W/X FoW Spider Farmer
hehe, yeah, I've been killing those for a while now, but still with no luck on their shards... I usualy attack while under ss, but just heal a lot.
Xaero Gouki Kriegor
Originally Posted by Racthoh
Thinking of dropping Healing Hands, with just Live Vicariously + Watch Yourself (using legionnaires and a -2/-2 shield), you can tank 6 spiders without your health dropping quickly. Once they start to die, slowly your health will bounce back up from all of the +12s. I was on a run last night and only used Healing Hands once on the outside clear, and that was because I failed to pull the dryder out far enough to avoid the spawn. As a result I had to turn on HH and sprint out to get Live Vicariously back up. If you can manage to pull just two groups at a time, you should be able to kill them without any problems (and if you pull more than two groups just sprint away).
In which case I was thinking of something like this:
Dragon Slash
Watch Yourself!
Galrath Slash or For Great Justice!
Sun and Moon Slash
Healing Signet (for the sake of safety)
Live Vicariously
Sun and Moon Slash may not deal any +damage, but since it will trigger Live Vicariously twice it allows for some more tanking abilities. Which is also why I would consider For Great Justice! over Galrath Slash, since you'll be triggering Live Vicariously 3 times every 2 attacks.
But whether that is more effective than just Galrath + Final Thrust... might require some tweaking. Maybe Quivering Blade, Sun and Moon Slash + Final Thrust instead. man this one is a lil tough, i keep accidently pulling the 2 groups, then they group up and i cant land off attacks fast enough to keep up with healing spring, way different then the first w/mo, just charging in the whole group with frenzy and mowing them away, i just cant seem to pull them right, the couple groups i do pull just seem to keep bunching up, and take longer then the other wammo build, when i just charge in when they are all seperated
In which case I was thinking of something like this:
Dragon Slash
Watch Yourself!
Galrath Slash or For Great Justice!
Sun and Moon Slash
Healing Signet (for the sake of safety)
Live Vicariously
Sun and Moon Slash may not deal any +damage, but since it will trigger Live Vicariously twice it allows for some more tanking abilities. Which is also why I would consider For Great Justice! over Galrath Slash, since you'll be triggering Live Vicariously 3 times every 2 attacks.
But whether that is more effective than just Galrath + Final Thrust... might require some tweaking. Maybe Quivering Blade, Sun and Moon Slash + Final Thrust instead. man this one is a lil tough, i keep accidently pulling the 2 groups, then they group up and i cant land off attacks fast enough to keep up with healing spring, way different then the first w/mo, just charging in the whole group with frenzy and mowing them away, i just cant seem to pull them right, the couple groups i do pull just seem to keep bunching up, and take longer then the other wammo build, when i just charge in when they are all seperated
Been experimenting lately due to my reluctance to change armors/mods. And this is what I've come up with, I believe I cleared the spiders way faster with this build than with Foo and Racthoh's builds
As you guys can see, I'm dealing around 91 +- (Triple Chop) with a customized zealous axe. About 20-40 with a cyclone axe. 2 AoE axe attacks nets you adrenaline really quick for some serious executioner strike spamming. Adrenaline was never an issue (never had Watch Yourself down), and that unearthed the idea of running frenzy/tiger stance in place of dolyak signet, for even more serious spammage. Haven't tried frenzy/tiger stance though, since America lost favor
Only drawback would be you're forced to aggro and bunch em up. Though I had a lot of fun taking out 9 spiders simultaneously at the entrance with 3 dryders and tonnes of spawns.
As you guys can see, I'm dealing around 91 +- (Triple Chop) with a customized zealous axe. About 20-40 with a cyclone axe. 2 AoE axe attacks nets you adrenaline really quick for some serious executioner strike spamming. Adrenaline was never an issue (never had Watch Yourself down), and that unearthed the idea of running frenzy/tiger stance in place of dolyak signet, for even more serious spammage. Haven't tried frenzy/tiger stance though, since America lost favor

Only drawback would be you're forced to aggro and bunch em up. Though I had a lot of fun taking out 9 spiders simultaneously at the entrance with 3 dryders and tonnes of spawns.
Bunching and waiting for dolyak to end are two real drags. a sword skill will never get you 53. try both, (or all 3) builds before you can make serious assumptions.
I didnt make assumptions of course, swords net you 70+- and guess what? Its on ONLY 1 target, :/. You're being so defensive for some reason lol, sooooooooooooo, a huge apology if I offended you

Ofcourse I am defensive. I come here to share my build with people and show them why it's right. and for the same reasons I explain why swords and "shields up" are right, I need to explain why dolyak is wrong, and why you cant compare your 91+53+63 axe damage to the ~70 sword damage.
Right? even racthoh didnt claim his to be the "right" one lol, what nerve. But yah regardless, we're all farmers, so lay down the need to impose authority will you? :P
Wouldn't say your build doesn't work, it works well, just that I found it to be slower thats all. Personal playstyle and weps perference doesn't make one right or wrong. :P
Wouldn't say your build doesn't work, it works well, just that I found it to be slower thats all. Personal playstyle and weps perference doesn't make one right or wrong. :P
Poison Ivy
Originally Posted by Nek
Been experimenting lately due to my reluctance to change armors/mods. And this is what I've come up with, I believe I cleared the spiders way faster with this build than with Foo and Racthoh's builds
Have you timed how long 1 run takes with your build and the W/Me Dragon Slash build?
Yeah, "right" cause we are all farmers you say, so beside having fun, those builds, as any others, are ment for success. Maybe Racthoh didn't claim his build to be right, but try to claim you can upgrade it with another skill, and I'm sure he will have something to say.
Personal playstyle is important, and I've set up the build to fit mine, but in a build ment for efficiency and speed, I see dolyak as a hurmful and lazy pick. no less. both Racthoh and I worked around it.
Take the challange, serve your fellow axe warriors, and make an efficient axe build without dolyak. I would like to see that.
Personal playstyle is important, and I've set up the build to fit mine, but in a build ment for efficiency and speed, I see dolyak as a hurmful and lazy pick. no less. both Racthoh and I worked around it.
Take the challange, serve your fellow axe warriors, and make an efficient axe build without dolyak. I would like to see that.
The Frenzy, Healing Hands, Live Vicariously combo works very well for a few reasons.
The first being that Frenzy increases your DPS by 50% (and you can check the calculators on here to confirm that yourself). Also, you're taking double damage which means you'll be gaining adrenaline from all of that extra damage.
Healing Hands means you're spending 1 and 1/4 second healing every 20 seconds (1/4 cast, 1 second aftercast) compared to 2 seconds for Healing Signet numerous times over (and whatever kind of aftercast signets have, not 100% about them). Live Vicariously offsets the poison and them some, returning 12 health back every attack. Under an IAS like Frenzy, you're actually gaining health back from the -4 degen of Poison.
Overall, it's practically non-stop attacking.
Physical Resistance means you lose that 50% boost to your DPS. Dolyak Signet slows you down and is a real drag in the event that you have to make a long walk to the next spider. Both of them reduce your ability to kill the spiders as fast as possible, and once inside the cave itself the single target hits become a lot more powerful since you'll only be fighting groups of three at a time. On occasion, they will spawn bunched up, but attributing a random factor into the speed of the run is not something you can base comparison on. The benefit I can see from all of that defense is that you don't need to pull the dryders beforehand, the one glaring weakness of enchantments.
Ultimately you need to figure out how to clear the inside of the cave as fast as possible. The W/Mo build drops the spider spawns inside the cave before the next one even appears, and clears the outside in under 6 minutes (as evident in the video, also note that there were times when I was forced to wait 10 seconds while attacking through Healing Spring). The bulk of time is spent running to the mouth of the cave, and the inside of the cave. There is no sense worrying about which build is faster on the outside clear, when both spend very little time out there anyway.
The first being that Frenzy increases your DPS by 50% (and you can check the calculators on here to confirm that yourself). Also, you're taking double damage which means you'll be gaining adrenaline from all of that extra damage.
Healing Hands means you're spending 1 and 1/4 second healing every 20 seconds (1/4 cast, 1 second aftercast) compared to 2 seconds for Healing Signet numerous times over (and whatever kind of aftercast signets have, not 100% about them). Live Vicariously offsets the poison and them some, returning 12 health back every attack. Under an IAS like Frenzy, you're actually gaining health back from the -4 degen of Poison.
Overall, it's practically non-stop attacking.
Physical Resistance means you lose that 50% boost to your DPS. Dolyak Signet slows you down and is a real drag in the event that you have to make a long walk to the next spider. Both of them reduce your ability to kill the spiders as fast as possible, and once inside the cave itself the single target hits become a lot more powerful since you'll only be fighting groups of three at a time. On occasion, they will spawn bunched up, but attributing a random factor into the speed of the run is not something you can base comparison on. The benefit I can see from all of that defense is that you don't need to pull the dryders beforehand, the one glaring weakness of enchantments.
Ultimately you need to figure out how to clear the inside of the cave as fast as possible. The W/Mo build drops the spider spawns inside the cave before the next one even appears, and clears the outside in under 6 minutes (as evident in the video, also note that there were times when I was forced to wait 10 seconds while attacking through Healing Spring). The bulk of time is spent running to the mouth of the cave, and the inside of the cave. There is no sense worrying about which build is faster on the outside clear, when both spend very little time out there anyway.

i just use a simple W/me build, since i dont have HH or dragon slash 
Triple chop and cyclone axe to gain adrealine and penatrating blow and executioners strike for the dmg.
no dolyak or something, just watch yourself and physical resistance

Triple chop and cyclone axe to gain adrealine and penatrating blow and executioners strike for the dmg.
no dolyak or something, just watch yourself and physical resistance
Xaero Gouki Kriegor
well the dragon slash build seems a bit faster, if you get a wrong spider spawn, while venturing in the cave(such as when 3 come down to the ceiling bunched up, can cut through em faster) but all else, its jut darn hard in the front part, adds up tim during the front part from like 3 minutes to 7 minutes, tryn to pull them and then running away if you agro too many and stuff, i just dunno about it
Regardless of the build you are using... You do not need Watch Yourself, Dolyaks AND physical resistance. That's like shooting a squirrel with an Elephant Gun.
And in all honesty, I don't think anyone can claim ownership of any build that's been developed since Racthoh was kind enough to share with us that this was possible... Besides Racthoh of course.
We've discussed just about every skill in every possible build since this thread was started.
And in all honesty, I don't think anyone can claim ownership of any build that's been developed since Racthoh was kind enough to share with us that this was possible... Besides Racthoh of course.
Base aftercast is 3/4 seconds.
And Healing Hands recharges in 25 seconds, not 20 =P
So thats 1 second every 25.25 that you spend healing.
Base aftercast is 3/4 seconds.
And Healing Hands recharges in 25 seconds, not 20 =P
So thats 1 second every 25.25 that you spend healing.
I've been running tripple chop + cyclone axe build since i've capped tripple chop (which is few weeks after factions release). I dropped dolyak as i think it's a drag of time crawling than moving and replace with penetratin chop.
all i can say is it suits my play style, and with more runs done = more practice. i can finish a run within 30~40mins depending on skales spwn/patrol.
I do hav to bunch 6 of them together to kill them fast. also with more runs i did bunching them together is easy now compared to like 3~4months ago.
most of the time spent r bunching. the actual killing is fast.
all i can say is it suits my play style, and with more runs done = more practice. i can finish a run within 30~40mins depending on skales spwn/patrol.
I do hav to bunch 6 of them together to kill them fast. also with more runs i did bunching them together is easy now compared to like 3~4months ago.
most of the time spent r bunching. the actual killing is fast.
I've spent about 9k today and I am having 2 problems.
1. Wastreels worry spam in the "safe spot" just inside the entrence to the beach, If I attack the dryder to stop it, I get driftwoods and scales on me, I suppose spamming heal sig while I wait for the scales to move is the best bet, wastrels while running away is also a minor issue as I have no skills to use while on the move.
2.There are scales everywhere on the beach I don't see where to run that doesnt have them, as soon as I get hit with life transfer I'm toast.
I notice your running video ends right where my troubles start. Do you have any tips? I'm thinking other farming methods may be more profitable, I was hoping to get shards for my ele's fow from this. Considering the money spent on entrence fees I'm currently at about -3
Any tips would be appreciated, perhaps an alternate running route has been found between page 1 and now? as someone who just discovered this thread today the propsect of reading 80+ pages is a bit daunting.
Thank you in advance for any help you may have to offer.
I read Vuurechk's guide and it seems more clear on the part where I am having issues. I will try more, I would like to know the average value of all drops per run and the total time spent on an average run so I can compare it with other farms. I appreciate the challange however at the moment I am primarily concerned with the speed at which I get gold/ecto/shards, If I can farm gold and buy the materials quicker then I can directly farm materials I'll save the challange for after I get my armor.
1. Wastreels worry spam in the "safe spot" just inside the entrence to the beach, If I attack the dryder to stop it, I get driftwoods and scales on me, I suppose spamming heal sig while I wait for the scales to move is the best bet, wastrels while running away is also a minor issue as I have no skills to use while on the move.
2.There are scales everywhere on the beach I don't see where to run that doesnt have them, as soon as I get hit with life transfer I'm toast.
I notice your running video ends right where my troubles start. Do you have any tips? I'm thinking other farming methods may be more profitable, I was hoping to get shards for my ele's fow from this. Considering the money spent on entrence fees I'm currently at about -3
Any tips would be appreciated, perhaps an alternate running route has been found between page 1 and now? as someone who just discovered this thread today the propsect of reading 80+ pages is a bit daunting.
Thank you in advance for any help you may have to offer.
I read Vuurechk's guide and it seems more clear on the part where I am having issues. I will try more, I would like to know the average value of all drops per run and the total time spent on an average run so I can compare it with other farms. I appreciate the challange however at the moment I am primarily concerned with the speed at which I get gold/ecto/shards, If I can farm gold and buy the materials quicker then I can directly farm materials I'll save the challange for after I get my armor.
Hi, I've soloed FoW for a number of months now, with the ol' Phsyical Resistance/Watch Yourself. And i was looking for a new thrill, came upon this new Wammo build, it's very nice but i'm having a few problems.
Getting to the cave is simple, i do it all the time so no worries there, but i notice you mentioned the need of a -2/-2 shield, i wonder how vital is it to have one of those? the closest i could come was a Geoffers Bulwark for a +10 Armour Boost, i have the Legionaire's Armour etc but when i got to the spider cave i found myself beatan rather quickly, i had Live Vicariously on etc, Watch Yourself constantly up.
So my question, Is it possible to tank all of the spiders at the front with this build or do i need to attempt to separate the initial groups? I was thinking if the shield is vital to this build then how about i use Vigorous Spirit as opposed to an attack skill?
oh and also i take Standing Slash instead of one of Galrath or Silverwing
quicker to use, same damage
Getting to the cave is simple, i do it all the time so no worries there, but i notice you mentioned the need of a -2/-2 shield, i wonder how vital is it to have one of those? the closest i could come was a Geoffers Bulwark for a +10 Armour Boost, i have the Legionaire's Armour etc but when i got to the spider cave i found myself beatan rather quickly, i had Live Vicariously on etc, Watch Yourself constantly up.
So my question, Is it possible to tank all of the spiders at the front with this build or do i need to attempt to separate the initial groups? I was thinking if the shield is vital to this build then how about i use Vigorous Spirit as opposed to an attack skill?
oh and also i take Standing Slash instead of one of Galrath or Silverwing

Anarion Silverhand
Casting Vig Spirit with a 1 sec cast time sorrounded by spiders using Savage shot = almost impossible.
Originally Posted by shadow39365
Getting to the cave is simple, i do it all the time so no worries there, but i notice you mentioned the need of a -2/-2 shield, i wonder how vital is it to have one of those? the closest i could come was a Geoffers Bulwark for a +10 Armour Boost, i have the Legionaire's Armour etc but when i got to the spider cave i found myself beatan rather quickly, i had Live Vicariously on etc, Watch Yourself constantly up. I would recommend getting +30 hp/-2 in stance shield, like Strongroots
shelter, I have tested this several times, have just one armored cave spider
attacking me while I stand there and use heal sig.
You will get more "0's" with this shield than Geoffers Bulwark, the Bulwark
works good, but the -2 stance is a littler better.
Originally Posted by Anarion Silverhand
Casting Vig Spirit with a 1 sec cast time sorrounded by spiders using Savage shot = almost impossible.
The Spiders only do Savage Shot when you are really low on health like below 100, tried a run with Vigorous Spirit, the build worked pretty well but still under a bit of pressure.
Thanks for the advice Shadowrunner, i'll be certain to give a -2 Shield a try
Thanks for the advice Shadowrunner, i'll be certain to give a -2 Shield a try

Osi Ri S
Originally Posted by Nek
Adrenaline was never an issue (never had Watch Yourself down), and that unearthed the idea of running frenzy/tiger stance in place of dolyak signet, for even more serious spammage. Haven't tried frenzy/tiger stance though, since America lost favor
You cant use an IAS stance and Phys resistance. (both stances) im assuming you meant to type "in place of phys resistance." but in case not then i was just letting you know

Originally Posted by ubermancer
Joe L.
Originally Posted by mathijn
i just use a simple W/me build, since i dont have HH or dragon slash 
Triple chop and cyclone axe to gain adrealine and penatrating blow and executioners strike for the dmg.
no dolyak or something, just watch yourself and physical resistance I use the identical build. I guess it just suits me well. Mainly because it's darn near foolproof. I have timed this build as well, and am down to 32 minutes as my best, but never over 40.

Triple chop and cyclone axe to gain adrealine and penatrating blow and executioners strike for the dmg.
no dolyak or something, just watch yourself and physical resistance I use the identical build. I guess it just suits me well. Mainly because it's darn near foolproof. I have timed this build as well, and am down to 32 minutes as my best, but never over 40.
lol i really hope that was u racthoh i met in HA tonight . if so it was great to see u in game even if u did die to my mes. its always fantastic to meet ppl here in game. oh did i say i saw LULU too.
Originally Posted by manitoba1073
lol i really hope that was u racthoh i met in HA tonight . if so it was great to see u in game even if u did die to my mes. its always fantastic to meet ppl here in game. oh did i say i saw LULU too.
Was using a toon by the name of Anor of Anthor. I believe you ran into my clone in training. Going to be in HA mostly this weekend, not a lot of testing in FoW.

lol clone in training is that what they are calling them nowadays
i still havent seen anyone else go for the abysallys and rangers yet here but me. its the only way they'll get over 8 shards
and get close to my record 13 shards

Tsunami Rain
Originally Posted by manitoba1073
lol clone in training is that what they are calling them nowadays
i still havent seen anyone else go for the abysallys and rangers yet here but me. its the only way they'll get over 8 shards
and get close to my record 13 shards
Ah that would have been me. You see some of the gwg staff met up and we decided to run premade warrior builds in HA
that was a Racthoh PvP look alike I made. You should see the REAL PvE clone

lol gonna start the clone wars i see

Hand of Ruin
I've been doing spider runs quite successfully for a while now, but I think I might be over-tanking...
I'm using W/Me with dolyaks AND physical resistance, and a -2 stance sheild AND super absorb and Ascalon 15k... despite all this I'm still taking 6-12 when activating healing sig, however the most I ever take normally is -2.
I want to switch to a w/mo and try mending (yes yes I know...) to counteract my main source of damage, the poison, and hopefully cut down on the amount of time I have to spend using heal sig. However, without physical resistance I'm thinking I might be taking more damage as a result of thier normal attacks, but I haven't really tested it.
Is dolyak by it's self enough to reduce their normal attacks to 0-x damage range? (assuming you have 15 str giving you +40 armor)
edit: I should note though that with this set up I simply tank the entire spawn at once and really don't have any trouble staying alive, my main goal is to increase my damage output. Does everyone just take on the entire first spawn like I've been doing, or are people giving up tanking ability for damage and pulling smaller groups of spiders?
I'm using W/Me with dolyaks AND physical resistance, and a -2 stance sheild AND super absorb and Ascalon 15k... despite all this I'm still taking 6-12 when activating healing sig, however the most I ever take normally is -2.
I want to switch to a w/mo and try mending (yes yes I know...) to counteract my main source of damage, the poison, and hopefully cut down on the amount of time I have to spend using heal sig. However, without physical resistance I'm thinking I might be taking more damage as a result of thier normal attacks, but I haven't really tested it.
Is dolyak by it's self enough to reduce their normal attacks to 0-x damage range? (assuming you have 15 str giving you +40 armor)
edit: I should note though that with this set up I simply tank the entire spawn at once and really don't have any trouble staying alive, my main goal is to increase my damage output. Does everyone just take on the entire first spawn like I've been doing, or are people giving up tanking ability for damage and pulling smaller groups of spiders?
no its not by itself. still about 30-50 armor short
Originally Posted by Hand of Ruin
I've been doing spider runs quite successfully for a while now, but I think I might be over-tanking...
I'm using W/Me with dolyaks AND physical resistance, and a -2 stance sheild AND super absorb and Ascalon 15k... despite all this I'm still taking 6-12 when activating healing sig, however the most I ever take normally is -2.
I want to switch to a w/mo and try mending (yes yes I know...) to counteract my main source of damage, the poison, and hopefully cut down on the amount of time I have to spend using heal sig. However, without physical resistance I'm thinking I might be taking more damage as a result of thier normal attacks, but I haven't really tested it.
Is dolyak by it's self enough to reduce their normal attacks to 0-x damage range? (assuming you have 15 str giving you +40 armor)
edit: I should note though that with this set up I simply tank the entire spawn at once and really don't have any trouble staying alive, my main goal is to increase my damage output. Does everyone just take on the entire first spawn like I've been doing, or are people giving up tanking ability for damage and pulling smaller groups of spiders? I take all the spiders on the shore, personally.
Are you sure you're taking 12 damage while activating heal sig? I'm wearing glads, and I take 6 damage max while activating heal sig, about 1-2 damage while attacking, and I have a -10AL while attacking axe...
You can never overtank
I'm using W/Me with dolyaks AND physical resistance, and a -2 stance sheild AND super absorb and Ascalon 15k... despite all this I'm still taking 6-12 when activating healing sig, however the most I ever take normally is -2.
I want to switch to a w/mo and try mending (yes yes I know...) to counteract my main source of damage, the poison, and hopefully cut down on the amount of time I have to spend using heal sig. However, without physical resistance I'm thinking I might be taking more damage as a result of thier normal attacks, but I haven't really tested it.
Is dolyak by it's self enough to reduce their normal attacks to 0-x damage range? (assuming you have 15 str giving you +40 armor)
edit: I should note though that with this set up I simply tank the entire spawn at once and really don't have any trouble staying alive, my main goal is to increase my damage output. Does everyone just take on the entire first spawn like I've been doing, or are people giving up tanking ability for damage and pulling smaller groups of spiders? I take all the spiders on the shore, personally.
Are you sure you're taking 12 damage while activating heal sig? I'm wearing glads, and I take 6 damage max while activating heal sig, about 1-2 damage while attacking, and I have a -10AL while attacking axe...
You can never overtank
It also depends on the shield, if you're using enchantments I would definately opt for the -2/-2 on top of all that defense.
I've been doing spiders runs for awhile now even taught a few guidies how to do it. there is no need for both doylak and phys, if you pull out groups of 3 at a time and I spam heal sig around the time my hp hits 200, you still take some damage but not enough to be concerned with. and if you don't use phys you will be taking a good bit more damage from the normal attacks.
I basicly use the wiki build http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/W/any_F..._Spider_Farmer
but atm whirling axe instead of cleave and endure pain instead of ex strike
endure is for running around the scales, it has saved my life runnin from em quite a few times.
At first I threw in "I will Survive" to help not to have to spam sig during the poison but I still like endure better b/c scales hate me.
I'm still not actually sure if whirling does more damage over time than cleave but it is good against the dryders b/c wastrels is never a problem.
I really don't see the point in using doylak sig, unless you are running a /mo, b/c the slow down can be a hassle using to reduce damage while pulling, and while fighting driftwood if a scale wanders close you're kinda screwed.
I basicly use the wiki build http://gw.gamewikis.org/wiki/W/any_F..._Spider_Farmer
but atm whirling axe instead of cleave and endure pain instead of ex strike
endure is for running around the scales, it has saved my life runnin from em quite a few times.
At first I threw in "I will Survive" to help not to have to spam sig during the poison but I still like endure better b/c scales hate me.
I'm still not actually sure if whirling does more damage over time than cleave but it is good against the dryders b/c wastrels is never a problem.
I really don't see the point in using doylak sig, unless you are running a /mo, b/c the slow down can be a hassle using to reduce damage while pulling, and while fighting driftwood if a scale wanders close you're kinda screwed.
i don't remember you mentioning you use Watch Yourself, Phys Resistance and Watch Yourself are enough of an armour buff really, you don' need Dolyaks too. If your looking to boost your damage output, Racthoh's Wammo build is a really nice one to try out.
I was having previous trouble with it but i can do it really successfully now, thanks for the advice on getting a -2 shield Shadowrunner, i can definately see a difference now. I think also i was panicing a bit, because i originally thought this was supposed to keep you near full health all the time, but i know now that it keeps you alive, slows your health loss greatly and by that time your toppling the spiders and getting your health back and not suffering a drop.
I was having previous trouble with it but i can do it really successfully now, thanks for the advice on getting a -2 shield Shadowrunner, i can definately see a difference now. I think also i was panicing a bit, because i originally thought this was supposed to keep you near full health all the time, but i know now that it keeps you alive, slows your health loss greatly and by that time your toppling the spiders and getting your health back and not suffering a drop.
Da Cebuano
LoL, 2 shadow beast? Try killing about 6-8 at once then we'll talk ^^ Axe owns the DPS of sword when they come in clusters. I normally try to bunch up them spiders in 3-9 at a time, I use the walls to my advantage. Some walking around for position is key, but here is the build I use. I don't only farm spiders when I'm there, I also try to fight the shadow army and if the skeletal patrols are nice, also clean some portions of the forest. You can also clear the fire pit area, but that takes very long time, not enough rewards, best run I had was 8 shard runs w + gold drops, nothing to write home about, was never that lucky.
Triple chop
Disrupt chop
Ele resis
Phy resis
Watch yourself
Heal sig
Very simple no? w/ a zealous axe, simply get them in clusters and just spam 1-2. Ele resis is used for when I go to the forest or when fighting shadow ele + mesmers. When killing a 2 warrior + monk shadow army, just disrupt chop the orison of the monk then kill it, then proceed to do the same to warriors, just be careful cause they're IWAY ^^
After the spider run, simply run up to the area near the forge armor backdoor. Run past the patrolling shadow army and there should spawn of up to 10 shadow beast. Try to work your way around the other patrols and lure them along. Use phy resis on them and wait they all cluster around then use triple chop then heal then cyclone then heal. Using an area attack on 3-8/10 shadow beast can be very painful, so heal in between attacks, but they can drop something good, just not too often. Ancient skales are just plain annoying, no way to kill them efficiently, not worth it.
Triple chop
Disrupt chop
Ele resis
Phy resis
Watch yourself
Heal sig
Very simple no? w/ a zealous axe, simply get them in clusters and just spam 1-2. Ele resis is used for when I go to the forest or when fighting shadow ele + mesmers. When killing a 2 warrior + monk shadow army, just disrupt chop the orison of the monk then kill it, then proceed to do the same to warriors, just be careful cause they're IWAY ^^
After the spider run, simply run up to the area near the forge armor backdoor. Run past the patrolling shadow army and there should spawn of up to 10 shadow beast. Try to work your way around the other patrols and lure them along. Use phy resis on them and wait they all cluster around then use triple chop then heal then cyclone then heal. Using an area attack on 3-8/10 shadow beast can be very painful, so heal in between attacks, but they can drop something good, just not too often. Ancient skales are just plain annoying, no way to kill them efficiently, not worth it.
Xaero Gouki Kriegor
i was half drunk today, and went fow spider farming, and got 9 shards in one run, this beat my old record of 7, i also got 4 of them all in a roll, in the back near the last group of spiders, just 4 popped up all at once, was a good day indeed, also got a 14^50 shadowblade with +30 hp mod on it, thats gotta be my record breaker, ill post screenies of the 4 shards in a roll in a bit
Hand of Ruin
Originally Posted by AkumaZ
I take all the spiders on the shore, personally.
Are you sure you're taking 12 damage while activating heal sig? I'm wearing glads, and I take 6 damage max while activating heal sig, about 1-2 damage while attacking, and I have a -10AL while attacking axe...
You can never overtank
You're right, it just must been overlapping -1-2 to look like -12.
Are you sure you're taking 12 damage while activating heal sig? I'm wearing glads, and I take 6 damage max while activating heal sig, about 1-2 damage while attacking, and I have a -10AL while attacking axe...
You can never overtank
Xaero Gouki Kriegor
These screenies are proof to anyone that would think they nerfed shard drops, cus this happened all yesterday,
but this was total profit from that run:
30k, from 9 shards, and a pretty nice shadow blade with max fort on it
if anyone's got 5 or more shards DROP IN A ROW!, please post
, i think 4 shards in a row is still a record
but this was total profit from that run:
30k, from 9 shards, and a pretty nice shadow blade with max fort on it
if anyone's got 5 or more shards DROP IN A ROW!, please post

(2 runs yesterday, 0 shards.... must be something about me playing on Europe servers, favor all the time so ppl overfarm spiders....)
(2 runs yesterday, 0 shards.... must be something about me playing on Europe servers, favor all the time so ppl overfarm spiders....)