Unhappy with your character name, but don't want to lose your time and energy?
/not signed
Sounds pointless to me. If you don't like your name why did you pick it in the first place? Makes it too easy to scam people and be generally irritating.
I'm genuinely curious - How did you get two characters to level 20 without noticing the names you'd given them..? What changed your mind about the names - I'd assume you liked them when you started?
/not signed again.
Sounds pointless to me. If you don't like your name why did you pick it in the first place? Makes it too easy to scam people and be generally irritating.
I'm genuinely curious - How did you get two characters to level 20 without noticing the names you'd given them..? What changed your mind about the names - I'd assume you liked them when you started?
/not signed again.
Rainy Ico
Retro Knight
hmm i dont see why people are so trippy about scammer. ive never been scammed before.
/not signed...
I think this will increase scamming if they can simply rename themselves at will, instead of having to restart a character for a new name.
I think this will increase scamming if they can simply rename themselves at will, instead of having to restart a character for a new name.
a name change feature would be great, my gf used to have a character on my account but due to a nasty piece of work who joined our guild she has decided not to play gw anymore. the problem i have is i want to use the character but everyone thinks im my gf when i do and i dont want to delete and start again due to the 15k armour and superior absorb and vigor runes (not to mention the unlocked elites) so a name (and possible appearance) change would be spot on in my opinion
/signed with a vengeance
/signed with a vengeance
Originally Posted by led-zep
/signed with a vengeance |

good things can come in consequences.. the only sure way your name CAN be changed.. if its deemed OFFENSIVE.. you get suspended for a limited time of hours.. and you are able to change your charcters name after the suspension.
Id agree to one name change allowed per character one and only one. After you have changed it the one time either live with it or start over. Its not something Id like to see the devs dedicate effort towards tho, many more important things to tend too.
Yeah, great. Make people able to change their names. I'd get whispers from names I remember, but how on earth should I know if it isn't someone else trying to scam me? And how am I supposed to know what my fellow guildies are doing with their names, it'll all be a mess. More fun for the scammers, more confusion for the players.
Renaming, although you can do it in real life. Shouldn't be done in GuildWars, unless its for a very high price and verification for the new name takes 3-7 days. This is how I feel about changing faces or height too, plastic surgeons (Bad idea). Now hair dye or hair cuts, thats a good idea.
A one time only name change is a good idea. That way people who regret the name they picked can do so and at the same time it will prevent scammers from changing their names just to scam. If they have the same name then changes in appearance won't matter since you can't copy another persons name.
One name change would be alright. Any more than that is simply ANet's way of putting a big *STAMP* of Approval on scammers.
/unsigned You know what this is going to lead to? We won't be able to keep track of bad players (I have a list) or people who talk dirty or mouth off, etc. etc. If you let these people change their names on a whim like this it's just going to cause more chaos. Blacklisting a player is a very strong punishment for things they do wrong or bad in a game, giving the the opportunity to hide behind another name is a bad idea and just gives these griefers more open doors to continue to do so.
Originally Posted by Deathqueen
/unsigned You know what this is going to lead to? We won't be able to keep track of bad players (I have a list) or people who talk dirty or mouth off, etc. etc. If you let these people change their names on a whim like this it's just going to cause more chaos. Blacklisting a player is a very strong punishment for things they do wrong or bad in a game, giving the the opportunity to hide behind another name is a bad idea and just gives these griefers more open doors to continue to do so.
Kool Pajamas
If you get scammed its your own fault. I was scammed before, but it was because of my own stupidity. I learned a lesson and have never been scammed again. There is no need for keeping names of players. Most of the people I meet in game I never or rarely see again anyway, except for my guildies.
Many times I've wished for this feature.
Many times I've wished for this feature.
Ummm I don't want bad players and such in my friends list. And my ignore list is already full. If anything instead of giving people free will to change their names they should add 1000 more slots to the /ignore list.
Perhaps on friends list their name should remain as the name that u added them as. Same for ignore.
There should be a limit on how many times you could change the name for one character but otherwise...
Spiteful Soul
They should make a NPC in one of the towns.
Where you pay 5 Rubies to change your character's name and looks.
But it's only done once every 3 to 6 months.
Where you pay 5 Rubies to change your character's name and looks.
But it's only done once every 3 to 6 months.
/not signed
i like my all my chars name, there should be somthing that changes ur chars face
Originally Posted by OMFGimCUTE
i like my all my chars name, there should be somthing that changes ur chars face
crazy diamond
The name change could cause problems with griefers who would change their names to avoid backlash.
Personally, I'd rather be able to change my appearance than name.
Personally, I'd rather be able to change my appearance than name.
Im not big on this idea, but I do however like how people decide to use the old topics rather than make a million new ones.
But I think it should be limited to 2 or 3 times, with a nominal fee attached to deter abuse of the option. It would suck for some smart alec to be goofing around with names just to harrass people (or jsut being a smart-a**) and being stuck with a name he/she just made up to be a pest because he/she used his/her last name change chance. (would serve them right, but it would still suck for them!)
But I think it should be limited to 2 or 3 times, with a nominal fee attached to deter abuse of the option. It would suck for some smart alec to be goofing around with names just to harrass people (or jsut being a smart-a**) and being stuck with a name he/she just made up to be a pest because he/she used his/her last name change chance. (would serve them right, but it would still suck for them!)
it would be helpful.agree with the limited changes though.2-3 per charater is a good number
it would be helpful.agree with the limited changes though.2-3 per charater is a good number
Very nice idea, would love to see it happen.
Very nice idea, would love to see it happen.
Retribution X
I HATE my warriors name with a passion now. i REALLY want this implemented!
P.S. PLEASE make it soon!
P.S. PLEASE make it soon!
Native American cultures marked a person's growth from childhood to adulthood through rites of passage. This included _one_ name change to separate the childish life from the responsible, accountable, new person that was welcomed back into the tribe. Then they could look back and say,"So-and-so would do this, or act like that, because I was a child back then. I, mature-so-and-so, know better than to do that now."
I'm not saying players have actually matured through the course of playing this game, I've seen quite the contrary, but GW already has so many cultural elements, this couldn't hurt. Anyway, scammers/stalkers/b.s.talkers do get second accounts to hassle people with.
Native American cultures marked a person's growth from childhood to adulthood through rites of passage. This included _one_ name change to separate the childish life from the responsible, accountable, new person that was welcomed back into the tribe. Then they could look back and say,"So-and-so would do this, or act like that, because I was a child back then. I, mature-so-and-so, know better than to do that now."
I'm not saying players have actually matured through the course of playing this game, I've seen quite the contrary, but GW already has so many cultural elements, this couldn't hurt. Anyway, scammers/stalkers/b.s.talkers do get second accounts to hassle people with.
I would like the ability to change character names as well. I agree that some sort of limit would be good as well.
this would be a great idea, i want to change the name of my char's!!!
changing names would be nice but i would like to change appearence too
At least have it as a money sink so people aren't changing names like crazy. Or maybe limit the amount of changes allowed per char?
3-5 platinum or something should do the trick- it would be rather silly allowing people to change their names on the fly for nothing- for starters, "unique" names out there wouldn't be unique for long as people would just change to a slight variation as soon as they see someone with a "cool name".
Actually, that might be reason enough not to have it at all...putting aside the fact the various scamming avenues it could open up (what would happen to ignore lists, would we know who XX Slayer Xx2 *was* before he changed his name?)
3-5 platinum or something should do the trick- it would be rather silly allowing people to change their names on the fly for nothing- for starters, "unique" names out there wouldn't be unique for long as people would just change to a slight variation as soon as they see someone with a "cool name".
Actually, that might be reason enough not to have it at all...putting aside the fact the various scamming avenues it could open up (what would happen to ignore lists, would we know who XX Slayer Xx2 *was* before he changed his name?)
carl jack
This is a monster thread and I am reviving it. Even though I spent well over ten minutes making my first character I deleted him when I learned more about the armor in this game. So I remade another ranger that would be more fitting for marhans grotto armor. In game recustomization ftw.
I think you should be able to swap inventory among your characters without logging off.
I think you should be able to swap inventory among your characters without logging off.
prodigy ming
in a game where you see your twins all the time. the name is a big part that sets you unique from other players.
in a game where you see your twins all the time. the name is a big part that sets you unique from other players.
Sparks Dawnbringer
Actually I would like to be able to change all of the basics form hair color to style to sex to skin. What girl can resist changing her hair once in a while. And I have a perfectly good assended finished ranger that I wish I had started as a girl. After 6 characters I find I relate to the female ones better than the male so why no be able to change him. Sparks
but make the namechange cost something like gold or skill points or faction...people will for sure abuse it if it is free
but make the namechange cost something like gold or skill points or faction...people will for sure abuse it if it is free

/signed. One name change, 2 at most.