How To: ''legendary defender of ascalon''


Academy Page

Join Date: Dec 2006


Originally Posted by Holy Warblade
here's the setup I did today while being at 25% thru level 17, I could only fit 18 of them.

Holy bejeebus... I think I might have to drop you a message one of these days...

btw sorry for the double-post



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2006


judging from warblades picture it seems that he either pulled enemies like grawl and oakhearts back to shrine first or at the same time of pulling charr so that the charr aggroed to the oakhearts/grawl that were aggroed on warblade.
So you contrast by saying he coulda dropped them? ...well theres 8 things on the ground and more than 8 peices of armor/weapon....also there are 3 unnatural seeds...no1 keeps those

All just theory of course
or warblade is sadistic and dropped a bunch of crap there to throw us off =O

After some further thought while typing ive come up with a more probable answer. Pull back one charr group, then somehow get a group of grawl / oaktree back to shrine for charr to aggro on while u run off to aggro the next group of charr, rinse and repeat.
Based on some successful charr pulls myself I know that if charr try to go back to their original location from the shrine they try to go thru the ledge there and get stuck and will reaggro on u when u res, which means charr will stick around while u are off pulling another group.

No idea why he would pick up unnatural seeds though, unless there is some mysterious oakheart boss .. hehe

Holy Warblade

Holy Warblade

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2006


I love collecting seeds along the way cuz they stack and I can sell them to get gold. Simple as that, lol.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Sep 2006

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Well, Im still at lev 9 , but now i have 5 complete sets of armor, lol, each in a different color.

Dookie Dookz

Dookie Dookz

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Join Date: Jun 2006




would it be possible for you to share, in words, how you manage to pull that much charr?


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

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After he reaches lvl 20 he will spill his guts.
Well my new monk, Aatxe Whisperer, is about 60% to lvl 10 and only 2 days old I helped A L P H A with some charr yesterday and also helped Placebo fun times. Just pm me if u want a gate opener or a monk to tag along

Yunas Ele

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006


Hmmm just throwing out ideas here but maybe he made a very high level monk with him who then left after they pulled the char. Notice how the inventory is strategically placed so we can't tell I don't know about you guys but if I had a lvl 20 monk healing my ass the whole way I could easilly pull 2-3 groups at once and if you read one of my previous set I can pull 2 groups seperately.... meaning I'd be able to pull 2 sets of 2-3... thats like 20+ char.

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

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Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

Or, maybe he aggrod one mob to the shrine. The High Lvl Monk stayed at the shrine to make sure they kill the guards. Once they are killed, the Charr attack the Monk, the monk's soul purpose is to stay at the shrine and hold aggro. Holy simply pulls group after group back to the shrine and the monk holds the aggro. very simple in theory, time to test

anyone care to help me test this? hit me up in game, Amish Is Leet. WOOOT IM EXCITED

Yunas Ele

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by amish lifeguard
Or, maybe he aggrod one mob to the shrine. The High Lvl Monk stayed at the shrine to make sure they kill the guards. Once they are killed, the Charr attack the Monk, the monk's soul purpose is to stay at the shrine and hold aggro. Holy simply pulls group after group back to the shrine and the monk holds the aggro. very simple in theory, time to test

anyone care to help me test this? hit me up in game, Amish Is Leet. WOOOT IM EXCITED
oh ****!!!!! good theory! You don't need a high level monk either then do you? Cuz even if u die at the shrine u can still hold aggro. Can be anyone at the shrine while he pulls groups back... i think... 2 copies of gw on same pc here i come!

I can help you test this if you want (well i'm an ele that can camp at shrine but should do the same thing, since like I said, if you die at the shrine you still hold the aggro.). I tried to pm you in game your on dnd though so I guess maybe you got some1 to help test already.

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

Yeah, a very genorous friend was helping me

Thanks though Yuna!

This is confirmed, using 2 people, one to get mobs, one to hold aggro at the shrine works. we only got 5 because it took some time and i didnt want to burden my helper anymore. but yeah, its definately possible and, according to calculations, you can get up to 19+ charr to the shrine using this method! WOOOOOT


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by amish lifeguard
Yeah, a very genorous friend was helping me

Thanks though Yuna!

This is confirmed, using 2 people, one to get mobs, one to hold aggro at the shrine works. we only got 5 because it took some time and i didnt want to burden my helper anymore. but yeah, its definately possible and, according to calculations, you can get up to 19+ charr to the shrine using this method! WOOOOOT
Im tempted to try this now since its the weeken :P

Yunas Ele

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006


thats sweet. now to find a friend to help me with this... all my friends are pvp scrubs. I guess I'll have to get 2 copies of GW running... thanks for confirming this though. This is awesome!


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Chaos Everlasting [CHEV]


only problem with this is that you'll need to find someone who doesnt need to DL charr themselves, but can still stay alive and hold aggro, which means a level 20.... lol, cause less then level 10-12 really couldnt surrvive all that charr, but they can still go on charr runs without DLing too much
maybe someone that would be online after they do that to help....
then theres always the problem of err7's and err59's... that would be a pain in the ass, all that work and then "oops, connection lost!"
although, this would go faster, so you could get on periodically to do this...
maybe if you work at home and have 2 computers it would work better (or you dont work at all) then you can take like 2 hour naps 4-5 times a day, haahah
but if you did that, your way too obsessed....
anyway, i have a question
can the bosses be pulled? cause ive pulled the mesmer boss and the ele boss at the same time to that tree before
the tree im talking about is along the trail on your way to the bosses from the burnt down house, right between the two hills just before the clearing, if that helps, lol
but yea, i got them pretty far, but then died, so i couldnt see if they would go farther... also i wasnt thinking about it at the time....
regardless, this info wont help me as im only about 11 and 66% or something like that, i havent been working on it for a while, as ive been enjoying wintersday, nightfall, and now FFXII (great game btw)



Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

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Originally Posted by Yunas Ele
. Notice how the inventory is strategically placed so we can't tell
if u look closely u can see another red bar behind the inventory


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jun 2006

is it possible to accept a quest and still get it. with death leveling it could get to level 20 in aobut 40 years

pls answer. char name is, "Reven Is Leet."

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

You make no sense Ravin haha

Razor, the person does not have to be lvl 20 becasue they can just stay at the res shrine and when the lvl 16+ that is actually Dlvling brings the charr back to the shrine, they will kill the guards. once the guards are dead, they will kill the low level guy. if he dies, its ok because, as posted before, corpses still hold aggro.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

Well today has been a good day.

I got 3 levels. I am now lvl 11 !

When I started soloing charrs at lvl 10 at first it seemed impossible. But now I've put in place a little technique and I die about one or two times per run.

And I found a black dye !


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Chaos Everlasting [CHEV]


i think ravin was asking if its possible to DL your way to twenty if youve already accepted the quests, thats what emo is doing, not impossible, yet very hard, and much longer.... i dont envy her, lol

oh really? well thats kewl, i had always resigned to DLing one or two spiders or something thinking that if i got too many too widespread that they would kill me and leave... that changes things, lol
yet good to know

gratz!! lvl 11 is about where i am, but again, not playing the time being, tho i should be backish (as in DLing every now and then) after the 9th or so, as thats when school starts back up



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006


[UC] Uber Crue


I'm trying to do it too!!

IGN Broken is leet (keepin it going)


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by Lilanthe
Well today has been a good day.

I got 3 levels. I am now lvl 11 !

When I started soloing charrs at lvl 10 at first it seemed impossible. But now I've put in place a little technique and I die about one or two times per run.

And I found a black dye !
grats on 11

I was deathlvling a moss spider and it was lvl 19 when my computer decided to restart itself I was so mad but when I opened guild wars it asked me if I wanted to connect to my previous section and it brought me right back to deathlvling it so that made my day



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

lvl 12 now !

Must go to sleep now ! *slap head*

I just spoke to a lvl 14 mesmer killing the bosses... he was getting 256xp per run... He was about to get lvl 15 after 2 days killing them.

I don't want to know how long it will be at lvl 15.

Yunas Ele

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006


Okay with in regard's to amish's method on dleveling the char. Tried it out for myself by running 2 copies of gw. The idea works however, 1 thing needs to be noted. The 2nd player needs to be strong enough to stay alive from the char long enough for you to run past them and get quite far out of their aggro bubble. Otherwise they follow you and things get pretty messed up. So ya, using a level 1 war wasn't the best idea. I guess I'll level the my war up a bit and get collecters armor and maybe try to get a vigor rune or something to keep him alive long enough. So ya I only managed to get 3 groups (12 char) this time but once my warrior gets stronger I know I'll be able to do like 20+ char with ease...


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005


Guardians Alliance [ALLY] now recruiting


im so trying this when iget back from israel

raven, is this the raven that i kno???

amish, get your damn lvl 17,18 and 19...oh ya theres also 20 before ale hound

i will be back in 5 days, SEE U ALL IN ASCALON!

Holy Warblade

Holy Warblade

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2006


LOL, I love all the "conspiracy theories". All your theories are sound, but no, I don't need anyone else to pull all of them. I do it solo and I promise to show how to do it solo.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005


Guardians Alliance [ALLY] now recruiting


im sure we will all hold u up to that promise

Holy Warblade

Holy Warblade

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Dec 2006


and I have no problem with that. Anyone who has already pm'ed me in game knows that I don't ignore the pm but answer each one of them, for the exception of answering the 'how to' questions.

Leorin Magnifico

Leorin Magnifico

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006



I have a question to all the charr DL's....

How much time do you use to lvl each of group of charr to 20 (or what ever you're aiming for)?

Like, Id like to know group numbers and hours used...ty

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

Ive got a few questions for ya warblade. Last night, I aggrod 13 Charr to the shrine. Knowing that i only had 10 hours before i get autobooted with e57, i doubted they would all lvl up. This morning, when i returned, 9 and a half hours later, i had 4 lvl 18s and 9 lvl 9's. Warblade, do all of your charr level up to a satisfactory level? Do they all level up enough to give you exp? if so, would you mind sharing that? If yours do not, then i dont see why anyone needs to pull more then 2 mobs of charr because they are the only ones that would level.

<3 jew


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by Lilanthe
lvl 12 now !

Must go to sleep now ! *slap head*

I just spoke to a lvl 14 mesmer killing the bosses... he was getting 256xp per run... He was about to get lvl 15 after 2 days killing them.

I don't want to know how long it will be at lvl 15.
lol your working up pretty fast :P Level 15 is your last level that you can lvl up off of from charr. I believe I got 1-2% each run when I was lvl 15. I know that sounds like alot of charr runs. It is!! So what I did to made it feel like less runs is do a certain amount each day, like 5-10 charr runs a day (possibly solo so you get more xp) and it doesnt feel like such a long thing from lvl 15 to 16

more goods is a friend of mine told me a way to level the charr so im gunna try it once I get done leveling this group of moss spiders.

Oh and has this ever happen to anyone else?

The far Stirder closer inward to teh rez portal just stands there and doesnt attack -.- even if i hit it once with a bow it still does nothing. Idk why but it does that sometimes. Other times it will attack once or twice, then run away.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


I think its the farming update thing. You can only have 3 melee monsters attacking u, anymore and they will run or not attack. Maybe that strider is just stuck so he isn't running.

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

Or, hes body blocked. I remember when i used to duo the UW as a SS, if the aataxe are in a certain position, the other 2 block out the third. try moving around, it should make him attack.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by amish lifeguard
Or, hes body blocked. I remember when i used to duo the UW as a SS, if the aataxe are in a certain position, the other 2 block out the third. try moving around, it should make him attack.
o_O interesting..I didnt know you would only have 3 attacking you at once...hmm ok thanks

ugh about an hour later I got err59 -.- I was kinda expecting it since I started deathlvling around 1am last night, and it lasted til about 8am this morning and since i had several attacking me I just kept continuing. I should of kill it when it hit lvl 17 tho =/ oh well

Dr. Fire

Dr. Fire

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First off GG to everyone working toward this title. Obviously perseverance is the key here and I commend all of you.

Secondly, I also have agroed 4 beasties outside Berradin's and only 3 attack at one time. Once you kill one the 4th will then join in the fun.

Thirdly, My lvl 15 Me is still primarily killing Char bosses to reach lvl 16, but I also Dlvl on my extra computer when I am busy doing something else. I am very interested in the Char Dlvling that some of you are having great success with. I have tried to agro the Char to the rez shrine but have had absolutely no luck in doing so. I have had the assistance of a fairly high lvl Monk, but we were unable to get the Char past the large trees at the first ruined house where you encounter the first group of Char and first Char patrol en-route to the Char shrine. We were not having any trouble with dying, but every time the Char got to the large trees it was like there was an invisible wall there, and they would stop and turn around. I will continue to Dlvl outside Berradin's estate, I guess, until someone is kind enough to let us know the secret to getting them to keep following.



Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2006


I pulled 2 groups of charr back to the shrine last night and left death leveling (yes I did it by myself)... 8 hrs later i had a group of level 18s and a group of levels 12s
I dont think that death leveling mutiple groups is worth it, unless you leave for mutiple days and somehow avoid err 59.

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

Dr. Fire, which charr are you trying to pull? only the charr patrols around the bosses will follow you. Once you aggro them, they will run back to their patrol after a while, so youll have to re agro them. it like 2 steps forward one step back.

Ms Utena Tenjou

Ms Utena Tenjou

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i'm going for LDoA and Survivor... So its going to be a long trip... but tis worth it .... i'll post pics up durign my progress

Ms Utena Tenjou

Ms Utena Tenjou

Frost Gate Guardian

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i'm going for LDoA and Survivor... So its going to be a long trip... but tis worth it .... i'll post pics up durign my progress

Ms Utena Tenjou

Ms Utena Tenjou

Frost Gate Guardian

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Manchester,NH Or Boston Ma

Medieval Knights Refuge [Heal]


i'm going for LDoA and Survivor... So its going to be a long trip... but tis worth it .... i'll post pics up durign my progress


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


wow triple post and he doesn't read the previous posts.


Dr. Fire

Dr. Fire

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Ohio, U.S.A.

Bane of Darkness [BoD]


I am trying to pull those patrols around the bosses, but each time I do I get them to those doggone trees and they head back. I will keep trying occasionally, unless someone knows any tricks to overcome this. Almost all the groups I have tried to pull have had 2 Hunters. Maybe a group with a few more casters would do better as they seem to be a tad more likely to chase.