Let's keep going with B/P groups
Hmmm, i take it thats why you have grasps as your avy

. Awesome screeny there mate. And I'm terribly sorry about the gross incompetance of B/P rangers now-a-days.
Anyway, I remember when PvE tombs first got super popular, like, 2 or 3 dis's of B/P groups forming, anyway, one day I was making a group aaaaand a level 19 requests to join. Now, he was a Ranger Monk, but what disturbed me the most, was that he was level 19. Which means he ascended, no big deal I thought.
Anyway, he had been ragging me nicely (no insults at this point) to Pllleaaasseee let him in the group. I politely declined, requesting him to get level 20 and the extra thirty attribute points.
Suprisingly, he knew what he was doing. He had the perfect build, and had done it as an orders on his necro, but I still had to decline KNOWING that someone in my group would make a fuss and blow it out of proportion.
Someone in my group made a fuss and blew it out of proportion, EVEN THOUGH I DIDN'T LET HIM IN. He's like "LOL, N))B (yes, he really did make that typo, I remember)- GO BACK TO ASCALON. YOU DON"T KNOW CRAP blah blah blah." acting like he got runs and is a dirty leach blah blah blah.
The nice levle 19 ranger sat there and used his head, ignored the guy, and continued in his quest looking for a group.
The guy in my group, still wouldn't shut up, even though we all told him the ranger ignored him. His response you ask? "LOL ONLY N00BS USE IGNORE LIST HE'S A PUSSY blah blah"
I kick him from the group. His response? "OMFG U NOOB"
I politely ask him to calm down, and watch his language as there are likely children/ladies present.
He explodes. "Im in a top 100 guild"
me: "you have no tag"
him: "STFU JERK"
me: "please calm down"
him: "STFU NOOB"
He ignored me.
I got a PM from the ranger the next day, he hit level 20 in a run in which a group let him join, got a Bulwark, and sold it for OODLES (like, 2x what they were going for).
We became great friends after that
I think right about now- I feel the need to speak up after my point was proven by the spam of intolerant chest runners.
Anyway, I pay my tab to get in just like anyone else. I don't HIDE that I'm a farmer do I? I'm a W/Me. Half the time, I even start the groups. I do you all a service by starting groups with which you can do your business, and handle collecting the 125 getting in (you'd be suprised how many people hate to do this, once in a FORGEMATSER GROUP I had 4 people refuse, until a monk payed for us all).
I pay my way in. I give you the respect you deserve, as do I. And what do I have to show for it? A few screen shots which I sent into ArenaNet of people spamming and using abusive language in local chat.
You'd all be suprised what patients can do for a man.