Originally Posted by Cash
its funny how as soon as someone complains, theyre automatically labeled a "whiner." well, call me what you will, but first try to find a SINGLE flaw in my argument.
<HUGE snip>
Here's another point I'd like to make (which I believe I may have have stated in other threads, so please forgive me for being redundant).
I play a Warrior.
In PvE, I am generally called upon to tank.
In PvP, I am generally called upon to be a caster slayer and/or backline defender (the latter being the more common of the two).
I tank in Dragons Armor, with the Lieutenant's Helm.
I have tanked high-end areas with no Superior Absorption in said armor.
I have tanked high-end areas with no Superior Vigor in said armor.
I have tanked high-end areas with no Knight's or Ascalon equipment.
I have tanked high-end areas with no Shield with a damage reduction bonus.
I have tanked high-end areas with
380 or less health without Death Penalty.
I have efficiently tanked high-end areas without dying a single time in the above described equipment.
I have played in various PvP arenas and GvG matches in said armor (don't even begin to question my reasoning) and remained mostly victorious and unscathed.
Now, since those days, I have outfitted that armor with a Superior Vigor rune and a Superior Absorption rune. I also now have a seperate set of armor for PvP situations. However, the point still remains...
You don't need Knight's and Rune Absorption properties to be an effective tank in PvE, or an effective Warrior in PvP!
Here's a bit of advice for people who can't stop complaining about the recent fixes and "nerfs": learn to adapt to the situation and become a
proper tank/warrior! Because until your arguments can explain why I (and others, I'm sure) never needed all that fancy crap to be a Warrior, they don't hold much water.