Hope this helps.
Originally Posted by Bowman Artemis
Anyone know if Maestro (or a similar service) is available to under-18s with parental permission?
Ashleigh McMahon
Originally Posted by Bowman Artemis
Anyone know if Maestro (or a similar service) is available to under-18s with parental permission?
Originally Posted by Gonzo
PlayNC does not support Paypal, that's my only way of online payment.
Ashleigh McMahon
Aerial Stormshadow
Ashleigh McMahon
brother derez
Originally Posted by Krugz
I think it's a bad idea, I know a lot of you are going "but it's way cool and I need it!", but I have a feeling this is going to be like giving out free perfect weapons to every account in equivalence. What I mean is, it's going to unbalance the game. Also, part of the game is to be economic, to throw away something good for something better, why would you throw something out when you've got like 10+ accounts to store it on? IMO this is going to be the first step towards the decline of GW.
Originally Posted by Digital Bath
This is going on the assumption that it costs $50 flat per 6 months. A more realistic version, imo, would be as such:
GW:P CE = $75.76 (after 8.25%) GW:P = $54.11 (after 8.25% sales tax in Tx) GW:F CE = $75.76 (after 8.25%) GW: F = $54.11 (after 8.25% sales tax in Tx) CE Total = $151.53 Non CE Total = $108.23 The non CE are rounded to the precise amount that I paid for each box (and relatively close to what everyone else paid if they got the game the day/week/even month after it came out. (Prices taken from ebgames)http://www.ebgames.com/search.asp?so...=0&find=Search These should be the relative price per CE and per non CE. Let's add in 1 or 2 character slots. I figure, the majority of people that buy a character slot will buy one or two, with the % dropping off from there. CE Total + 1 character slot = $162.34 Total/Month = $13.53 CE Total + 2 character slots = $173.16 Total/Month = $14.43 Non CE Total + 1 character slot = $119.04 Total/Month = $9.92 Non CE Total + 2 character slots = $129.86 Total/Month = $10.82 People must keep in mind that these prices and taxes are taken from the sales tax within Tx and every state has their own deal going on. What this does show is that if you are the die hard fan buying 1-2 character slots along with the CE, you are paying roughly the same amount per month for FFXI or WoW. For the less die hard gamer, you are paying for older MMO's yet still around the FFXI fee. I believe that ANet is counting on their die hard fan base to be the ones that are going to buy the majority of the extra character slots, with the less die hard buying character slots sporadically. These prices are just for 1 or 2 additional character slots, now imagine what would happen if ANet introduced more items you can buy within the game store. The price would easily hit the same amount as actual MMO's on the market, and in some cases, exceed their prices. There are things to keep in mind honestly. If the fanbase is going to be buying trivial updates that aren't needed to be competitive, but are something that ANet knows the fan is going to want to buy because of the seductiveness, pricing issues compared to the amount of labor put in by ANet are sure to result. |
Don Zardeone
Originally Posted by Krugz
What I mean is, it's going to unbalance the game.
Originally Posted by Gaile Gray
Will you ever need to buy something to remain competitive or to have a level playing field? No, never.
Originally Posted by jfarris964
I can still go back and play any of the campaigns that I want to and don't have to pay any more money.
Originally Posted by Krugz
I think it's a bad idea, I know a lot of you are going "but it's way cool and I need it!", but I have a feeling this is going to be like giving out free perfect weapons to every account in equivalence. What I mean is, it's going to unbalance the game. Also, part of the game is to be economic, to throw away something good for something better, why would you throw something out when you've got like 10+ accounts to store it on? IMO this is going to be the first step towards the decline of GW.
Horseman Of War
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by JoDiamonds
They have explicitly said, multiple times, that they aren't going to sell things that will unbalance the game.
Originally Posted by SFEley
Is this really so different from people simply buying multiple copies of the game?
Yes, it's marginally simpler to move items around between characters in the same account, but that wasn't really stopping anybody before. You're not describing anything that wasn't already going on for many people. |
Horseman Of War
Horseman Of War
Originally Posted by Krugz
As if any company would every say "We're going to make the game unbalanced, you won't have any more fun. Oh and we're releasing a new game, play it now!"... Also, more characters IS unbalancing the game. A player with mor characters has more room, he can afford to stash more materials and will probably sell his materials cheaper then the rest. I'm also pretty sure that like almost all big updates, there will be glitchs or new scams too.
Originally Posted by kab
I bought another account the day before the store came out
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Neo Nugget
Naomi Heartily
Neo Nugget
DJ Josh
Angel of Cthulhu
Originally Posted by Kaguya
I wasn't saying that the shop is a bad idea, or buying slots is a bad idea, or there was anything bad about the whole thing. I was among one of them asking for these buyable slots and I'm happy to have them.
I was more or less just adressing Angel of Cthulhu's "GW can't go on without this shop!!1" statement. They've had to manage their financing and calculate that they can keep the business profitable even without monthly fees, just with the revenue from individual chapter sales. The shop is all extra revenue for them, and extra stuff we've been asking for us for extra fee. |
Burn Butt
Originally Posted by DJ Josh
i love being proved right.i said when the first mention of purchessable char slots started that they would create an ingame shop in the future just like maple story.although maple story can get away with it because its a free game,gw isn't and therefore i think this is taking waste fluid.but there are so many with more money than sence that a.net will get away with it.as to advantage,well one huge advantage is being able to enjoy the game to its fullest and having more access to teams leaving people without a desired char out in the cold.
Neo Nugget
Lady Lozza
Originally Posted by Lady Lozza
What would be really nice, actually, would be letting us buy a slot for this weekend
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Naomi Heartily
Lady Lozza