W/X FoW Spider Farmer
Originally Posted by Jedit
Yes, and I still don't see how he's going to kill a Dryder with six Spiders on him, no healing and no armour boost other than WY. That's why I'm asking him how it works.
Healing Hands + Live Vicariously = healing by the bucket load

Very good, bright sparks. Next time I want a skill description, I'll be sure to ask you instead of consulting the Wiki.
What I want to know is how you go about doing things like surviving enchantment stripping against Dryders in the tunnel, not getting instantly annihilated if you tag a Skale on the beach (which you will), and so on. Clearly Racthoh has a means of doing this; I'd just like to hear it from him as opposed to the peanut gallery.
What I want to know is how you go about doing things like surviving enchantment stripping against Dryders in the tunnel, not getting instantly annihilated if you tag a Skale on the beach (which you will), and so on. Clearly Racthoh has a means of doing this; I'd just like to hear it from him as opposed to the peanut gallery.
Argh, soooo close, those damn Mesmers didn't break aggro for some reason (see minimap). Ah well, at least I got a shard for my efforts. Gonna try this again when we have favor.
but is the recharge fast enough on healing hands to keep him alive?
after he uses it he has a wide amount of time before he can use it again
after he uses it he has a wide amount of time before he can use it again
I was able to take out all of the rangers and Abyssal's (ths spider run was awsome but got very boring
but that damn mesmer patrol in the back got me. This is intreasting though because if u could solo the first quest you could get that chest. also, how long does it take to solo the fire pit, tried it with mesmer secondary and it took forever. might try Racthoh build looks good.

Like before Jedit, I always pull the dryders first before making any of the spiders appear. I'm using while in stance, not while hexed equipment.
I found that Watch Yourself is enough defense to make them deal the occasional 0 damage, along with the -7 damage from ascalon/superior absorption/shield bonus. Live Vicariously is enough while in the cave to never even have to cast Healing Hands. I'm not sure how many spiders I could tank with it, however I am going to try it soon enough. Afterall, there is 15 seconds where you are vulnerable basically.
The attributes are:
Healing: 10
Sword: 16
Tactics: 9
Strength: 3
Shadow Warrior and Infernal Wurm take forever to kill as a side note.
I have aggroed skales, no problem. With a 9 second sprint, it can be risky but doable. Safest way is to time your running so you stop in a group of driftwood and cast Healing Hands. If you can't, the degen isn't enough to kill you (at 455 health it wasn't anyway). If for some reason it was, just take off your equipment that has your superior weapon rune when you stop.
I found that Watch Yourself is enough defense to make them deal the occasional 0 damage, along with the -7 damage from ascalon/superior absorption/shield bonus. Live Vicariously is enough while in the cave to never even have to cast Healing Hands. I'm not sure how many spiders I could tank with it, however I am going to try it soon enough. Afterall, there is 15 seconds where you are vulnerable basically.
The attributes are:
Healing: 10
Sword: 16
Tactics: 9
Strength: 3
Shadow Warrior and Infernal Wurm take forever to kill as a side note.

I have aggroed skales, no problem. With a 9 second sprint, it can be risky but doable. Safest way is to time your running so you stop in a group of driftwood and cast Healing Hands. If you can't, the degen isn't enough to kill you (at 455 health it wasn't anyway). If for some reason it was, just take off your equipment that has your superior weapon rune when you stop.
Murder In China
Originally Posted by LuxA
Argh, soooo close, those damn Mesmers didn't break aggro for some reason (see minimap). Ah well, at least I got a shard for my efforts. Gonna try this again when we have favor.
~Dead you~ Mesmers have Illusion of Haste.
~Dead you~ Mesmers have Illusion of Haste.
Senator Tom
you been able to get in and finish the quest yet?
lambda the great
Originally Posted by Racthoh
Shadow Warrior and Infernal Wurm take forever to kill as a side note.

Tried again last night, dropped Watch Yourself for Seeking Blade, and equipped a -2/-2 shield.
Under 7 minutes to clear the huge spawn, shaved about 3 minutes off that area and probably take off even more time once I fix one other minor problem. Probably gonna try it with Pure Strike simply because spamming Seeking Blade whenever it fills will drain your energy when facing fewer enemies.
Under 7 minutes to clear the huge spawn, shaved about 3 minutes off that area and probably take off even more time once I fix one other minor problem. Probably gonna try it with Pure Strike simply because spamming Seeking Blade whenever it fills will drain your energy when facing fewer enemies.

Soul Torn
Originally Posted by Racthoh
As stubborn as I may be, I was in a rut. Tried something new, and I'll admit killing for stuff besides the spiders is good fun.
Look all that dmg coming at him and hes at full health!! I knew Racthoh used uber god warrior haxxorz!!!
P.S. Dont flame me I know why, its a joke
P.S. Dont flame me I know why, its a joke

Murder In China
Racthoh you're using a Zealous Sword Hilt with two maintained enchantments? That's very interesting, guess you don't the two enchantments until you are ready to arggo?
I precast the enchantments, and switch to the zealous weapon when I engage.
Originally Posted by Soul Torn
Look all that dmg coming at him and hes at full health!! I knew Racthoh used uber god warrior haxxorz!!!
My monk has better ones.

Originally Posted by Racthoh
I precast the enchantments, and switch to the zealous weapon when I engage.
My monk has better ones.
just wondering, what do u consider to be the safest build to spider farm?
My monk has better ones.

One of the ones with Physical Resistance. More defense is always a safe bet if you're looking to learn it. Tweaking it the point where your only defense is what you're wearing will come in time.

Originally Posted by Racthoh
Tweaking it the point where your only defense is what you're wearing will come in time.
what if you're not wearing anything?

My favorite build so far is one that has minimal skills for defence (1) and high damage output.
Sever Artery
Pure Strike
Wild Blow
Victory is Mine! {E}
Healing Signet
Physical Resistance
Swordsmanship 15 (11+1+3)
Tactics 14 (11+3)
The rest in Strength/Inspiration (about 4-5 in inspiration should be enough)
With this build you are able to maintain Physical Resistance all the time and SPAM Pure Strike without a zealous sword hilt.
Pure Strike is effectivly an energy version of Galrath Slash with an 8 second recharge. With Flurry, you will gain about 8 strikes every 8 seconds or so so using Pure Strike this way deals approximately equivalent damage to someone using (only) flurry + galrath.
Bleeding + deep wound really helps to drop spiders fast, especially since they like to bunch up and use healing spring (it only heals for 80% when the target has deep wound on it) and Melandu's Resiliance will be negated by Wild Blow.
Wild Blow really has no downside in this situation. Yes it drains all adrenaline, but the order of attacking should be:
Charge adrenaline->Sever->Gash->Wild Blow
After the Sever/Gash combo all your adrenaline is drained anyway. Just make sure that the spider used MR before you use WB. They almost always use it right after Sever.
The +40 armor from Phys. Resistance should be enough, but what I did was invest in maximum armor that I could so that I need to heal as little as possible. Superior Absorbtion, Knight Boots, and a -2/+7 armor vs piercing shild with a sword pommel of shelter +7 vs physical. The extra 9 armor REALLY does make a big difference, I take 0's and 1's usually with the occasional 2. With only a sword pommel of defence +5 I take -2's and -3's (and the occasional -4 IIRC).
Victory is Mine {E} ensures that I hardly ever have to use healing signet. I use it less than once per minute and a half at the cave mouth, and for groups of 6 I never use it until the spiders have all died and poison is degening me.
For the groups of 6 I'm almost always able to kill 3 before the other 3 get to me, unless I have problems with Healing Spring.
I find this to be just as fast as the OP's build - not being slowed by Dolyak and continuous use of Healing Signet speed up the run and having an energy attack equivalent to Galrath ready for you at almost any time make up for not using Flurry/HB/Galrath/FT IMO.
Comments welcome.
EDIT: Oh yeah just thought I would mention that I found ANOTHER 15^50 Shadow Bow (req 11) with a +29HP grip on it. That's my 4th 15^50 shadow bow (others req 8,8,9), in addition to 2 15^50 chaos axes and a 15^50 righteous maul
Anyone else have such luck?
Sever Artery
Pure Strike
Wild Blow
Victory is Mine! {E}
Healing Signet
Physical Resistance
Swordsmanship 15 (11+1+3)
Tactics 14 (11+3)
The rest in Strength/Inspiration (about 4-5 in inspiration should be enough)
With this build you are able to maintain Physical Resistance all the time and SPAM Pure Strike without a zealous sword hilt.
Pure Strike is effectivly an energy version of Galrath Slash with an 8 second recharge. With Flurry, you will gain about 8 strikes every 8 seconds or so so using Pure Strike this way deals approximately equivalent damage to someone using (only) flurry + galrath.
Bleeding + deep wound really helps to drop spiders fast, especially since they like to bunch up and use healing spring (it only heals for 80% when the target has deep wound on it) and Melandu's Resiliance will be negated by Wild Blow.
Wild Blow really has no downside in this situation. Yes it drains all adrenaline, but the order of attacking should be:
Charge adrenaline->Sever->Gash->Wild Blow
After the Sever/Gash combo all your adrenaline is drained anyway. Just make sure that the spider used MR before you use WB. They almost always use it right after Sever.
The +40 armor from Phys. Resistance should be enough, but what I did was invest in maximum armor that I could so that I need to heal as little as possible. Superior Absorbtion, Knight Boots, and a -2/+7 armor vs piercing shild with a sword pommel of shelter +7 vs physical. The extra 9 armor REALLY does make a big difference, I take 0's and 1's usually with the occasional 2. With only a sword pommel of defence +5 I take -2's and -3's (and the occasional -4 IIRC).
Victory is Mine {E} ensures that I hardly ever have to use healing signet. I use it less than once per minute and a half at the cave mouth, and for groups of 6 I never use it until the spiders have all died and poison is degening me.
For the groups of 6 I'm almost always able to kill 3 before the other 3 get to me, unless I have problems with Healing Spring.
I find this to be just as fast as the OP's build - not being slowed by Dolyak and continuous use of Healing Signet speed up the run and having an energy attack equivalent to Galrath ready for you at almost any time make up for not using Flurry/HB/Galrath/FT IMO.
Comments welcome.
EDIT: Oh yeah just thought I would mention that I found ANOTHER 15^50 Shadow Bow (req 11) with a +29HP grip on it. That's my 4th 15^50 shadow bow (others req 8,8,9), in addition to 2 15^50 chaos axes and a 15^50 righteous maul

Anyone else have such luck?
Have you noticed that after you Wild Blow their MR, that they sometimes try to use Healing Spring again, even though you're right next to them? I've noticed that. It makes that build a pain to let the bleeding finish them off for you as you move on to the next spider.
I also like the Cyclone Cleave Pen Exec better because I can kill a dozen spiders at one time. I don't know how the kill time compares, as I haven't tried the build you use.
Have you noticed that after you Wild Blow their MR, that they sometimes try to use Healing Spring again, even though you're right next to them? I've noticed that. It makes that build a pain to let the bleeding finish them off for you as you move on to the next spider.
I also like the Cyclone Cleave Pen Exec better because I can kill a dozen spiders at one time. I don't know how the kill time compares, as I haven't tried the build you use.
I don't let the bleeding kill them. I hit them until they are good and dead 
As for healing spring? I don't know, they always have used it against me, regardless of if I used the build I posted or Racthoh's. So I'm confused when people say "They don't use HS when you stand next to them". Besides all you need to do is hit them to interrupt HS, so I don't know what the big deal is.

As for healing spring? I don't know, they always have used it against me, regardless of if I used the build I posted or Racthoh's. So I'm confused when people say "They don't use HS when you stand next to them". Besides all you need to do is hit them to interrupt HS, so I don't know what the big deal is.
Originally Posted by Rhuobhe
I don't let the bleeding kill them. I hit them until they are good and dead 
As for healing spring? I don't know, they always have used it against me, regardless of if I used the build I posted or Racthoh's. So I'm confused when people say "They don't use HS when you stand next to them". Besides all you need to do is hit them to interrupt HS, so I don't know what the big deal is. If you hit every adjacent spider in a group, it will get them to 'engage' you, they will not use heal spring until they drop below a certain amount of health. This helps alot, because it requires less time to spread them out, makes better use of Cyclone Axe or Hundred blades, and doesn't require timing your target switching to interrupt Heal Spring. You can't move once you've hit them, and you've got to make sure there aren't other spiders that are non-adjacent to you in the same group...but it works really well once you get it down.

As for healing spring? I don't know, they always have used it against me, regardless of if I used the build I posted or Racthoh's. So I'm confused when people say "They don't use HS when you stand next to them". Besides all you need to do is hit them to interrupt HS, so I don't know what the big deal is. If you hit every adjacent spider in a group, it will get them to 'engage' you, they will not use heal spring until they drop below a certain amount of health. This helps alot, because it requires less time to spread them out, makes better use of Cyclone Axe or Hundred blades, and doesn't require timing your target switching to interrupt Heal Spring. You can't move once you've hit them, and you've got to make sure there aren't other spiders that are non-adjacent to you in the same group...but it works really well once you get it down.
Finally did a complete run. It took me a few tries to get used to the patrol patterns of the shadow army that runs up from the beach. On my first complete run I got a Ruby and a Shard so it was well worth it.

Across The Battle
I like racthohs new build with the monk in it, but its too ganky for me. And I get aggroed by scales WAY too much for it heh
I don't know if it's just my bad luck or what but I've had several beach spawns that were impassable and resulted in me dying lately, a lot more than before. I'm talking about the wonderful spawns where you have no place to stop until down around the next corner. Basically there is no way to make it with all the Doubtful Dryders, Snarling Driftwoods, and Ancient Skales in the way.

Rayne Nightfyre
I've oddly been coming across more and more horrible spawns as well, i.e. the Skales being in spots they shouldn't be(like by that usual safe spot against the left wall). Doubter's (haha you said Doubtful
) Dryders and Snarling Driftwoods really aren't a problem, just try make sure to take on one Dryder at a time. There's really no limit to how many Driftwoods that can be aggro'd. The other night I came to a spot where I was forced to pull a mob of Skales. It took forever, spamming Healing Signet as soon as it recharged every time, but I was able to kill all three. The +60/-3 while hexed shield is a key there. Also switching to a sword with a fortitude mod can be very helpful against them, since your health is dangling around 50-150 the whole time. But usually I'll just restart the run if I run across a mob of Skales, it is way too difficult to kill them to be worth the time.

Originally Posted by TheArrow
I don't know if it's just my bad luck or what but I've had several beach spawns that were impassable and resulted in me dying lately, a lot more than before. I'm talking about the wonderful spawns where you have no place to stop until down around the next corner. Basically there is no way to make it with all the Doubtful Dryders, Snarling Driftwoods, and Ancient Skales in the way.
I'm glad someone else commented on this. I was afraid - at my age - that my recent deaths on the run were the result of growing senility.
I've done the run for a while and it had become so easy that I could sip on my Mountain Dew or talk on the phone while doing it.
But lately the Ancients have been having me for lunch. The cave part of the run is still the same and still relatively easy. But getting there has become an increasingly dicey adventure because of spawns.

I've done the run for a while and it had become so easy that I could sip on my Mountain Dew or talk on the phone while doing it.
But lately the Ancients have been having me for lunch. The cave part of the run is still the same and still relatively easy. But getting there has become an increasingly dicey adventure because of spawns.
I must have amazing luck then with the spawns, as I've been using my new build that only has a 9 second sprint and no Healing Signet (and Frenzy

Originally Posted by Rayne Nightfyre
Doubter's (haha you said Doubtful
) Dryders
Bah, they're all dead monsters to me.
I'll look into that hexed shield as well, I already have a +30hp grip on the axe I use for this run. I've never had problems with multiple Dryders either as I have 3 spammables that can be used to make me take literally no damage at all from them. When you add skales into the mix however it becomes a much different story. Perhaps I should boost Tactics to get a better Healing Signet, 130hp just doesn't seem like enough to hold off all the degeneration if a group of skales wanders over.

Originally Posted by TheArrow
I don't know if it's just my bad luck or what but I've had several beach spawns that were impassable and resulted in me dying lately, a lot more than before. I'm talking about the wonderful spawns where you have no place to stop until down around the next corner. Basically there is no way to make it with all the Doubtful Dryders, Snarling Driftwoods, and Ancient Skales in the way.
Around one of the patches, I had a run of bad luck, dying 6 times before giving up. Ever since then it was back to normal.
Some spawns are close to impossible, but nothing has really changed, it just happens occasionally, and even several times in a row.

Some spawns are close to impossible, but nothing has really changed, it just happens occasionally, and even several times in a row.
Rainy Ico
Is this the one where you can cap a spider?
Originally Posted by Rainy Ico
Is this the one where you can cap a spider?
Capturing the spider is The Underworld.
sigh i've been getting lots of bad spawns lately too. good thing i recently finished my fow >.>;
Last night the spawns seemed to be back to normal - they weren't a problem. Maybe the bad spawns that I experienced for a couple of days were just a fluke.
Originally Posted by AxeMe
Last night the spawns seemed to be back to normal - they weren't a problem. Maybe the bad spawns that I experienced for a couple of days were just a fluke.
Seemed that way to me also. Hopefully that was just a string of bad luck and not a permanent thing.

This is the second Righteous Maul I've found with perfect damage mod. The first one was much more desirable - 15^50 req 11, but this one is nice too:
Good news: I'm taking a break from spider farming to try and get into PvP, so I won't be stealing any more good drops :P
Good news: I'm taking a break from spider farming to try and get into PvP, so I won't be stealing any more good drops :P
I've done this run quite a few times and have had bad spawns with the scales. I switched secondaries to /N for Grenths Balance to offset the scales and for an emergency heal against the spiders. It's nice to spike a spider for + 200hp dmg with grenths while also healing
Originally Posted by Racthoh
I must have amazing luck then with the spawns, as I've been using my new build that only has a 9 second sprint and no Healing Signet (and Frenzy
Care to explain?

Watch Yourself
Galrath Slash
Final Thrust
Live Vicariously
Balthazar's Spirit
Healing Hands
Healing: 10
Strength: 2 + 1
Sword: 12 + 3 + 1
Tactics: 8 + 1
Using a -2/-2 shield, only difference in equipment. I've shaved about 15 minutes off of my time using it, taking no rests at all once I get inside the cave. The only reason I stop is to take off my enchantments, recast them, or wait for the next set of spiders to fall from the ceiling. The only problem is by using Frenzy, you can't go and kill any of the shadow army or obsidian drakes. Final Thrust does too much, around 80ish. But if you just want to completely slaughter the spiders... Frenzy is the way to go.
Watch Yourself
Galrath Slash
Final Thrust
Live Vicariously
Balthazar's Spirit
Healing Hands
Healing: 10
Strength: 2 + 1
Sword: 12 + 3 + 1
Tactics: 8 + 1
Using a -2/-2 shield, only difference in equipment. I've shaved about 15 minutes off of my time using it, taking no rests at all once I get inside the cave. The only reason I stop is to take off my enchantments, recast them, or wait for the next set of spiders to fall from the ceiling. The only problem is by using Frenzy, you can't go and kill any of the shadow army or obsidian drakes. Final Thrust does too much, around 80ish. But if you just want to completely slaughter the spiders... Frenzy is the way to go.

Nice. I always have liked W/Mo farming. The combination of taking little damage, dealing a moderate amount of damage, and healing a large amount, seems fundamentally sound when trying to solo.
Ill have to try this next run.
Ill have to try this next run.
Darth Malak
Im trying a w/n build
heal sig
shields up
dolyak sig
watchyour self
bonettis defenses
cyclone axe
but the problem im finding is that they use savage shot on me while casting SS, any suggestions of a build using ss?
(btw i can make it to the spiders in record time compared to the w/me build
heal sig
shields up
dolyak sig
watchyour self
bonettis defenses
cyclone axe
but the problem im finding is that they use savage shot on me while casting SS, any suggestions of a build using ss?
(btw i can make it to the spiders in record time compared to the w/me build

Originally Posted by Racthoh
Watch Yourself
Galrath Slash
Final Thrust
Live Vicariously
Balthazar's Spirit
Healing Hands Wammo FTW!
Anyways, how does this compare with the standard axe build? (Cyclone, Cleave, Pene, Exec, HS, WY, PR, Sprint). I'm trying to find the fastest spider-killer setup, so far that's the most efficient I've come across. It takes, depending on spawns, 35-40 minutes from start (Rastigan) through to the end of the cave, including clearing the Dryders and Driftwoods on the beach. If you've perfected the W/Mo build, I'd love to hear a comparison (tactics, difficulty, speed, etc.).
Watch Yourself
Galrath Slash
Final Thrust
Live Vicariously
Balthazar's Spirit
Healing Hands Wammo FTW!

Anyways, how does this compare with the standard axe build? (Cyclone, Cleave, Pene, Exec, HS, WY, PR, Sprint). I'm trying to find the fastest spider-killer setup, so far that's the most efficient I've come across. It takes, depending on spawns, 35-40 minutes from start (Rastigan) through to the end of the cave, including clearing the Dryders and Driftwoods on the beach. If you've perfected the W/Mo build, I'd love to hear a comparison (tactics, difficulty, speed, etc.).