How To: ''legendary defender of ascalon''



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006


[UC] Uber Crue


Originally Posted by Hybrid Theory
hmm i was going for the stupid LDoA title then at lvl 14 i somehow get sidetracked and start aiming for the drunkard title in pre.. i think it is because i know in the back of my head the LDoA title is impossible for me cause im not hardcore enough and i know drunkard is easier. i mean im have 405 ales after 2 days lol too bad i cant level AND farm ales at the same time ...

Hmm, OR CAN YOU?!!?!? lol



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

lvl 14 (50%) right now, I am exhausted.

It is becoming incredibly tiresome, I can't imagine how worse lvl 15 will be. And to think you guys went threw that, seriously, congratulations.

Well, at least my day wasn't all that so bad, I found a white dye at least.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

lvl 14 (50%) right now, I am exhausted.

It is becoming incredibly tiresome, I can't imagine how worse lvl 15 will be. And to think you guys went threw that, seriously, congratulations.

Well, at least my day wasn't all that so bad, I found a white dye at least.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by Hybrid Theory
hmm i was going for the stupid LDoA title then at lvl 14 i somehow get sidetracked and start aiming for the drunkard title in pre.. i think it is because i know in the back of my head the LDoA title is impossible for me cause im not hardcore enough and i know drunkard is easier. i mean im have 405 ales after 2 days lol too bad i cant level AND farm ales at the same time ...
Lol yea im kidna trying to do 2 things at once as well, level up and work on Ale-hound

;o and im getting close to 18, after killing the charr im now at 81%



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007

Sonoran Desert, USA



Originally Posted by amish lifeguard
Holy Warblade is the man! Damn hes good.

One little trick that garuntees a good pull for me at least [requires a longbow]:

You know how when you pull the char for a while? They will lose aggro then run away? Well, when they first break aggro with you, they will start running away. Do NOT follow them yet. Now, after a few seconds of RUNNING away, they will start to walk. This is your signal that you can pull them again. when they start to walk rather than run, go up to the closest one and use your longbow to attack. The second you shoot an arrow, run away to where you wish to pull them. repeat this and they shouldnt get stuck or take as much damage. Using this method, i solo pulled 13 charr last night.

Thanks for the tips. I haven't had any luck with this method, I just can't seem to maintain aggro. The Charr never seem to break and WALK away, they just run back the entire time until they are back at their original position. Is there a preferred group to pull? I have been attempting to pull the first 2 groups of 4 charr NW of the rez shrine. Would someone be willing to post a vid of their charr pulling technique? Thx


Problem solved. For those of you attempting this pulling method - note that it will NOT work on the first 2 Charr groups NW of the rez shrine, or the charr group near Ben Wolfson. If you tray and grab the groups around the charr bosses it works perfectly. (TY for the in-game tip, Art.)

Now the only concern is whether my W15 will be able to kill the leveled charr in the morning..


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Jan 2007

For the Dlevel with Charr, how many of them earn Xp ? All ? or just one ?


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2005


Guardians Alliance [ALLY] now recruiting


thank you amish for the nice little trick

just stopping by to say hi, i dont want to forget i have an unfinished guide(still in israel)

seems everyone knows whats going on now, im very proud to also note that over 40,000 views on this guide which is quite a huge number and even if everyperson had visited this thread 40 times that is still 1k people that have hopefully been helped. also thanks to all the spammers who kept this thread nice and hot.

my hope is given 2 months we will see a HUGE number of 20s sitting around in pre and when that day comes i will cry. i got alot of work to do when i get back(in game) on wow, gw, some other offline games(oblivion) so ill be busy, well see how much of that time goes into gw. hopefully more then less.

charr d/l only seems to be getting easier from all the newly discovered things and thanks to all those who had imput to help this. now we can get ldoa less painstakingly then before

<3 amish

p.s. amish get your ass outa there(you know wtf im talking about)


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by kuvkhgh
For the Dlevel with Charr, how many of them earn Xp ? All ? or just one ?
if you asking how many of them level up, they all do. The other day i had 4 lvl 18s and 2 lvl 15s

Beld the Savage

Beld the Savage

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005

Liars Cheats and Thieves [Liar]


Originally Posted by emoxcore
if you asking how many of them level up, they all do. The other day i had 4 lvl 18s and 2 lvl 15s
yep... but still it's kinda weird. In my case all started to lvl and suddenly some stopped and others continued to lvl. Could it be that the xp for each kill is devided in some sort of way??

Like 7 out of 10 times the xp goes to charr 1
and in 3 out of 10 times it goes to charr 2

still... it's kinda random, but it could get troublesome if u have like 14 or more charrs lvling and not getting 1 high enough before error 59 can kick in :S


Academy Page

Join Date: Jul 2006



Do you pull all Charr in one go with this method? Or do you pull one group at a time? If it's the second method, how do the Charr stay at the res shrine while you're getting the other groups? If it's the first method, nevermind.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Oct 2006



Well I'm still working towards this title, I'm at lvl 13.5ish and im still soloing charr. I manage to kill 3/4 bosses depending on spawn, but that darn monk is really ruining things. I have to pull things just right, or he used infuse health and I can't seem to kill him. I'm running a nec with: Soul Barbs, faintheartedness, life syphon, vamp gaze, vamp touch, confort animal, charm animal, and troll unguent. Any tips? because killing the monk will make level 15 and 16 go a lot faster -.-

Dr. Fire

Dr. Fire

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Ohio, U.S.A.

Bane of Darkness [BoD]


Thanks to all of you who put forth the tips and tricks on pulling the Char. I was able to pull a group from the Char shrine back to the Rez shrine.

I had a group of 3 (Blade, Hunter, Chaot) and got them all the way back to the shrine. Everytime the gate guards opened up on them they would run away. I could easily agro them back, but as soon as the guards let loose the Char fled. I went ahead and let them kill me and then, and only then, did they actually fight the guards. Unfortunately the Blade Storm died, so only the 2 were left. As the 2 remaining Char fought the guards I went for another group. Here's the kicker, and you will all get a chuckle out of this. I have a lvl 15 Mesmer. My wife has a lvl 10 Monk. We hunt Char together. I have all my points in Dom, and Ill, with leftovers in FC. She has all hers in Healing and DF. My Mesmer was dead, and I used the lvl 10 Monk to successfully pull the first group back. Once both characters were rezzed, I sent the Monk back to Ascalon, and as the Char fought the guards I sent the Mesmer for another group. I got this second group all the way almost to the wall and I died. Once rezzed I couldn't get the Char at the Rez to unagro to go back for the second group! A lvl 10 Monk, could do what my lvl 15 Mes couldn't! DOH!

Note to self: Put some points in Insp magic to be able to heal self!!

1wingedngel, you can usually pull the 3 bosses far enough from Bloodbane to kill them without him interfering. He usually won't run out to heal them till they are darned near dead. Even if you can't get them far enough away from him that he won't run out to heal, just save your best attack for last so you can finish him off before Bloodbane gets close enough to heal him. As far as Bloodbane is concerned, always save him for last. When you are ready for him hit him with a couple spells then run up and get right in his grill. That way when he uses Heal Area, you are healed as well. Now just take your time and finish him off, then dance on his corpse!

Emoxcore, I look forward to seeing your Char pulling guide.

Amish, HolyJew, and anyone else, thx for the tips that helped me to finally agro the Char back! GG

Beld the Savage

Beld the Savage

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Oct 2005

Liars Cheats and Thieves [Liar]


Originally Posted by Seitheach
Do you pull all Charr in one go with this method? Or do you pull one group at a time? If it's the second method, how do the Charr stay at the res shrine while you're getting the other groups? If it's the first method, nevermind.
Check page 42 post #828 because it's perfectly explained by Emoxcore how u can lure more charrs to the shrine.

Originally Posted by 1wingedngel
Well I'm still working towards this title, I'm at lvl 13.5ish and im still soloing charr. I manage to kill 3/4 bosses depending on spawn, but that darn monk is really ruining things. I have to pull things just right, or he used infuse health and I can't seem to kill him. I'm running a nec with: Soul Barbs, faintheartedness, life syphon, vamp gaze, vamp touch, confort animal, charm animal, and troll unguent. Any tips? because killing the monk will make level 15 and 16 go a lot faster -.-
Take the ranger secondary skills and get a pet (don't accept the reward for the quest, just abandon). I use life siphion and then a mix between vamp gaze and vamp touch (just watch your energy). The timing is a bit important since he will use heal area all the time. Just keep attacking him. He WILL go down eventually

Originally Posted by Dr. Fire
Thanks to all of you who put forth the tips and tricks on pulling the Char. I was able to pull a group from the Char shrine back to the Rez shrine.
Gratz on your pull!
And yes it is hard once u have died since the charr will aggro u at the shrine. It might be possible to lure them to the spot that Emoxcore mentioned on page 42 again. That way u can lure some more!! good luck ^^


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Ok I finnaly made my guide somewhere else where everyone can see it. i KNOW this is ghetto but I dont care ;D, yes I made it on my old myspace. I took eveything off and the only thing on there is the guide.

go here for the guide,

I hope you enjoy it, sry it had to be on a myspace, didnt know wher else to put it. But there ya go.


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


Great guide Liz I will be sure to give it a try once i lvl up some more.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

Yeah great guide Liz ! I'll try that as soon as I hit lvl 16

lvl15 (1%) 82 runs to go !


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


thanks guys for the compliments on the guide ^^ I hope it helps everyone deathlvl the charr better. If theres anything you guys want me to add, i would love to put it on the guide and give you credit for it



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006


[UC] Uber Crue


Nice!! Thanks Emoxcore!



Pre-Searing Cadet

Join Date: Jan 2007

Sonoran Desert, USA



Thx Emoxcore! You're rescuing budding death-levelers everywhere from the clutches of the striders and moas :P~

Err 059 is our bane.. had a group of 4 level 16s when I went to work in the morning. When I got home there was nothing to welcome me back except an error 059. Next time I'll just kill the lev 16s


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Apr 2006


Good guide Emoxcore
Thanks for that.

I have only one question now that left for me: How to level all.

Pulled last week two groups of 4 to the shrine.
First only one group was leveling.
After do some walking around the shrine the second was also leveling.
I dont know why the second group then also was leveling but something had changed when i walked around.
Maybe i attack the second group or something like that.

I think when you pull a group with a sharman the kill the monk at the shrine much easyer.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by River
Good guide Emoxcore
Thanks for that.

I have only one question now that left for me: How to level all.

Pulled last week two groups of 4 to the shrine.
First only one group was leveling.
After do some walking around the shrine the second was also leveling.
I dont know why the second group then also was leveling but something had changed when i walked around.
Maybe i attack the second group or something like that.

I think when you pull a group with a sharman the kill the monk at the shrine much easyer.
From what I wittness they level in groups and at random times. Some groups will level up to 11-12 and then the other group will level right behind it. But useally with me, theres they all level up kinda around the same range at first and then split, like they will all lvl to about 10-11 (not at once but like one group first and then the other) and then one group will stop leveling and the other will level up way more, but the other group will still level up, just not as much as the other. i.e The other day i had 4 lvl 18s and 3 lvl 14s

Dr. Fire

Dr. Fire

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Ohio, U.S.A.

Bane of Darkness [BoD]


One question for you guys. Now that you have discovered that we have the ability to Dlvl the Char, and therefore will be able to lvl up at a faster pace, would it be possible to go ahead and do all the secondary quests at lvl 16, with the end goal being to be able to officially choose a secondary? All the rest of the quests would be saved till lvl 19 to make lvling to 20 easier.

The reason I ask is this. My lvl 15 Mesmer now has Ranger as his "unofficial" secondary to be able to take a pet with him on Char killing runs. The pet will outlive it's usefullness when I hit lvl 16. What I need, is to be able to pump some points into WS so that I can make Troll Unguent more effective. With no points in WS, it only gives 3 pips of health regen, which is barely enough to just slow down the degens. More points in WS would make the benefits much greater, and make it much easier for me to solo pull the Char to the Rez. Only primary Monks get to use Healing Breeze, so that secondary is out.

Emoxcore, would it be possible for me to do a couple Char pulls with you, just to learn the finer points of it? I am able to pull them to the shrine, but am still a bit rough at it. Is that your characters name on that MY Space page. Just wondering if I could have your permission to add you to my friends list so that I might hook up with you sometime?


Forge Runner

Join Date: Aug 2006

Ontario, Canada

Catching Jellyfish With [소N트T ]


you can accept ALL the quests if u want, it doesn't really matter. The only reason u accept the quests at the end is so u don't have to Dlvl the last chunk b\c that would take the longest. Emoxcore chose 2ndarys already b\c her charr is older then this title and she had all the quests done already.

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

BWHAHHAHAHA @ Teh myspace. GG

I would not recommend doing the secondary quests now, a few pips of regen isnt really needed, especially if you do the lonbow trick.

My computer is, once again, messed up. The monitor is messed up so im going to have to order a new one, sigh.

There IS a way to get all the charr to level up relatively evenly but, as it is not my secret to tell, i will have to get permission from the boss


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by Dr. Fire
Emoxcore, would it be possible for me to do a couple Char pulls with you, just to learn the finer points of it? I am able to pull them to the shrine, but am still a bit rough at it. Is that your characters name on that MY Space page. Just wondering if I could have your permission to add you to my friends list so that I might hook up with you sometime?
Shure Im a bit rough at it myself, I useally go with a friend to pull as you saw in the guide, but i of course crossed out his name for certain reasons but yea I wouldnt mine. HA! I havent even pulled any group back to the shring by myself yet. :P

Yea just as Covah said, my char is about to be a year old, I did all my quests and everything first. I WAS a N/Mo but I changed to N/E, and like amish said, save all quest till the end.

@amish lifeguard ,dont hate on teh myspace

Dr. Fire

Dr. Fire

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Ohio, U.S.A.

Bane of Darkness [BoD]


Ok, ok, my bad. I am not into the myspace thing. Thx Emoxcore, and I just realized that your character name is in your profile on your posts. DOH! my bad again! We all have our days. Thx for the advice on the quests thing. I am using a Flatbow to pull the Char, but I am getting hit pretty hard with the degens from the Ashen Claws. Throw in a Hunter and it is pretty tough since it seems that they have unlimited range on their bows. Ok, maybe not unlimited but it sure seems like they can shoot their arrows a long way. Ether Feast is OK, but you need a target for it to work, so I thought Troll would be a nice health booster. I'll pump up EF when I hit 16, and that should be cool.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by Dr. Fire
Ok, ok, my bad. I am not into the myspace thing. Thx Emoxcore, and I just realized that your character name is in your profile on your posts. DOH! my bad again! We all have our days. Thx for the advice on the quests thing. I am using a Flatbow to pull the Char, but I am getting hit pretty hard with the degens from the Ashen Claws. Throw in a Hunter and it is pretty tough since it seems that they have unlimited range on their bows. Ok, maybe not unlimited but it sure seems like they can shoot their arrows a long way. Ether Feast is OK, but you need a target for it to work, so I thought Troll would be a nice health booster. I'll pump up EF when I hit 16, and that should be cool.
yea Troll is very helpful, my friend was using that when he pulled then charr for me


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Well..the bags are gone now, one sold for 400k post gold, the other is on reserve. people who were bidding that were not on to bid against the person in sry D:


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005



Wow haha, I do still wonder how many bags still exist on people who have left accounts. I bet there is still a few.

Btw Emo, great guide and thanks for that, just hit level 13 a second ago


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Feb 2006


i am not sure but cant you just take all the profession quests and do them but not take reward? As long as they completed u should be able to accept the reward even if u chose a different secondary. So take all the profession quests and do them, take secondary, and then when lvl 19 accept the rewards on the comleted ones. It might be annoying having like 4 completed quests in your log forever but its not so bad
Again dont know if it works but i dont see why not.

Can you pulll other creatures this way too? like maybe the patrolling wolfs outside ashford abbey?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


Originally Posted by Pickle
Wow haha, I do still wonder how many bags still exist on people who have left accounts. I bet there is still a few.

Btw Emo, great guide and thanks for that, just hit level 13 a second ago
Yea theres still a few, i have 3, but 1 is going to be sold soon, so ill only have 2 left. :P

your welcome for the guide, grats on 13



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jul 2006

Level 9...
So boring and it seems that it will take forever. I've just started Bujitsu (art of weapons) classes, so it'll take twice as long lol.

Just curious, does any have a ranger (primary) that is going for the title? Just seeing what attributes to use.

amish lifeguard

amish lifeguard

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

It's Not Pediofilia If The Kids [dead]

I was thinking about making my second dude a ranger, but thought better of it. My warrior just got lvl 9 though

Dookie Dookz

Dookie Dookz

Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2006




now lvl 14 2%. 38 more charr boss runs until lvl 15.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: May 2005

Level 15 (71%)

Already sick of doing bosses runs, 20 runs left. Almost done.

I can't wait to start deleveling and finally go afk.

God Apprentice

God Apprentice

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Mar 2006


Hey Amish you should make your warrior second Ele, or Mesmer since there are 2 W/Mo 20s a W/N 20 and 20 W/R


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jun 2006

No Guild


lvl 17...86% of the way -.-

I bet one good deathlvl of the charr would get me there, but i only deathlvl charr on weekends

Dr. Fire

Dr. Fire

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: May 2005

Ohio, U.S.A.

Bane of Darkness [BoD]


Got a lot of things to do today, so thought I would pull a group of Char to the Rez to Dlvl my lvl 15 Me while I am busy, then kill the bosses later. Opened the gate with my Wife's lvl 11 Monk and killed the 2 first groups before pulling a group of 4; 1 Shaman, 2 Chaot's and 1 Ashen Claw. Of course I couldn't make it with my Me, but easily pulled them to the Rez with the 11 Monk. They killed the Monk and guards by the door, and then I killed the Shaman. No time to get another group.

Question. I forgot to leave my lvl 17 Stridor in town. Currently the 2 Chaots, and the Ashen Claw are killing me and my pet. Will they gain xp from killing the pet?



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Feb 2006


[UC] Uber Crue


Hmm.. I'm not too sure if they gain exp from pet, if so, good, the more, the faster= the better.


Academy Page

Join Date: May 2005



I wonder if there are any Expert salvage kits around? Finaly got a rune I can use, but no way to wear it