How To: ''legendary defender of ascalon''
Ah that explains everything Beld... wish the Op would have made that more clear.
Ok I'm only level 10, so I guess I'll have to get some company for now... till at least 12 or 13?
Ok I'm only level 10, so I guess I'll have to get some company for now... till at least 12 or 13?
Beld the Savage
Only the mobs that u have to fight in the open are harder to kill.
If u manage to solo the first 3 mobs (2 at the first ruin, 1 in the middle who patrols at the shrine) then the rest is easy since u can hide behind the walls near the shrine and act like a
So apart from that u can follow the guide
So lvl 12 a 13 should be sufficient to solo it... u might die a couple of times though... but what the heck... u will die anyway with deatlvling
If u manage to solo the first 3 mobs (2 at the first ruin, 1 in the middle who patrols at the shrine) then the rest is easy since u can hide behind the walls near the shrine and act like a

So apart from that u can follow the guide

So lvl 12 a 13 should be sufficient to solo it... u might die a couple of times though... but what the heck... u will die anyway with deatlvling

amish lifeguard
Ok, wierd thing happened last night. So, i was setting up the death level. Im doing this for the first time on my new computer. I get about 12 charr to the shrine, make sure theyre all set up good,turn off the monitor and go to bed. When i woke up a few minutes ago, i turned on my monitor and saw that guild wars wasnt even running. there was no error message or anything, it was just closed out. wt?
Beld the Savage
Could it be that for some reason your pc rebooted??
or where ther other windows open or processes apart from gw still running?
Another thing i noticed during deathlvling is that over time the memory of the pc gets filled up. After around 8-9 hours the numbers indicate that half of my memory is full... I have no idea if this is bad for the memory (when it's used that much)
AND... i have no idea what happens when it's full
If the pc reboots in that case it could be related to amish's problem.
or where ther other windows open or processes apart from gw still running?
Another thing i noticed during deathlvling is that over time the memory of the pc gets filled up. After around 8-9 hours the numbers indicate that half of my memory is full... I have no idea if this is bad for the memory (when it's used that much)
AND... i have no idea what happens when it's full

If the pc reboots in that case it could be related to amish's problem.
amish lifeguard
Hmm, thats probably it. Thanks!
since its a new computer maybe you havent set your Power Options yet. So maybe after 40 min idle your computer reboots or w\e.
Dr. Fire
Well, took the weekend off from pre-sear. Spent Saturday out on the town with wife and friends eating good food, drinking good beer and taking in an NHL hockey game. All GW time was spent capping any and all elites since you could get double xp.
Grats Emox on lvl 18, woot! Still toiling at lvl 15, but got myself within 30% this afternoon. At 16 it will be all Char Dlvling.
Warblade, anxiously awaiting your Char guide so I can fine tune my Char pulling.
Grats Emox on lvl 18, woot! Still toiling at lvl 15, but got myself within 30% this afternoon. At 16 it will be all Char Dlvling.
Warblade, anxiously awaiting your Char guide so I can fine tune my Char pulling.
Holy Warblade
"How To Death Level Charr - The 30min Solo Setup Guide" is almost complete with instructions, pics and faq. Expect it under the Community Works forum in the next two days.
That's good news Holy 
As for me, I am now 25% of my lvl 16. The levels difference between each charr groups is frustrating though. I hate it when a group of four charr stagnate at lvl 11.

As for me, I am now 25% of my lvl 16. The levels difference between each charr groups is frustrating though. I hate it when a group of four charr stagnate at lvl 11.
Originally Posted by emoxcore
not everyone has access to sup/major runes. I bet i could find some, but the price would be costy, but the salvage wouldnt.
lol but wow 250$ for a vamp bow on ebay. doesnt get any funnier than that. |
amish lifeguard
damn hunters

Originally Posted by mighty_xena
All I can say is, using a vamp weapon is "Old School"....get 3 groups with 2 hunters in each group will do the will kill you in less than 3-4 seconds everytime. If you got -2 vamp health regen, 3-4 seconds is 6-8 health taken out of your total health is only a fraction. If anyone lured 6 hunters to the know what I mean.....bottom line is you don't need one.
Originally Posted by emoxcore
meh i still continue to use it, no point in it goign to waste. As fast as they kill me i dont see a problem in having a -1 health regen in there.

Forgot to post a picture of me as a level 16 before. Only complete one quest so far, not sure if I should do them now, or that I should go for higher level

Tried "deathleveling" Jaw Smokeskin, just to see how much times he'd have to kill me to level up, and wether all bosses would level up at the same time or not. Was hoping it'd be fast enough for me to reach level 17 this way, but it definitly wasn't

Oh well, +32 xp...
amish lifeguard
lol nice try maxie!
Originally Posted by amish lifeguard
lol nice try maxie!

Btw, anyone know where the most dyes drop? I'd say the dye drops are increased heavily when the enemy you're facing doesn't have much chance of dropping anything else (like collectable, salvagable or equipable items). I've been farming Spiders today, because I can 1-hit-kill these with a normal shot now, and they've already dropped 1 black dye and 2 white dyes for me, but I'm just asking

And I'd like to ask another question. In emoxcore's guide I read that I should kill all Charr Shamans, but I think that seems like a bad idea. If I get them out of aggro, wouldn't they just walk back to their old spots, and split up? That way you can still kill them (I'm fairly sure I can kill 2 in the same groups as well, seeing I can 1-hit-kill the level 7 ones), and that's up to 500 extra experience per run and you'd also die a bit faster. - Seems worth an edit to me!

I don't know about those Drop Rates Maxie... Spiders drop both Legs+Webs for stackables...
I've had good luck in Regent Valley, doing the spiders, then the skales, then the plants (seeds+oakhearts) behind the spiders, then doing the Ale runs, killing the spiders on the way.
I've had good luck in Regent Valley, doing the spiders, then the skales, then the plants (seeds+oakhearts) behind the spiders, then doing the Ale runs, killing the spiders on the way.
Ariena Najea
Where is the best place to be death leveling, I've been told moss spiders, but it seems to me and is reflected in your guys' posts that it's better across the wall with Charr.
amish lifeguard
Charr by far. The only setback i can see is that it takes 30 min to set up. But, the end result is easily 6X or more than that of a spider.
And i farm dye outside of ranik with the skales
And i farm dye outside of ranik with the skales

Originally Posted by Maxiemonster
True, but you could also trade it. I'd much rather be fully equiped with runes, or post-searing weapons. Even thought it'd probably be better to do that after you've death leveled
![]() |
With my hammer i can kill the Charr Shamans.
Need the most times two attacks to kill them.
But the where only level 16 till now, maybe i will have troubleS when the level higher. First always kill the lowest levels.
I think it depends on your equipment and profession or you can kill them.
Need the most times two attacks to kill them.
But the where only level 16 till now, maybe i will have troubleS when the level higher. First always kill the lowest levels.
I think it depends on your equipment and profession or you can kill them.
Originally Posted by River
With my hammer i can kill the Charr Shamans.
Need the most times two attacks to kill them. But the where only level 16 till now, maybe i will have troubleS when the level higher. First always kill the lowest levels. I think it depends on your equipment and profession or you can kill them. |
Well i had a good group of a 11, minus the 2 shamans i had to kill, 9, minus the 3 i accidently killed while attemping to kill the shamans, 6 -.- firestorm ftl

Started my first death leveling today

Btw, as you can probably see, I've set GW to the minimum graphics, and I also minmized the screen. Will the graphics changes matter anything?
Originally Posted by Holy Warblade
"How To Death Level Charr - The 30min Solo Setup Guide" is almost complete with instructions, pics and faq. Expect it under the Community Works forum in the next two days.
Beld the Savage
i'm deathlvling now at lvl 15... cba to kill the bosses another 80 times :S
anyway... i was wondering... Would it be wise to let the charr lvl as high as possible within the 10 hours?? or just kill them when they are like 2 a 3 lvls higher then you and start again??
Basicly... is it worth letting them lvl higher then 2 lvls which takes more deaths... or just start over?
At the moment i only seem to get like 4 out of 7 a 8 charr to lvl each time and kill them at lvl 17 after around 7 a 8 hours so i can death lvl twice a day.
anyway... i was wondering... Would it be wise to let the charr lvl as high as possible within the 10 hours?? or just kill them when they are like 2 a 3 lvls higher then you and start again??
Basicly... is it worth letting them lvl higher then 2 lvls which takes more deaths... or just start over?
At the moment i only seem to get like 4 out of 7 a 8 charr to lvl each time and kill them at lvl 17 after around 7 a 8 hours so i can death lvl twice a day.
Yes, it seems a single group of charrs will feast on the xp while the other groups will get barely nothing.
Since the level difference is often quite big, I let the first group get to lvl17, I then kill them, let the others level a bit.
Normally I kill one group of lvl 17, one group of lvl 14-15, and three groups of lvl 11-12 per runs. Nets me around 8-10% per run.
I know it pretty boring to kill charr bosses over and over, but as slow at it may seems, it's very fast compared to the xp/time ratio of deleveled charrs. Stick with it, it will be incredibly tiresome, but you'll get to lvl 16 faster that way.
Since the level difference is often quite big, I let the first group get to lvl17, I then kill them, let the others level a bit.
Normally I kill one group of lvl 17, one group of lvl 14-15, and three groups of lvl 11-12 per runs. Nets me around 8-10% per run.
I know it pretty boring to kill charr bosses over and over, but as slow at it may seems, it's very fast compared to the xp/time ratio of deleveled charrs. Stick with it, it will be incredibly tiresome, but you'll get to lvl 16 faster that way.
Yeah, I've got a lvl 13 Charr group, a lvl 9 one, and a lvl 8 one (the 3-manned group). I'm pretty sure one group levels more then the rest because the others don't deal as much damage as that one. I guess Lilianthe's method is a good way to counter this. It's a shame though, if I'd kill 11 (3 full groups) of lvl 16 ones, I'd get exactly 10% each run, which would be sweet.
And another thing. While I was deathleveling my mother accidently switched of my computer, but I was in time to log in and still got to re-join my game. I wondered if this was considered "logging in" still, that'd make it possible to exceed the 10 hour time limit with great ease. I didn't check if the Charr still got their experience however, but see'ing they were still on their spot, I guess they did. Maybe logging out and back in every couple of hours or so would solve the error=59 problem?
And another thing. While I was deathleveling my mother accidently switched of my computer, but I was in time to log in and still got to re-join my game. I wondered if this was considered "logging in" still, that'd make it possible to exceed the 10 hour time limit with great ease. I didn't check if the Charr still got their experience however, but see'ing they were still on their spot, I guess they did. Maybe logging out and back in every couple of hours or so would solve the error=59 problem?
amish lifeguard
Hmmm, that may work Maxie.
And the only thing with Lilanthe is that you have to monitor it to kill them when they hit a certain level so you cant stay afk the whole time.
Check page 41, post 805 for the way to make them level relatively evenly.
And the only thing with Lilanthe is that you have to monitor it to kill them when they hit a certain level so you cant stay afk the whole time.
Check page 41, post 805 for the way to make them level relatively evenly.
Holy Warblade
Guide is coming out tonight around midnight PST. It will answer ALL the questions ppl have posted here so far!
amish lifeguard
Holy showed me how to Pancake Stack as he calls it 
If any of ya still dont get how to do it, (he made it foolproof, you better know how!) you can PM me ingame and ill try and help as well!
GJ Warblade!

If any of ya still dont get how to do it, (he made it foolproof, you better know how!) you can PM me ingame and ill try and help as well!
GJ Warblade!
hahah i jsut hit 100,000 deaths =] so i thought i would share that moment with you guys :P
How many deaths is everyone else at?
How many deaths is everyone else at?
Originally Posted by emoxcore
hahah i jsut hit 100,000 deaths =] so i thought i would share that moment with you guys :P
How many deaths is everyone else at? |

amish lifeguard
lol i have 27983 ><
Holy Warblade
amish lifeguard
es muy bueno!
Me gusta mucho!
(not to sound like an infomercial, but if Amish can setup solo in 20 minutes after showing him once, then anyone can do it! $19.99 + shipping & handling) |
Originally Posted by Holy Warblade
Great guide Holy. I see I was doing a mistake by pulling the most possible groups to the shrine.
But one thing I wonder, is it really necessary to do the pancake stacking method ? To block them behind the hill west to the res shrine seems a pretty good way, or does it f*ck the xp sharing ? Or is it only a matter of preference ?
Anyhow, I'll be trying this tomorrow.
But one thing I wonder, is it really necessary to do the pancake stacking method ? To block them behind the hill west to the res shrine seems a pretty good way, or does it f*ck the xp sharing ? Or is it only a matter of preference ?
Anyhow, I'll be trying this tomorrow.

Beld the Savage
TNX Holy Warblade for that amazing guide 
It sure answered some questions that i still had!!
I now got a group of 9 charr consisting of hunters, chaots and ashen pounding on me
But i had 1 difficult thing the first time i tried this way... I didn't know how far the charr should be pancacked for it to work. (I was afraid i would die before i got to the sand back) Anyway i lured them awfully which made them to scatter all around and groups getting divided and charr running all over the place not knowing what to do...
At the end i managed to get them back to the pancake position and lured them all the way to the shrine
ACE guide!!

It sure answered some questions that i still had!!
I now got a group of 9 charr consisting of hunters, chaots and ashen pounding on me

But i had 1 difficult thing the first time i tried this way... I didn't know how far the charr should be pancacked for it to work. (I was afraid i would die before i got to the sand back) Anyway i lured them awfully which made them to scatter all around and groups getting divided and charr running all over the place not knowing what to do...
At the end i managed to get them back to the pancake position and lured them all the way to the shrine

ACE guide!!
amish lifeguard
Its long because its very detailed lol.
Beld the Savage
Holy... in your guide u state that if u notice some charrs that do not lvl, u can kill the caster of that group only. This way the other groups will start lvling... but how do u determine the primary caster of that group when there is more then 1 caster in it??
Otherwise that method is only possible if there are only melee attackers and 1 caster.
Otherwise that method is only possible if there are only melee attackers and 1 caster.
Dr. Fire
Lvl 16, WOOT! If any of you guys out there are new to this stuff, and are to the point where you are doing solo Char boss runs, and would like a few pointers let me know in-game. I am sure you do not have a problem killing everything, but I had a pretty good system going in which I could complete a solo boss run in 15-20 minutes. That included killing all the regular Charr around the shrine for the drops. Four runs an hour certainly made things progress much faster.
Read Warblades most excellent Char pulling guide and then proceeded to pull 3 groups to the shrine using his method. I think how fast you complete the set-up greatly depends on the Char spawn, but it worked almost flawlessly. Only hitch that I had was when pulling the group of 11 to the sand box. One group stopped chasing me, but they got stuck where they were so I had to go back and get them. Same thing happened when I went from the sand box to the shrine. One group did not chase and I had to re-agro them. But those were no big deal and only caused me an extra minute or two of set-up time. Amazingly enough, the gate guards managed to kill one of the Char. After I killed the only Shaman, that left 9. They are currently beating the tar out of me, lol.
One thing that I noticed when pulling the Char. Anytime that you are around any type of obstruction, once you pass it, angle over so that it is behind you. This way, if you do die, the Char will get stuck on the obstruction since they always walk back in a straight line. I had a group of 2 Chaots, and 2 Ashen Claws, and due to all the degen, and my impatience, I died once. Sure enough when I returned they were stuck on a tree that I had made sure to put between them and their return path.
One question for Warblade or whoever else can answer this. In the guide, it states that there are 7 Char patrols available for pulling. Earlier in this thread it was stated that the only patrols that could be pulled were the ones around the Char shrine. If all 7 patrols are available for pulling why not start with the one at the first ruined house?
Very nice guide, Warblade! GG!
Read Warblades most excellent Char pulling guide and then proceeded to pull 3 groups to the shrine using his method. I think how fast you complete the set-up greatly depends on the Char spawn, but it worked almost flawlessly. Only hitch that I had was when pulling the group of 11 to the sand box. One group stopped chasing me, but they got stuck where they were so I had to go back and get them. Same thing happened when I went from the sand box to the shrine. One group did not chase and I had to re-agro them. But those were no big deal and only caused me an extra minute or two of set-up time. Amazingly enough, the gate guards managed to kill one of the Char. After I killed the only Shaman, that left 9. They are currently beating the tar out of me, lol.
One thing that I noticed when pulling the Char. Anytime that you are around any type of obstruction, once you pass it, angle over so that it is behind you. This way, if you do die, the Char will get stuck on the obstruction since they always walk back in a straight line. I had a group of 2 Chaots, and 2 Ashen Claws, and due to all the degen, and my impatience, I died once. Sure enough when I returned they were stuck on a tree that I had made sure to put between them and their return path.
One question for Warblade or whoever else can answer this. In the guide, it states that there are 7 Char patrols available for pulling. Earlier in this thread it was stated that the only patrols that could be pulled were the ones around the Char shrine. If all 7 patrols are available for pulling why not start with the one at the first ruined house?
Very nice guide, Warblade! GG!