Thanks to all of you who put forth the tips and tricks on pulling the Char. I was able to pull a group from the Char shrine back to the Rez shrine.
I had a group of 3 (Blade, Hunter, Chaot) and got them all the way back to the shrine. Everytime the gate guards opened up on them they would run away. I could easily agro them back, but as soon as the guards let loose the Char fled. I went ahead and let them kill me and then, and only then, did they actually fight the guards. Unfortunately the Blade Storm died, so only the 2 were left. As the 2 remaining Char fought the guards I went for another group. Here's the kicker, and you will all get a chuckle out of this. I have a lvl 15 Mesmer. My wife has a lvl 10 Monk. We hunt Char together. I have all my points in Dom, and Ill, with leftovers in FC. She has all hers in Healing and DF. My Mesmer was dead, and I used the lvl 10 Monk to successfully pull the first group back. Once both characters were rezzed, I sent the Monk back to Ascalon, and as the Char fought the guards I sent the Mesmer for another group. I got this second group all the way almost to the wall and I died. Once rezzed I couldn't get the Char at the Rez to unagro to go back for the second group! A lvl 10 Monk, could do what my lvl 15 Mes couldn't! DOH!
Note to self: Put some points in Insp magic to be able to heal self!!
1wingedngel, you can usually pull the 3 bosses far enough from Bloodbane to kill them without him interfering. He usually won't run out to heal them till they are darned near dead. Even if you can't get them far enough away from him that he won't run out to heal, just save your best attack for last so you can finish him off before Bloodbane gets close enough to heal him. As far as Bloodbane is concerned, always save him for last. When you are ready for him hit him with a couple spells then run up and get right in his grill. That way when he uses Heal Area, you are healed as well. Now just take your time and finish him off, then dance on his corpse!
Emoxcore, I look forward to seeing your Char pulling guide.
Amish, HolyJew, and anyone else, thx for the tips that helped me to finally agro the Char back! GG