The Biggest Jerk You Ever Encountered in GW (no posting names)
Have you... um... played Guild Wars at all?
Sir Skullcrasher
Originally Posted by Doomlord_Slayermann
Have you... um... played Guild Wars at all?
Originally Posted by Sir Skullcrasher
I have played Guild Wars but haven't met any jerks yet.... except in AB where the suxxons make fun of kurzick.
Originally Posted by Sir Skullcrasher
I have played Guild Wars but haven't met any jerks yet.... except in AB where the suxxons make fun of kurzick.
Jerks are inevitable, you'll meet them everywhere. You cant do anything about everyone else, but you can start by not being one yourself.
Sir Skullcrasher
damn. but i only make fun of luxons when they start it first!
I still don't get peoples cussing you out when they asked for offers on certain items and you just happened to give them a price that isn't in their selling range.
I still don't get peoples cussing you out when they asked for offers on certain items and you just happened to give them a price that isn't in their selling range.
If they are spamming local chat with insults, they are definitely suxxons/kursucks, which I believe is what Sir was trying to say.
This fellow was selling a "secret" farming build for Thirsty River (aka a MM). I told him selling information was stupid when you could just find it online, and proceeded to tell his "secret build" to everyone in the area. The reaction I got was violent!
What I don't understand was why he was selling this build in the jungle and not the desert?
What I don't understand was why he was selling this build in the jungle and not the desert?
Originally Posted by crystalklear64
This fellow was selling a "secret" farming build for Thirsty River (aka a MM). I told him selling information was stupid when you could just find it online, and proceeded to tell his "secret build" to everyone in the area. The reaction I got was violent!
What I don't understand was why he was selling this build in the jungle and not the desert? |
I love this little korean guys I see everyday in droks and in lions arch who are selling 24/7 and trade you nonstop so you can buy their crap for 100k more than its worth.
Carl Butanananowski
Hippie Bane
Let's see..
A warrior, with a fire staff, casting meteor shower in the Underworld. When we all get wiped since he's charging ahead to cast rather than block, he begins spamming about how we didn't heal him and made his job difficult. *sigh*
An assassin, also with a staff, casting level 18 Flesh Golems and Vampiric Horrors in Arborstone. I was MM'ing, and couldn't figure out where all my bodies kept going. Then I see a vamp horror run by(I wasn't using them at the time) and look for any other necro secondary members. When I asked the assassin why he was running minions without asking or telling anyone, when he didn't put max points into DM, especially when we already had a dedicated minion master (me). When I got no reply, I just chalked it up to noobs in PVE and got back to the mission. Since I only had a couple minions from time to time, I was just using Heal Area when I could to heal them. He then complains that I'm not healing his minions with BOTM and I'm being selfish for it. *sigh*
I'm selling a black dye in Ascalon and asking 8k for it. It was retailing for 9k and meching for 7k(this is important later) I receive a PM from someone who wants to buy it. I run over, open the window, put my dye in and he puts in 7k. When I point out that the price is 8k, he insists that the real price I should be selling it for is 7k. I retort with the obvious, that 8k is less than he would have to pay the trader and more than I would get from the trader. He then starts typing in all caps that 7k is the real price, I'm greedy, he's upset with the state of the world, he had pancakes for breakfast, and so on. I decide that discretion is the better part of valor and leave. I receive PMs for the next half hour along these lines. I probably did make him a little mad, when he made his weird offer, since right afterward I just went and sold it to the merchant, then told him I did so. But, if you are going to be that imbalanced, stay away from video games, please.
A warrior, with a fire staff, casting meteor shower in the Underworld. When we all get wiped since he's charging ahead to cast rather than block, he begins spamming about how we didn't heal him and made his job difficult. *sigh*
An assassin, also with a staff, casting level 18 Flesh Golems and Vampiric Horrors in Arborstone. I was MM'ing, and couldn't figure out where all my bodies kept going. Then I see a vamp horror run by(I wasn't using them at the time) and look for any other necro secondary members. When I asked the assassin why he was running minions without asking or telling anyone, when he didn't put max points into DM, especially when we already had a dedicated minion master (me). When I got no reply, I just chalked it up to noobs in PVE and got back to the mission. Since I only had a couple minions from time to time, I was just using Heal Area when I could to heal them. He then complains that I'm not healing his minions with BOTM and I'm being selfish for it. *sigh*
I'm selling a black dye in Ascalon and asking 8k for it. It was retailing for 9k and meching for 7k(this is important later) I receive a PM from someone who wants to buy it. I run over, open the window, put my dye in and he puts in 7k. When I point out that the price is 8k, he insists that the real price I should be selling it for is 7k. I retort with the obvious, that 8k is less than he would have to pay the trader and more than I would get from the trader. He then starts typing in all caps that 7k is the real price, I'm greedy, he's upset with the state of the world, he had pancakes for breakfast, and so on. I decide that discretion is the better part of valor and leave. I receive PMs for the next half hour along these lines. I probably did make him a little mad, when he made his weird offer, since right afterward I just went and sold it to the merchant, then told him I did so. But, if you are going to be that imbalanced, stay away from video games, please.
Tark Alkerk
Originally Posted by Sir Skullcrasher
wait, i haven't met any jerks for about a month now.
maybe i am just looking in the wrong places...
LFG Jerk Farm
Originally Posted by Tark Alkerk
tbh i haven't seen many jerks for ages,
maybe i am just looking in the wrong places... LFG Jerk Farm :P |
Poison Ivy
Originally Posted by Hippie Bane
An assassin, also with a staff, casting level 18 Flesh Golems and Vampiric Horrors in Arborstone. I was MM'ing, and couldn't figure out where all my bodies kept going. Then I see a vamp horror run by(I wasn't using them at the time) and look for any other necro secondary members. When I asked the assassin why he was running minions without asking or telling anyone, when he didn't put max points into DM, especially when we already had a dedicated minion master (me). When I got no reply, I just chalked it up to noobs in PVE and got back to the mission. Since I only had a couple minions from time to time, I was just using Heal Area when I could to heal them. He then complains that I'm not healing his minions with BOTM and I'm being selfish for it. *sigh*
I've been called a jerk/asshole/b**** ingame for some of the things I do, and it puzzles me really. I reserve the right to ragequit or leave. When I'm going for bonus only, I will tell the group so, and I will leave when the bonus is done. When I'm going for masters, and it becomes impossible, either because of time, or a turtle/tree singer died, I will leave. I don't consider either to be jerk behavior. In either case, if the group just wanted to finish the mission, and expected everyone to stay, they should have kicked me when I told them what I wanted. I will also ragequit in groups where people can't think or follow directions, and I don't consider this jerk behavior either.
Furthermore, I will not tolerate lip from anyone in any serious group I lead, and I make that clear at the beginning. If you think you're a better player, and all the directions I'm giving are BS, you are more than welcome to leave and lead your own group. If you decide to stay, and start b****ing and moaning later, expect a lot of rage from me. I don't consider this jerk behavior.
Furthermore, I will not tolerate lip from anyone in any serious group I lead, and I make that clear at the beginning. If you think you're a better player, and all the directions I'm giving are BS, you are more than welcome to leave and lead your own group. If you decide to stay, and start b****ing and moaning later, expect a lot of rage from me. I don't consider this jerk behavior.
That's a terrible attitude to have, you were once like them, just trying to get it done to have it done. If ultimately, you can't stand the incompetance of PUGs, get into an alliance with like, 1k members, and wallow in your own awesomesauce.
That's a terrible attitude to have, you were once like them, just trying to get it done to have it done. If ultimately, you can't stand the incompetance of PUGs, get into an alliance with like, 1k members, and wallow in your own awesomesauce.
Originally Posted by B§x¿44¶»1@$
That's a terrible attitude to have, you were once like them, just trying to get it done to have it done. If ultimately, you can't stand the incompetance of PUGs, get into an alliance with like, 1k members, and wallow in your own awesomesauce. |
Originally Posted by Kakumei
It's a terrible attitude to want to get things done and do them right, without wasting time?
Here's the thing. Say you are leading a group doing mission+bonus. You see someone say, "X LFG bonus only". Why would you invite them? And, if you invite the person, and they say, "I want bonus only" why wouldn't you kick them? And when they finish the bonus and leave, or when they realize you're just doing the mission and leave, why would you PM them to cry about it?
I'm sorry, but when I say 'bonus only', or 'master's group', I mean it. If I'm willing to help you finish your goddamn mission, I'll let you know, but otherwise I'm leaving once I'm done with what I came for and I don't expect any grief about it. I don't think this is unreasonable, or an elitist attitude. I made clear what I was going to do from the beginning, and if you still want me to come, don't PM me with your moronic b****ing when I do exactly what I said I would do and leave.
And frankly, think about it from the other side - when I join a group expecting masters and you just want to do the mission, you're wasting my time. Who's the asshole now?
If you still think that's selfish (which again, *really* puzzles me, to be entirely honest), fine. But please don't bother to PM me to share your opinion.
I'm sorry, but when I say 'bonus only', or 'master's group', I mean it. If I'm willing to help you finish your goddamn mission, I'll let you know, but otherwise I'm leaving once I'm done with what I came for and I don't expect any grief about it. I don't think this is unreasonable, or an elitist attitude. I made clear what I was going to do from the beginning, and if you still want me to come, don't PM me with your moronic b****ing when I do exactly what I said I would do and leave.
And frankly, think about it from the other side - when I join a group expecting masters and you just want to do the mission, you're wasting my time. Who's the asshole now?
If you still think that's selfish (which again, *really* puzzles me, to be entirely honest), fine. But please don't bother to PM me to share your opinion.
Had 2 guys jsut a few minutes ago.
I jsut popped in to Beacon's perch for a minute when I see a troll going around for a run to Sanctum Cay paying 10k I'm thinkin hot damn 10k.
During the run these two guys act generally decent towards me.
We get to sanctum one of them leave when i open trade with them I think to myself ok the other is going to pay me. He starts warping us to ToA before I can open trade with him. I get there open trade with him and he cancels and runs off. I message him heres what I got back.
Me: uh are you gonna pay me or what?
Me: I've never reported anyone before and I really don't want to start now.
Me: Please, jsut pay me what you two owe me and I'll be on my marry way.
Jerk1: I said 10g
Me: Nah, haha, you didn't I've got eyes and you didn't even pay me 10g
Jerk1: Go to dist 1
Jerk1: 10g is yours
Obviously that wasn't going to cut it especially since I comfirmed that they were goign to pay me 10k they both said it. So I message Jerk2 heres what he tells me.
Me: So how about you do you want to pay what you and Jerk1 owe me or should I jsut report you?
Jerk2: Do
Jerk2: I'm already one on the most wanted list in guild wars forum
Jerk2: So you think one more scam will matter?
I was kind of sittin in disbelief that he was proud of the fact he had scammed me so on it goes.
Me: So both of you just scam people? Why? What do you get out of it?
Me: I'm curious how long have you been scamming people?
Jerk2: About 2 years.
Jerk2: Look for the good manhatten
I have no clue if the good manhatten is a sandwich or his name thats why I posted it.
I jsut popped in to Beacon's perch for a minute when I see a troll going around for a run to Sanctum Cay paying 10k I'm thinkin hot damn 10k.
During the run these two guys act generally decent towards me.
We get to sanctum one of them leave when i open trade with them I think to myself ok the other is going to pay me. He starts warping us to ToA before I can open trade with him. I get there open trade with him and he cancels and runs off. I message him heres what I got back.
Me: uh are you gonna pay me or what?
Me: I've never reported anyone before and I really don't want to start now.
Me: Please, jsut pay me what you two owe me and I'll be on my marry way.
Jerk1: I said 10g
Me: Nah, haha, you didn't I've got eyes and you didn't even pay me 10g
Jerk1: Go to dist 1
Jerk1: 10g is yours
Obviously that wasn't going to cut it especially since I comfirmed that they were goign to pay me 10k they both said it. So I message Jerk2 heres what he tells me.
Me: So how about you do you want to pay what you and Jerk1 owe me or should I jsut report you?
Jerk2: Do
Jerk2: I'm already one on the most wanted list in guild wars forum
Jerk2: So you think one more scam will matter?
I was kind of sittin in disbelief that he was proud of the fact he had scammed me so on it goes.
Me: So both of you just scam people? Why? What do you get out of it?
Me: I'm curious how long have you been scamming people?
Jerk2: About 2 years.
Jerk2: Look for the good manhatten
I have no clue if the good manhatten is a sandwich or his name thats why I posted it.
Originally Posted by crow120
I have no clue if the good manhatten is a sandwich or his name thats why I posted it.
Originally Posted by Rera
Here's the thing. Say you are leading a group doing mission+bonus. You see someone say, "X LFG bonus only". Why would you invite them? And, if you invite the person, and they say, "I want bonus only" why wouldn't you kick them? And when they finish the bonus and leave, or when they realize you're just doing the mission and leave, why would you PM them to cry about it?
I'm sorry, but when I say 'bonus only', or 'master's group', I mean it. If I'm willing to help you finish your goddamn mission, I'll let you know, but otherwise I'm leaving once I'm done with what I came for and I don't expect any grief about it. I don't think this is unreasonable, or an elitist attitude. I made clear what I was going to do from the beginning, and if you still want me to come, don't PM me with your moronic b****ing when I do exactly what I said I would do and leave. And frankly, think about it from the other side - when I join a group expecting masters and you just want to do the mission, you're wasting my time. Who's the asshole now? If you still think that's selfish (which again, *really* puzzles me, to be entirely honest), fine. But please don't bother to PM me to share your opinion. |
Also, the, please don't bother PM me your opinion, how ever curtious you are attempting to be by just being up front about it and say PLEASE, you still just make yourself appear to be an elitist (sadly, I am that way too, and I really hate myself for it.)
Are you honestly happy never stopping to smell the roses?
Sol Deathgard
Originally Posted by Rera
Here's the thing. Say you are leading a group doing mission+bonus. You see someone say, "X LFG bonus only". Why would you invite them? And, if you invite the person, and they say, "I want bonus only" why wouldn't you kick them? And when they finish the bonus and leave, or when they realize you're just doing the mission and leave, why would you PM them to cry about it?
I'm sorry, but when I say 'bonus only', or 'master's group', I mean it. If I'm willing to help you finish your goddamn mission, I'll let you know, but otherwise I'm leaving once I'm done with what I came for and I don't expect any grief about it. I don't think this is unreasonable, or an elitist attitude. I made clear what I was going to do from the beginning, and if you still want me to come, don't PM me with your moronic b****ing when I do exactly what I said I would do and leave. And frankly, think about it from the other side - when I join a group expecting masters and you just want to do the mission, you're wasting my time. Who's the asshole now? If you still think that's selfish (which again, *really* puzzles me, to be entirely honest), fine. But please don't bother to PM me to share your opinion. |
Rabid China Girl
Late night Raisu Palace mission attempt with a group. Short story, really. We're low on people, so we keep one human monk and pick up Sister Tai. We need one more and I see an ele LFG in local. I inform our leader and we pick her up. We go into the mission.
She gives us a few instructions, but that's alright. She/He seems to know what they're doing. Then this ele starts bitching me out for basically being an assassin, telling me I'm pretty much useless cannon fodder.
Now I know assassins aren't the best of professions (or people just aren't that great at using them), and it may seem this way because a lot of users like to think they can tank with that flimsy armor. Whatever, we definately have a bad rap. Assassin isn't even my favorite class, but I have one and I like her because she is MY character. But nothing gives that ele the right to start bashing me like that, especially when I wasn't doing anything wrong (I died twice throughout the entire mission, and to my credit, the tanks died a couple times too). I don't tank, but I can't help but get spiked to death now and then... -__-
She gives us a few instructions, but that's alright. She/He seems to know what they're doing. Then this ele starts bitching me out for basically being an assassin, telling me I'm pretty much useless cannon fodder.
Now I know assassins aren't the best of professions (or people just aren't that great at using them), and it may seem this way because a lot of users like to think they can tank with that flimsy armor. Whatever, we definately have a bad rap. Assassin isn't even my favorite class, but I have one and I like her because she is MY character. But nothing gives that ele the right to start bashing me like that, especially when I wasn't doing anything wrong (I died twice throughout the entire mission, and to my credit, the tanks died a couple times too). I don't tank, but I can't help but get spiked to death now and then... -__-
Originally Posted by Hippie Bane
An assassin, also with a staff, casting level 18 Flesh Golems and Vampiric Horrors in Arborstone. I was MM'ing, and couldn't figure out where all my bodies kept going. Then I see a vamp horror run by(I wasn't using them at the time) and look for any other necro secondary members. When I asked the assassin why he was running minions without asking or telling anyone, when he didn't put max points into DM, especially when we already had a dedicated minion master (me).
I'm only 40 pages or so into reading this...but i had a good one last night, so I thought I'd share.
My Girlfriend has a spirit bonder that she built from factions...we need SoJ last night once we lost the favor, so we went to The Granite Citadel, and looked for a team. Since we couldn't find one, I built one. I'm a MM/SS necro, she's a Mo/Me and was setup for healing, since we figured that would be best for our team build...
We ended up with like 3 more monks, a ranger, 2 warriors and ran the cap for all the bosses in Mineral Springs pretty well...only had one or two problems after the ranger left.
The jerk part of this story comes from earlier...everyone on this team was level 20, except for one monk...he was level 14 and really wanted to get SoJ. with 4 monks total, and no one else looking i figure sure, why not...he can just spam heal us from the back...and we can get him his elite. Well the warrior at the time said, "I'm not going with a level 14, kick him or I leave." I was like, "he's just another healer, no one else needs a team, and he can spam heal us..." Someone else on the team said, "yea, don't worry about will be fine" So I ask if everyone is ready, one person needed to change skills, she finished, and I said "ok, here we go"
As soon as we zone outside, the jerk says, "the 14 is still here, i'm gone", and maps back to the citadel. I just sat there for a second thinking WTF, he could have told me before we left, or quit the team when it was obvious we weren't going to kick the 14. So we went back inside, grabbed a w/mo, did the run, all the caps, and everyone was all set....Accept the stupid Jerk 2 ranger that left after capping his power...I hate when everyone agrees to cap all the powers, but then leaves after they cap theirs.
oh well, at least i met some nice people last night, considering i hate PUG's, it was a good experience.
My Girlfriend has a spirit bonder that she built from factions...we need SoJ last night once we lost the favor, so we went to The Granite Citadel, and looked for a team. Since we couldn't find one, I built one. I'm a MM/SS necro, she's a Mo/Me and was setup for healing, since we figured that would be best for our team build...
We ended up with like 3 more monks, a ranger, 2 warriors and ran the cap for all the bosses in Mineral Springs pretty well...only had one or two problems after the ranger left.
The jerk part of this story comes from earlier...everyone on this team was level 20, except for one monk...he was level 14 and really wanted to get SoJ. with 4 monks total, and no one else looking i figure sure, why not...he can just spam heal us from the back...and we can get him his elite. Well the warrior at the time said, "I'm not going with a level 14, kick him or I leave." I was like, "he's just another healer, no one else needs a team, and he can spam heal us..." Someone else on the team said, "yea, don't worry about will be fine" So I ask if everyone is ready, one person needed to change skills, she finished, and I said "ok, here we go"
As soon as we zone outside, the jerk says, "the 14 is still here, i'm gone", and maps back to the citadel. I just sat there for a second thinking WTF, he could have told me before we left, or quit the team when it was obvious we weren't going to kick the 14. So we went back inside, grabbed a w/mo, did the run, all the caps, and everyone was all set....Accept the stupid Jerk 2 ranger that left after capping his power...I hate when everyone agrees to cap all the powers, but then leaves after they cap theirs.
oh well, at least i met some nice people last night, considering i hate PUG's, it was a good experience.
Originally Posted by B§x¿44¶»1@$
You can say it better, without being insulting in the manor in which you think. Quite frankly- you wouldn't be giving people in real life this kind of "I'm in it for myself, so go with the flow or don't, but I'm not stopping you"
I don't think my manner of thinking is insulting at all. I want bonus/masters, and I say so. If your goals do not coincide with mine, do not invite me to your group or join my group. If you invite/join anyway, don't spam me with your "omg asshole" PMs when I go for what I want, instead of taking care of you.
Originally Posted by B§x¿44¶»1@$
Also, the, please don't bother PM me your opinion, how ever curtious you are attempting to be by just being up front about it and say PLEASE, you still just make yourself appear to be an elitist (sadly, I am that way too, and I really hate myself for it.)
Are you honestly happy never stopping to smell the roses? |
I stopped and smelled the roses when I started playing. Roses aren't interesting to me anymore; I just want to get things done.
Actually, that reminds me. Why do people use "chill, it's just a game" as an excuse for screwing around and being a dumbass? If my group fails because I do something stupid, and they get angry, I apologize. I don't pull out this "chill, it's just a game" bull****. That's a pretty asshole thing to do. You cost the group the mission, and then you brush it off by saying it doesn't matter? **** you. Saying that to me pretty much guarantees you an instant kick and a spot on my ignore list.
You're kidding right? I don't know where you live that you don't think "I'm in it for myself" is actually a very common and appropriate attitude. How do you think successful people get to where they did? I'm not saying you knock off everyone in your way, but if you're not in it for yourself most of the time, you don't get very far. |
I don't think my manner of thinking is insulting at all. I want bonus/masters, and I say so. If your goals do not coincide with mine, do not invite me to your group or join my group. If you invite/join anyway, don't spam me with your "omg asshole" PMs when I go for what I want, instead of taking care of you. |
Actually, that reminds me. Why do people use "chill, it's just a game" as an excuse for screwing around and being a dumbass? If my group fails because I do something stupid, and they get angry, I apologize. I don't pull out this "chill, it's just a game" bull****. That's a pretty asshole thing to do. You cost the group the mission, and then you brush it off by saying it doesn't matter? **** you. Saying that to me pretty much guarantees you an instant kick and a spot on my ignore list. |
Oh well- I'm just saying that you seem a little too up tight. Sure, it's reasonable that you want to get stuff done, but what ever. It is JUST A GAME (though I agree with you on that, it's still true in this case).
Rabid China Girl
Originally Posted by crow120
Had 2 guys jsut a few minutes ago.
I jsut popped in to Beacon's perch for a minute when I see a troll going around for a run to Sanctum Cay paying 10k I'm thinkin hot damn 10k. During the run these two guys act generally decent towards me. We get to sanctum one of them leave when i open trade with them I think to myself ok the other is going to pay me. He starts warping us to ToA before I can open trade with him. I get there open trade with him and he cancels and runs off. I message him heres what I got back. Me: uh are you gonna pay me or what? Me: I've never reported anyone before and I really don't want to start now. Me: Please, jsut pay me what you two owe me and I'll be on my marry way. Jerk1: I said 10g Me: Nah, haha, you didn't I've got eyes and you didn't even pay me 10g Jerk1: Go to dist 1 Jerk1: 10g is yours Obviously that wasn't going to cut it especially since I comfirmed that they were goign to pay me 10k they both said it. So I message Jerk2 heres what he tells me. Me: So how about you do you want to pay what you and Jerk1 owe me or should I jsut report you? Jerk2: Do Jerk2: I'm already one on the most wanted list in guild wars forum Jerk2: So you think one more scam will matter? I was kind of sittin in disbelief that he was proud of the fact he had scammed me so on it goes. Me: So both of you just scam people? Why? What do you get out of it? Me: I'm curious how long have you been scamming people? Jerk2: About 2 years. Jerk2: Look for the good manhatten I have no clue if the good manhatten is a sandwich or his name thats why I posted it. |
Commander Ryker
Originally Posted by B§x¿44¶»1@$
Good answer. And for the record, I have 1.5 sets of FoW, lots of perfect rare skin weapons, Lucky (2) title, and almost rank 3. I'm not trying to show off, I'm just saying you'll feel better at the end of the day.
Originally Posted by B§x¿44¶»1@$
Certainly a good philosophy, but can't you sacrifice an extra 15 minutes of your time to help the poor souls on their mission? If you are really that busy and GO GO GO then I suggest joining an Alliance with about 1000 members.
Originally Posted by B§x¿44¶»1@$
Good answer, but still, you're tone really hints at a lack of tolerance IMO. You don't really give PEOPLE in general a chance.
Carl Butanananowski
Ok, if some of you dont shut up about this stupid stuff, this thread will turn into a flamewar and get locked.
And then where do we vent our UNIMAGINABLE AND UNEQUIVOCAL RAGE on jerks?
Personally, I think if your saying 'LFG Bonus Only,' and get invited to a Mission//etc. group, double check to make sure they KNOW you are only staying for the bonus. That way they can kick you and no one gets angry.... most of the time, anyway.
And then where do we vent our UNIMAGINABLE AND UNEQUIVOCAL RAGE on jerks?
Personally, I think if your saying 'LFG Bonus Only,' and get invited to a Mission//etc. group, double check to make sure they KNOW you are only staying for the bonus. That way they can kick you and no one gets angry.... most of the time, anyway.
Happenned five minutes ago in Shing Jea.
Jerk/Local: selling moutain troll tusk 60k........whisper me.
Me: What does it do ?
Jerk: increases max health by 250
Jerk: they are very rare
Me: Wow you are a sad little man...
Jerk: what do you mean
Jerk: why i am sad
Me: It's an item that you exchange to collector.
Me: Stupid attempt to scam someone.
Jerk: No its not, its worth 60k
Me: Hahaha
Me: Man you are funny.
Me: Moutain Trolls outside of Droknar's Forge drop tons of them.
Jerk: Thats a nice dragon helmet ( I had my dragon helm equipped )
Jerk: Can I have it
Me: I'll sell it to you 60k
Jerk: lol
About two minutes later:
Jerk/Local: selling moutain troll tusk only 6k!!!!!!!!!
Jerk/Local: selling moutain troll tusk 60k........whisper me.
Me: What does it do ?
Jerk: increases max health by 250
Jerk: they are very rare
Me: Wow you are a sad little man...
Jerk: what do you mean
Jerk: why i am sad
Me: It's an item that you exchange to collector.
Me: Stupid attempt to scam someone.
Jerk: No its not, its worth 60k
Me: Hahaha
Me: Man you are funny.
Me: Moutain Trolls outside of Droknar's Forge drop tons of them.
Jerk: Thats a nice dragon helmet ( I had my dragon helm equipped )
Jerk: Can I have it
Me: I'll sell it to you 60k
Jerk: lol
About two minutes later:
Jerk/Local: selling moutain troll tusk only 6k!!!!!!!!!
Carl Butanananowski
so what ARE tusks actually worth

Originally Posted by Carl Butanananowski
so what ARE tusks actually worth
![]() |
8g each if you sell to the merchant.
People might buy them off you for 20g each.
With a little bit of leg work, they can be worth 25g each.
Trade 5 for a collector weapon and sell the weapon to the merchant for 125g.
Mera Regila
Originally Posted by Rera
You're kidding right? I don't know where you live that you don't think "I'm in it for myself" is actually a very common and appropriate attitude. How do you think successful people get to where they did? I'm not saying you knock off everyone in your way, but if you're not in it for yourself most of the time, you don't get very far.
Originally Posted by Rera
I don't think my manner of thinking is insulting at all. I want bonus/masters, and I say so. If your goals do not coincide with mine, do not invite me to your group or join my group. If you invite/join anyway, don't spam me with your "omg asshole" PMs when I go for what I want, instead of taking care of you.
Originally Posted by Rera
Actually, that reminds me. Why do people use "chill, it's just a game" as an excuse for screwing around and being a dumbass? If my group fails because I do something stupid, and they get angry, I apologize. I don't pull out this "chill, it's just a game" bull****. That's a pretty asshole thing to do. You cost the group the mission, and then you brush it off by saying it doesn't matter? **** you. Saying that to me pretty much guarantees you an instant kick and a spot on my ignore list.
Great, now another spot on MY ignore list must be filled...
Carl Butanananowski
Originally Posted by Carl Butanananowski
Ok, if some of you dont shut up about this stupid stuff, this thread will turn into a flamewar and get locked.
And then where do we vent our UNIMAGINABLE AND UNEQUIVOCAL RAGE on jerks? ^_^ Personally, I think if your saying 'LFG Bonus Only,' and get invited to a Mission//etc. group, double check to make sure they KNOW you are only staying for the bonus. That way they can kick you and no one gets angry.... most of the time, anyway. |
And you are actually at fault for having to add to your ignore.
Best Policy: If it isnt important, shut up.
Mera Regila
Originally Posted by Commander Ryker
How is that supposed to make them feel better? Besides that, it's really nothing to brag about.
Originally Posted by Commander Ryker
You answers are the ones that smacks of intolerance. If it's said in advance, bonus only, then that should be it.
Carl Butanananowski
Dammit just shut up!
Notice how many jerks post in the jerk thread? Hmmmmmm....
Newest jerk I encountered was a Ranger who sought to make fun of my Droks Ranger Armor just because I advertised to buy a Pruning Mod for a Sword for my Warrior.
I mean look, I would like to buy an item at a fair price, not receive a fashion lowdown on a character that IMO beats the crap outta everything he encounters. Sheesh!
Newest jerk I encountered was a Ranger who sought to make fun of my Droks Ranger Armor just because I advertised to buy a Pruning Mod for a Sword for my Warrior.

Originally Posted by Mera Regila
"I'm in it for myself" is a crappy attitude, and the basic jerk attitude, I view the jerk as you in any of the cases you may have. It's nowhere NEAR appropriate, don't give us that. Successful people, there are successful people (far more successful than you) that could ACTUALLY GIVE THEIR OWN TIME and not be entirely devoted to themselves and themselves alone.
If you honestly believe that what I did was wrong, then what you are basically claiming is that people should *always* go out of their way to help other people. Frankly, I find that to be a patently ludicrous claim. I help people - I walk them through missions, I help them skillcap, whatever, but I do it on *my* terms. I don't expect people to flame me for leaving groups when I made clear in the beginning what my plan was.
Originally Posted by Mera Regila
Think again Rera, thats all i have to say. You want bonus/masters this is true, but when you go out of your way to be a jerk like you're doing, it's just wrong. You ragequit at the first moment of despair... gg with any kind of pvp in all of guild wars, you will be pwned with this attitude, or just ragequit everything. Your mentality is seriously screwed up, going to a mission+bonus group, waiting for bonus to be done, and then raging, is a bad way of doing things.
Just to clarify, master's completion has strict requirements. For most missions, there's a time limit, and for two of them you have to finish without losing any turtles/tree singers. Master's obviously becomes impossible if the time limit is exceeded or one of the turtles/singers dies. In those cases I see no reason why I should stay, and no reason for flaming.
Originally Posted by Mera Regila
"Chill, it's just a game" is a PERFECT THING TO SAY because it's true.... Nobody's screwing around and being a dumbass, saying it's just a game is telling you don't take it so seriously, like you're doing. If they start raging at you, cussing and **** like that, then it IS JUST A GAME THEY SHOULD GET OVER IT. No it's not, it just isnt.... Ooooook buddy... that aint right, it is just a game, and you should stop treating it like it doesn't matter. Losing mission/bonus/masters is often solely blamed on one person because they weren't "up to scratch" if a person isn't as good as you, and they play less, good for them. Nobody CARES weather they're kicked and put on your ignore list because you are just a jerk, pure and simple, your mentality is that of almost every jerk on earth "i care about myself and myself alone", stop being a jerk....
I don't know about you, but when I kick or ignore people it isn't to make them care about the fact that they were kicked or ignored - it's so that I don't have to play with or talk to them.