Great to see chapter 3 will be full of Tank-ervishes doing the same thing!!!
Oh well, I guess it's a Paragon for me - CAN'T WAIT
Frank Dudenstein
Sir Skullcrasher
Wrath Of Dragons
Neriandal Freit
Originally Posted by Carth`
I said if Anet keep adding new classes every chapter, it will only get worse. I think I will be right.
What I wanted to see in a chapter 3 preview is that they're adding good, fun to play new PvE areas, a few new skills for the existing classes, and some new types of PvP. Instead we get more gimmick classes that will ruin balance and have far too many of, and are just remixes of existing classes. |
Originally Posted by Neriandal Freit
Why are so many of you already making judgements against this? Why aren't all of you excited to the new possiblites that have arisen once more?
No no, lets all nag already shall we? By the gods, you all need to pull your finger out of where ever you put it up, and stop smelling the goods cause your going to miss alot of this game all over again. I'm excited on the prospect of everything. This is going to give everyone more defintion to play people now. But no no, lets nag! Perhaps by chapter 5 we wont have any new classes, as I hope we have this epic game where we have to help the Gods, or stop some evil god from taking back his place from Grenth. By that time, we'll have....6 new professions and 6 Core professions with countless tactics and possiblities and flavor for a superb game. Lets hold our judgements for now everyone, and just be excited. I mean c'mon, we're getting a preview event already! That alone will be cool. |
Eet GnomeSmasher
Originally Posted by Rent
So you already know how much armor Dervishes are going to have? Do tell.
Eet GnomeSmasher
Originally Posted by Carth`
I said if Anet keep adding new classes every chapter, it will only get worse. I think I will be right.
What I wanted to see in a chapter 3 preview is that they're adding good, fun to play new PvE areas, a few new skills for the existing classes, and some new types of PvP. Instead we get more gimmick classes that will ruin balance and have far too many of, and are just remixes of existing classes. |
Former Ruling
Originally Posted by Eet GnomeSmasher
You continue to dazzle with your brilliant posts. I mean, you're right. They should never add existing classes because it's impossible to balance right? They shouldnt add new skills because that will provide balance issues too. Hell, they should never add anything new because it's too hard to balance. Brilliant!
Former Ruling
Sir Jameson
The Primeval King
Francis Demeules
Originally Posted by Eet GnomeSmasher
Gotta love the people who are already complaining just by judging a short preview on two classes. Pre-emptive complaining is funny.
Former Ruling
Originally Posted by Domino
Enchantments won't you you any good when mobs spam enchant removal like nobody's business.
Warriors are the only tanks, bottom line. I think Dervishes will suffer the same hate as Assassins do. Hopefully some of these tanking assassins will delete their characters, and make Dervishes... so the decent assassins can start the slow process of rebuilding our reputation. |
Originally Posted by Former Ruling
they will have Defensive Enchantments and such to keep up with warriors on the front line.