
this happened 5 minutes ago...
someone in pre-searing was offering to trade silver dyes for black dyes. as soon as i saw that i typed to all in capital letters that black dyes are worth around 6000 gold in post-searing and silver dyes are worth aound 600. 30 minutes ago i saved a new player from selling his black dye for 500 gold and he was incredibly thankful. anyway, after alerting everyone of recent prices, the conversation went like this...
scammer: wtf! any reason your doing that?
me: so new players don't get ripped off.
scammer: what do you care their noobs
i felt like telling the little twerp to turn off his pc and learn the english language.
someone in pre-searing was offering to trade silver dyes for black dyes. as soon as i saw that i typed to all in capital letters that black dyes are worth around 6000 gold in post-searing and silver dyes are worth aound 600. 30 minutes ago i saved a new player from selling his black dye for 500 gold and he was incredibly thankful. anyway, after alerting everyone of recent prices, the conversation went like this...
scammer: wtf! any reason your doing that?
me: so new players don't get ripped off.
scammer: what do you care their noobs
i felt like telling the little twerp to turn off his pc and learn the english language.
Poison Ivy
Me : I don't give a damn if your god is a RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOer and a noob MM.
Jerk : why no minions !! YOU SUCK LOL1!!1!!1!111
Me : Because your suppose to be spamming SS, and I didn't see a single hexed enemy.
Jerk : -----cencored-----
*ignores him*
Me : I don't give a damn if your god is a RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOer and a noob MM.
Jerk : why no minions !! YOU SUCK LOL1!!1!!1!111
Me : Because your suppose to be spamming SS, and I didn't see a single hexed enemy.
Jerk : -----cencored-----
*ignores him*
Originally Posted by Doomlord_Slayermann
Now this is especially funny because (1) I actually had 15k armor, (2) he didn't, and (3) he starts flaming me on the local chat once he puts me on ignore.
Originally Posted by Poison Ivy
Me : I don't give a damn if your god is a RED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GORED ENGINE GOer and a noob MM. Jerk : why no minions !! YOU SUCK LOL1!!1!!1!111 Me : Because your suppose to be spamming SS, and I didn't see a single hexed enemy. Jerk : -----cencored----- *ignores him* |
That convo seems to be the same for each jerk, its as if they are like tele-sales workers, working from the same sheet to type from lol
Last night in Random PVP Arenas...could anything bad happen here do you think?
Our group is instanced into the Ascalon arena. Right away I notice a Warrior directly in front of me...with no armor on...NOT GOOD. But I give him the benifit of the doubt and I think he is just joking around and will of course get himself ready in time.
We go out to do battle and the group proceeds to die pretty quickly...all except for one. The ass clown had run to the other side of the map (probably right at the beginning of the battle) and just stood there. Still no armor on and I think he was dancing or something. Anyways the enemy group tracks him and kills him...luckily before he was able to use 'Sprint' to run around for an hour or so.
What a jerk! This turd had no plans for even attempting to win or even help us for that matter, he just went into PVP to troll.
My question: Why do something like this? Did you get a good hearty laugh wasting our time or what's the deal?
A Pox on you sir!
Last night in Random PVP Arenas...could anything bad happen here do you think?
Our group is instanced into the Ascalon arena. Right away I notice a Warrior directly in front of me...with no armor on...NOT GOOD. But I give him the benifit of the doubt and I think he is just joking around and will of course get himself ready in time.
We go out to do battle and the group proceeds to die pretty quickly...all except for one. The ass clown had run to the other side of the map (probably right at the beginning of the battle) and just stood there. Still no armor on and I think he was dancing or something. Anyways the enemy group tracks him and kills him...luckily before he was able to use 'Sprint' to run around for an hour or so.
What a jerk! This turd had no plans for even attempting to win or even help us for that matter, he just went into PVP to troll.
My question: Why do something like this? Did you get a good hearty laugh wasting our time or what's the deal?
A Pox on you sir!
Bad Apache
Originally Posted by skull
...luckily before he was able to use 'Sprint' to run around for an hour or so.
What a jerk! |
[FnG] Lazz
Originally Posted by skull
Last night in Random PVP Arenas...could anything bad happen here do you think? Our group is instanced into the Ascalon arena. Right away I notice a Warrior directly in front of me...with no armor on...NOT GOOD. But I give him the benifit of the doubt and I think he is just joking around and will of course get himself ready in time. We go out to do battle and the group proceeds to die pretty quickly...all except for one. The ass clown had run to the other side of the map (probably right at the beginning of the battle) and just stood there. Still no armor on and I think he was dancing or something. Anyways the enemy group tracks him and kills him...luckily before he was able to use 'Sprint' to run around for an hour or so. What a jerk! This turd had no plans for even attempting to win or even help us for that matter, he just went into PVP to troll. My question: Why do something like this? Did you get a good hearty laugh wasting our time or what's the deal? A Pox on you sir! skull |
If ever we got him down 1/4 of his health, he would sprint away, then stop and dance - we go up to him and attack, he resists it for a while, then sprints, again and again.
In the end, we managed to body block him and kill him. If he fought back I wouldn't have been bothered because I think it would have been interesting if he was to singlehandedly defeat us all (which he could probably have done) but he didn't attack us once and started dancing as soon as the game started. Heck he probably didn't even intend to fight, just to waste our time and taunt us over it.
Wow, 92,684 view of this thread. people must REALLY be interested in hearing about jerks. Ain't such encounters best left forgotten?
Poison Ivy
Originally Posted by DABhand
That convo seems to be the same for each jerk, its as if they are like tele-sales workers, working from the same sheet to type from lol
Desutro Stroyen
The biggest jerk i met was this noobish Ranger in the Ascalon Arena. All his teamates were dead and my whole team was alive cept me >.< He had all the runners skills on (Dodge,Lightning Reflexs, Escape,Storm Chaser) We had a lvl 10 who had full 15k and an icy blue chasing him around for 20 mins. I left after 15 but he was such a pain in the ass.
Originally Posted by Ork Pride
Me(jerk): WTS 15-22 unid gold longsword 5k
person: ILL BUY Me(jerk):KK 5K YEA, HERE LEMME SEE AFTER U ID K? person: K Me(jerk): THNX person: DAMAGE +15% VS CHARR WTF?!?!?!? WASTED 5K Me(jerk):LMFAO. noob. |
3 ranger trappers enter uw...
S E V E R: Ok guys, let's make this a good trap run
Idiot: WTF? Where's your bow noob?
S E V E R: Us proper trappers use staffs for trapping, the extra energy is a sweet deal you see
Idiot: F**k this
He left shortly after. Christmas comes early
S E V E R: Ok guys, let's make this a good trap run
Idiot: WTF? Where's your bow noob?
S E V E R: Us proper trappers use staffs for trapping, the extra energy is a sweet deal you see
Idiot: F**k this
He left shortly after. Christmas comes early
This thread is so funny.
A Leprechaun
a long time a go i was in ascalon and 2 warriors just came up to me and made an argument ,and a nasty one, i was just shrugging it of and pretending to be stupid when it got really bad like they were saying tell me where you live and i will come round and kill your family
mabye he was joking but he sounded serious and even if he was joking it was not good and not funny
mabye he was joking but he sounded serious and even if he was joking it was not good and not funny
max gladius
ok, i realy think rules should and could be implied into this forum... its at 61 pages, and alot of is it realy lacking.....
There are awsome posts that u have to laugh at like...
And good classics like
Some ppl begging for attention like...
And war stories that im possitive were funny on page 2 of this forum the day they happened like...
I say we imply some rules... like if it was over a week ago, mildly funny, and u dont remember any details, no point im mentioning it... if ur wanting attention and feel like posting something u did, dont post it... 61 pages is alot, nothen wrong with making posts, lets get some more originality and creativity posted....
There are awsome posts that u have to laugh at like...
Originally Posted by S E V E R
3 ranger trappers enter uw...
S E V E R: Ok guys, let's make this a good trap run Idiot: WTF? Where's your bow noob? S E V E R: Us proper trappers use staffs for trapping, the extra energy is a sweet deal you see Idiot: F**k this He left shortly after. Christmas comes early |
And good classics like
Originally Posted by Bloody Death
me and a 55 monk were in UW, and 2 ecto's dropped reserved for me. my comp was lagging, so the monk ran over to me and got me killed. he waited for them to be available to him.
me:I still get 1, you said 50/50 ecto's him:no your a noob me:im a noob cuz I want 1 ecto? him:shutup your not getting ecto me:wow, your pretty greedy. he then drops 13 ecto, and calls me a poorass I just left =\ |
Originally Posted by Ork Pride
Me(jerk): WTS 15-22 unid gold longsword 5k
person: ILL BUY Me(jerk):KK 5K YEA, HERE LEMME SEE AFTER U ID K? person: K Me(jerk): THNX person: DAMAGE +15% VS CHARR WTF?!?!?!? WASTED 5K Me(jerk):LMFAO. noob. |
And war stories that im possitive were funny on page 2 of this forum the day they happened like...
Originally Posted by A Leprechaun
a long time a go i was in ascalon and 2 warriors just came up to me and made an argument ,and a nasty one, i was just shrugging it of and pretending to be stupid when it got really bad like they were saying tell me where you live and i will come round and kill your family
mabye he was joking but he sounded serious and even if he was joking it was not good and not funny |
Can there be anything jerkier? I play a monk (healing or protection) like almost always and those f***ing jerks are going to spoil this game by going on a strike.
All the monks on strike should just get banned for a week or two from the game for extreme stupidity.
Can there be anything jerkier? I play a monk (healing or protection) like almost always and those f***ing jerks are going to spoil this game by going on a strike.
All the monks on strike should just get banned for a week or two from the game for extreme stupidity.
People like the above poster during the Monk strike. This is why a harmless (and very funny) event turned in to such a mess. I'm glad the mods laid the smack down on some of the filthy-mouthed little brats.
Flame here:
Flame here:
Originally Posted by Jas
Can there be anything jerkier? I play a monk (healing or protection) like almost always and those f***ing jerks are going to spoil this game by going on a strike. All the monks on strike should just get banned for a week or two from the game for extreme stupidity. |