How To: ''legendary defender of ascalon''

Dookie Dookz

Dookie Dookz

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006




restarted my necro 2 days ago because I didnt like the name :P.

1 more run until lvl 13, I'm sweating, really! and I was going to tame a lvl 16/17 strider but i over slept by an hour and got err59. Oh well, Ill try again tonight.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by Dookie Dookz
restarted my necro 2 days ago because I didnt like the name :P.

1 more run until lvl 13 and I was going to tame a lvl 16/17 strider but i over slept by an hour and got err59. Oh well, Ill try again tonight.
ahh yea chooseing a good name for your permanate pre-character is always important :P

I was going to ask, why not tame a lvl 19/ even 20 stirder instead of a 16/17 but then again it would probably take a whole day un;ess you leveld up a few more levels

Kinda off topic right here, but how much do you think two 5 slot bags are worth in pre now? Thinking of selling but some people say not to



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

I would say about 20-50g


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006



I'd think quite a bit more. They can't be bought at the merchant, right?

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

There is a little trick to get the patrols to follow you always but id rather not say it just quite yet.

About making ALL the charr get exp when you level them,

a very kind anonymous friend told me, when you pull the charr, allow them to kill you once before you commence death leveling. let eachpatrol you pull you, then dlvl them. this way the exp is evened out.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Ambuu- Im talking about bags not belt pouches You cant get bags in pre-searing


Im lvling charr now

A friend showed me how, if i do this for the rest of the weeken ill be lvl 18 by monday

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

Made a warrior to play in pre while im not Dlvling
name is: I am Gwens Daddy.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

Well, today an other progress update.

I am now almost to lvl 14 ( 60% 13 ), and its getting pretty long. Charrs now give me only 16xp :/. Still, only 4 runs to go ! After that, the real test of my patience will begin !

Here's my mesmer in all her glory ! You'll probably recognize me in town because how badly I'm dyed !

Well, if anybody have a white dye for sale, I think I could afford one.

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

Yo tengo un WHITE DYE!



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

Originally Posted by emoxcore
Ambuu- Im talking about bags not belt pouches You cant get bags in pre-searing
I know... I was just... testing you

Here's my character:

Ranger/ ? (need help deciding on 2nd profession)
Level 7 (26% towards lvl 8)
Time played: 2.5 hours

I dont like doing the charr at the gate so many times lol



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006


[UC] Uber Crue


Haha, im lvl 8, But... I see people with Hunters Ale, were do i get it in pre- searing!?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by Ambuu
I know... I was just... testing you
lol Im shure you were. Several people are interested in them but I still dont know a set price to sell at

Originally Posted by brokenmonkey
Haha, im lvl 8, But... I see people with Hunters Ale, were do i get it in pre- searing!?
Go to and type in Hunter's Ales- it will tell you everything

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

Hunters Ale

Post Must be 12 characters long! rawr

Dookie Dookz

Dookie Dookz

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006




Originally Posted by emoxcore
lol Im shure you were. Several people are interested in them but I still dont know a set price to sell at

Just to throw you something. The other day, someone wanted 80k for their vamp weapon. Bags may just be as valuable as a vamp, but that is just my opinion.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by Dookie Dookz
Just to throw you something. The other day, someone wanted 80k for their vamp weapon. Bags may just be as valuable as a vamp, but that is just my opinion.
o rly? thanks for the info



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006


[UC] Uber Crue


lvl 9!!!! DUH DUH DUH!!


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Well just like everyone else has said, I made a guide on how to level the charr, But all i need now are pictures to put in my guild to explain some things better, then ill think about posting it on here



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006


[UC] Uber Crue


Cool, I can't wait to see it!

Leorin Magnifico

Leorin Magnifico

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Dec 2006



Well, considering I sold my last two bags in pre for 450k each...

Maybe that's something you can go from?....but mind they were 10 slot bags, not 5...



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by Leorin Magnifico
Well, considering I sold my last two bags in pre for 450k each...

Maybe that's something you can go from?....but mind they were 10 slot bags, not 5...

10 slot ones arent for talking about my 2 5 slot bags, i could probablt cut that price in half and call it 225k..ill think about it..

brokenmonkey- it might be awhile since I still need pictures for it, and to fix any corrections since i just tried it and the charr were being gay..I got the to where the first oakhearts were then they would turn around, so i really need a good lock on aggro and i had to repull several times, my only issuse was dying..(and i forgot blood renewal)so that was probably my problem.

Yeh and from my first time lvl charr i got err 59 bcuz i fell asleep. lost 3 lvl 17ss and 2 lvl 15s so and im still veru pissed off . i was away for 4 hours and my account was on the like "you have been playing for 7-10 hours" mark, no where near a day and it still kicked me off so after accidently cussing out the alliance chat i calmed down and just went back to lvling a moss spider (after attemping to lvl the charr again)

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

Holy Warblade is the man! Damn hes good.

One little trick that garuntees a good pull for me at least [requires a longbow]:

You know how when you pull the char for a while? They will lose aggro then run away? Well, when they first break aggro with you, they will start running away. Do NOT follow them yet. Now, after a few seconds of RUNNING away, they will start to walk. This is your signal that you can pull them again. when they start to walk rather than run, go up to the closest one and use your longbow to attack. The second you shoot an arrow, run away to where you wish to pull them. repeat this and they shouldnt get stuck or take as much damage. Using this method, i solo pulled 13 charr last night.




Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

Once I get to level 10 today, I'll owrk on Dlvling the charr. I should start off with a small group, right?

Also, whats a good secondary for ranger (to kill off charr faster)?


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


mesmer i guess, for conjure and backfire.
If you are going to start dlvling now you could only put them up to lvl 13 or 4 before it would be really hard to kill them.


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006



How do you get bags or how could you get them?


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006



Originally Posted by amish lifeguard
Holy Warblade is the man! Damn hes good.

One little trick that garuntees a good pull for me at least [requires a longbow]:

You know how when you pull the char for a while? They will lose aggro then run away? Well, when they first break aggro with you, they will start running away. Do NOT follow them yet. Now, after a few seconds of RUNNING away, they will start to walk. This is your signal that you can pull them again. when they start to walk rather than run, go up to the closest one and use your longbow to attack. The second you shoot an arrow, run away to where you wish to pull them. repeat this and they shouldnt get stuck or take as much damage. Using this method, i solo pulled 13 charr last night.

I understand what you are saying, but my question is how can you pull so many? I can pull one mob, but after you have them wouldn't they follow you and kill you while you are pulling? Am I missing something?

Beld the Savage

Beld the Savage

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005

Liars Cheats and Thieves [Liar]


Tnx alot for the longbow trick!!!!
It just rulezz to lure charr that way!

About luring more mobs... in my case (first attempt at with longbow) the charr casters were going for the npc monk at the gate. I could just run past them without them aggroing me again. That way i could get a 2nd group and the casters were still waiting for me at the shrine

1 caster got killed though and i killed the shaman since i rlly do not wanna kill a high lvl shaman with my necro.

Are there any suggestions on how to kill them after they have lvled?

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

Yeah, kill the shamsn before you go afk. Then, to kill the others, you get 5 seconds of invincibility when you rez as well as full energy. just spam whatever you can on him. res, and repeat. works good for me

good luck dlvling at lvl 10 lol

as for the bags, there was a bug a while back where players in pre could go to their GH and then trade with other POST players and stuff. this bug, sadly, no longer works.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by 1wingedngel
I understand what you are saying, but my question is how can you pull so many? I can pull one mob, but after you have them wouldn't they follow you and kill you while you are pulling? Am I missing something?
well one thing i did to pull so many was that I pull little at a time, and as your running back to the portal you know how you can go to the right and start running to the other group? heres a picture to help tell you where it is:

Well if you run that way just a bit, you can get the charr "stuck" behind that hill(where the red dot is),the yellow dot is where you pull then from once there stuck, let them kill you and you spawn back at the rez portal, so just run back and pull more charr back to that area, and if u want more, get them stuck as well and repeat. Simple as that.

Femella Monachus

Femella Monachus

Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Nov 2006

Academy of War


Awesome. There is always a way around to a solution when you have a group of people reaching for the same purpose.

Now that pulling charrs is back again, I might as well play some more until the next drought.

Here's my question, I have a level 14, 22% to go. Should I primarily use the death leveling technique or should I still continue to run and kill the bosses? I ask that because killing the bosses have become considerably harder and with much less XP than what you would get with high level charrs with DL.




Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2006


boss killing definatly ... i went from 14 to 15 in 2 days from boss killing at 14; and i plan on doing a bunch more boss runs while im 15; even though i have started dleveling too


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by Femella Monachus
Here's my question, I have a level 14, 22% to go. Should I primarily use the death leveling technique or should I still continue to run and kill the bosses? I ask that because killing the bosses have become considerably harder and with much less XP than what you would get with high level charrs with DL.

I would deff still do the charr boss runs, Take advantage of still getting xp from charr :P

Dookie Dookz

Dookie Dookz

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006




Originally Posted by amish lifeguard
Holy Warblade is the man! Damn hes good.

One little trick that garuntees a good pull for me at least [requires a longbow]:

You know how when you pull the char for a while? They will lose aggro then run away? Well, when they first break aggro with you, they will start running away. Do NOT follow them yet. Now, after a few seconds of RUNNING away, they will start to walk. This is your signal that you can pull them again. when they start to walk rather than run, go up to the closest one and use your longbow to attack. The second you shoot an arrow, run away to where you wish to pull them. repeat this and they shouldnt get stuck or take as much damage. Using this method, i solo pulled 13 charr last night.

When I pull a group, I don't wait for them to walk away. There is one "leader" caster that will always be ahead of the group (located well inside your aggro circle) and you will notice it takes steps forward close to you, always keeping the same distance, and when you run, it will try to catch up with you, keeping that same distance inside your aggro and the rest will follow even though they are outside the agroo circle. Although you have to maintain heals here as you do this with a longbow.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

I have a question for those who delevel.

After 10 or so hours of inactivity, you get error59. So, if, for example, I use every hour or so Frenzy or I sacrifice health for two minutes, will I still get an error for inactivity ?

lvl 14 (2%) 37 to go for lvl 15 :S


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by Lilanthe
I have a question for those who delevel.

After 10 or so hours of inactivity, you get error59. So, if, for example, I use every hour or so Frenzy or I sacrifice health for two minutes, will I still get an error for inactivity ?

lvl 14 (2%) 37 to go for lvl 15 :S
thats kinda what i do, evey once in awhile I sac life or sumthing and start a convo with someone to decrease my inactivity

Yunas Ele

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Mar 2006


Originally Posted by Femella Monachus
Awesome. There is always a way around to a solution when you have a group of people reaching for the same purpose.
Exactly! Thats why I think it was selfish and just outright stupid when earlier everyone was like "i figured it out and im not tellin u!111 figure it out for urself lolx!11". Now that people are sharing their ideas, everyone knows how to pull more char, more efficiently....

Originally Posted by Lilanthe
I have a question for those who delevel.

After 10 or so hours of inactivity, you get error59. So, if, for example, I use every hour or so Frenzy or I sacrifice health for two minutes, will I still get an error for inactivity ?

lvl 14 (2%) 37 to go for lvl 15 :S
the err59 is really wierd. One time I was afk for about 8 hours (game had been running like 8 hours 30 mins at most.). Came back, moved around a bit, pmed ppl, changed guild announcement, etc. Went afk for just 20 minutes and I come back to a wonderful err59. Another time though, I left it on for over 12+ hours, never touched it, no error.

Anyways from my experience, your best bet is always restart comp + gw before DLeveling and then don't leave it dleveling for more than 8 hours (regardless of if your afk or not). Seems a bit strict but by following these rules I have never got err59. If you're going to be going out for more than 8 hours or something, its not the end of the world you can still try to dlevel but just be aware you may risk getting err59.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by Yunas Ele
Anyways from my experience, your best bet is always restart comp + gw before DLeveling and then don't leave it dleveling for more than 8 hours (regardless of if your afk or not). Seems a bit strict but by following these rules I have never got err59. If you're going to be going out for more than 8 hours or something, its not the end of the world you can still try to dlevel but just be aware you may risk getting err59.
Thats exactly what I do, when I get done deathlvling I close out guild wars for about 2 mins then start it back up and everything is fine On the other hand...

I finished my guide to deathlvling the charr, Should i post it on here or have it on a separate place? Its on my alliance site but i dont wanna give that out to everyone. (my alliance site)

Hanging Man

Hanging Man

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Aug 2006

Deep in the Shire

ok so i made myself a mes (lvl 9) so far and i have gone into the northlands to farm some charrs. Now i read amish's little pull trick so I
decided to try that. When i hit the first char with my bow
it seemed like it work. # out of the 4 chars start to run back but then
they always regroup so i thought ok...maybe i did it wrong. so when
they start to walk away id do it again. and the same thing would happen.
I pulled a group oif chars near the bosses all the way back to the portals. Am i doing it wrong? any help or pointers on how to fix it would be greatly appreciated


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by Hanging Man
ok so i made myself a mes (lvl 9) so far and i have gone into the northlands to farm some charrs. Now i read amish's little pull trick so I
decided to try that. When i hit the first char with my bow
it seemed like it work. # out of the 4 chars start to run back but then
they always regroup so i thought ok...maybe i did it wrong. so when
they start to walk away id do it again. and the same thing would happen.
I pulled a group oif chars near the bosses all the way back to the portals. Am i doing it wrong? any help or pointers on how to fix it would be greatly appreciated
from what you said here it doesnt seem like you did anything wrong. sounds like you pulled them correctly back to the portals, and as long as they killed off the 4 guards and the academy monk and stayed there to deathlvl them for fine. The charr are always going to run away when you try to pull them, nothing different there, just as you said, when they start to walk just repull them and head back to the rez shrine.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by Hanging Man
ok so i made myself a mes (lvl 9) so far and i have gone into the northlands to farm some charrs. Now i read amish's little pull trick so I
decided to try that. When i hit the first char with my bow
it seemed like it work. # out of the 4 chars start to run back but then
they always regroup so i thought ok...maybe i did it wrong. so when
they start to walk away id do it again. and the same thing would happen.
I pulled a group oif chars near the bosses all the way back to the portals. Am i doing it wrong? any help or pointers on how to fix it would be greatly appreciated
from what you said here it doesnt seem like you did anything wrong. sounds like you pulled them correctly back to the portals, and as long as they killed off the 4 guards and the academy monk and stayed there to deathlvl them for fine. The charr are always going to run away when you try to pull them, nothing different there, just as you said, when they start to walk just repull them and head back to the rez shrine.

Hybrid Theory

Hybrid Theory

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Join Date: Sep 2006

Guild Wars Gangsters [Gang]


hmm i was going for the stupid LDoA title then at lvl 14 i somehow get sidetracked and start aiming for the drunkard title in pre.. i think it is because i know in the back of my head the LDoA title is impossible for me cause im not hardcore enough and i know drunkard is easier. i mean im have 405 ales after 2 days lol too bad i cant level AND farm ales at the same time ...