How To: ''legendary defender of ascalon''
I will just make 2 characters lol.
Holy Warblade
or you can have 2 seperate toons going for each title.
that's what I am doing. Warblade is going for LDoA while a different toon is going for the Legendary Survivor title. It really helps refresh playing the game with another toon when you get so exhausted and bored from simply death leveling one toon everyday.

that's what I am doing. Warblade is going for LDoA while a different toon is going for the Legendary Survivor title. It really helps refresh playing the game with another toon when you get so exhausted and bored from simply death leveling one toon everyday.
i am going for this to cause its awesome. char name is, "Reven Is Leet"

amish lifeguard
Im going to spend my time in pre going for drunkard, expect to see Amish Is Leet hanging round AD1 Ascalon for many days to come

Originally Posted by amish lifeguard
Im going to spend my time in pre going for drunkard, expect to see Amish Is Leet hanging round AD1 Ascalon for many days to come
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Level 15, 60%.
I really feel like getting to level 16 today, so I probably will
Been playing some other game the last 2 days, so it's time to go back once again
Hope to try out getting some Charr to the res shrine later tonight.
I really feel like getting to level 16 today, so I probably will

I just soloed the charr again last night and the AI change has made it considerably more difficult in terms of the pulling of the groups. I will have to learn their ways.
amish lifeguard
Just tried to Dlvl last night. I have done it multiple times since the update but last night, I had a problem that many others faced. Once you pull a patrol a certain distance, they act as though they can not pass a certain point, no matter how far they go. I tried everything. I killed one of the charr and the rest followed more only to get stuck again! If anyone has found a solution to this, Please Post!
Xena is teh leetsauce
Xena is teh leetsauce
Originally Posted by amish lifeguard
Im going to spend my time in pre going for drunkard, expect to see Amish Is Leet hanging round AD1 Ascalon for many days to come
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:P GL with Drunkard, its a really easy title XD
When i hit 20 im going Ale-Hound, im allready at 3,331 mins :P
Originally Posted by amish lifeguard
Just tried to Dlvl last night. I have done it multiple times since the update but last night, I had a problem that many others faced. Once you pull a patrol a certain distance, they act as though they can not pass a certain point, no matter how far they go. I tried everything. I killed one of the charr and the rest followed more only to get stuck again! If anyone has found a solution to this, Please Post!
amish lifeguard
Niiiiiiiice. Good luck as well :P
i tried this and got to level 11 , my god how boring is it, at least i got 4 white dyes out of it and a few others, time to free that wasted character slot up and kill the boredom off
good luck to those trying, you have a much higher boredom threshold than i do
good luck to those trying, you have a much higher boredom threshold than i do
Holy Warblade
Scared me there for a second.
Just tried my setup. Everything is fine and dandy.
Just tried my setup. Everything is fine and dandy.
i tried pulling the first two groups of charr back but after a certain point they just wouldn't go any farther. Can you only pull the groups near the bosses first?
Yunas Ele
Originally Posted by Covah
i tried pulling the first two groups of charr back but after a certain point they just wouldn't go any farther. Can you only pull the groups near the bosses first?
Also I have a question. How the heck do you guys get more than 2 groups of char? I pull 1 group, have them "de-aggro" me and get onto the NPCs near the shrine then I run get another group come back to the shrine. Now I've got my 2 groups at the shrine. So I want to get a 3rd group... I leeroy past the 2 grps I got atm but those 2 grps still follow me for a while. If they "lose" aggro on me they start returning to their original positions, not the res shrine...
Not that I'm complaining about having 2 groups, that nets me 3-4 char per run but you can never be too efficient

Holy Warblade
geez, so boring while death leveling, got 22 charrs killing me atm. Lol, it's way faster to die then it is to rez. Wish we had instant rez.
Now that wintersday is over, I'm gonna hit 18 this week. My goal is to be done by the end of the month or before.
Now that wintersday is over, I'm gonna hit 18 this week. My goal is to be done by the end of the month or before.
Yunas Ele
Originally Posted by Holy Warblade
geez, so boring while death leveling, got 22 charrs killing me atm. Lol, it's way faster to die then it is to rez. Wish we had instant rez.
Now that wintersday is over, I'm gonna hit 18 this week. My goal is to be done by the end of the month or before. |
Good luck getting it by end of the month!
Just curious, is it still possible to get the charr to the rez shrine?
I'm not ready for the northlands yet (just made a new character), so I'm asking here.
Also, do the charr stay at the rez shrine or no (if they can be aggroed there)?
I'm not ready for the northlands yet (just made a new character), so I'm asking here.
Also, do the charr stay at the rez shrine or no (if they can be aggroed there)?
Dookie Dookz
Awesome guide. I found this thread the other day, looking for something to grind after I have reached Incorrigible Ale-hound on my rit. I spent the whole 10k minutes on that, clicking every minute or two on hunter's ale since factions came out while doing quests, mission , trading and dancing and had finished before the holidays. Got bored of rit now that there was nothing else to accomplish as far as no higher objective after incorrigible until I found this.
Started soloing charrs and bosses at 8, now at lvl 10 ony my necro. For some charrs I use walls cliffs, bosses i do 1v1, the monk boss required me to stand next it for heals, concetrated and timed his heals and manage to kill it, but for some groups I had to cast and run around and charr would run back and forth, this had saved me from the dmgs being dealt by the melee charrs. Still trying to figure out how to pull those charr way back to the shrine. I had only managed to pull them halfway from the blown up house ocassionally hitting the caster with a flatbow before they would jerk back to their spawn. I'm not certain if getting my health below 50% would make them continue to chase me.
Anyway, my IGN is "Gate Operator". If you see me hanging around, you can pm to open gate for you, no charge of course.
Started soloing charrs and bosses at 8, now at lvl 10 ony my necro. For some charrs I use walls cliffs, bosses i do 1v1, the monk boss required me to stand next it for heals, concetrated and timed his heals and manage to kill it, but for some groups I had to cast and run around and charr would run back and forth, this had saved me from the dmgs being dealt by the melee charrs. Still trying to figure out how to pull those charr way back to the shrine. I had only managed to pull them halfway from the blown up house ocassionally hitting the caster with a flatbow before they would jerk back to their spawn. I'm not certain if getting my health below 50% would make them continue to chase me.
Anyway, my IGN is "Gate Operator". If you see me hanging around, you can pm to open gate for you, no charge of course.
amish lifeguard
Ambuu, take 5 minutes to read the previous pages.
How do you guys pull more than one patrol? As a lvl 16 monk with max armor, a minor vigor rune, and +21 heath staff, I can barely pull one without dying more than twice. I tried bringing one back then going back for another but the first patrol always kills the guards before i get back and wonders off. RAWR AMSIH MAD
How do you guys pull more than one patrol? As a lvl 16 monk with max armor, a minor vigor rune, and +21 heath staff, I can barely pull one without dying more than twice. I tried bringing one back then going back for another but the first patrol always kills the guards before i get back and wonders off. RAWR AMSIH MAD
Yunas Ele
Originally Posted by amish lifeguard
How do you guys pull more than one patrol? As a lvl 16 monk with max armor, a minor vigor rune, and +21 heath staff, I can barely pull one without dying more than twice. I tried bringing one back then going back for another but the first patrol always kills the guards before i get back and wonders off. RAWR AMSIH MAD
Holy Warblade
here's the setup I did today while being at 25% thru level 17, I could only fit 18 of them.
Holy Warblade
I will show and teach on a one-on-one basis in-game AFTER I am done reaching my goal, so if anyone is interested, please be patient, I am getting there soon and fast.

Yunas Ele
Originally Posted by Holy Warblade
I will show and teach on a one-on-one basis in-game AFTER I am done reaching my goal, so if anyone is interested, please be patient, I am getting there soon and fast.
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I want pull charr too ! ^_^ !
PS : They all earn xp ?
PS : They all earn xp ?
Me too 
Is a great service

Is a great service
Sign me up for it too!
BTW, this guide is very good. It helped me a lot!
BTW, this guide is very good. It helped me a lot!
Dookie Dookz
wow! Would like to learn your ways 1on1 someday
Me as well. I am very interested in this method =D
amish lifeguard
Holy Warblade! Holy shit! 
Gotta teach me. hiyoh

Gotta teach me. hiyoh
Or he could make a video

That would help so many people! Do it for the GWGuru community!!
Originally Posted by Holy Warblade
I will show and teach on a one-on-one basis in-game AFTER I am done reaching my goal, so if anyone is interested, please be patient, I am getting there soon and fast.
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Originally Posted by Covah
Or he could make a video
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Yeh im 72% of the way to 18 and I still dont level the charr I feel kinda embarassed but theres not much I can do. Im comfy with sticking to lvling Moss spiders till i hit level 18 but when I do im gunna try my best to lvl the charr
Maybe im just doing it wrong. A friend and I tried it and he said we had to(or there was a way) to pull Lina away from the rez portal so we used our vamp bows and she started to follow but just like the charr once she got to a certain point she would run back -_-" After doing that several time I got bored and went to bed. Im not shure if im pulling the right group either. Is it the very first group of charr or the Patrol group that is also there? Some of you are mentioning charr near the bosses so im assuming the charr from there can be pulled as well.

I got my warrior up to lvl 16 and I am happy ATM, but the weapons are bugging me. I have GOTYE, but personally I don't want to use hammer, but that's best I got ATM.
PS. Should I make ranger?
PS. Should I make ranger?
Originally Posted by ^_^
I got my warrior up to lvl 16 and I am happy ATM, but the weapons are bugging me. I have GOTYE, but personally I don't want to use hammer, but that's best I got ATM.
PS. Should I make ranger? |

So the guild-hall isn't accessible anymore to pre-searings right?
Originally Posted by ^_^
So the guild-hall isn't accessible anymore to pre-searings right?
well, its open to emoxcore b\c she is the queen of pre. But to everyone else its closed

Originally Posted by Covah
well, its open to emoxcore b\c she is the queen of pre. But to everyone else its closed
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New "possibly" future Defender of Ascalon here.
Created my mesmer today, Sylvia La Duchesse, she's lvl8 atm.
Created my mesmer today, Sylvia La Duchesse, she's lvl8 atm.

my warrior is lvl 8... this is a really slllooowww process because I only have a few hours online and I get distracted for 80% of the time by Gc... but yeah... two more levels 'till I go Charr hunting hopefully... I'm going to try to solo by level 12... =D