I just meet an other rahter jerky individual.
I was doing Aurora Glade with my Ranger. I had allready completed the game, but since I got rushed, I didn't had this mission. I got into an group that wanted to do bonus, so I asked them which taktic they would use, and the only answere I got was :"no idea". Well, so I decided to give them some pointers, asked another (rather low level) Waldie to bring some runskills,to keep the portals and the rest to slowly fight an group after another, till the demagoge would be alone.
As we got into the missi the leader proceded to tell them how the bonus works, and said the would ambush the demagoge from behind. I told her I found that tactic rather risky, and thought the one I talked about before would be easier (note that she didn't say anything about her tactic bevor entering mission, or said anything as I was proposing mine).
She just said she had like 6 Chars, and 3 finished and with that more expirience, so she could decide. I found that rather snotty and told her I had 8 chars through, so in HER logic I had more expirience.
. She kept on telling me, that she had more rank in PvP and how that made her better. I just told her, PvP got nothing to do with PvE, it makes you no PvE expert cause you have rank 6. She than kept on bickering, that if I was so great and though myself so good, she wanted to see how I would do in bonus .
Well, shortly befor bonus our monk just quit, and I noticed that our desicnated runner was still not back (he had an important phonecall) so I told her, with just 4 people, we should better do her technic, cause mine wouldn't work so well with so few people, but she just ignored it, and as we came to bonus told me I should tell everyone what to do. Well, I said, with 2 people short, we better just do the mission.
As we finished Mission she wispered me how it was my fault that she had to do bonus again, and put me on ignore.
Really, such people just get on my nerves, they just have to be the best.